Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and thirty-two. Premonition

1432. Premonition

When the scarlet flames in Liu Hao's eyes turned pale, Liu Hao was happy because he understood Yan Lingji's mastery of the power of 'karma fire', even if this mastery seemed to Liu Hao It doesn't matter so much, but it also means that Yan Lingji's willpower is gradually gaining the upper hand.

As the karmic fires in the scarlet flames strengthened, diluting the scarlet color, and then the mortal fires emerged, Liu Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then he could only leave it to Yan Lingji herself.

This time lasted far longer than Liu Hao imagined, or it could be that Yan Lingji herself was far more nostalgic for her past than Liu Hao imagined.

But no matter what, things developed in the direction Liu Hao expected, and became more and more stable. In the end, the result was what Liu Hao expected. When the statue of Yan Lingji's self appeared deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, its appearance It was also its own moment, which also showed that Liu Hao had real gains from this move.

Xiangyan appeared in front of Liu Hao again until Yan Lingji opened her eyes again. It seemed to be an illusion. Liu Hao saw a fleeting blush on Yan Lingji's face. It seemed to be a shyness and a kind of blush. In addition, Liu Hao almost blushed.

Fortunately, his cultivation level was high enough to realize this possibility, and he was forced to suppress it, preventing any change in his complexion.

He quickly waved his hand and turned into a piece of clothing to cover Yan Lingji. Who knew that such an action would bring a different scene in Yan Lingji's eyes? After he realized that, he felt annoyed again, feeling that his performance was a little too deliberate, which made him He quickly changed the topic:

"Now that the blood of the witch clan in you is comparable to that of the witches born in the early days, this is also your limit at this stage!

In the future, if you still need to purify this bloodline, you must make a choice. Perhaps you will abandon your human identity and regard yourself as a true member of the Witch Clan! "

"Teacher, this is enough!"

Yan Lingji's words came from her heart. If she hadn't walked across the heavens with Liu Hao, she wouldn't have cared much about it. It didn't matter whether you were a human or a witch, all she wanted was strength.

But now, she has a clear path for her future. She believes that she has been bound to many human races in the world and cannot abandon it. Moreover, she feels that this has obviously exceeded her expectations, and there is no need to pursue it anymore. What.

Moreover, she also understands that going a step further is obviously more risky and is definitely not something she can do.

She is equally satisfied with her current life. With Liu Hao, she feels an even greater sense of security, but her pursuit of power is no longer as persistent as before.

Liu Hao obviously also saw Yan Lingji's open-mindedness, and he was also very satisfied with Yan Lingji's sense of indifference. He believed that Yan Lingji like this was more suitable for the path of seeking the truth. Maybe not long after, even in the mythical world, Yan Lingji will also be promoted again, maybe even to the immortal level.

However, Liu Hao does not want Yan Lingji to enter the immortal realm in the mythical world, because by then, perhaps the will of heaven and earth in the mythical world will be very happy, but it will also bind Yanlingji to this world to a certain extent. Among them, she is not Liu Bang or Zhang Liang, but there is no need for this.

This also showed that Liu Hao didn't have much time to stay in the mythical world. He glanced at the progress of Liu Bang Group again and found that it was time to let go.

Southwest, Guangdong and Guangxi, and even the Hainan Island and Jiaozhi areas have now been completely occupied by the Liu Bang Group. Many industrial foundations that Liu Hao considers to be very low-level have begun to be established. However, these industries are like miracles in this world, directly It increased Liu Bang Group's productivity more than a hundred times.

If Liu Bang could still lose to Xiang Yu, it also shows that Liu Bang was not destined by fate, and such a situation would never happen.

The clothes of the Han family that Liu Hao valued have now been promoted a lot. Not to mention other areas, almost 90% of the people in Bashu, Yunnan and Guizhou, which were originally incorporated by Liu Bang, are no different from the Han family.

These Baiyue remnants, in the late Qin Dynasty, lacked a systematic civilization, and their convergence was also very obvious. Assimilation would be more effective, and this effect was also beyond Liu Hao's expectation.

Among them, we also need to thank the hundreds of schools that flocked here, coupled with Zhang Liang’s interesting promotion of unified Mandarin and the introduction of modern simplified characters and education models. The effect is even more impressive. Under the guidance of countless schools, everything seems to have fallen into place. .

"Not long after, we will also be leaving. Take this opportunity to do your part!"

"Yes! Teacher! I'm leaving here!"

Quietness has returned to the top of Qingcheng Mountain again. This place is still in a relatively primitive and undeveloped stage. The true development of Taoism in history requires the efforts of Zhang Liang's descendants. He feels that before long, perhaps Taoism among hundreds of schools will also discover here.

He opened up a small space behind Qingcheng Mountain and established some inheritance in it, which came from Tongtian Jiejiao. He didn't care what happened in the future, which could be regarded as giving this world one more choice.

He understands that as long as it is the Yanhuang system, the Three Purities are absolutely unavoidable. Instead of letting the Sanqing sect's subordinates try to find this world in the future, it is better for him to take the initiative.

Perhaps thinking of this, he also used methods in Wudang Mountain, Longhu Mountain and other places. He was not afraid that Liu Bang would not be able to control these famous mountains and rivers in the future. Liu Bang was not a mortal, and there was no need to worry about him.

"Not long after, Xiang Yu will also attack Xianyang, and the Great Qin Empire will also come to an end. Xiao He probably also suggested that Liu Bang take advantage of the chaos and enter Xianyang to collect the true essence of the Great Qin Empire, right?"

"This guy is smart enough. Household registration in the Qin Empire is the real wealth! Zhang Liang will probably not miss the countless collections of books, which can be regarded as less karma for Xiang Yu!"

Liu Hao still didn't know that Liu Bang's trio not only considered this, but the people of Xianyang City were also coveted by Liu Bang, Zhang Liang, and Xiao He. Rather than letting these people be buried in the war, it would be better to destroy the capital. Knock them unconscious and transport them to their territory through the art of moving clouds.

Even the arrangement place, Liu Bang and the others already have it, that is Hainan Island. All future wars will definitely not affect this place. These people are the best choice for natural rubber planting. How can they miss it?

In fact, Liu Hao also discovered that Liu Bang often flew away at night with his flying sword, and his destination was naturally all over the Central Plains. With a lot of information, he knew exactly where the people were having the most hardship.

He descended from the sky like a god and picked up these suffering people, and no one would refuse.

I have to say that Liu Bang's persistence made Liu Hao secretly praise him. Everyone understands the principle of adding up a little to make a big thing, but how many are really willing to do it?

After more than half a year, perhaps the number of people transported back by Liu Bang is not as large as the number of people brought to Bashu from the Yangtze River, but every one is rescued. These people are even far more loyal to Liu Bang than anyone else, and it will definitely be him. One of the true biggest supporters of the future, and one for generations to come.

Liu Hao also calculated that the number of people who were transported back by Liu Bang at night was probably only 30,000 to 50,000 people, but the arrangements for these people were very careful, and the number of people who would multiply in the future would definitely not be rare. You must know that these people are Spread throughout almost the entire Liu Bang Group area, it has now been consciously arranged by Liu Bang towards Dongguang.

Liu Hao would not believe it if there was no calculation by Liu Bang.

It should be noted that even the busy Zhang Liang did not know about Liu Bang's arrangement. Only Yan Lingji helped to arrange it, but she also helped to conceal it. After Yan Lingji left, the whole world might Only Liu Bang, who took action personally, is the insider, and it will be one of his unique trump cards for himself in the future.

This imperial mentality must be said to be innate. Even if Liu Bang was extremely satisfied with everything, he still chose to hold back and arrange it silently.

From this point on, Liu Hao has great trust in Liu Bang, knowing that even if this guy has many difficulties in the future, his Han Empire will probably be able to survive the impact of all the worlds. In any world, honest people will always suffer. On the contrary, Lao Yinbi is often the final winner.

Didn't you see that this guy was subtly subduing Han Xin?

The first batch of this guy's Whampoa Military Academy will soon graduate. In the future, the authority in the military will no longer be the same as it was when the Han Empire was first established in history. It will take various kings to satisfy these generals, right?

Within the entire Liu Bang Group's territory, many counties and counties have been divided, and no one dares to object is the best example. He introduced the cabinet system that was unique to the Ming Empire. In the future, there is no need to worry about the conflict between monarch power and prime minister power. Didn't you see that Xiao He was so satisfied?

Even Zhang Liang, a guy who may leave one day, also contributed unprecedented enthusiasm. It can be said that everything in the entire Liu Bang Group is within Liu Bang's arrangement, uniting and forging ahead, changing day by day.

When the rails are laid from scratch to mature, when the first steam locomotive is built, the high-speed train will once again set off huge waves. By then, it will be the time to completely end this troubled world.

By that time, Liu Bang may have already directed all his expectations towards how to unify the mythical world and how to lay out the future battles between the heavens and the world.

What Liu Hao likes most is this kind of ambition.

Why did he immediately choose to support Ying Zheng when he saw Qin Shi Mingyue World?

Why are you so happy when you see Zhu Di in the glorious world of Ming Dynasty?

Why have you been training Liu Bang?

Isn’t it out of appreciation for these real emperors? Don’t you recognize their ambition in your bones?

If Liu Hao saw Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, in another world, he would definitely not hesitate and would definitely be willing to give him the greatest support. The reason is the same.

In his heart, he believed that only such emperors could truly unify a world, and only they could lead the power of a world out of their own world to compete with all the worlds for their own space.

Only they can contribute the strength Liu Hao expected when facing the abyss!

If it were the emperor who was supported by the scholar-bureaucrats of the Song Dynasty, Liu Hao would only curl his lips and shake his head, thinking about fundamentally changing that 'feminine attitude' and prompting them to truly stand up. But the greatest responsibility will never be handed over to Zhao Kuangyin's descendants.

This is Liu Hao's choice. Why not give them a chance? Why not give yourself a chance? Give all the worlds a chance?

But he knows that even if he proves Hunyuan in the future, he cannot say that he can withstand it when facing the abyss. He cannot conquer everything by himself, and he must have more companions.

Now that you understand it, there is no reason not to cultivate it.

Furthermore, during this training process, isn't it the time when Liu Hao understands the many laws of human nature?

Isn't it a way to push up the upper limit of one's luck?

The prehistoric saints sent their disciples into their own earth, and through their own earth to the known heavens and worlds, didn't they value the luck that promoted feedback?

What he did was, to put it bluntly, no different from the calculations of the prehistoric saints.

He is quite different from other quasi-saints.

People only need to realize Hunyuan once, but he needs many times, three major incarnations, and the deity, a full four times. The feedback to the luck must be terrifying, and it must be the same if he can accumulate more. Just fine.

Otherwise, why didn't he go to the front line of the abyss to kill those visitors from the abyss?

Every cut has a profit, and the accumulation of luck seems to be much faster. Doesn't he know how to calculate?

It is nothing more than valuing the continuous supply of the future after a one-time investment in these worlds.

He can already feel that he has many connections among the walking heavens.

It was a vaguely guessable connection, invisible and invisible.

Perhaps this feeling will be stronger after Hunyuan is enlightened, but that does not mean that there will be no benefits at this time.

This is especially true for him, the incarnation of obsession who majors in the laws of humanity.

Humanity is humane. The more living beings it can influence, the more it can truly be called humanity.

He is lucky. As long as he intervenes, countless creatures in the world can be affected to some extent. Now that he knows this, there is no reason to compete with other powerful people for the choice of killing the visitors from the abyss.

In fact, how could Liu Hao not discover the improvement of the law of humanity in himself?

It is also because of this that he will continue to walk step by step in these heavens that seem to have little contribution at all levels, and he is often willing to completely change a world with one move.

This is both an accumulation of magnitude and a change of quality, and it is something done before the disciples of the saints turn their attention to the human world.

Because he had a premonition that if he didn't do it now, he would inevitably have conflicts with the saints in the future.

It is also for this reason that he often does not eat alone, but leaves a legacy belonging to the saints of the three pure saints in every world, more or less.

In addition, he felt that one of the other incarnations seemed to have reached the limit and must be enlightened. He guessed that this incarnation was probably caused by White Tiger Liu Hao. Although he could not help, he must not hold him back.

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