Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and twenty-seven. Battle with Xiliang

1427. Go to war

The people of Yan and Huang have already had a template in this regard, and it is not a big deal if another one appears.

Didn’t you see that Mazu directly replaced the Dragon King of the East China Sea? Even constantly replacing the Dragon King of the Four Seas, this is an improvement in power, and as time goes by, their business scope is still expanding.

At least in the mythical world, Liu Hao can feel Yan Lingji's future status in the southwest, Guangdong and Guangxi, and even in the entire Nanyang without having to go to the long river of time.

And Liu Bang will not feel any threat from this. He knows very well that Yan Lingji will follow Liu Hao and leave this world soon, and this benefit will only fall on him, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty.

Because with the coming of the new era of repair in the future, Liu Bang claimed that Senior Brother Yan Lingji was the best solution. What originally took hundreds of years to accomplish may be completed in just one generation.

In Bashu, as Zhang Liang manufactured cement on a large scale, a new round of large-scale construction began again. This time, it was not a problem of roads, but the establishment of new counties in various places, that is, the casting of cities.

In the past, any city that did not take ten or eight years would have been impossible to build, but now the prototype can be built in just a few months.

The reason for this is also the result of discussions between Liu Bang and others. The absorption of these Baiyue and Nanman populations has moved them out of the mountains and forests, but without the protection of a city, the situation of backflow is still likely to exist over time.

On the other hand, when these people enter the city and become city residents, they will not leave even if they are driven away, because compared with before, the sky is the same as the earth.

Furthermore, local governance must also follow this path. The establishment of counties and counties formed a vertical management system to closely connect everyone and lay a solid foundation for the future Han Empire.

The last point is the digestion problem of labor force. During the slack period, neither Liu Bang nor Zhang Liang and others felt that they could not let these people idle. They had no shortage of gold and silver, so why bother picking at ropes? Distributing wealth to the people is the right thing to do.

In fact, it also proves how wise their choice is. If before this, Baiyue or Nanman, there were still half of them on the sidelines, after such implementation, the last point of caution gradually disappeared, and the real thoroughness They have been integrated into the entire Liu Bang system. This can be seen clearly from the fact that they took the initiative to learn the Chinese language.

Because they know that even if these cities are not built specifically for them, more than half of them belong to them. The enthusiasm for building them does not need to be urged at all, because they understand that there is such a house here that will become their future home.

When the Ming Dynasty was at its peak, Zhang Liang started the road to industrialization without making any plans in advance. Basically, he started wherever he thought of and immediately launched whatever he needed.

Such an approach often involves waiting and requires waiting.

But now, Zhang Liang will not be like this. Before he entered Bashu, he had already clearly analyzed the mineral distribution map around Bashu. He had already planned many main roads, and the current city construction had also been clearly defined. location.

It is basically to make better arrangements for the next industrial layout.

He knew that the most important thing for him next was to open the steelmaking system unique to Bashu, and he had already locked in the position of pzh.

After really getting started, Zhang Liang discovered the difficulty. Without him, there are too many mountains in the land of Bashu. If the railway lines he read in books want to be implemented, relying on the manpower of Bashu today, there is no way. It simply cannot be done in decades.

Fortunately, compared with the modern world, Zhang Liang also has his own advantages, which is the method of cultivating immortals. At worst, he can do it himself and split the mountains along the way. This is also Zhang Liang's last choice.

It was also because he discovered the difficulties involved that he and Liu Bang had private discussions. After the conversation, he also began to try to promote the cultivation method. Of course, the first batch of contacts were naturally Xiao He and others.

Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, who have experienced many worlds, know very well that sometimes things come too easily and they are often not cherished.

Therefore, they set their sights on Liu Hao. They carved stone statues and built altars, making the whole process very grand. After many sacrificial texts were read out, the news was announced;

It felt as if Liu Hao didn't have permission here, and he didn't dare to spread these techniques to the human world privately.

It has to be said that the effect was extraordinary, and Liu Hao was naturally very happy. When he whispered the word "quasi" into the ears of every participant, even Xiao He breathed a sigh of relief.

After doing this, Liu Bang still did not give instructions immediately. Instead, he entangled Xiao He, Zhang Liang and others to issue a set of procedures and a complete set of rules;

For example, what kind of contributions are required before the practice can be spread, and for example, only that section of the exercise can be spread at the beginning, etc.

Under the many rules, these skills are even more precious. Everyone who gets them will hold them high and practice them day and night, lest they fall behind and make it difficult to obtain subsequent skills.

Because this is no longer just a matter for one person, but an issue for generations to come.

The inner excitement of any new practitioner is extremely intense. When the spiritual energy is absorbed, there will be a warm current flowing throughout the body, and the feeling of comfort throughout the body is unheard of. When they wake up, they will also find those personal characteristics in their body. The hidden disease has long since disappeared, and my whole body is feeling better than ever.

With this realization, I still don't understand that I have returned to youth, and I also understand that as my cultivation level improves, my longevity will inevitably increase one period after another in the future;

At present, the only thing we need is how to use the limited time to improve ourselves, but we must not delay many things because of cultivation, because this itself is related to getting more in the future.

After the martial arts is promoted in a small area, this kind of thing cannot be concealed. Even if the scope of the spread is still small, as long as people work under Liu Bang's account, everyone will pay attention to it.

Even though this job search was originally for other purposes.

Don't think that after Liu Bang entered Bashu and captured it by force, there would be no opponents. How could that be possible?

How could the original vested interests be willing to do so?

For example, the salt merchants in Bashu now hate Liu Bang to the point of death. If possible, they would rather kill half of their family members with Liu Bang.

Privately, there are countless connections between these people. During this process, some of them sensed the general trend. For example, after seeing Zhang Liang producing many products, they chose to change careers and transfer their original business in Bashu to the Central Plains. These people , was naturally recruited by Liu Bang, and now even sent out by Xiao He.

But some have never given up. Some of these people have already informed many princes of the Central Plains of Bashu through their original channels, in the hope that in the future those princes can break into Bashu and regain the interests that originally belonged to them.

But whether these interests or hatred, after the emergence of immortal cultivation techniques, everything seems to have become unimportant. Compared with lifespan, compared with immortality, be it heaven and earth, gold and silver, and excrement and water. What's the difference?

At first, these people were still testing, but when they verified what they knew and knew that the immortal cultivation method was not fake news, all the hatred they had in the past was thrown out of the sky. The only thing left was how to get on Liu Bang's ship. Even if the Clippers are far behind others, this opportunity must not be missed.

There is no one to surrender at all, but they have sacrificed their knees. It can be said that during this period of time, the most well-behaved ones belong to them. Even the weak scholar before is now happily embarking on the road of building Bashu. , even if it is not for yourself, you must devote your life to your future children and grandchildren.

Their changes were naturally expected by Liu Bang, Zhang Liang and others. They had already calculated these before, not because they were afraid of them, but because they didn't want to use their real energy to fight against them.

Furthermore, even if these descendants of corrupt nobles are not far behind in their own talents and learning, they are all educated by elites. If they are properly used, they can contribute more benefits to Bashu, and there is no need to exterminate them all.

Then, an intelligence department leading outside Bashu was established, absorbing these people, and there was no worry that they would rebel in the future.

Compared with these people, the Liu Bang Group still has insufficient background, and many internal information among the princes are still difficult to obtain. Now it can be regarded as making up for this last shortcoming.

It was time to start a new round of expansion. The war still exceeded the expectations of Liu Bang's group. On the one hand, Liu Bang's reputation in Baiyue had completely spread, and on the other hand, the combat effectiveness of the army was not of the same level at all.

The whole process was like a torrent. If the roads were not too thin, perhaps the entire Yunnan and Guizhou could be captured in less than half a month.

Inadvertently, throughout the Great Qin War, Liu Bang had become the country with the largest territory in the Central Plains.

More importantly, his economic size far surpassed that of other princes, truly consolidating his dominance in the southwest.

It would take a long time to digest the victory over Yunnan and Guizhou. Within a short period of time, even Zhang Liang knew that he could not move forward. In other words, it would take a long time to get an outlet to the sea.

But these are not big problems when going north and west. He did not think about expanding to the west and north. Instead, Zhang Liang found that there was more territory, and before mechanization was difficult to implement, the entire southwest region needed countless cattle and horses, and only Can capture outside Hanzhong.

Xiliang, during the period of the Qin Empire, was not mature enough. Qiang people were everywhere, living nomadically, and their temperament was very cruel. There were also scorpion people, who were as bloodthirsty as Mao. These people would not reason with you. The only one who can What he did was to fight fiercely with them. Whoever had the bigger fist would have the right words.

But why is Liu Bang afraid of these? His three thousand sergeants have all been trained by him. He has expanded his army to thirty thousand and formed several teams. He also needs real horses to build his own cavalry, and he also needs to let his soldiers and horses go out and work well. It’s been a lot of practice.

Infantry fighting against cavalry is almost useless, but it depends on who it is, at least Liu Bang's army who has gone through martial arts training is not a problem at all. There is really not much difference between the short-range explosive power and horses, and the flexibility is far superior.

Perhaps it is not as good as a large-scale military confrontation, but when a small cavalry team faces Liu Bang's martial arts infantry, it is basically nothing, it is equivalent to giving them cavalry equipment.

After three or four months of guerrilla warfare, Liu Bang had already established a cavalry team of seven or eight thousand, and one person had two horses. They were already martial artists, and even without the three-piece cavalry set, they were not much different from the grassland people.

Seeing this, even Xiao He felt that the time was ripe to give those Qiang people and scorpion people a hard blow in Xiliang.

This time, Liu Bang chose to go into battle himself. Perhaps because of this, he thought of Han Xin and couldn't help but smile bitterly. This guy is really so easy to subdue. At this time, he is probably a small pawn under Xiang Yu, right?

And since I didn't follow Xiang Yu, would Han Xin still choose me? If I have to fight this guy in the future, it will be really troublesome. I can only hope that my intelligence organization will be more powerful and dig Han Xin out. Even if it is kidnapped, he must be brought to Bashu.

"Woo... woo..."

The low horn sound pulled Liu Bang back to his thoughts. Subconsciously, he spread his spiritual sense, but found that it was still a little early. He had to admit that he was not talented enough in this aspect, and the coverage area was still too narrow.

But did he have any worries? In his own cavalry team, almost every lieutenant had a simple telescope in his hand. Any action of the enemy could hardly escape his observation. It was nothing more than the loss of his army at that time.

After a while, Liu Bang had to frown slightly. He found that he still underestimated the number of enemies. He didn't know that the Scorpion people had been irritated by him. This time, almost all the people who could be mobilized had been mobilized. Nearly 30,000 troops rushed in, intending to completely end Liu Bang, the unstable factor.


When Liu Bang found that his army had a little disturbance, he immediately issued a quiet word formula, which directly calmed the mentality of his army. In an instant, the whole surrounding was only the whistling impact of the enemy.

Then, Liu Bang's mouth twitched slightly, he raised his hands, and sent out a "fixed" spell towards the cavalry army of the Scorpion People who were rushing towards him.

This was incredible, and it could only be said that this move was just right. Even if the effect could only be effective in the front group, the losses caused to the Scorpion People were countless, especially the cavalry team that attacked later, it was like hitting a city wall hard. Almost in an instant, people and horses were thrown to the ground, not to mention tens of thousands, thousands of troops were definitely lost.

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