Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and thirty-four. No room left

1434. No room left.

Since ancient times, seeking the Tao has always been the mainstream!

Whether it is the so-called struggle for luck, the storms that stir up the entire prehistoric world, or even the catastrophe, they are all for the purpose of going further and higher on the road of pursuit!

The saints also did not escape this choice!

Otherwise, why would he create a world alone and sit there for countless years?

Liu Hao felt that compared to these saints, his perseverance in this pursuit was simply scum.

It was also the first time that I realized that I seemed to underestimate these saints too much. In the final analysis, I still didn't stand high enough. Many times, I often only saw them competing for face.

As everyone knows, all the competition for respect among the saints is just a snack after dinner!

It's like doing a little exercise while practicing and seeking Taoism. However, because the saints are so awesome, even this small movement will greatly affect the operation of the entire world, which can be seen by outsiders. Go on, even if their desire to compete is so 'human', they still can't truly break away from 'human nature'.

Now that Liu Hao had realized what he was doing, he felt that he had a profound sense of enlightenment. He felt that he was a little too entangled in various calculations in the ancient world, which caused his pursuit of the Tao to seem to be off track.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao quickly stood up and bowed deeply towards the edge of chaos, Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun. This was actually a thank you to the two saints for bestowing the 'personal' spiritual treasure. , and also my greatest gratitude for being able to understand the meaning of seeking the Tao before I became a white tiger and realized the Tao.

When he stood up again, even Tongtian felt that Liu Hao had changed a lot. It was like the world after a wind and rain. The whole world had been washed, becoming clearer and more thorough, and his entire temperament had also changed. More and more calm.

He clapped his hands and smiled, waving his hand to prevent Liu Hao from bowing to him.

At the edge of chaos, I and Yuanshi Tianzun, who received Liu Hao's sincere bow of thanks, were also slightly startled, then also smiled slightly, and then shook their heads slightly.

The former naturally saw the changes in Liu Hao, and the holy will in him soared again. After shaking his head, he thought of his own disciples, especially Yuanshi Tianzun. He subconsciously glanced at the ancient land and looked at himself. Many disciples paused one by one, assessing their character.

During the whole process, he made more stops on Guangchengzi, but in the end he placed his greatest hope on Zhongnan Mountain. Even though there is nothing in Zhongnan Mountain now.

Before he looked away, he also saw two spiritual lights shooting from the heaven and heading towards the underworld. Needless to say, the spiritual treasures given by the two of them were sent directly to the White Tiger Liu Hao by Liu Hao himself. This made him Very satisfied too.

Don’t think that if it is given by a saint, the person to whom it is given will not hesitate.

This is a saint's thing. Without any external objects, a saint can already influence others across any space, not to mention there is a saint's personal spiritual treasure medium.

It can be said that everyone understands that once the enlightenment is influenced by the outside world, this possibility will inevitably be greatly discounted. Who can truly trust others?

Liu Hao was able to express his gratitude and immediately hand over the two spiritual treasures to the White Tiger Incarnation. This was no longer a matter of understanding the attitudes and appeals of Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, but also a great trust in the two saints.

This kind of trust has gone beyond any calculation of interests, but is a way to tell many saints that he, Liu Hao, and Hunyuan Zhengdao have the qualifications to become their true Taoist friends.

If Liu Hao's realization came in an instant, a break away from the limitations of thinking at the last moment, then it was not the case for White Tiger Liu Hao.

When he received the treasure from Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, he just waved his hand and put it away, then raised his head and nodded slightly towards the empty space;

During the whole process, there was no change in his expression at all, and he seemed to have known it for a long time. From this, it can be seen that White Tiger Liu Hao's character has long surpassed that of his own deity, and he has truly treated himself as an equal with many saints.

Don't think that this change is insignificant. At this juncture when enlightenment is imminent, if you don't have this confidence, it can be said that the chances will be greatly reduced.

In turn, this xinxing has shown that White Tiger Liu Hao is confident in the enlightenment of Hunyuan, and he has regarded himself as one of them.

Even Liu Hao had to secretly praise his indifference, thinking that he had woken up early, otherwise he would have been laughed at today.

"Your incarnation's cultivation level is much higher than that of me. Why don't you blush?"

A small sarcasm came from Tongtian, which made Liu Hao rarely shy, but then he felt happy again, and he opened his mouth and said proudly:

"Then why should we be ashamed? We are one!"

"It's very strange for me to be a poor Taoist. Why don't you take back your incarnation understanding from time to time? This will also allow you to constantly improve your realm, so that you can understand other avenues more quickly!"

This question really asked the essence. It is said that Liu Hao made the choice after thinking for a long time.

"At this time, fellow Taoists are very clear about the pros and cons!"

"Of course! Are you afraid that the understanding of many avenues will be unbalanced?"

"There is a reason for this, but it is not entirely true!"

Liu Hao paused for a moment, then a rare blush appeared on his face: "Actually, it is just a poor Taoist who is worried that he will not be able to withstand the temptation! That is the Taoist priest, and who can resist the temptation?"

Tongtian also smiled after hearing this, but he had to agree with Liu Hao's words. He had no experience in this area, nor did he have any thoughts of becoming an independent person. Liu Hao's actions were unique in the entire prehistoric era, but they were also I have to say that this choice lit up a bright light for saints like them.

"To this day, Pindao is still very puzzled by your choice. Aren't you worried that one day these incarnations will rebel?"

In fact, this is still the real reason why saints dare not make decisions today.

You must know that the incarnation is the incarnation after all, and it is okay to prove the Hunyuan. Once they want to move towards a higher realm, the incarnation will appear not round enough. To put it bluntly, it is missing a corner. Maybe they can deal with it indifferently now, but in the future Woolen cloth?

This risk still exists, and it’s not small!

How could Liu Hao not know this?

But he knows very well that if he wants to catch up with the progress of the saints and catch up with Hongjun's class in the future, he must take this risk! I have to take the risk!

Maybe there is no threat of the abyss on his own earth, so he can still be more relaxed, but his white tiger incarnation has really been to the abyss. It can be said that in the entire universe, he is the one who knows the horror of the abyss best.

Knowing these threats, how could he not know that Hunyuan might be nothing more than mediocrity in the face of the abyss in the future?

If you want to truly take your own destiny into your own hands, you must be cruel to yourself.

In fact, he was fully aware of this risk, and had even made the decision in his mind that he would be swallowed by the incarnation in the future.

This is what he thinks and does. He feels that the avatars may have different personalities now due to their different thoughts, but once they merge into one, they will still be their former selves. In this case, who cares who you are. Assimilated to whom?

Furthermore, Liu Hao's heart was big enough. He knew very well that if he didn't do this, it would be impossible to comprehend all the three thousand avenues.

In other words, even if he steps into the realm of heaven in the future, he may be another Hongjun, but he will definitely be stuck in this realm for countless years, and there may even be no possibility of breaking through.

In this case, why not take a gamble?

But it was impossible for Liu Hao to tell anyone about this.

"We are originally one body, so what does it matter who assimilates whom in the future?"

Liu Hao's words were slow and leisurely, but he revealed unprecedented firmness. After hearing this, Tongtian, who was listening on the side, was stunned. After a long time, he shook his head. This choice is not something that everyone dares to make.

During the conversation between the two, in the chaos, which is known as the place of bliss, it is also in the dojo of Jie Yin and Zhunti. Both Jie Yin and Zhunti looked at each other and saw the appearance of each other. Bitter.

"The poor monk felt that Liu Hao would be the first to attain enlightenment in the ancient world, but he didn't expect him to be so bold!"

"Senior brother! Liu Hao must have made his decision a long time ago. How can he not see through the risks? But he still makes this choice. Could it be that there is an understanding in it that we have not yet fully understood?"

"As a brother, I don't even know!"

Jie Yin shook his head slightly, but there was a trace of trance on his face.

After the enlightened saint, Jie Yin can be said to be the first one on this road, because the method of enlightenment in his dream is to divide billions of existences, each of which walks its own path independently.

In his method of enlightenment in dreams, he originally built a world, and then divided his consciousness infinitely to become the living beings in it. Each of these differentiated consciousnesses is an independent individual, and only they are completely in the world. Only when you die in the dream world will you return to yourself.

At this time, it is also the time to understand the great path in the process of harvesting the goods of these sentient beings.

Obviously, this effect will never be less.

You must know that this method of enlightenment in dreams, even in Lingshan, was only passed down to one person, Tathagata. This also shows how precious it is. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the highest practice method in Buddhism.

It can also be seen from this that Jie Yin's method of enlightenment in dreams is similar to Liu Hao's incarnation of completely letting go.

However, differences also exist.

Jie Yin's method of enlightenment in dreams always subconsciously sets an upper limit for all differentiated spiritual consciousness, which is Daluo Jinxian.

In other words, it is Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit!

Perhaps it was also the upper limit that Jie Yin set for all his spiritual consciousness, which led to the fact that no Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit had ever appeared so far.

At one time, he also thought about letting go of the upper limit, but in the end, he still chose to give up.

Without him, it would still be but uncontrollable.

It should be noted that as long as any creature understands the law, even if this creature was just conceived by a spiritual consciousness before, it can only be called an independent individual at this time. This is a rule that must be observed in any world. .

In other words, at that time, if you want to take it back, you will definitely be rejected by this spiritual creature, and it is even possible that you will have to fight to get it done.

Jie Ying is worried that the world he finally built in his dream will collapse due to the war. At that time, it will have to be built again.

But how could it be so easy to build again?

Don't think that just entering your own dream is enough, how is that possible?

You must know that the dream world of Jie Yin is itself the manifestation of its Tao and Fruit world. Once it collapses, or even if there is any damage, it will be a kind of damage to its essence. How can he dare to gamble lightly?

His greatest wish is to achieve the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit of his own spiritual consciousness in the Dao Fruit World in his dream, because only in this way can he give birth to the seeds he needs from the Dao Laws that were originally difficult to comprehend. .

And as long as he has this seed, with his great wisdom and perseverance, it will definitely take root and sprout, and it will definitely give birth to a chain of laws that he originally had difficulty understanding.

So far, the introduction has not been successful even once, but even so, the harvest of the introduction is still immeasurable.

For example, he integrated what he had learned more and more, and saw various details that he had never noticed before;

Another example is that he got many specious 'seeds', which he could not conceive even if he tried countless times. But even so, he still gained a lot, especially the improvement in the laws he originally controlled, prompting them to It is easier to use and so on.

Because of this, Jie Yin is always immersed in it and enjoys it, and never feels that his choice is insufficient.

However, today, Liu Hao's open-mindedness made Ran Jie Yin a little confused. He felt that there was still a huge gap between himself and Liu Hao's determination.

But when it came time for him to choose, he still had trouble making up his mind and didn't dare to try even once!

It seemed that apart from a wry smile, that was all he could do.

This is like a guy who is already a billionaire. He already has a money-making model that has been verified countless times by himself, and he does not dare to break it lightly.

To put it bluntly, it is fear. Once fear breaks this stability, an uncontrollable situation is likely to occur.

On the other hand, Liu Hao had already made this choice when he entered the prehistoric era, because at that time he already understood that the road ahead would be extremely difficult and wanted to compete with the saints, Hongjun and others. He has to make a choice, he has to make up for the time he lacks. If one is not enough, just let go completely. If four of them work together, they can always make up for more progress, right?

After making the decision, Liu Hao has never thought of going back on his decision, because he has reaped unimaginable benefits from it and it is difficult to turn back.

Because when he beheaded the first three-corpse incarnation, he didn't leave any room for himself at all.

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