Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and thirty-one. Yan Lingji

1431. Yan Lingji

On this day, Liu Hao had to take action to summon Yan Lingji back.

Why do you think that is?

However, Yan Lingji went beyond Liu Hao's expectations and had to take action.

Throughout the Southwest and Guangdong and Guangxi, at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the number of Baiyue remnants was extraordinary. Countless tribes were dotted around the mountains. This was also due to the excellent environment, which prompted Yan Lingji to gain too much power of 'faith' from them. It was so huge that Yan Lingji couldn't hold it back.

Everyone knows that the more primitive one is, the more pious one is in faith.

When among a nearly primitive tribe, the average lifespan of a human race was no more than thirty, a god they had been praying for suddenly appeared, bringing them into a new life, and forcibly pushing their average lifespan by more than half. , and may be even higher in the future.

Such a huge favor, or in other words, this is simply a gift from God that their ancestors have always hoped for but cannot ask for, so that they will not hesitate to devote their lives to it.

The piety of such believers can be imagined!

It can be said that the power of faith brought to Yan Lingji by these hundreds of millions of Baiyue remnants far exceeds the hundreds of millions or even billions of ordinary believers.

And because the Baiyue remnants' belief in Yan Lingji also had an impact on the Qin people they integrated into, the people of the entire Liu Bang Group contributed to Yan Lingji to some extent.

Speaking of which, there are also reasons for Liu Bang's private promotion.

Just like Liu Bang, Zhang Liang and others discussed, in the process of promoting the integration, they naturally made up various stories, and targeted Yan Lingji, who was dressed in fiery red and was good at using flames, to forcibly combine Yan Lingji and the ancient fire god Zhu Rong. connect together.

And it seems that this connection is even more recognized by the Baiyue survivors. In fact, the southern Bashu barbarians themselves have a natural belief in 'Zhurong', which means that the Baiyue survivors who were first conquered by the Liu Bang Group naturally chose to trust it, and then it also affected As for subsequent joiners, now, driven intentionally or unintentionally by the Liu Bang Group, this belief has begun to be systematized;

Even under the various imaginations of many Baiyue survivors, many stories that even Yan Lingji had never thought of began to spread throughout the Southwest and Guangdong and Guangxi, and they were still in style. It seemed that every narrator had no idea at all. Just personal experience.

With so many bonuses, it's no wonder that Yan Lingji's power of faith began to materialize.

What does the materialization of a belief mean?

To put it simply, it is the real ‘conferred god’.

If Yan Ling Ji itself did not exist in the past, then the people's spontaneous formation of 'conferred gods' can also create a 'Flame Ling Ji' from the invisible.

It's just that in this kind of conferring a god, you can become a god if you succeed, and if you fail, you can become a god.

Once the power of people's faith is lost and reaches a certain limit, the 'Flame Spirit Girl' created by the void will also disappear without a trace.

Yan Lingji exists in her own right, so it is naturally impossible for her to take such a path.

Without Liu Hao, Yan Lingji would have only two choices at this time. One is to directly absorb the power of faith and use it to improve her own cultivation.

But this still has consequences, that is, even if external objects push it, the foundation will never be stable;

And the most important thing is that it will be closely involved with the power of faith in the future, and it will have an impact to some extent.

You know, Yan Lingji will not be able to live forever in the mythical world in the future, and will soon leave with Liu Hao.

Even if this choice can push Yan Lingji to the immortal level, it is still very useless. Obviously, even Yan Lingji will not do this.

Another option is for Yan Lingji to completely refine the power of faith and directly refine it into a 'godhead' like a magical world.

This processing mode is much better, because Yan Lingji herself does not need this 'godhead' to improve herself. This is not much different from refining a 'magic weapon', or refining a unique The 'spiritual' incarnation of Yan Lingji.

As long as the incarnation of this 'god' continues to have faith in the future and can absorb it, it can continuously improve its own cultivation. It is not impossible to become one of the Daluo Golden Immortals one day in the future.

However, this possibility is often just a possibility, because the higher you get to the top of the pyramid, the stronger the competition for the power of faith. Perhaps then, Yan Lingji will have to compete with the 'Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva' for faith. .

It's not that he is afraid of Guanyin Bodhisattva. With Liu Hao seeing Yan Lingji as her support, he would choose to exercise restraint if there was a huge conflict, and most likely he wouldn't go out and have a fight with Yan Lingji himself.

But so what?

Yan Lingji was alone after all, so how could she have worked so hard to build her own pyramid structure of Buddhism too early?

At that time, the most likely result is that Yan Lingji merges it with Buddhism for the future of this incarnation of the god and becomes the real 'Yan Lingji Bodhisattva'.

This is also the real reason why Liu Hao had previously thought about Yan Lingji towards the ‘Yan Lingji Bodhisattva’.

Looking at it this way, it seems very beautiful.

But in reality, there is a big hidden danger, that is, "the store bullies customers", just like the competition between personalities is the same thing.

The main personality has great advantages, but once the sub-personality exceeds too much, how can one be willing to be the sub-personality all the time?

At that time, with the support of Buddhism, Yan Lingji Bodhisattva will probably think of various ways to devour Yan Lingji herself, right?

If Yan Lingji follows Liu Hao all the time in the future, there is nothing to be afraid of. However, this is not a good thing. If you are not careful, all your efforts may be in vain. Liu Hao does not want Yan Lingji to become a real person in the future. Indifferent 'gods'.

Even if it is a choice, it must be the product of Yan Lingji's true consciousness.

Therefore, these two choices are not approved by Liu Hao, and they are also the essence of his summoning Yan Lingji back.

Because he was by his side, Yan Lingji had a better choice, which Liu Hao had planned for a long time, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

This choice itself is also based on what Yan Lingji has already existed, which is the improvement of the witch bloodline in Yan Lingji's body.

Faith, in the eyes of real high-end monks, is really no different from Tiger Balm.

You must know that in the entire universe, what can truly transform it into ‘luck’ is just faith!

From this we can see the true power of faith.

However, these transformations are extremely difficult, even for many quasi-sages.

To use an analogy, Buddhism is like this. They spread themselves crazily just for the sake of belief. Then with the blessing of Buddhism as a whole, or with the help of the two great saints of Western religion, they forcefully spread it. It is transformed into a part of Buddhism's destiny, thereby enhancing Buddhism's huge influence in the world.

Liu Hao, who has already surpassed the quasi-sage and entered the sub-sage stage, may not be very clever in this regard, but he is still one who can do it.

But today he does not really need to make this most difficult choice. Instead, he refines Yan Lingji's power of faith into the purest 'energy', and because this purest 'energy' itself is They are inextricably related to Yan Lingji, and they are used to travel through the blood of Yan Lingji to promote the purification of Yan Lingji's own witch bloodline.

Liu Hao was still very confident about this choice. It was just a question of how much energy he had lost in the process.

But what about loss? Compared with the side effects of full utilization, they are nothing.

In any case, it is also an improvement to Yan Lingji's own essence. Is it possible that she can earn more in the future?

In addition, once the witch bloodline in Yan Lingji's body is greatly improved, Yan Lingji will have another backer in the future, a powerful person in the realm of heaven who has been hidden in the past but now stands in front of the stage, Empress Houtu!

Of course, Liu Hao did not explain this support to Yan Lingji, it was just his own opinion. He did not want to make this guarantee for Queen Houtu before she was truly accepted by Queen Houtu.

But after Liu Hao told Yan Lingji about these good and bad things, Yan Lingji didn't hesitate at all.

She is also a very rational person, who lacks trust in everyone in the world. She can hold everything in her own hands and will never leave her expectations to others, even if that one is a 'Buddhist' , is also a mountain that seems to have to be looked up to.

Naturally, Yan Lingji's choice did not exceed Liu Hao's expectations. He also knew that this was the most critical period for the Liu Bang Group, and he did not want Yan Lingji to stay in his observation place for a long time, so he immediately began to take action. .

The process was voluptuous, and even if Liu Hao thought he was as calm as water, there would be many disturbances. Fortunately, his ability to restrain himself was pretty good, and his own cultivation was enough to resist this lusciousness.

He also seemed to underestimate the difficulty of this process, or he underestimated the pain Yan Lingji endured.

Only then did he realize that Yan Lingji was not him, and her cultivation level was only at the peak of the eighth level. If he had not taken action to protect her, Yan Lingji would have died on the spot due to the complete collapse of her bloodline.

It's no wonder that he only thought that Yan Lingji had only two choices before, or that Yan Lingji had thought about this possibility before, but the other party knew very well that it was impossible to do it on her own.

When the beauty in front of him turned into a ball of scarlet flames, Liu Hao even had to take out the 'Pure World White Lotus' in his body to protect Yan Lingji from possible failure. He also took out several drops of the Three Light Divine Water and blended it into it. In order to help Yan Lingji have more chances to purify her bloodline.

When the scarlet flames, the new Yan Lingji's body began to condense, a trace of purple light flickered in Liu Hao's eyes, directly penetrating her body and locking on the blood changes in the opponent's body. This sight also made Liu Hao's face finally Show a smile.

At this stage, Liu Hao's plan can be considered to have taken a solid foundation towards real success, but the next process is still very important, and even more careful must be done.

This process is what Liu Hao thinks of himself.

Yan Lingji's power of faith, after the subsequent processing by Liu Bang Group, has many alliances with the ancestral witch Zhu Rong. Therefore, Yan Lingji's power of faith has a close relationship with Zhu Rong.

In other words, the transformation of these beliefs will make Yan Lingji's shaman bloodline move towards Zhu Rong. This is a good thing, but it does not mean that there are no shortcomings.

After all, Yan Lingji is Yan Lingji, and she is not a member of the prehistoric witch clan. Liu Hao does not want Yan Lingji to become the second Zhu Rong in the future, so he naturally wants to eliminate the biggest influence and restore it to the original state. itself.

That is, Yan Lingji’s future incarnation of the shaman clan, and now her ‘self’ is about to appear in the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness.

This 'self' is no different from the statue at the end of Fang Yunwen Palace in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism. It is dedicated to others or to yourself.

What Liu Hao wants is that Yan Lingji's offering in the deep sea of ​​consciousness must be Yan Lingji herself.

Liu Hao can no longer solve all problems by using magic power. He must also use thousands of laws.

The power of these laws is not used on Yan Lingji, but to build an illusory and substantial world of consciousness for Yan Lingji alone, to induce Yan Lingji to make the greatest choice.

Liu Hao was somewhat worried that Yan Lingji's choice was not what he thought, because he knew that Yan Lingji's past experience was not good. Such painful experiences would probably make Yan Lingji move towards power in this 'world'. near.

Once you get close to the power, you can only choose Zhu Rong's true self, and the future will definitely mean that Yan Lingji will take over all the causes and effects of the ancient Zhu Rong ancestral witch.

If it were other things, Liu Hao might be able to accept it, but Zhu Rong, even though Nabu Zhoushan has no direct relationship with Zhu Rong, but they have passed by, one can imagine the karma involved!

At this time, Yan Lingji was already traveling in the world built by Liu Hao's law. She seemed to have returned to the past, to that little person in the Baiyue Mountains, with her closest master. Taking care of her, but forcing her to arrange everything for her.

She was immersed in the joy and happiness, but also subconsciously wanted to resist all these arrangements.

She seemed to feel that she had undergone fundamental changes from the past, and it seemed difficult to detect where these changes came from for a while.

She is a very sober individual, but she has also not completely accepted the past.

As time went by, this sense of familiarity became stronger and stronger. When she actually participated in the decision-making of the mountain range, she suddenly understood where this sense of familiarity came from.

Liu Hao didn't know that the reason why Yan Lingji really woke up was that he followed Liu Bang and Zhang Liang to farm, and he already understood the power of productivity in his bones. How could he tolerate Baiyue's farming like a primitive tribe?

With the first ray of awakening, Yan Lingji became more intelligent. Perhaps she was still immersed in the happiness of the past, but she had already stepped out of her own willpower. This is what Liu Hao really expected, and what Yan Lingji really expected. The true source of Ling Ji’s final choice.

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