Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and fifty-one. Healing

1451. Soothe

Liu Hao, who was immersed in it, didn't know that when the first chance of creation was born in the clear spring, Empress Nuwa, who was millions of miles away from him, was shocked physically and mentally, opened her eyes, and looked straight. Looking in his direction.

"This is a blessing! Could it be that Hongjun was the first to notice it?"

Empress Nuwa's red lips parted slightly, and her brows furrowed slightly, as if she was weighing something, but before she could make a choice, the attack in front of her came again.

"That's it! Now that we have entered this opportunity, we can't check it in a short time! But we need to work harder!"

The reaction of Empress Nuwa was also the reaction of Hongjun and Empress Houtu, but they believed that it was Empress Nuwa who pulled out this opportunity of creation.

Compared with the Nuwa Empress, Hongjun and Houtu were not in any hurry and had no intention of competing with the Nuwa Empress.

As for the few people who were invited by Sanqing to lead Zhunti, they could only vaguely notice the difference in this world, but for a while they didn't know what had changed, and then they continued to devote themselves to their own opportunities, not to mention anything else.

As for White Tiger Liu Hao, he clearly didn't care, and he didn't have any energy to care about it. At this time, he was exhausted from head to toe. Until now, he still only had the power to parry, but his opponent was like a robot, moving from head to toe. The tail is so full of energy.

Of course, White Tiger Liu Hao is not without gains. Compared to the beginning, White Tiger Liu Hao now has the ability to fight his opponents with the least amount of energy. What originally required the investment of a unit, now only requires a little more.

But even this still made him have no choice but to parry, and it seemed that it was far from time for him to fight back.

He was tired because of the illusion that it was difficult to see the end of the other party, so he had to devote all his energy to it. The mental fatigue was much greater than the physical fatigue.

Under desperation, White Tiger Liu Hao has decided to start absorbing the scarlet aura in this space, because he has understood that if he doesn't do this, he will only fail in the end, and if he fails, he can't even understand the consequences. Maybe It means directly paying the price of life. In this case, what is the impossible risk?

After trying it, he also discovered the horror of the law of internal killing within the scarlet aura, which indeed allowed him to recover a lot, but he also had to devote some of his energy to suppressing these side effects.

He was somewhat grateful for his progress. If he had absorbed it from the beginning, maybe he would have been defeated by now, right?

There are still endless parries, and there is no possibility of even dodging. No matter how hard you try, you can only watch the cicada-wing knife in the opponent's hand slash towards your vitals. The feeling of being cut into two parts did not allow him to try it himself.

I have to say that White Tiger Liu Hao's choice was correct. As time went by, White Tiger Liu Hao also found that he was becoming more and more adapted to these murderous intent laws. The 30% energy that originally needed to be invested in suppressing it now only requires 10%. Since So, why not keep trying?

Why not absorb more?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through White Tiger Liu Hao's heart. He realized that it was not that he had completely suppressed the murderous intention, but that as the murderous intention was absorbed by him, it had initially affected his judgment. There is nothing better than greed!

That is to say, White Tiger Liu Hao did not have the energy to look in the mirror at this time, otherwise he would have found that there were many bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and there was a faint scarlet murderous intention flickering between his eyebrows, and vaguely, there was also It can be seen that this scarlet murderous intention is like a tiny long knife.

This is the real horror of this scarlet murderous space. No matter how you choose, you can only move in the predetermined direction.

It was not the arrival of White Tiger Liu Hao today that became this test. If it were anyone else, even Hongjun would have to do the same, but his opponent would also change because of Hongjun's arrival and become the same as Hongjun. Evenly matched mirror images.

Isn’t the battle between Nuwa and Empress not over yet? The truth is that simple.

White Tiger Liu Hao seemed to have no choice but to absorb the scarlet aura. In fact, it was the only reason and it had to be this way.

And after absorbing it, it will definitely develop into the current state, as if this is the set route. If you want to escape, if you want to get this inheritance, you must defeat the opponent without being attracted by the scarlet murderous intention. control.

Otherwise, how could the inheritance of the majestic White Tiger Master be so easy to obtain?

Compared with the other four spirits, the test and fighting of Lord White Tiger is the real mainstream. He is not as easy to talk to as Lord Xuanwu.

That is White Tiger Liu Hao. Even other saints would probably be even more embarrassed now.

This is compatibility. To put it bluntly, how can it be so easy for others to find the inheritance of this dimension? Maybe the White Tiger Master doesn’t like it at all, right?

White Tiger Liu Hao woke up and resisted for a while before he noticed the change in his condition, but he was not too anxious because he found that the impact did not seem to be as big as he thought. In addition, It seemed that his body and soul were emitting a faint sound of joy.

It seems that there is something they want in this scarlet aura.

After a little thought, White Tiger Liu Hao also understood why this was the case. After all, the real body of his evil corpse incarnation is also the 'White Tiger', so the degree of compatibility is naturally quite high. Regardless of the killing intention and the law of killing, it is possible for him to The impact was definitely not as terrifying as he feared.

If that's the case, what's so scary?

There is no way out, why not just take a gamble?

He was also decisive enough and simply increased the intensity of absorption. Soon, he found that it seemed to be as he imagined. It might make him a lot more irritable, but that was all. On the contrary, his tired body and mind became relieved. .

This discovery also made him grin, but he didn't know that his grin was already like that of Shura. The scarlet sword that was originally looming between his eyebrows was already appearing like a tattoo on his brow, and it became more and more... of scarlet.

It's hard to predict whether it will be good or bad, but what I have to say is that White Tiger Liu Hao still continued to parry all the opponents' methods.

However, no one can predict how long this test will last.

Not to mention how much time it will take for White Tiger Liu Hao to get the inheritance, but in the clear spring land where Liu Hao's body is located, the chance of creation has developed from a trace to a wisp.

This is already an essential transformation, and when fed back to the movement of heaven and earth, it seems to speed up a hundred times, and it also forces Liu Hao, who has understood the great path, to become extremely stressed.

It seems to be so, it seems to be so, it seems to be so and it is not comprehensive.

This is the moment in Liu Hao's heart. All his understandings seem so blurred. It always feels like this makes sense and that seems right. This makes Liu Hao himself have a splitting headache.

As a last resort, he could only choose to postpone, and as he settled, the acceleration of the movement between heaven and earth also stopped. Compared with the original speed, it was a hundred times faster, but it also became even, as if stepping on the soles of refueling feet. It's like being taken back.

This was caused by Liu Hao himself stopping his movements, prompting his original Tao Yun to restrain itself, and the world had nothing to learn from.

After alleviating his own problems, Liu Hao realized nothing about it again. It seemed that this was his limit, as if he had reached a certain bottleneck. If he wanted to continue to comprehend more principles, he would need more knowledge. Accumulate, otherwise it will be useless no matter how much you read.

After many attempts, Liu Hao could only sigh. He also understood that today's opportunity with Qingquan might have come to an end.

"Is this an opportunity for good fortune?"

It was also at this time that he discovered the true transformation of Qingquan. His hands were wrapped around it, but he had no intention of taking them as his own.

"The Grand Master's dojo seems to have become more alive. Is it because we entered? Or is it because I entered this clear spring?"

Liu Hao himself couldn't figure out the reason, so he had to give up, but he wasn't too upset. After all, what he gained here was not that big.

It can even be said that the harvest was so huge that he wanted to dance and celebrate it.

He understood that although it seemed like he didn't gain much, in fact, it had allowed him to organize the three thousand avenues and three thousand laws to the extreme.

Even though Liu Hao himself has comprehended the Three Thousand Great Dao, only he himself understands that the fundamental reason why he is able to do this is because of his hard work with the three incarnations.

An incarnation divides the principles into one, and the three realms of heaven, earth, and man become one. Many of the insights gained from the incarnation finally converge on the deity, which enables the deity to fully understand the three thousand avenues.

But here, there is a more fatal point, that is, as the gathering place, the enlightenment copied from the incarnation still needs to be digested, even if this digestion takes far less time than others think. There are too many things that must be digested, and only when they are completely digested can they truly belong to me.

It was also for this reason that Liu Hao had to practice in Ziwei Star for a long time. It was not that he didn't want to wander away, but that he found that he didn't have the time at all.

He had to sort out these gains over and over again, and gradually digest them bit by bit and integrate them into himself.

However, there are still many surprises in such digestion, because the thinking modes of two brains are inherently different, let alone four brains.

At this time, Liu Hao himself had to think about whether he needed to abandon some of his insights, but he has not made up his mind yet, because he is not willing to let it go, and he also thinks that he will eventually understand it one day. After all, it is his own incarnation. Isn’t it agreed upon that the attainment of enlightenment is one?

This thought prompted Liu Hao to reach this point with many bumps and bruises. After digesting everything, he found that it was getting more and more difficult.

But this problem that I have been worrying about has disappeared today. All the avenues established by the three incarnations have been solved one by one with the blessing of the clear spring in front of me and the understanding of the operation of the heaven and earth of the Great White Tiger Dojo. Okay, even better from there.

What could make him happier than this?

He knows very well that his plan has indeed succeeded. The foundation of the Three Thousand Avenues is completely stable today, and all of them have reached the realm of 'Asian Saint'. He has truly stepped into Hunyuan with the laws of the Three Thousand Avenues. possible.

At this moment, he had an aura of contempt for the world, and then he restrained this aura. If Tongtian was in front of him, he would find that Liu Hao has undergone essential changes today, and he seems to have become so harmonious.

Instead of the usual indifference, there was an unconcealable restlessness.

A faint smile rose on Liu Hao's face. He gently touched the machine of creation in his hand, then put it away, and then slowly walked out of the spring. When he stepped on the spring water with his feet, he also discovered that He has been teleported out of the space where Qingquan is.

At this moment, he didn't have any nostalgia, and his heart was very open-minded.

He looked up at the sky and saw the vague turbulence in the heaven and earth. Escaped from this turmoil, he vaguely understood the direction of the people who entered with him, but he had no intention of participating. In the end, he looked towards He took a deep look in the direction of White Tiger Liu Hao, but he didn't have any worries.

Because he understands that even if there is ten thousand dangers in it, it is just a test for White Tiger Liu Hao, otherwise the resonance here would not have been caused by White Tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment.

If it wasn't for Lord White Tiger's calculations, he wouldn't believe it!

Hidden deep here, how can the Great White Tiger repay the cause and effect of this prehistoric world?

Is it just with the help of White Tiger Liu Hao to achieve enlightenment, or maybe before leaving, he had already calculated his arrival and knew that he would be separated from White Tiger Liu Hao to achieve enlightenment?

That’s probably it!

Liu Hao murmured, even the Ancient One in the Marvel world could see countless possibilities through the time stone. In the eyes of the White Tiger, who was already at the peak of the realm of heaven when he left, maybe it was just a casual glance, right?

And this is the real chess player!

Such a thought flashed through Liu Hao's mind, and he immediately strengthened his guess. In this case, how could White Tiger Liu Hao be in any danger?

Maybe even if something happened to Hongjun, the Great White Tiger wouldn't let White Tiger Liu Hao have any accidents, right?

The only thing that makes it difficult for Liu Hao to guess is how the White Tiger Master will deal with the world under his feet?

It is no longer possible to integrate into the ancient world and transform the Xuanwu Master's dojo into a continent in the ancient world. So is the only option to turn into a vast world and rely on the ancient world?

"This seems to be a way!"

"But, if this is the case, it will take countless hours!"

"You need to know, no one can predict when this place will take shape!"

"That's it, that's it! What's the point of me thinking about this? Even if it needs catalysis, it's White Tiger Liu Hao's business. Don't worry about him and look for other opportunities. It's not a waste of time for me!"

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