Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and forty-seven. Lamb to be slaughtered

1447. Lamb to be slaughtered

What is the Daluo Daoguo?

White Tiger Liu Hao also had some insights in his heart. It can be said that these insights must be correct, but it cannot be said that he has fully understood them.

His words to this group of reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God couldn't be more correct.

Other people might not be able to say this in this way, but White Tiger Liu Hao doesn't care about this. Strictly speaking, he is not a native Holy Spirit in ancient times, so he naturally doesn't have too much concern about it.

Moreover, he also knew that the world of prehistoric times did not care about this.

For one side of the world, the need for the cohesion of Daluo Daoguo is greater.

The Three Thousand Avenues refers to the Three Thousand Laws, which stipulates that within a given avenue, the limit of the law is only three thousand.

But it does not mean that Daluo Daoguo can only be three thousand. Strictly speaking, Liu Hao cannot predict the number of white tigers. In his opinion, perhaps the number of one hundred and twenty-nine thousand, six hundred is very likely.

But in the long river of destiny in the ancient world, there is absolutely no such number.

White Tiger Liu Hao doesn't know what will happen once Yifangtiandi reaches this number?

But he also knew that getting closer would definitely be good for the world.

Perhaps by then, Yifantiandi will undergo a complete transformation, such as another upgrade in level, etc., or other unexpected benefits.

In short, this in itself is also a kind of support for the ancient world. If you do it, you will definitely be rewarded by the luck of the ancient world!

And the reincarnated demon gods of chaos who have proved the Daluo Dao Fruit have the path to abandon the original method of extracting the law. In other words, they also have the status they deserve with the native creatures of the prehistoric world, which is what the real ID cards are.

This is a win-win situation!

After thinking about these principles, this group of people didn't know that this might be the only way for them to take on the identity of the Chaos Demon God?

Suddenly, the original scruples about fully cooperating with White Tiger Liu Hao were much lessened.

The buzzing sound sounded again, this time even louder. After a while, they finally elected someone to take the lead. White Tiger Liu Hao didn't take it seriously. He knew that they were trying, and the guy who was elected in front of him probably couldn't remember it. Where is my original spiritual treasure?

Will he covet this group of people's treasures?

Before he became enlightened, he would naturally know how to do it, but now he really doesn't have much thought about it. It can be said that it is not a real treasure, and it is just mediocre in his eyes.

This guy is also very interesting. His cultivation level is the lowest among this group of people. He is weak and can only be used as cannon fodder everywhere. White Tiger Liu Hao doesn't care how much humiliation this guy suffered during the discussions of this group of people. It's been put on the chopping board, and he can't make the decision on his own.

Compared with these, White Tiger Liu Hao was more concerned about the other party's full cooperation. He did not want the first experimental subject to be messed up.

The reason why he gave such a good opportunity to this group of people who could be said to be "dead" was mainly to attract a group of useful chess pieces for himself in the future.

But don't think that the nearly a hundred reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God in front of you are useless because White Tiger Liu Hao doesn't take them seriously.

On the contrary, any one of these guys will be a huge terror in many heavens, even if all the chains of laws on them will be broken up by White Tiger Liu Hao, even if it will take a long time to be in the big world. Luo Jinxian was struggling in his peak stage, but he was by no means someone who could be provoked by ordinary people from all over the world.

Furthermore, once this group of people truly realized the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit as he expected, White Tiger Liu Hao would be even happier.

In the wild world, once they extract the law, they will inevitably face liquidation, but what if it is the land of the abyss?

White Tiger Liu Hao still wanted to encourage them to explore the road in the future.

Therefore, he was willing to contribute and spoke such seemingly selfless words, which gave this group of people an irresistible temptation.

Baihu Liu Hao gave enough time for the guy who tried to calm down, but he didn't know that at this time, Hongjun, Houtu, and Nuwa had already turned their eyes to this place. A huge level of crushing was still coming to Baihu Liu. Hao was watched without any resistance.

But when they saw White Tiger Liu Hao's handling method, they had to admire him.

If all the heavens and worlds were not connected, they might have another idea. But now, they are happy that there are more chess pieces in the wild world that can really be used. They are no longer anxious, but calmly check. They also want to see Baihu Liu Hao, the newly enlightened Hunyuan, can this lawful Hunyuan bring them more surprises?

Soon, they discovered the difference. If they were replaced by Hongjun and the other three, they would definitely need to use the power of heaven and earth to separate the original laws of the ancient world from these people.

But White Tiger Liu Hao doesn't need to do this. He only needs to release the law chain that has the same origin as the experimental product, and then when the other party completely relaxes his mind, guide it out of the body, then imprison it, and finally cut off the connection between the two. connections between.

For the experimental subject, it was just a stabbing pain in his heart at the end. When he opened his eyes, he would find that the chain of laws that originally belonged to him had little to do with him, and he could only watch the white tiger Liu Liu. Hao destroyed it and dissipated it into the underworld.

This law seemed sparse, but when it was annihilated by the white tiger Liu Hao and integrated into the underworld, the three of Hongjun could clearly feel the joy of the entire underworld, and even the excitement of the entire world.

Especially in this period of time when the prehistoric world returns to the beginning, more supplements may not benefit the entire prehistoric world, but less harm is the real foundation of the prehistoric world.

The three of them could understand the reason after a little thought, and then the eyes they looked at these reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God became even more unkind.

Although they have no desires or demands, it is nothing to do with themselves. In the eyes of all sentient beings, it may be a big deal, but in their eyes, it is just a trivial matter.

On the contrary, the sentient beings of the prehistoric era may not feel that it is a big deal, but now in the eyes of the three of them, it is really a matter of prehistoric times and their real future. After discovering this, how can they look good on these reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God? ?

In the foreseeable future, even if Hongjun and the others do not end up, they will definitely accelerate this great catastrophe. They are absolutely unwilling to see this group of reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God continue to grow bigger and continue to add any more to the prehistoric world. The harm comes.

This is already a matter of stance, and we must fight to the death.

From this point of view, the group of reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God sitting in front of White Tiger Liu Hao have truly escaped from the Great Terror. Once Hongjun and the three of them reach a tacit understanding, where will they have a foothold in the entire prehistoric world? also?

Returning to the Fengdu Emperor's Palace, almost everyone's eyes were fixed on the experimental product.

They saw the last change in the experimental subject. It was a stinging pain coming from the depths of the soul. When it returned to the body, it almost distorted the subject's face to the extreme. Fortunately, this stinging pain came and went quickly. , it returned to its former self in a moment.

Then, this guy quickly sat down and looked at everything he had. In the end, he felt that everything seemed to be the same, but he felt as if he had lost something.

Only Hongjun and the White Tiger Liu Hao know best that what the experimental subject has lost is his connection with reaching the destiny.

If this cause and effect is not cut off, no matter how many reincarnations this group of people have been reincarnated, they can only be chaotic creatures, and they can only move on their own previous paths, without any possibility of integrating into the prehistoric world.

Before, there was another thing that White Tiger Liu Hao didn't tell them, that is, if these people had the perseverance themselves, they wouldn't be able to do this without White Tiger Liu Hao's help.

It's like dispersing one's own cultivation. If they really dissipate the laws they extracted from the ancient world and know that they need to realize the Daluo Dao Fruit, they are just resisting the biggest temptation deep in their hearts when the time comes. .

Resist the temptation deep in the heart, and continue to practice and polish yourself. When the Daluo Dao Fruit appears, you will be able to see the existence of this causal line. If you want to succeed in the Da Luo Dao Fruit, you will be able to see the existence of this causal line. , you will know how to choose.

However, this method has a big fatal flaw, that is, the temptation originating from the depths of the soul is not so easy to resist.

Furthermore, without White Tiger Liu Hao's intervention and without earning this merit for White Tiger Liu Hao, the cause and effect between White Tiger Liu Hao and White Tiger Liu Hao would not be complete, and White Tiger Liu Hao would not let them leave peacefully.

To put it bluntly, after listening to the choice given by White Tiger Liu Hao, they have no other way to go. They can only let White Tiger Liu Hao toss repeatedly, and they can only pray that White Tiger Liu Hao has a high success rate.

After a while, the experimental subject opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

Rather than not knowing what he had lost, he now felt that he had real relief, as if he could only be on a high-speed train and could only let this train take him into the abyss. ;

But now, he found that he had jumped out of the window without knowing it. He might still be at a loss as to where he was going, but everything in the future was truly in his hands. This kind of freedom from being entangled by fate can only be truly grasped. When you hold it in your own hands, you will realize how precious it is.

This is a smile that comes from the heart and unconsciously emits joy. It is a beauty that he and the group of people behind him have never seen since their reincarnation. It is also this smile that has infected many guys who were still hesitant.

Now that we have reached the crossroads of destiny and there is no better choice, we might as well just take the gamble.

"Thank you, Heavenly Lord!"

The changes in the experimental subject seemed to have just begun. The severed chaotic cause and effect seemed to have severed the greatest violence in him. The whole person became much calmer. At first glance, he looked no different from the native creatures in the wilderness. There is a difference.

This change will gradually strengthen as time goes by in the future, because without this tyranny, this guy will be able to better integrate into the local monk group wherever he goes. With more communication, he will definitely become a real monk. The ancient monk.

White Tiger Liu Hao was very satisfied with his calculation. He knew clearly that at that moment, his luck in the ancient world had improved slightly. This was the greatest reward for what he had done in the ancient world. After realizing Hunyuan, the blessing of luck is indispensable, because the amount of luck can best feedback the speed of his next cultivation.

He already has the basic base, that is, the underworld, the underworld, and even the six realms of reincarnation, but this does not prevent him from adding more. Without the need to compete with many saints, the more benefits, the better.

He was happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face at all. Facing the experimental subject's thanks, he just nodded slightly, as if it was just a matter of convenience. If I hadn't reached an agreement with you before, I wouldn't care much about you.

The more calm and calm he is, the more he doesn't care at all, and the more he makes these reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God understand that the choice is not theirs at all.

They even feel that the Fengdu Tianzun in front of them may be wishing in their hearts that they would not choose this path, because once this happens, they will have the opportunity to kill them directly. By then, outsiders will know about it, and they will definitely not blame White Tiger Liu Hao. On the body.

As soon as this idea came out, the last group of hesitants had no other thoughts at this time. They were just fish and meat. They have already discussed with you and given you enough face. Do you really think that you can take care of yourself?

What followed was just as White Tiger Liu Hao expected, this group of people quickly became calm, and each of them even restrained their original commotion, and even lined up one after another, as if waiting to be slaughtered Cattle and sheep are common.

This awe made White Tiger Liu Hao very satisfied, and he also understood that the Chaos Demon Gods who had been reincarnated many times were no longer the same group of people who fought with Pangu, and had already lost countless people in their reincarnations.

Otherwise, according to their temperament, they can only fight to the death. How can they compromise with a guy who has just realized Hunyuan?

"Reincarnation seems to be far more terrifying than I imagined!"

Deep in his heart, White Tiger Liu Hao flashed a voice, but he was quickly occupied by the experiments one after another, and could not be distracted to think more.

The 'surgery' of nearly a hundred people can be said to have directly made White Tiger Liu Hao familiar with the use of laws to a higher level. This is also an unexpected gain, which somewhat relieved White Tiger Liu Hao's tired body.

When the last 'operation' was completed, White Tiger Liu Hao had no intention of continuing to communicate with this group of people. He waved his hand and directly expelled them. After that, he left the Fengdu Emperor's Palace. What kind of future will they usher in next? White Tiger Liu Hao wouldn't pay attention.

He is not a nanny, so how can he care about the life and death of this group of people?

He even felt that it would be great if half of this group of people could achieve the Daluo Daoguo.

This is still because of the probability brought by their identity as the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, but it has to be said that this is the case. Among all living beings in the wild, this ratio is enough to make people jealous.

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