Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and thirty-three. The saint comes out of seclusion

1433. Come to heaven

Obsessive Liu Hao's prediction was correct. White Tiger Liu Hao's accumulation has reached one limit after another, and has been suppressed time and time again. Now it has reached the point where it can no longer be suppressed.

The prehistoric world, the land of Kun, where the underworld is.

During these days, the creatures in the entire underworld have a sense of depression that appears from time to time, as if there is always a big mountain above their heads, and the manifestation of the market forces them to be a little breathless.

Only those with truly advanced cultivation can understand the reason for this, and they often cast their sights on the location of Emperor Fengdu's palace.

Because they had a premonition that the new Emperor Fengdu had reached the edge of a saint, and it was already difficult to suppress the holy will in him.

It is obvious that such a situation cannot be concealed in the underworld, and it will inevitably spread to the ancient world. Didn't you see that the real powers of the ancient world have returned one by one in these days? They all feel the pressure and have different thoughts. How can they still be in the mood to play house with other monks outside?

In the ancient starry sky and the Ziwei Star Territory, on this day, a slender green figure appeared. Next to him was a seven or eight-year-old girl. It seemed that this girl rarely went out. She saw everything wherever she went. It looked so attractive that the cyan figure had to slow down and wait for the girl to catch up.

Someone who can penetrate all Ziweixing's early warning and protective formations obviously cannot be an ordinary person. Who is it if it's not Tongtian?

The girl he was carrying was actually the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit who had returned from the past life and was reborn. She was a new individual who had completely abandoned her previous life and could only choose to rebuild her body. She was like a blank sheet of paper. Who made this new Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit? Since he was born, he has only stayed in the Shangqing Heaven, and the total population he has seen is only about three to five.

Tongtian attaches great importance to this newly returned disciple. Naturally, he was born in front of him when he was conceived, just like raising a child. Naturally, he will get more love from his master.

Tongtian arrived in person, not in any incarnation, but in his real form. Liu Hao did not dare to neglect. As soon as he found out, he directly informed everyone in the Ziwei Palace, and walked out quickly, waiting in front of the gate of Ziwei Palace. After a while, Zhuge Liang and others also appeared one by one, standing behind Liu Hao and waiting quietly.

Not long after, I saw the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, the leader of Tongtian, arriving leisurely. Seeing Liu Hao greeting her early, she seemed to be very happy, but she didn't let it go:

"You, the majestic Emperor Ziwei, also know etiquette!"

"Don't dare to neglect the saint when he arrives!"

Liu Hao didn't know that Tongtian said this deliberately, and he was happy to deal with it easily with Tongtian.

"Come here, I have seen Saint Tongtian. When you are out in the future, please remember to be respectful!"

"We pay our respects to Saint Tongtian!"

"Everyone, get up! Even if you come to see me, I have no gifts to give!"

"Hahaha! So stingy!" Liu Hao laughed; "Here, please! Zhuge, go pick some fresh tea leaves!"

"Yes! Emperor Zun!"

Zhuge Liang paid his respects and led everyone to turn around and leave. Tongtian also approached Liu Hao. Seeing the Turtle Spirit Madonna looking at him curiously, Liu Hao buttoned his sleeves for a long time before taking out a small A small seal.

This was made by Liu Hao in his spare time by imitating the Xuanwu Seal. His understanding of the many laws within the Xuanwu Seal was also incorporated into it. It was very suitable for the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother. When they met for the first time, he naturally wanted to give it to him. What a good thing. He is also a child, and there is no reason to be stingy. In addition, he was very happy to see the Turtle Spirit Madonna. After refining it himself, it was of no use, so he was even more happy to help the other party.

Tongtian saw the power of this seal at a glance. He nodded slightly towards Our Lady of Turtle Spirit, who happily accepted it without saying anything, and then walked towards Ziwei Palace.

"If a saint doesn't descend to the mortal world, aren't you afraid of what other saints will say?"

"Hmph! Don't you understand? Your incarnation has achieved enlightenment in the past few days. He has achieved Hunyuan. How can the saint's restraint of not descending from the mortal world still be useful?"

Liu Hao was stunned for a moment and thought to himself, with the character of saints, since there are already people in the world who threaten their disciples, there is absolutely no reason to watch from the sidelines. This ban from Hongjun would have been destroyed even without Hongjun's nod. , and it will certainly not last long.

The Tongtian in front of him may have guessed this early. Instead of waiting, he might as well do a test himself and act before other saints, so as to tell other saints that today's Tongtian is different from the past, so that he will not be constrained by various rules. .

If a Tongtian who doesn't follow the rules gets angry at all, it will definitely be terrifying, and other saints will never dare to gamble.

To a certain extent, this was also a blessing given by Tongtian to his disciples who had finally escaped from the list of gods.

No wonder they all say that every move of a saint has great hidden meanings. Today, it is indeed the case!

"On the contrary, you seem to have great trust in your incarnation!"

"My evil thoughts, the incarnation of me, have already surpassed me in cultivation. Even if I go, I won't be able to help anything. Why go?

I don’t believe that anyone dares to mess with Queen Houtu’s territory. Maybe Queen Houtu is very happy to see it, right?

Since the tunnel appeared, Empress Houtu has never taken action. She is only eager for someone to go and establish her power! "

"Hahaha... You have no inhibitions. Once you say these words, can Queen Houtu still wait and see? Could you use my verbal provocation strategy?"

"You are a saint after all..."

Liu Hao was also very speechless. He didn't have the calculations that Tongtian said. Being told something like this made him have something even if he didn't have it. It was equivalent to directly giving a share of cause and effect to Empress Houtu. Didn't he suffer a loss?

Soon, he also discovered that Tongtian's words must not have been outspoken, and they must have more profound meanings. With a little thought, he could understand Tongtian's meaning.

It's not anything else, but Tongtian deliberately mentioned it and told other saints through heavenly secrets that there is also the existence of Queen Houtu, the master of the earth. Maybe it's a gamble, but the consequences will definitely not be that good.

He understood more clearly that this was Tongtian deliberately telling Liu Hao that even if the possibility of the two Buddhist saints intervening was only in case, it was possible.

Before the two sat down at the coffee table, Zhuge Liang picked new tea and arrived.

"This tea has been planted in Ziwei Star Territory since today. It is the first time to pick it. I don't know whether it is good or bad. I just tasted it today. It can be regarded as the blessing of Saint Chrysostom. It will also be able to provide me with more treats in Ziwei Palace in the future. thing!”

"You're not polite, aren't you afraid that I will be dissatisfied after tasting it and ruin its reputation?"

"I still have some confidence!"

"Huh? There is a hidden meaning of the Three Lights. Could it be that you watered it with the Three Lights Divine Water?"

"Of course!"

"It seems that you got a lot of opportunities in Penglai Islands!"

"How can I hide it from you saints? It's probably because you are too lazy to pay attention. The other saints don't need it at this time, otherwise they would have been found at the door long ago!"

"Your calculation is not bad. The Second Sage of Buddhism also has a plan in mind. He is already estimating how much you will get, right?"

"How could I know about the saint's plan? It's just that they haven't recovered the three pieces of the destroyed Golden Lotus of Merit, so they didn't come to exchange it, right?"

"That's all I can think of!"

The third-grade Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue was taken away by Taoist Mosquito. Sanqing was naturally happy, and even more willing to use practical means to cover up the secret. Under such a game, so far, the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue can only be of ninth grade;

Of course, Liu Hao also knew that the two of them probably had other plans and were not in a hurry. However, they did not know that Empress Houtu had already taken action. The third-grade golden lotus of merit had long been obtained by the demonized Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The calculation may only come to nothing.

It is also impossible for Liu Hao to know about these, and this is how the two of them had this conversation, but why didn't they say it was for Yin and Zhunti to hear about it?

It was also Liu Hao who did this deliberately, telling Jie Yin and Zhunti that if you really take action when White Tiger Liu Hao attains enlightenment, it will never be possible for the Three Lights Divine Water to be traded to you in Buddhism in the future.

This in itself also turns this rare possibility into a billion possibilities. Since we have this advantage, there is no reason not to take advantage of it.

At this time, Liu Hao was still thinking about another question. Even if he didn't take action, he would probably rely on the quasi-sage powers of Buddhism, right?

Do you also need to block this possibility?

He thought of the black turtle in Luzhou, Beiju, and then a smile appeared on his face.

It's not that he can't do it himself, but that he needs to be prepared for more possibilities, and he will never show up until the end, because the unlaunched nuclear bomb is the most deterrent.

The Tongtian in front of us is coming today, isn't it that we are taking sides? It is telling all sentient beings that Tongtian is happy that White Tiger Liu Hao has attained enlightenment, and it is also telling Liu Hao that this represents the attitude of the Three Pure Ones.

But don’t think that Tongtian didn’t notify Taiqing, Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan at all, so it doesn’t represent the attitude of the Three Pure Ones. This in itself is a constant struggle. Anyone who comes forward from Tongtian deity must also represent the Three Pure Ones. Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan also It must be acknowledged, and it must be acknowledged.

In other words, the personal arrival of Tongtian deity is also telling Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan that you cannot take action.

When a saint comes out of the mountain, even if he is completely restrained, the heavenly secrets are so vast that the sky is coming. How can other saints not know about it?

Both Taiqingtian's Laozi and Yuqingtian's original two seemed very helpless.

I'm okay, I'm just doing nothing, just one more enlightenment, but I'm just entering Hunyuan for the first time. He can crush a group of such opponents by himself, and he won't really take them seriously at all.

In fact, Yuan Yuan had no intention of stopping it in his heart. What made him unhappy was that Tongtian took action without informing him at all, making it seem as if Yuan Yuan could not tolerate the new saint. Is he so stingy? is it necessary? You are the good guy, so the bad guy can only be his original self?

But if you're not happy, you can only bite the bullet and admit it. You can't run out and have a big quarrel with Tongtian, right? When the time comes, he will have to fight a war. He believes that Tongtian will definitely be willing to do this and directly vent the anger that was originally felt when the Yin and Shang were conferred as gods.

He could only snort coldly in his heart, and just as he was about to speak out, he found a ray of light shooting out from the Taiqing sky, and this ray of light went directly towards Ziweixing.

As a saint, Yuan Yuan could tell at a glance what was hidden in this light. It was clearly the 'Wind and Fire Futon' that comprehended the great path.

This is interesting, the wind and fire futon, but there is no difference between the things close to Lao Tzu. It is the thing that most affects Lao Tzu's Taoism when people are present. It has no other obvious effect, but for enlightenment, even in the prehistoric times. Definitely at the front.

This is no longer simply a representation of Lao Tzu's attitude, but a kind of aboveboard support, a very supportive one.

To put it bluntly, it is no different from me telling the world!

It doesn't make any difference to throw such a treasure to Liu Hao, even if it's clearly for help!

Yuan Yuan couldn't help but be startled when he saw it, but he quickly understood Lao Tzu's calculations, and even more understood that the chances of White Tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment must be very high. When a few people gave him support, they also wanted to make White Tiger Liu Hao attain enlightenment. The Tao Yun is left in the Wind and Fire Futon, so that after taking it back, it can be understood and improved in order to improve one's Taoism.

Yuanshi Tianzun's first thought was to follow Lao Tzu, but he immediately found that he did not seem to have such a treasure to choose from, and he felt depressed for a while.

But he also doesn't want to give up. Does he know how much progress his elder brother has made recently? He seems to have surpassed him by a lot. If he doesn't follow up, he will fall even further behind in the future. Face and the like are definitely not something that needs to be considered at this point in time.

The great battle of the world is right in front of us, and the information coming from the Luzhou world channel in Beiju is enough to fight for everyone's lives. The abyss may be able to hide other quasi-sages, but it will definitely not be able to hide it from these saints.

You must also let go of the pride in your heart, because all pride is based on your own level of cultivation.

With determination, Yuanshi Tianzun directly threw out the Yu Ruyi in his hand, and the direction of travel was naturally the Ziweixing where Liu Hao was.

Among the Three Pure Ones, one came in person, and the other two directly gave away the most personal treasures, without any hidden intentions. Such actions, falling in front of all the powerful people in the prehistoric era, told them that this time it was better to give up. It is good that you have all your thoughts.

Ziweixing, Liu Hao was also stunned when he received Laozi and the Original Spiritual Treasure. On the contrary, Tongtian burst out laughing, seemingly very satisfied with it.

They still underestimated me. For me, who was about to touch the realm of heaven, he knew best the benefits that White Tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment brought to the ancient world.

Although this benefit cannot be said to push the upper limit of the prehistoric world, for me, it is also a long knife that can break the bottleneck.

If we say that in the entire prehistoric period, apart from Hongjun, Empress Houtu and Empress Nuwa, the one who most wants White Tiger Liu Hao to attain enlightenment is definitely me! He must be the most supportive!

When Liu Hao received the Fenghuo futon, he immediately felt the expectation coming from it, and he could understand the reason for it after a little thought.

What a firm determination to seek the truth!

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