Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Five. Destiny for All Living Beings

1435. Opportunities for all living beings

In life, doesn’t it mean you have to be tough on yourself?

Liu Hao feels that he has done a good job in this aspect. After all, he is also a time traveler. The pride in his heart also determines that he must compete with the real top people. Otherwise, it is better not to climb this peak.

Facts have proved that his choice was correct, at least so far there has been no mistake.

In front of me, the incarnation of White Tiger Liu Hao is about to attain enlightenment. Outsiders may think that White Tiger Liu Hao is a saint who attained enlightenment in the wilderness.

But only Liu Hao himself understood that the incarnation of the White Tiger was basically aimed at the 'Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian'.

The arrogance in his heart has long been deeply imprinted on his incarnations, and he has never thought that the enlightened saint and all the heavens and worlds are the real way back. If he is limited by this, One side of the world, that is the real gain outweighs the loss!

But he didn't know that he was not the only one who knew that there were also Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa in the prehistoric world.

They each control the world, so what can be hidden from them in the prehistoric world? Even in the future, Liu Hao still doesn't know that these three people are quietly watching from the hidden depths. There is a feeling that the big tree planted with great difficulty has finally blossomed and is now about to bear fruit. This expectation is even greater than that of many saints. Be violent.

In other words, the external influence that Liu Hao is worried about cannot appear in the process of white tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment at all, because the three people of Hongjun are the biggest guarantees, and they do not want the first fruit that finally appears to be affected by external influences. If the situation changes, they will never allow it.

When they saw Liu Hao himself shooting a spiritual light at the ancient Xuanwu Continent, they also smiled slightly. How could they not know that this was Liu Hao's warning against Buddhism?

In Ziwei Palace, Tongtian laughed.

"It seems that fellow Taoists still have a lot of distrust in Buddhism! Yes, they have inherited and guided Zhunti, but how can they be willing to accept it after hundreds of millions of years of planning?"

"Aren't you worried about the disciple's mentality problem?"

"Fellow Taoist still underestimated Duobao!" When Tongtian said this, his mood also changed, but it was only momentary.

Has this been given up? Liu Hao's mind flashed, but he soon felt that there was a hidden secret in this that he was not even aware of.

You must know that Duobao is a great disciple of Tongtian, but he took him as a disciple before he became a saint. If he said that there was no affection between the two of them due to changes, he would not believe it.

But thinking about the nature of prehistoric times, Liu Hao can understand it again.

In the final analysis, Duobao transformed into a Tathagata in order to pursue the Great Way or to become a saint. Since the nature of the prehistoric times is like this, it is no wonder that others do so.

Perhaps the other quasi-sage masters who were sentenced to Buddhism from Taoism are not as disliked as Liu Hao imagined, because they feel the same way, and it is mostly understandable even if others are not happy.

The so-called door view seems to be nothing more than seeking the truth!

Just like Tongtian said, Liu Hao underestimated Duobao. Also, he was sentenced to enter Buddhism and became a Buddhist Buddha. He has been criticized by the whole world. Even so, he did not see the Tathagata showing even the slightest irritability. This How many people in the entire prehistoric world can compare to this?

In this case, how could one suffer a psychological breakdown due to being overtaken by latecomers?

Maybe a little depressed, but that's it, right?

It only takes a moment for people to adjust their mentality.

It seems that he is a bit stingy by letting Xuangui enter Xiniu Hezhou!

But now that the thing has been done, it is impossible to take it back. There is still some benefit in thinking about it. After all, White Tiger Liu Hao also killed the Buddha of Joy in Buddhism, and he also had hatred. It is inevitable to be a little defensive. How many pairs of It's also a warning to others, right?

"The Tathagata is famous in all the heavens and worlds! You will know it when you go there!"

"Oh? Hahaha, that's right. The saints have retired to some extent. Compared to Taoism, Buddhism is more willing to spread itself. Therefore, it is understandable that Tathagata, the Buddha, has a more prominent reputation."

Tongtian thought for a moment and saw through the inside story, but Liu Hao felt that Tongtian still didn't see through. It wasn't that his reputation was a little higher, but that he was completely crushed.

"Fellow Taoists will be able to know in the future that the Tathagata's choice now, but the poor Taoist feels that it is not the best;

In the prehistoric times, he may have been one of the top contenders for the position of saint, but compared with all the worlds, he still lost the watermelon to pick up the sesame seeds! "

"Huh? Is it already so prominent?"

"It will only far exceed your expectations!"

Liu Hao's indifferent words made Tongtian fall into more silence. After a long time, he saw Tongtian slightly raising his right hand, seeming to be weighing and struggling. Finally, he sighed and sent a message towards the ancient land. This message disappeared directly into the space. Although it was sent in front of Liu Hao, it was also done very cryptically.

This is the emotion of a 'master', or perhaps it is the last support of a 'former master'. Liu Hao watched silently, but did not make any sound.

In Luzhou, Beiju, the Tathagata Buddha sitting on the top of the mountain opened his eyes. The black turtle stepped into the scope of Lingshan. He did not change at all, as if he had nothing to do with him, but now, he can't;

This was a message that directly penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness. This message could only be achieved by a saint. The childish feeling in it made him not feel it for countless years. He even felt that his nose was a little sore, but He was soon completely suppressed;

It seemed that he opened his eyes just to take a faint look in the direction of the black turtle.

"Is this the way for me to achieve enlightenment by integrating the Tathagata of all heavens and realms into one?"

"Master! Thank you very much!"

Ripples flashed through Tathagata's heart. He admitted that his heart was moved. He knew better that in the entire ancient world, if there was only one person who was good for him, this person must be Tongtian. In turn, the two great saints of Buddhism were also It is absolutely impossible to completely trust him, and the wariness deep in his heart can be clearly seen no matter how hard he hides it.

Today's entanglement between the major forces in Buddhism is the best truth. As a living Buddha, there are past Buddhas before and future Buddhas. Isn't it just telling myself that I can replace him anytime and anywhere?

"My mind is still not calm enough, and I am still affected after all!"

The Tathagata sighed again in his heart, and after sighing, all distracting thoughts were truly completely gone. A faint Buddha's voice sang softly in the entire Mahavira Hall, and many Buddhist disciples also looked at the Tathagata with intention, but One glance also suppressed their restless thoughts.

Buddhism is now in its prime, but it is the largest sect in the world. How can a mere quasi-sage dare to block the gates of Xitian Lingshan? Who would be happy? Not even the Black Turtles who have reached the fourth level of Heaven and Earth can do it. There are not just one or two who want to go out and compete with the Black Turtles, even if they know that they are probably delivering food when they go up.

Before, they were all waiting for the Tathagata to issue an order, but now they discovered that the Tathagata Buddha did not seem to have any dissatisfaction, and even this indifference had affected them. Is it to appease their restlessness?

Or maybe there are other reasons that I still can't figure out?

Little did they know that it was Tathagata's sudden change that prompted Ran Deng and Maitreya, who were still flirting with their thoughts, to choose silence.

Especially for Ran Deng, it is absolutely unthinkable for him to take action personally.

Near Buzhou Mountain in Zhongzhou, he personally saw White Tiger Liu Hao crush the Happy Buddha to death. Compared with his own life, he didn't think he could survive a few rounds in the hands of White Tiger Liu Hao. He didn't dare to take such a risk.

Now it seems that the Tathagata Buddha whom I am looking forward to is also very clear about the truth. Besides, Sanqing has expressed his position, so there is no need for him to do anything else. The Second Sage of Buddhism has not sent any signal so far. Is it necessary?

Besides, even if Buddhism doesn’t come out, no one else will stop it? Especially those reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God who are hiding deeply, can they calm their restlessness?

Once White Tiger Liu Hao proves his truth, let alone anything else, the many reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God who were originally involved in the tunnel will be like another shackle on their heads. Can they endure it?

This is White Tiger Liu Hao's biggest risk in attaining enlightenment, and it is something that every quasi-sage master knows very well.

In fact, this is the disaster that White Tiger Liu Hao must go through in his righteous path.

Therefore, Liu Hao himself did not make any arrangements for this, and letting it go was a choice in itself.

On this day, there was a trace of murmuring in the wilderness. The voice seemed to be that of a singer singing in a low voice.

This is a sign of heaven and earth, and it is the resonance of many laws between heaven and earth.

In Lingshan, Tathagata, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. The golden light in those eyes was dazzling, like two small suns. Not only Tathagata, any monk who stepped into the quasi-sage in Lingshan, which one There is no difference between them, they all channel all the mana into their eyes.

Because in the entire world, the manifestation of the law has appeared. This is definitely an excellent time for enlightenment for countless years. If you miss today, you don’t know when it will appear. This is also something that anyone who wants to give to the quasi-sage will definitely not want to miss. timing.

Not only them, but also Liu Hao himself, and the saints didn't want to miss it.

Likewise, this time is the safest.

In the Underworld, the white tiger Liu Hao sat cross-legged in the Fengdu Hall.

Outside the main hall, the Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions and the Yamas of the Tenth Palace each sit cross-legged on one side. They are divided into two levels, inside and outside. They look well-proportioned, but in fact they imply a huge formation, and they use their own bodies as the formation flag. This spontaneous defense was something White Tiger Liu Hao had not expected before.

He, the new Emperor of Fengdu, has only made various arrangements since he took over, and has not had any say at all since then. Logically speaking, his prestige cannot be as good as this, at least not as high as that of other great powers. It seems strange.

Little did they know that White Tiger Liu Hao had already given them the greatest benefit when he regained this group of people. It was this gift without any hesitation or doubt that made them come here today, even if White Tiger Liu Hao didn't think so. There was no need at all and I was very moved, so naturally I had no intention of stopping him.

Little do they know that it is because of their friendship that they are now the group that has gained the most among the saints in the entire world.

As a enlightened person, White Tiger Liu Hao can be said to have let go of everything he has at this time. If the entire prehistoric law begins to manifest, then the center of manifestation must be White Tiger Liu Hao. As those closest to White Tiger Liu Hao, they must also They are the group that can see the most clearly.

At this time, they felt that a slowly unfolding book was placed in front of them, and various 'formulas' that were impossible to see in the past were unfolded in front of them one by one. Even if they could only understand a little about it, once they Remember, whenever you reach a bottleneck in the future, as long as you think of these 'formulas' today, not only will you suddenly become enlightened, but you will also have a direction. This is the real gain.

Previously, Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun gave personal spiritual treasures. Wasn't it for these reasons?

In the world, the light whispers still continue, and become louder and louder, but those who truly know understand that this is simply an illusion.

Anyone who feels that this loudness is getting louder and louder is always warning them that they are about to reach the limit of their own understanding. When this loudness reaches the critical point, it also means that the laws they see in their eyes have come to an end.

In Lingshan, as time went by, the bodies of the Buddhist disciples from Daluo Jinxian down all trembled, and then they could only be forced out of the enlightenment state. The golden light in their eyes also completely converged, and their faces were full of annoyance. I can only sing 'Amitabha' in my heart.

Their state is also the state of all creatures in the ancient world. In this process, there are exceptions, such as the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother brought by Tongtian.

At least, someone is protecting me, and I'm rebuilding again.

But these exceptions are always in the minority.

Before long, Daluo Jinxian cultivators will have no choice but to leave, even the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother is no exception. Those who have not truly come into contact with the law can only stop here.

Because beyond that, it’s not something they can forcefully comprehend with any amount of perseverance.

When the dividing line comes, the sound of the avenue becomes their last life-saving straw. Maybe in this process, only a little bit can be heard, but it is definitely rare.

If you have better luck, it may even completely change your future.

There is such a one on the coast of the East China Sea.

If Liu Hao were here, there wouldn't be any surprise, because this person is Feng Baobao.

Such a guy, who even I took under his disciples as soon as I saw him, has such an inactive character that even I must secretly praise him. Only a guy like Feng Baobao can push this opportunity to the limit.

At this time, a whirlpool of spiritual energy appeared all over Feng Baobao, like a huge funnel, pouring down towards him above her head. A small black and yellow pagoda appeared directly above her head, protecting her. Any threat, I will take action!

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