Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and thirty. In line

1430. Integration

A hegemony game, the farming style was abruptly completed by Liu Bang, Zhang Liang and others.

That is to say, the speed of information transmission in the late Qin Dynasty was very slow, and the movement was every half a year. Otherwise, the princes of the Central Plains would be frightened by this time.

This is already an off-the-wall development, with millions of laborers in five provinces and cities personally taking part in the battle. Yesterday it was a land of weeds, but today there is a road reaching the sky. It is them.

Some simple construction machinery has gradually begun to appear in various places. If it were not for the oil problem, Liu Hao even thought that Zhang Liang might simply skip the steam era. But even so, it was already a miracle in the eyes of the people under the Liu Bang Group. , and it’s the kind that comes in an endless stream.

When Zhang Liang leads a large number of industrial workers to the Pearl River Delta plain through these roads, it also means that a higher-speed development channel is about to open, and it also means that Liu Bang Group will move towards the sea.

It also means that no one in the entire mythical world can resist Liu Bang's move to the throne of emperor.

On the other hand, Xiang Yu was very high-spirited at this time. When he shouted viciously, "Although Chu has three households, the Qin must be destroyed by Chu", he never thought that everything he did was paving the way for another Chu man, Liu Bang.

Nor would he understand that the land of Bashu, which he didn't even care about, had grown into a real giant dragon.

In Liu Hao's eyes, Liu Bang was already surrounded by golden dragons at this time, and his imperial aura was completely aroused, but he was just being induced but unable to release it.

Compared to deciding the outcome early, Liu Bang obviously prefers to completely digest the territory he occupies, and what he wants more is a foundation that cannot be shaken by others.

Liu Bang didn't want to divide the feudal lords. He could find this disadvantage in history. How could he not understand it after traveling through many worlds?

Didn’t you see that although Liu Bang was looking for Han Xin outside, he was not really in urgent need?

Because he understood that Han Xin wanted to be crowned king in his heart. If he gave credit to others too early, he would probably do the same thing in the future. Instead of doing this, it would be better to take it slow.

Furthermore, in the entire world, Liu Bang is the only one who dares to give military power to Han Xin!

In other words, it is not that the princes of the Central Plains can take advantage of Han Xin's great talent once they know about it.

This is because Liu Bang has found this guy, but he still did not rush to recruit him. Instead, he chose to pay attention to him, keeping the other person under his nose, waiting for when he is needed, and then poaching him.

At this time, Liu Hao's eyes also stayed on Han Xin. This guy's talents are really no joke. Thinking about how hundreds of thousands of people in the army can use their arms in the future, it already explains everything. This guy is basically a natural talent. The talent of a marshal.

But unfortunately, no matter his age, his qualifications, or Han Xin's past achievements, it is impossible for Xiang Yu to discover it, nor can Xiang Yu discover it.

Liu Hao has noticed that Han Xin has the intention to leave. For ordinary personnel, it is not that easy to leave from an army with a tight camp. However, in Han Xin's eyes, this tight hard drive is full of loopholes. He can choose at will. Even one can leave peacefully.

He thought so and did so, but after leaving, Han Xin was still a little confused and didn't even know where to go for a while.

Or maybe it's the inevitability of history. In Liu Hao's eyes, Han Xin just marched towards Bashu in three steps, taking no time and leisurely, as if he was touring the mountains and rivers all the way, or he was simply observing every geographical environment along the way. Thinking about how to arrange the army when it comes here in the future.

It was only half a year since he left like this. After he crossed Hanzhong and entered Bashu, the strength of the entire Liu Bang Group had increased several times. Especially in Guangdong and Guangxi, especially in the Pearl River Delta, its industry had begun to take shape.

The goods produced here have already been sold to many areas in Southeast Asia through shipping. If it hadn't taken a while for the land under the tent to be digested, perhaps the Liu Bang Group had already captured the land of Jiaozhi at this time.

Liu Bang was naturally aware of Han Xin's arrival. It can be said that Liu Bang knew everything about the whole process. Even Han Xin's participation in the army and where he was placed were the result of Liu Bang's personal intervention.

Liu Hao, who had also been observing, had to admit that Liu Bang's methods were becoming more and more proficient. How long had Han Xin been in the army? He had already been discovered to be "talented" and was directly recommended to enter the military academy which had just been established not long ago. If Liu Bang hadn't done this deliberately, Liu Hao would never have believed it.

He also knew that this meant that Liu Bang continued to suppress Han Xin. Different from history, today's Liu Bang Group has formed a more regular way of promotion. It is obviously impossible for Han Xin to become a general as soon as he comes up.

He didn't want Han Xin's military talent to be wasted, so he could only use this method to improve the opponent's "inheritance".

Similarly, once he enters the military academy, it also means that Han Xin cannot leave in a short time. The military academy established by Liu Bang is not a book from the late Qin and early Han Dynasties, but the product of many worlds. He also believes that once Han Xin If you sink your mind into reading, it would be impossible to drive the other person away.

I have to say that Liu Bang learned this strategy of imitating Bald Qiang's principal very well, and it is almost no different from copying.

But I have to say that sometimes the strategy is simple but very effective. After Liu Bang consciously showed up at the military academy many times, and after Liu Bang deliberately set aside some time to teach these students, even Han Xin had to admit that he, the principal, was also the same. Talented, even he did not consider many military issues.

How did he know that all of this was done deliberately by Liu Bang to target his weaknesses, just to leave the impression in Han Xin's mind that Liu Bang was also good at it, and to make Han Xin understand that Liu Bang's group was not his fault? Han Xin couldn't do it.

In other words, Han Xin, the 'Soldier Immortal', would not have been able to make Liu Bang so interested in someone else.

When the military skills of hundreds of schools of thought began to be taught in the military academy, and when Liu Bang saw the shocked look on Han Xin's face, even Liu Hao could see Liu Bang's hidden pride, but it has to be said that this Liu Bang did it flawlessly.

The inheritance of hundreds of schools has been suppressed by Liu Bang and Zhang Liang until now. It started to break through from the military academy, and even gave Liu Hao a way. Long before entering the mythical world, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang had already discussed and worked out how to spread it. It was decided to use Han Xin as a breakthrough point and even establish a typical plan.

But I have to say that if this is true, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang's calculations have indeed received the greatest support.

Who is Han Xin? Even in the history of Yanhuang, he is definitely one of the top military masters.

For such a master of the art of war, there is no difference in the way of practicing the art of war, almost tailor-made for Han Xin.

It is not an exaggeration to say that one day was a boy, two days a scholar, and three days a scholar.

Even if Han Xin is willing, he can enter the Hanlin Academy or even get a bachelor's degree within two or three months.

Fortunately, Han Xin is also very sensible. After Liu Bang emphasized the importance of foundation many times, why doesn't he understand that rushing to break through will be harmful to his own future?

Furthermore, in the systematic military training method, there is also a need to condense one's own military art. If it were other students, they might not be confident enough, and they might also think that since it is not necessary, what if they let it go?

But in Han Xin's eyes, since he said this, it meant that his predecessors had already achieved it, and the arrogance in his heart would not allow him to fail to do so.

I have to say that this conspiracy is very reliable. Han Xin, who was still a little proud before, immediately settled down after making the decision. At least he will not cause trouble for Liu Bang in the short term.

But as a typical example, the legend of Han Xin still spread throughout Bashu and the entire land controlled by Liu Bang Group, letting all the people know the ways of a hundred schools of thought.

When they were eager to write to Liu Bang, suddenly, the news spread that the cultivation methods of hundreds of schools would be taught openly in all schools, which directly exploded the hearts of all the people, and everyone was gearing up and waiting. .

The cultivation methods of hundreds of schools of thought are easy to learn but difficult to master. It requires calmness and one step at a time. Once you learn it, you have learned it. Once you understand it, you understand it. In many cases, you cannot reach a high level just by reciting it hard. This is its greatest This shortcoming is also the real reason why Liu Bang and Zhang Liang chose to disclose it to the whole people.

Because they understand that this kind of accumulation requires time. As long as the real seeds are sown, the most delicious food will be harvested in the future.

In addition, weren't Liu Bang and Zhang Liang thinking of using this to attract more students from the Central Plains to join them?

You must know that this point in time is not a period when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty will only focus on Confucianism. It is also a period when hundreds of schools of thought still have a lot of inherited knowledge. It would be a pity not to make good use of it.

Their calculations were also very effective. Hundreds of families were distributed throughout the Qin Dynasty. Although they all had their own territories, when the princes came together, they had to make their own choices, either to join one side or to send many personnel to inspect the various princes.

In order to gain momentum in the future, I had to do it. Similarly, in the land of Bashu, many people from hundreds of families came secretly to observe it carefully.

In the past, they could see the future of what Liu Bang did, but it did not mean that they could see their own future.

But now, the cultivation methods of hundreds of schools have begun to spread. Once they know about it, how can they endure the temptation?

It is almost visible to the naked eye that the number of people migrating from the Central Plains has begun to increase. After this confirmation was transmitted back to the Central Plains, a great migration began to arrive, and these talents are the real essence, and every arrival , all carrying dozens of bamboo slips for taxis, and every arrival respectfully handed Liu Bang a greeting card.

Liu Hao could only smile at this, but he also understood that Liu Bang's last shortcoming could be considered completed after today. This shortcoming was the right to speak of public opinion in the feudal era.

The people of this period had no culture at all, and all their information came from the oral accounts of these people, which meant that they had to believe whatever these people said.

For example, this group of people spread the word about Ying Zheng's violent Qin Dynasty in the ears of the people every day. Over time, the people can only believe it, even if this 'violence' has almost nothing to do with them.

It's not that Liu Bang can't change what the people know. What he needs is not this side, but the external expansion after taking over the Central Plains in the future. It is needed to rule the world of mythology in the future. He cannot spread his words to Every corner must rely on this group of people.

When interests are directly linked to them, they have no choice but to make a choice.

Because there are hundreds of schools of thought, and they are not just one of them. If they don’t choose, what about the others?

Once others move and he doesn't move, it means that they will only be eliminated by the times in the future, which is definitely not something they can tolerate.

This is also a chain of suspicion. The object of competition for them is themselves. What Liu Bang wants is to stay out of the matter and be the real referee.

He has something to say about every theory and will not be biased towards any one side. For every theory, he says that everything should be put to its best use, such as that of farmers. After the farmers truly control the practice of farmers in the future, he will cultivate all new things. The task of breeding good seeds is left to them.

This promise was nothing more and nothing less, but to the ears of the farm staff, it sounded sincere and they had to accept it.

In fact, Liu Bang really didn't have much preference. Maybe during this period, he would take care of the workers in the Mohist family, but that's all. It was just for the current needs, and it was not to introduce the Mohist rule of governance. Of the policy.

As long as Liu Bang's theory of governing the country does not have any bias, all parties will not worry and will work harder and harder on the future foundation promised by Liu Bang.

It’s just that they will find in the future that when they want to put their doctrines above other doctrines, it will be too late. By then, they will not have so much energy to make trouble, because they have already Liu Bang There are many properties under his account.

For example, when politicians get the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they must always be on guard against other doctrines interfering in their sphere of influence.

It should be understood that one person does not only have to learn from one company. When your most professional aspects are surpassed by others, that is a real loss of face.

This is also the balancing method that Liu Bang chose after much thought, because he was in the era of cultivation, not the real historical period, and he did not need to worry about his future descendants.

When he sits firmly on the throne of the emperor for a hundred years, this system will be thoroughly rooted in the hearts of the people. At that time, even if he leaves, the Han Empire will definitely pass on this system for a long time, and will not be afraid of others.

Furthermore, even if he leaves, as long as he is alive, what if there are some problems when he comes back one day? Can't you adjust it immediately?

I have to say that this is also Liu Bang's best choice and the best way to connect with the world.

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