Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Six. Creating Gods

1426. Create God

Liu Bang became a veritable King of Hanzhong, a long time earlier than history.

However, because this place is still far away from the real Central Plains, outsiders didn't just sigh "Shu Zi" after learning about it, and then they had no extra energy to pay attention to them.

Because of this, it brought more stability to Liu Bang and his group, and countless projects began to be launched in the land of Bashu, especially the roads, which were changing every day.

In order to complete the construction of these roads faster, both Liu Bang and Zhang Liang would often choose to go into battle in person, avoid the crowds, use various spells to clean up the roads, build bridges and build roads, and sometimes even Yan Lingji would be dragged along. Go out and do your best.

Bashu is a large granary. In the past, it still needed to transport more grain to the outside world, but now that Liu Bang has captured it, he will not care about this much, let alone let these grains be manipulated by those unscrupulous businessmen;

Based on this, he promoted large-scale work-replacing taxes, and at the same time he was not stingy with money. On the contrary, he won the hearts and minds of the people at the bottom of Bashu all at once.

When the construction of the main road was completed, the industries that Zhang Liang had prepared long ago began to be implemented. However, he also found that compared with the Ming Empire in the glorious world of Ming Dynasty, the number of common people's craftsmen at this point in time was still far behind, and many technologies were lacking. It was still so backward that he had to change his thinking and start educating the workers just like Liu Bang cultivated culture in the army.

At this time, Zhang Liang was also extremely grateful that he and Fang Yun had learned the ways of hundreds of schools of thought, and even gained insights into the 'immersive' skills. Only then could cultural education be used on a large scale, which greatly This group of people who have never been exposed to writing for generations have become literate one by one.

Zhang Liang, who has experienced modern civilization, naturally cannot choose to teach Xiaozhuan, which will definitely be eliminated in the future. So when the Song Kai script he promoted appeared in Bashu, it attracted many students to follow it. To a certain extent, it was a great promotion the development of civilization.

But don't underestimate this little push. For one side of the world, this is worthy of praise in itself. When fed back to Zhang Liang, it is a further improvement in luck.

Even Liu Hao, who was silently paying attention, couldn't help but smile when he saw it.

If the first person to implement it was Liu Bang, who told him to stay only in the army? Without real promotion among the people, it can only occupy one side and lose the benefits. If Liu Bang knew about it, he would have to jump around.

Liu Hao also had a hunch that Zhang Liang would become more and more lucky with these promotions. Although he cannot say that he will surpass Liu Bang in the future, he will definitely not be much lower. Perhaps in the future, this guy may really become a great Luo. Realm, how should I put it? Their descendants are also of the lineage of 'Heavenly Masters', so there is no reason why they should not take advantage of them.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao couldn't help but laugh. Maybe in the future, Zhang Liang's entry into the world will really increase his seniority. Whether it is Zhang Daoling or Zhang Zhiwei, who is under one person, they are not allowed to kneel when they see Zhang Liang?

The Yanhuang civilization naturally respects its ancestors. Even if it is known that this Zhang Liang is not his ancestor Zhang Liang, sometimes it cannot be calculated like this and has to bite the bullet and admit it.

Thinking about it, it seemed very interesting, and he was even looking forward to it, wanting to see how Zhang Zhiwei would react when he met Zhang Liang in the future, and whether he would really kneel down.

Bashu has undergone tremendous changes in just half a year.

A typical point is the smooth traffic. In the past, it could only be a mountain trail, but now it is comparable to the Suzaku Avenue in Xianyang City. Even carts pulled by eight horses can pass side by side.

This kind of transportation naturally led to great development of commerce, and Zhang Liang was selling various products all the time, such as soap, salt, paper, etc.

These commodities have now completely circulated throughout the Bashu region and have begun to be transported to the outside world. Next, they will definitely bring countless benefits to the Liu Bang Group and truly make them rich.

These, even in the eyes of a smart person like Xiao He, are so shocking. Before entering, no matter how beautiful I thought, it was not as majestic as it was before my eyes.

If Xiao He and others could still accept this, Yan Lingji would be able to make the Southern Barbarians submissive, which they thought would take many years of back and forth battles countless times, to make them open their mouths.

It's only been half a year. What's the difference between those southern barbarians and our own people now?

One by one, they have completely accepted the changes. From their clothes to their appearance, and from their habits, at first glance, they are no longer any different from the original people of Great Qin.

Is this still the Nanman he imagined? Does it want to be done so easily? No wonder she is as beautiful as a 'celestial being', she is clearly an immortal.

Did he know that Yan Lingji not only did this, but didn't he see that more Nanmans had poured in around Bashu?

These southern barbarians did not come to fight against Liu Bang's group. They actually saw the difference in Liu Bang's group and saw Yan Lingji's true belief. They clearly wanted to come and seek refuge.

It was also because of these changes in the southern barbarians that Liu Bang and others had to start the expansion path that was originally planned to be launched after March and continue to push their territory southward.

I truly stepped into the Yunnan-Guizhou region.

Everything looks so beautiful, but it cannot be said that there are no flaws.

As the chief steward, Xiao He can see at a glance the biggest problem, which is the population problem. To put it bluntly, there are still fewer people who originally belonged to Da Qin. After more and more Baiyue joins in the future, will Da Qin The common people became a minority.

However, Xiao He didn't know how to explain this concern for a while, because he was also worried about annoying Yan Lingji. She really helped his group. Without her, how could Bashu develop like this? good?

The only thing he could do was to instruct the merchants who were about to enter the Central Plains not to carry large amounts of money with them when they came back, but to carry with them the people who had been affected by the war in the Central Plains. And return.

In this way, it can not only give those people who are about to be destroyed by the war a way to survive, but also suppress his inner worries to a certain extent.

Xiao He didn't know that Liu Bang and Zhang Liang hadn't considered the issues he was considering?

But unlike Xiao He, neither Liu Bang nor Zhang Liang were worried about this. After Hanization, the Southern Barbarians were no longer Southern Barbarians and must be their own people.

They are familiar with history and have traveled all over the world, so why don’t they understand this?

If the skin color of these southern barbarians were white or black, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang would not accept it, but since the skin color is the same, it is inextricably related to the people of Yan and Huang, and it is nothing more than giving an explanation.

The so-called "people of Yan and Huang, descendants of Li people" explains everything.

The Li people are the people on Chi You's side during the battle between Yanhuang and Chiyou. Some of them merged into Yanhuang, and some moved south to become Baiyue. This is what Liu Bang and Zhang Liang believe to be the truth, and it must be the truth.

After Xiao He had just given instructions to many merchants, Liu Bang informed Xiao He of this explanation, which immediately eliminated Xiao He's biggest worry and made him feel much more relaxed.

He knew very well that this explanation would definitely be accepted by both parties. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it should be this way.

Didn’t you see that Liu Bang, Zhang Liang, and Yan Lingji who came later were all taught by the Xian family?

Most likely, the Immortal Family knew this well a long time ago, so they did it this way. They saw what they were thinking in their hearts and told them, right?

He also knew that when Liu Bang told him, he also used his own words to tell all the people.

"Is this the great unity of thought? That's it! Compared with Pei Gong, I still don't think high enough, so I should encourage myself!"

Facts have also proved that this explanation is very effective, especially those hundreds of Vietnamese barbarians who have integrated into Bashu. After hearing this, they felt more inner approval. In the past, they had worries about joining the army. After hearing this, their attitude changed. A 180-degree turn.

In their view, they have already lived a better life, and they have a natural historical mission to lead more Baiyue people to join them, so that they can go out of the mountains and live a happy life like them.

Don't think it's funny that they think this way, that's not necessarily the case.

In fact, you can get the answer with just a little thought. Living in a mountain and living in tribes is no different from being isolated from the world. If you have a minor illness or pain, your life will probably be lost.

In turn, after they moved out of the mountains and integrated into Bashu, they no longer had to worry about these minor illnesses and pains. It is not an exaggeration to say that the average life span has doubled.

Just for this reason, the Liu Bang Group conquered them, not to mention that their treatment is no different from that of the local people.

If you want to buy salt, as long as you have money, you can have any amount. Even if you buy it and sell it to other Baiyue people, the officials will not do anything to you, and they will even support you after knowing it. Do.

I haven’t seen the many schools established by government officials. Can their children also enter?

When I was still worried about whether I had a chance to let my children enter, officials came to urge me, telling me that in my spare time, I could also attend "night school" to learn more about writing.

I heard that only a very small number of people in the Central Plains can possess such benefits.

Such true heart-to-heart communication is the greatest strength in their hearts.

Since 'Pei Gong' treats me with sincerity, naturally we should also treat him with sincerity!

They have the same roots, and many of the languages ​​​​are not even very different. It cannot even be said to be assimilation at all, but they were originally one, and now they are fused again.

Even Liu Bang and others did not expect that the effect of this explanation could be so impressive. Didn't they see that the newly recruited mountain troops received the greatest support at once? Haven't you seen the number of Chinese names increase dozens of times?

Seeing such an effect also made Liu Bang and others have more ambitions in their hearts. They originally thought of pushing the territory a hundred miles south, but now it seems that they may be able to capture Yunnan and Guizhou in one fell swoop.

Anyway, after the victory, large-scale transportation construction will still be needed. There will be plenty of things for them to do by then, and there is no need to worry too much about local disruption. Perhaps they can take the opportunity to completely regain the hearts and minds of these Baiyue remnants in one fell swoop.

Do they know that next time, they will have to push their territory to the seaside, that is, the land of Guangdong and Guangxi? Didn't they see that Zhang Liang would take the opportunity to fly to the South China Sea islands many nights? Just to plant rubber gardens, just to speed up mechanization in the future.

Since the people's support is available, why not be more courageous?

In fact, they all know that if they really do this, Yan Lingji will have a greater effect.

It's easy to defeat, but to truly maintain stability, Yan Lingji needs to be in charge.

Haven’t you seen that the people of Baiyue now completely regard Yan Lingji as a ‘Bodhisattva’ and worship her?

To put it bluntly, Yan Lingji's words at this time are definitely more effective than Liu Bang's words.

In a real struggle for hegemony, Yan Lingji's prestige would definitely lead to death. However, neither Liu Bang nor Lu Pheasant had any worries, especially Lu Pheasant. She had also received many reports from Liu Bang. I still don't know that Yan Lingji just came to Bangyi to help, and she left without knowing when.

Such Yan Lingji, whether Liu Bang, Xiao He and others, wished that she would stay for a while longer. What was even more worrying was that Yan Lingji would leave early, so that the Baiyue people who joined them would lose their faith.

Such a change, in Yan Lingji, reflects that the holiness is becoming more and more obvious. That is to say, Yan Lingji dresses coolly. If she changes to a snow-white dress and calls herself Guanyin, absolutely few people will object. .

Liu Hao has been watching and watching this. Almost every time he sees Yan Lingji's changes, he will think of Buddhism.

After teaching how to refine these beliefs into something similar to the 'Buddhist Kingdom', and after helping Yan Lingji condense the golden wheel of merit behind her head, Liu Hao did not do anything more.

How Yan Lingji chooses in the future is also her own business.

But did he think that Yan Lingji would choose Xitian? He knew Yan Lingji's character. She was not a cold-blooded person at heart, otherwise she wouldn't have the name "Yan Lingji".

Liu Hao had a hunch that the future Yan Lingji would probably become a Taoist because of Baiyue.

This was no joke, because he saw that the people of Baiyue had such pure faith in Yan Lingji.

When people pray to gods and Buddhas, most of them are asking for something, but this is not the case for Yan Lingji now.

This is a true respect, a true gratitude after Yan Lingji took the lead to help them live a happy life, and then purified the original belief again, and did not think about asking for anything more after believing in Yan Lingji.

This essential difference also determines that it is impossible for them to change their beliefs in the future. Perhaps they will inevitably add Yan Lingji to the system of gods after integrating into ‘Yanhuang’;

But even if she joins, Yan Lingji's status will never be lowered, and it is even possible to create a divine position similar to the 'Great Emperor' specifically for Yan Lingji.

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