Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and twenty-five. Yan Lingji arrives

1425. Arrival of Yan Lingji

"Pei County is not the first choice place, and it is even more difficult to hold on to the Fourth Battle. It would be better to take this opportunity to leave!"

Xiao He did not immediately express his opinions, but took the lead in analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of their territory.

As soon as he said these words, he was recognized by everyone, even Chen Ping. If he took refuge in Xiang Yu and still stayed in his hometown, the other party must have other thoughts in his heart, so it would be better to give up early.

Everyone nodded, and Xiao He continued: "The Qin Dynasty has been in turmoil, and the people's hearts and minds have been lost. Everyone in the world is eager to strive for hegemony. However, there are countless people watching. I want to see who is worthy of taking refuge, right?"

"That's what it is!" Zhang Liang agreed. He already felt what Xiao He wanted to express next, and he was happy to support it.

"In this case, you need to do something to show the world! In short, you must have your own territory!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Ping was also stunned, but then he thought about it and it seemed that it was really the case.

If you take refuge in Xiang Yu, people in the world will only see Xiang Yu's glory in the future, and the talents who have taken refuge will only be used by Xiang Yu. Instead, they become the "bones" that Xiang Yu buys for his daughter. This gain and loss really need to be carefully weighed. It takes a while!

"Pei Gong, look!"

Xiao He turned the topic to the map, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration in his heart. He had never heard of such a clear map before. Almost all the mountain trails were marked, and it also had the concept of proportion. It was the first time he saw it. At that time, he still remembered his gaffe at that time, and it was because of this that he firmly chose to support Liu Bang.

Because of this map, Xiao He knew that Liu Bang must have been preparing for countless years, otherwise how could he draw such a clear map?

"The whole world is in rebellion. Every place has been divided. However, there is a place that no one can see!"

Xiao He pointed at Shu, and Chen Ping was shocked when he saw it. He was secretly annoyed, why didn't he find it?

But he quickly understood that this chosen land was not so easy to win. Not to mention other things, getting in and out was a huge problem. Along the way, the Qin army was bound to attack.

Suddenly, Chen Ping realized that now seemed to be the best time. Zhang Han and his army had already left the land of Old Qin. Even though there were many Qin troops here, they were only old, weak and remnant soldiers.

When he saw the direction of Xiao He's finger on the map, the doubt in his heart quickly disappeared. Without him, it seemed that there was a small path for them to avoid this large group of troops. So what was there to worry about? Once this opportunity is lost, you don’t know when you will get it again in the future.

He immediately agreed. Now, Liu Bang and his think tank also had a clear direction. This was not Liu Bang's future choice, but this time he took the initiative instead of being forced by Xiang Yu to retreat.

However, Chen Ping still has a concern in his heart, that is, 'the teacher has a reputation'.

Don't underestimate the saying "the teacher has his reputation". From the fall of the Six Kingdoms to the establishment of the Qin Empire, the entire feudal era has taken a huge turn, but some of the unspoken rules still exist, that is, the rule of the aristocracy. .

In the era when books were still bamboo slips, one can imagine how difficult it is to make a book. It needs to be burned, and it often requires tens of kilograms for a few thousand words. In other words, ordinary people just want to read a book, let alone get in touch with culture. It is very difficult to read books.

On such a basis, you cannot expect the nobles to hand over power to the people at the bottom.

On the other hand, the so-called famous teachers are still for the educated class, which is what these nobles value.

Because this determines their next choice. To put it bluntly, it depends on your future policy, whether to make them kings or marquises, whether to divide their territories or continue to make them wealthy.

In the same way, it is also forcing every rebel prince to continue to stick to the 'traditional' path.

In fact, everyone here is very clear about this, but until now, no one has the intention to mention it.

Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, after all, had contact with all the worlds, understood the future, and seen the modern world. Under the countless information, they no longer had much idea about it in their hearts. Even if they had some scruples about it, they still They will never mention that in the future, their policies will definitely not be able to strengthen aristocratic rule.

Because they know that the so-called nobles are nothing more than a small group of elites. If they are just tossing around in the pond of this world, it is not a big deal. But if they want to enter the world in the future, they must bring this The "hidden rules" must be completely broken, and it is even more necessary to carry out universal education and select the best among the best.

Fortunately, they also found that among the group of people they were struggling with, there really were no outstanding nobles. The only one who was considered outstanding was Zhang Liang. After becoming a real noble of the Six Kingdoms, he himself gave up. Naturally, Won't even mention it.

Where is Xiao He? How clever he is!

Although he had only taken refuge with Liu Bang for a short period of time, he also saw a completely different way of doing things from Liu Bang's actions during this period.

For example, among the three thousand troops gathered by Liu Bang, he personally led them, ate and lived together, trained them during the day, gathered them again at night, and taught them how to read step by step.

This way of doing things was something Xiao He had never seen before. After discovering it, he was inexplicably shocked.

He also took time to mix among the soldiers and listen to a few classes. How could he not know that this was Liu Bang training middle-level officers and soldiers in the future army? Even if you don’t know that Liu Bang wants to completely break the monopoly of culture by the aristocracy?

He knew this and weighed it over and over again for a long time. Especially after he discovered that Liu Bang could fly, his last worry disappeared, and he was naturally happy to try it with Liu Bang.

He understood the vastness of the world under his feet, and he also knew that there were countless lands outside the Central Plains that could be occupied. Knowing this, if he didn't work hard, then he would not be Xiao He.

And if you want to occupy these lands outside the Central Plains, you don't just need to conquer them. Isn't the Great Qin Empire an obvious example?

From Liu Bang, it can be said that he heard the most fair evaluation of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng. That sincere admiration could not be faked, and the final regret was that the ideological unification of the people of Yan and Huang was not achieved in the hands of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng. Let Xiao He be shocked for life.

Because of this, Xiao He became more determined to follow Liu Bang, and even thought in his heart that even if the world were to be unified in the future, it would not matter if he was "dead by cunning rabbits and cooked by lackeys" by Liu Bang, because this was not just for himself, but truly for All the people of Yan and Huang in the world!

With this thought in mind, he would naturally not mention the so-called "results from teachers", and he knew even more clearly that Liu Bang would never be able to hand over most of the political power to the so-called nobles in the future.

The time was also too short, so Liu Bang had not told Xiao He more information, nor had Xiao He accept too much information at once, otherwise Xiao He might have improved his spiritual realm again today.

Of course, this is something for later, let’s not mention it for now.

Just saying that in front of him, Chen Ping thought for a long time. Even though he was not a member of the aristocracy and was just a descendant of the down-and-out middle class, he still chose to express his concerns out of responsibility for Liu Bang.

As everyone knows, it is also Chen Ping's loyalty to the team that has prompted his status to be greatly improved after today, whether in the minds of Xiao He, Zhang Liang, or simply Liu Bang, and he will not continue to hold Chen Ping in the future. Personal morality speaks for itself.

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he was confused when he saw the Liu Bang trio staring at him, but then he immediately understood that the three of them must have considered this issue, and he couldn't help but blush.

His appearance also made everyone laugh, and then Liu Bang explained to Chen Ping.

"The so-called master who is famous is just for the nobles to hear that we are against Qin. The nobles of the Great Qin Empire are already our future enemies. Whether the master is famous or not has no meaning to them.

Among the remaining nobles of the other six countries, the nobles of Chu will not choose us for a long time in the future. The Xiang family’s army will most likely choose to establish a ‘King of Chu’, which also gives them a real choice.

This is true for the Chu State, and the same is true for the other five kingdoms. I, a native of Chu, can hardly capture them, so why should I care? "

Liu Bang's explanation cannot be said to have no effect at all, nor can it be said that it is completely explained. It is just that there are some deep-seated contents that are not yet open to the public.

In fact, he had never thought about compromising with these nobles, and he knew that in the future he would definitely only be able to cultivate talents on his own, and it would be on a large scale. Once this kind of thing was heard by these nobles, even if it happened again 'Fame comes from teachers' has no meaning in the eyes of those nobles.

Because this is to dig out their foundation, they are already in a natural confrontation with these nobles, and there is no room for compromise.

If that's the case, why should you care?

Furthermore, having chosen Shu, a territory that originally belonged to the Qin Dynasty, it is impossible to have trouble with these nobles in a short period of time, and their attitudes cannot affect themselves, and there is no need to give them anything. This group of people looked so good.

After listening to Liu Bang's explanation, Chen Ping nodded vaguely. Although he still had some doubts in his heart, he could also feel that Liu Bang, Xiao He, and Zhang Liang seemed to have a great change in their attitude toward him. In other words, there is more appreciation.

He liked this feeling very much, and he also knew that it was the result of his raising this concern just now, and it was his wisdom and heartfelt consideration for the team that made him truly accepted by the team and became his true self.

At this time, no one knew that just such a small change would greatly change Chen Ping's life. Of course, the details will be discussed later.

The first general meeting of the Han Empire in the future has come to an end. Next, there is the issue of how to plan the path forward, and how to truly train the three thousand soldiers and horses finally selected into elite soldiers and generals.

But these problems are nothing at all in the hands of Liu Bang, Zhang Liang and others.

The impression given to Liu Hao was that they were so successful that when Liu Hao looked at them again, this group of people had already entered Bashu and had already won a lot of money.

Just think about it. After Liu Bang's modern training, he was able to form an army in a short time. Coupled with the martial arts skills, he was even more powerful. Not to mention being able to block a hundred with one, being a dozen or twenty is really nothing. What.

And the Great Qin Empire didn't have many soldiers and horses in Bashu itself. Didn't it collapse in Liu Bang's hands?

That is to say, they have always chosen to fight steadily, otherwise they would have captured the entire Bashu.

The road to Shu is difficult and difficult to climb to the sky, but what does it mean to those who cultivate immortality? If he still does this kind of cheating, Liu Hao will really look bad to Liu Bang.

But it has to be said that Liu Bang and Zhang Liang chose the best base area, located in the remote southwest, which allowed them to leave a lot of time to truly develop themselves while maintaining their own foundation.

Similarly, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, who had been familiar with the geographical location for a long time, knew very well that the so-called remote southwest did not exist at all, and there was plenty of territory around them that could be expanded.

Liu Hao didn't even need to guess to understand what Liu Bang and Zhang Liang were thinking next. They were building the existing territory while simultaneously capturing the so-called Baiyue that would not be completely ended until the Three Kingdoms period. This included: Bashu, Yunnan-Guizhou and even Guangdong and Guangxi, if the speed is faster, even Indochina will not be spared.

Haven't you seen that Liu Bang and Zhang Liang have vigorously encouraged childbirth in the territories they have won?

What they gave directly was real money and silver, and what they gave directly were food crops, just to increase the population under their own account. This was originally to have more people accept the land they were about to occupy!

After understanding this, Liu Hao didn't mind helping them. This help was naturally to send out Yan Lingji who was following him. How to deal with Baiyue? Maybe no one is as powerful as Yan Lingji. She is the real one. expert.

The arrival of Yan Lingji once made Lu Fei very nervous. Even Xiao He and others felt that the show was about to begin. It was Yan Lingji's heavenly beauty that made them daydream about it.

Fortunately, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang explained early, which eliminated the gossip among the group, and made the future Empress Dowager Lu feel relieved, and she also understood that her husband still had such an adventure.

That is a cultivating immortality, that is an existence that can make people immortal, and which woman can resist it? It can be said that the one who fawns over Yan Lingji is none other than Lu Pheasant.

The fact is as expected by Liu Hao. The arrival of Yan Lingji is still in the Baiyue land in the tribal era, and there is no possibility of resistance. Xiao He and others had headaches before, but they are so happy now. But this This happiness also greatly increased their workload in the future.

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