Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Six. Tao Fruit

1446. Daoguo


Everyone knows that from today on, the rules of the entire underworld are about to change.

Before White Tiger Liu Hao could deal with the problem of the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God in front of him, several figures flew in from a distance. Who was the one at the head if he wasn't Zhuolong?

If before today, the white tiger Liu Hao, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, and the group of tigers in the Underworld could be respectful on the face and indifferent in their hearts, but from today on, this respect must come from the heart.

This is the crushing force brought by the rank. The two sides are no longer on the same level.

Who can survive to this day and be a fool?

When the vision disappeared, this group of people had already started to rush on their way, otherwise they would not have arrived so quickly.

"Zhuolong congratulates the emperor on his enlightenment!"

These words did not make him humble, but the sincerity in his words was very clear to White Tiger Liu Hao.

Not to mention other things, when the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God broke out, these people did not close the doors of their rooms, but stepped out one by one. Even if they did not have white tiger Liu Hao's sermon in their hearts at that time, this favor, White Tiger Liu Hao must also recognize it.

Naturally, he would not use his own enlightenment to intimidate them.

He waved his hand, and Kuchiki Rukia, who had been hidden by him without knowing where, appeared in front of him, obediently took over the hospitality, and arranged the seats.

This attitude also made everyone who arrived feel relieved.

They have reason to worry.

Emperor Fengdu is not only the supreme commander of the underworld, but also the emperor of the entire underworld;

To put it simply, according to the rules, White Tiger Liu Hao, the Fengdu Emperor himself, is the superior of this group of people. However, the previous Fengdu Emperor’s cultivation level was just like that, and he had no way to deal with this group of people, which led to this group of people in the underworld. The truly powerful ones are out of control, just like princes.

They were used to it. After the arrival of White Tiger Liu Hao, the new Emperor of Fengdu, he did not break this tacit understanding. Although he participated, it was only superficial. The place they ruled was not much like before. Big difference.

But no matter what, White Tiger Liu Hao, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, is their superior. The superior preached the truth. They ignored him and just watched from outside. This was a huge dereliction of duty in itself, even if they later helped White Tiger Liu Hao to block it. They were in a bit of danger, but if White Tiger Liu Hao really wanted to talk about it, they had no choice but to admit it.

In the final analysis, the big fist is the last word, and you can naturally turn the original truth into truth.

Now, they discovered that White Tiger Liu Hao did not hold on to this matter. This was the reason why they breathed a heavy sigh of relief, because they understood that this matter was in the past.

But the past is the past, and the future will definitely not be like the past, right? This group of princes must also usher in a real king.

Little did they know that White Tiger Liu Hao had no such intention at all.

In the view of White Tiger Liu Hao, chaos has returned to the underworld, but there is still a bottom line between this group of people. They will not really want to cause turmoil in the entire underworld, and they will also control this kind of fight within a controllable range. .

This approach seemed very appropriate to White Tiger Liu Hao.

The Underworld is no different than other areas. Countless souls enter almost every day. Among these souls, more than half are occupied by obsessions that cannot be let go. Arranging for their reincarnation is not impossible, but it is definitely not the best way to deal with it.

The best way for this group of souls is to give them a place where they can struggle, that is, under the tent of this group of people, and give them the opportunity to climb up. In this process, the elimination rate is also very high, almost all the souls are scattered, and only the real ones are left. Spiritual reincarnation.

The true spirit, to put it bluntly, is the purest soul. It has lost everything in the past and returned to the soul itself. Such reincarnation of the true spirit is more in line with the law of six paths of reincarnation.

White Tiger Liu Hao also learned from Empress Houtu, so naturally he would not interfere too much. Besides, how can there be peace in a place with people?

He asked Rukia Kuchiki to arrange seats for the group one by one, place spiritual fruits and serve tea;

This group of people immediately understood the thoughts of White Tiger Liu Hao. After thinking about it, they all proved that these small things are not a big deal to Emperor Fengdu. Even if they bother them, it is still difficult to rely on the palm of Emperor Fengdu. , as long as they don't cause a riot in the underworld, maybe Emperor Fengdu won't even take a look at them, right?

As soon as this idea came out, the faces of this group of people immediately turned bitter. Before today, everyone could still treat each other as equals, but starting from today, the gap has become huge!

Immediately, they thought of the position of an authentic saint, and then immediately realized that this was not the moment they were talking about;

He secretly made up his mind again in his heart that when there is no one around, he still needs to properly display Emperor Fengdu. Not to mention other things, he must not leave an unpleasant impression on White Tiger Liu Hao, otherwise White Tiger Liu Hao will be there when the time comes. Even if Houtu Empress could deny it, she would have nothing to do with them at all opportunities.

"You have done well in the affairs of the underworld in the past. Just as it was before, it will be the same in the future. As we practice Taoism, we compete with the heaven and the earth for our lives. Some battles are naturally inevitable;

However, the core of the underworld needs everyone to work together to maintain it. You need to know that this is the foundation of the earth! "

He didn't speak, and no one dared to speak. After much deliberation, he happened to take the opportunity to express his "policy philosophy", but his words were more about explaining the operation of the underworld and emphasizing its core role, making this The group of people also worked together to maintain their dignity.

This itself is also a 'request', and it is also the first time that he, the enlightened emperor of Fengdu, has made a 'request'.

These words, in the ears of this group of people, have no small effect at all.

The Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions and Yama of the Tenth Palace and other members of the underworld agencies were naturally very happy.

This joy is not only knowing that the powerful people in the underworld will no longer deliberately embarrass them in the future, but also makes them understand that the tunnel is about to officially step up. Even the powerful people in the prehistoric world, they You can also use White Tiger Liu Hao's words to refuse just now.

This has not been easy for them to deal with in the past. To put it bluntly, this time they really have a tall man to support them.

Zhuolong and others also showed no signs of displeasure. In their opinion, having requests was a good thing. It was much better to tell everything in full rather than to make assumptions in their minds.

Furthermore, what White Tiger Liu Hao said just now sounded reasonable to them. Even if White Tiger Liu Hao didn't say anything, they must abide by the core of the underworld, which is related to the six realms of reincarnation. The only difference is that outsiders need to understand When the interests of the underworld are harmed, they need to stand up and be in line with the major institutions of the underworld.

It sounds like they need to contribute, but it is also telling them that in the future you will also represent the underworld and the earth. If you really want to compete, you should compete with the way of heaven and humanity.

"I will obey the emperor's decree!"

Everyone did not hesitate at this moment. They stood up one by one and bowed to White Tiger Liu Hao. Their answers were unprecedentedly unified.

White Tiger Liu Hao was in a good mood: "I'll leave it to you all to deal with the underworld in the future!"

"It's your duty! Emperor, you can rest assured!"

In a few words, the entire underworld has undergone a huge change.

Even Taiyi Zhenren, who was originally a disciple of the saint, that is, the rescuing Tianzun, at this time did not think there was anything wrong in his heart, but more of what should have been.

In his opinion, Fengdu Great Emperor White Tiger Liu Hao has already attained the Hunyuan Dao, so he should be placed in the same position as his master Yuanshi Tianzun. Where in the future in the underworld will others be able to point their fingers?

Even if they wanted to use the back door to explain their teachings, it would be his master who should come and discuss it with White Tiger Liu Hao, the Great Emperor of Fengdu.

After the banquet, the entire underworld seemed to have not changed at all. It was time to quarrel and fight, but in the eyes of the ancient monks, it was essentially different from before.

At this time, in the Fengdu main hall, White Tiger Liu Hao was sitting with a group of reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God. There was no outsider. Even Kuchiki Rukia was arranged by him to guard the entrance of the main hall, and he also cast a formation in the main hall. These arrangements made the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God feel much more at ease.

"I have proven to the Hunyuan, and there should have been disasters in the world. Since Honghuang arranged for you to take action, it was God's will. Naturally, I will not hold on to you and wait for your fault.

But, since you take action, you must know the cause and effect, right? "

This is the most terrifying thing. Cause and effect, whether in the prehistoric times or in other heavens and realms, cannot be seen or touched, but it is also recorded in the records. There is no telling when you must repay it. And forming a karmic relationship with a Hunyuan monk, many times the death of the body is still not enough, and it may even be implicated for a hundred lifetimes.

Therefore, these words not only made this group of people feel relieved, but also made them have to be on tenterhooks again. You can imagine the bitterness in their hearts!

"We have sinned, and we must obey the arrangements of the Heavenly Lord!"

These words were spoken by the leader elected by this group of people. As soon as he said these words, the bodies of the group of people shook slightly, but they soon understood that this might be the only thing they could do. Now that they had given in, If you lie flat, you may be able to get better treatment.

However, these words did not go beyond Baihu Liu Hao's expectations. He nodded slightly, as if he recognized the attitude of the group of people. After they calmed down one by one, he spoke softly:

“I have two options for you to wait for;

One is that since we have formed a causal relationship with me, I will take action to kill you and others, and then arrange for you and others to be reincarnated again, and this causal relationship will naturally be eliminated;"

After saying this, White Tiger Liu Hao paused, and the group of people in front of him started buzzing again, but this time the silence was faster.

Because this plan had been anticipated in their minds, it couldn't be said to be good, but it couldn't be said to be bad either. The only thing that reassured them was that White Tiger Liu Hao said it would stop here and he would never pursue their future reincarnations.

But for them, the real essence has still not been solved, because even if they are reincarnated again, after they enter cultivation, there is still a large chance that they will embark on the path of extracting the ancient laws again. By then, it is not necessary to Being suppressed by the prehistoric world, isn't it still possible that there is no way forward like now?

"The second plan requires your cooperation!"

This group of people looked at White Tiger Liu Hao eagerly, thinking, you should tell me quickly. They have already given up life and death, what else can't they cooperate with?

"You also know how harmful it is to a world to extract the laws of a world and incorporate it into itself;

In other words, once you do this, your path to enlightenment in this world will come to an end. Not to mention other things, I believe you will also feel how little your own luck is, right? "

White Tiger Liu Hao watched them nod one by one before continuing:

"Now that you know this road won't work, how about letting it go completely?"

"Back to Tianzun, we already want to let go, but we just don't know how to deal with it!"

"This requires your cooperation. You can also see that I have realized Hunyuan and have controlled all the laws of the earth. If you let go of all cooperation with me, I can save you from the wild world. The laws of extraction were completely broken up and returned to the wild world.

In this way, more than 90% of the sins recorded in the world can be eliminated! "

It would be really difficult for other saints to do it, but for White Tiger Liu Hao, there would be no problem.

The group of people in front of him are just quasi-sages. Even if they extract the ancient law, they are just pitiful in Liu Hao's eyes. They can do it with a flip of his hand.

Of course, this requires the complete cooperation of the opponent, otherwise the opponent may be killed by accident.

This method, this group of people really thought, on the one hand, while shocking White Tiger Liu Hao to control all the authentic laws, on the other hand, they also thought of another problem, that is, even if these extracted laws are returned, they may still be able to do it in the future. Walking down this path, without addressing this point, still seems to have no effect.

In addition, full cooperation is also a big problem. Who doesn’t have a little privacy?

Even they knew that to White Tiger Liu Hao, who had attained enlightenment, this little bit of privacy was nothing at all, but it was another way of saying that he couldn't cope with it psychologically.

The buzzing sound was endless, and a group of people could no longer suppress it. They needed to discuss it carefully. The choice they made was related to their future, so they couldn't help but be cautious.

"I believe you also know the Taoist Fruit of Enlightenment, right?"

White Tiger Liu Hao's last words suddenly aroused the hearts of this group of people.

There is a state of sudden enlightenment.

Since their reincarnation and return, their first thought is to improve their self-cultivation as much as possible, because in their view, if they cannot quickly enter the quasi-sage, they will not be able to control themselves at all, and therefore they will miss the opportunity to truly integrate into the world. Luo Daoguo also.

This group of people were born in chaos, where have they heard of this?

Even if they heard about it, most of them were still disdainful. However, hearing it from White Tiger Liu Hao today was a different story, and there was even more anticipation in his eyes.

"The realization of Daluo Daoguo in one world is also a sign that you are in one world. Even if you are still separated from the prehistoric world, the connection has been completely connected. Even if the prehistoric world does not want to recognize it, you must still Recognized too!

This is not only true in the prehistoric world, but also in any world! "

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