Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and twenty-eight. Help

1428. Help

The sudden change made the entire Scorpion army confused and had no idea what had happened. The entire team was completely out of touch.

The cavalry at the rear discovered the situation and could only hold on to the reins. Those who were too late were either destroyed by the impact or trampled by the surrounding horses, directly paving the way for hundreds of meters and completely blocking the advance of the subsequent teams. .

At this time, Liu Bang waved his big hand, and eight thousand cavalry rushed forward like a tide. In just a dozen breaths, when they arrived at the Scorpion Front Army, Liu Bang's original "Ding" formula also disappeared. Without a trace, they could only be allowed to be harvested by the cavalry team under Liu Bang's account.

Such a scene, in the eyes of the Scorpion army, was as if they were being thrown to someone else's knife. By the time they reacted, the entire front army had been completely wiped out. In a moment, they could neither advance nor retreat. After a moment of restlessness, Color spread throughout the team, and morale plummeted.

Liu Bang was not in a hurry to push the opponent into the abyss. He came just to train his cavalry team, and he did not necessarily want to wipe out the Scorpions.

He is very clear about the composition of forces in Xiliang at this time. If he really kills the Scorpion Cavalry that is coming today, it will only make the Qiang people have no enemies, and it will not be of much benefit to him.

Instead, it would be better to let these guys go. It just so happened that thousands of horses were harvested this time, so the autumn wind was worth it.

Many times, all people need is just the first experience. Just like Liu Bang gathered the equipment for his eight thousand cavalry team and led them to train for a long time, but they have never really used cavalry on the battlefield. Their psychological You will still feel unsure, and you will always have doubts about this and that.

Don’t think that this worry is irrelevant, how could it be?

The cavalry team, in the feudal era and in ancient times, was no different from modern armored tanks. In the future, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty even set up many horse farms for this purpose;

This shows that his professional span is very strong. If Liu Bang's soldiers were not all skilled in martial arts, there would be no possibility of going to the battlefield without a year and a half of training.

But all these disappeared after this charge, because they found that their opponents were not as powerful as they thought, and they were not as unfamiliar as they thought. Not to mention all their worries, they also learned from a novice. Follow the evolution of veterans;

This is what Liu Bang wants to achieve. As for how much benefit he can seize from the Scorpion people, Liu Bang really doesn't care much and is not in a hurry.

In his plan, the 8,000 cavalry troops under his account will also learn from the nomadic people in the future, completely changing the target of threshing grain, and completely returning this nightmare to these cruel guys. .

Xiliang, how could Liu Bang let it go? He understands the dangers of this geographical location better than anyone. Once it is occupied by the enemy for a long time, it will be impossible for the Central Plains to have long-term peace and stability. They are used to being capricious, but if they are unhappy, they will entangle a large number of teams and continuously provide You create trouble.

Liu Bang didn't want to suffer this pain in the future. What he wanted was to end it once and for all, and completely make these nomadic peoples tremble with fear for the future Han Empire and completely crawl at his feet.

In this process, you can also completely refine your cavalry team into real pillars, laying a solid foundation for the future against Xiang Yu.

When dealing with Xiang Yu, his biggest enemy in the future, Liu Bang did not underestimate him at all. He would rather overestimate the opponent than suffer unnecessary losses, because once this happens, it will definitely hinder his future progress. This is definitely not the case. What he wants to see.

Liu Bang also knew very well in his heart that as a guy with natural divine power, Xiang Yu would definitely make progress even if he did not have orthodox training techniques after the spiritual energy was poured into the world, and he might even be promoted due to his extraordinary talent. There are so many of them, it’s okay to overestimate them, but it’s always better to be cautious.

In front of them, the Scorpion clan lost more than a quarter of their army. They had no sign of the loss and could not figure it out at all. They were not fools. They knew that Liu Bang must have used some method, but they could not figure it out. .

The leader's hesitation also further contributed to the decline in the morale of the Scorpion clan below. When they reacted, they found that it was too late again. Liu Bang's cavalry team had already charged, and the commotion spread again. No one was accurate. After the order, they could neither advance nor retreat, and the scimitars in their hands had lost their true sharpness. They could only watch as their side was completely pierced by Liu Bang's cavalry team.

In such a situation, all fools know that they are completely defeated. The loss of contact between soldiers and generals has become the overall situation. Many leaders shouted and wanted to gather the team again, but the effect was still very slim. After weighing for a while, they could only give up, and then the entire army They scattered in all directions and fled for their lives on their own.

Liu Bang led his own cavalry team to chase them for a while, driving them like cattle and sheep, but with no real intention to go deep. When the sun went down, the group began to gather the team, began to collect trophies, and began to happily Return to home territory.

It can be said that after this time, the entire offense and defense have been completely broken. The Scorpion clan near Liu Bang's territory has no ability to attack at all until they completely relax.

And the Qiang people behind them, even if they fight on their own, even if they are not united enough, they will not waste this hard-earned opportunity, and the daily harassment will definitely not stop.

It can almost be said that this battle directly pushed the Scorpion people in Xiliang into the abyss, and these were just a small experiment by Liu Bang.

In the Central Plains, the princes knew nothing about it, but in the land of Xiliang, Liu Bang's reputation had really begun to spread. Everyone knew about Hanzhong, and everyone knew that this plateau had brought a hard problem. If you are right, if you are not careful, it is very likely that the entire tribe will be wiped out.

After becoming famous, many merchants traveling in Bashu and Shu found that business was getting easier and easier. Those rubbish people who used to yell at each other lowered their heads. They began to know how to be polite and did not dare to lower prices too much. Profits also increased. Naturally, it is richer and attracts more businessmen to join.

What Zhang Liang wants is this kind of virtuous cycle. He has refined the glass. Such a treasure will still be a treasure in this world even after the card year has passed. Especially if it is carved, such as in wolf form, etc., it can be placed anywhere The prices on the grasslands are astronomical, and you can exchange them for tens of thousands of cattle and horses at one time, which is not very satisfying.

How could Zhang Liang miss such a huge profit? But he didn't want to do a business. While selling these 'treasures', he also started to promote cotton to Xiliang, offered a high purchase price, and began to guide these nomadic people to transform towards farming civilization.

Among these people, not to mention the vast majority, more than half can be transformed in the future. Even if it is to drive them to march further west in the future, it will be profitable for the entire Bashu, and the cost will be only a trivial amount. It's just a treasure, it's just some money.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty, productivity was still so low that Zhang Liang often had to spend more time training industrial workers. However, after a lot of attempts, he found that relying only on himself was still very ineffective. .

As a last resort, he could only seek help from Liu Hao. This was also the first time that Zhang Liang asked Liu Hao for help in a real sense.

In this regard, Liu Hao was naturally willing to help. It was not just for himself, but he only gave him some spiritual enlightenment methods.

After teaching Zhang Liang, Liu Hao felt that he could speed up the process. He personally took action and built a large academy on the outskirts of Chengdu. He arranged some slightly improved formations in it to encourage everyone who entered it. Students can concentrate their energy as never before, which stimulates their potential to a certain extent and greatly improves their learning status and progress.

This was to cultivate higher-level talents for Zhang Liang. After finishing it, he had no intention of taking charge personally and directly handed it over to Zhang Liang. Not to mention, he gave it to Liu Bang in such a casual manner. The group has laid a solid foundation to truly enter the fast lane.

In other words, it helped Liu Bang, Zhang Liang and others cultivate a group of subordinates who could really help them deal with many things and whose thinking patterns were similar to theirs.

No one expected that it was just an attempt to establish a sacred foundation for students in the mythical world in the future, and it became a university that all students in the mythical world yearn for. It is also because of this university that the entire future will be established. Du has almost become the largest educational holy place in the mythical world.

Of course, this is something to talk about later, let’s not mention it for now, just say that at present, Zhang Liang got the help of Liu Hao, and then he really promoted the education system thoroughly and began to continuously provide backup force for the Bashu Group. It originally took half a year to complete the industrial system. What took root has already taken shape in just three months.

A typical example is the establishment of pzh Steel Group, and the birth of the first real rail.

If railway tracks are a civilization moving towards science and technology at a high speed, then the mass production of steel is the foundation for a civilization to leapfrog.

Over the past year or so, even if the entire Bashu and Yunnan-Guizhou groups have been brought under the control of the Liu Bang Group, many roads have been opened, which has greatly improved transportation. However, in the farmland, the plowshares that originally required two oxen have only been upgraded. The task is handed over to a cow, and it is still stuck in the primitive farming era.

But the large-scale production of steel also means that Zhang Liang has the possibility to truly exert himself. He can replicate the mechanical replacement of manpower that he originally had in the glorious world of the Ming Dynasty, and completely replace the manpower that was originally suppressed in the farmland. The labor force in the country was greatly liberated, and the originally established industrial base was completely stimulated.

From this moment on, the entire Liu Bang Group will completely widen the gap with other princes in the Central Plains, a gap of dozens or hundreds of times.

While everyone else was immersed in how to refine this produced steel rail into weapons, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang already understood that the era that truly belonged to them had arrived.

Liu Hao, who had been watching them secretly, also felt a great sense of relief, as if watching the training game was the same thing, and the hard work along the way finally came to a real harvest.

This is a symbol, but it also greatly changed the way Liu Bang dealt with things in the future. For example, he was still fumbling with the rope release technique at this time, and now he has become much more generous. With the birth of the rail, there is quite a A kind of amnesty to the world.

And his action also prompted the former Bashu forces who originally sold themselves to Liu Bang's group, and many noble students who subsequently defected to Bashu, to obey physically and mentally in a true sense, and completely surrender their loyalty to Liu Bang.

This cultivation of immortality is the way to immortality and the foundation for the prosperity of the family for all generations. Who can resist this temptation? Who doesn’t know how to choose?

Liu Bang, who had acquired many immortal skills, now if others want to say that he is not the destined emperor, these people will definitely swarm up and tear them into powder.

After receiving such benefits, who still doesn't know what they will do next?

Originally, many of the students who entered Bashu were sent here by their families just to prevent their families from being put into the same basket. But now they don’t know that the future of the entire world has been doomed, and who else is there? Can you compete with Liu Bang?

They just don't want to be too violent, they just want to take a quick look at it, they just want to rule the world together while taking over the world. If they don't get on the bus now, when will they wait?

It is almost visible to the naked eye that the entire southwest of Bashu, both in terms of work efficiency and talent access, has been greatly improved, and it has also greatly stimulated the original gross production value.

It is not an exaggeration to say that things are changing day by day, especially in the land of Chengdu. New factories are being built every day, and tens of thousands of people are pouring in, along with the Yangtze River, which could have been slowing down for a while. Shipping groups have also reached a point where they must expand their capacity.

When the new year begins, the Southwest has entered a new round of expansion. The goal this time has been set long ago. It is also the land of Guangdong and Guangxi. Almost everyone is coming out, whether it is Liu Bang or Zhang. Neither Liang Liang nor Xiao Heyan Lingji had any intention of staying in Shu. They all knew that the next battle would determine the true future height of the entire Liu Bang Group.

Liu Bang and the other three knew how important an outlet was, and Xiao He, who was the first to follow Liu Bang, also knew it through many books;

The merchants in the land of Bashu may not be clear enough, but they have more or less seen the world map through various parties, or glanced at it, or looked at it carefully, but who doesn't know the importance of the market? Who doesn’t know that the true development of shipping requires the sea?

Don’t they want to transport the goods produced in the Bashu land further for sale? How is that possible?

All of them knew that once the paper produced in Bashu was transported to the land of Qilu, the price would be comparable to gold. But how much would be delivered if there were bumpy roads, sleeping in the open, and riotous soldiers gathering along the way?

But these sailing on the sea and along the coastline seem to be good if they are farther away, and no one is willing to try them.

Furthermore, if it is not sent to Qilu, then those surrounding barbarian natives will not be needed?

A single glass bead delivered to these places can be exchanged for tens of thousands of tons of grain!

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