Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and fifty-two. Wedding dress

1452. Wedding dress

Lord White Tiger's dojo is very large, and I don't know whether it is because there are many secrets in it or for other reasons. At least Liu Hao himself cannot cover the entire dojo with his spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, he also discovered that even if his spiritual consciousness scanned back and forth, he could not see where there was a place where opportunities could be obtained.

This is already a situation where the cultivation level has been completely crushed, just like a mortal can never discover anything outside of his own body, and can only rely on guessing what dimensions, what dimensions, etc.

Liu Hao now feels like this, as if he can see everything at a glance, but he knows very well that everything he can see is just the appearance, and he can only see so much.

The reason for this is because Liu Hao himself was a little confused, because he found that there seemed to be opportunities that fit him in any direction. It seemed that every opportunity was equal, and he couldn't tell which one suited him best. .

Opportunities seem to be everywhere, but Liu Hao understands that countless choices also mean no choice.

In the end, he could only smile bitterly, and he could only rely on himself to randomly guess a direction, and he could only gamble on his luck.

In fact, he also understands that this may also be because he is a fellow practitioner of the Three Thousand Principles. Because he has not given up any of them, it also means that every opportunity is valuable to him and suitable for him.

It's not that Liu Hao is unhappy, the real reason for his wry smile is because he understands that this kind of perception may stay with him for the rest of his life.

But you chose your own path, so who can blame you?

Perhaps he also discovered this, so Liu Hao was not in a hurry. He chose a direction and simply moved forward unhurriedly and began to appreciate the scenery along the way.

Different from when he first stepped in, Liu Hao still didn't see any living beings, not even a single plant, along the way, but he could also see the vitality that was about to burst out.

It seems to be a process of transforming the original saline-alkali land into fertile land. It is a kind of hope that can make people feel comfortable just looking at it.

Even if you forget to look around, you will still see the boundless Gobi Desert, the lingering weathered rocks, and the endless desert, but even Liu Hao cannot suppress the heartfelt emotional changes between the two.

This was almost a resonance between heaven and earth and him, as if the world that was about to take shape couldn't wait to tell Liu Hao the whole news.

Upon discovering this, Liu Hao was also stunned. He didn't think that this was his own guess, so it could only be the truth.

"Heaven and Earth can't wait to share this news with themselves. What's the reason for this?"

"Vitality... It turns out that there is already an opportunity for creation in the White Tiger Master's dojo. But if you want to give birth to a living being on your own, it will take hundreds of millions of years. No wonder you can't wait!"

"Do you want to allow yourself to sneak creatures here from the outside?"

“Or maybe you just want to plant trees yourself?”

Liu Hao, who stopped in place, had the idea of ​​​​trying. He could not do it now by sneaking people from the outside, but he would not lack seeds. At this time, what he took out was a spiritual fruit, which came from Nuwa. The empress is not inside the Zhoushan Dojo;

He ate the Keling Fruit in a few mouthfuls, regardless of the difference between the Keling Fruit, and then carefully planted the remaining core under his feet, and even took out the Three Light Divine Water from his body to catalyze it.

Almost before his eyes, the core of the spirit fruit changed, but in a moment, a lush tree rose from the sky under his eyes, but Liu Hao was still frowning at this time.

Without him, the degradation would still be too serious.

It was just the core of a low-grade spiritual root, but now it has grown into a big tree that can barely achieve spiritual growth. There is no longer a slight difference in level between the two.

As a vast world that is about to be realized, how can it be possible that the White Tiger Master's dojo lacks the flow of spiritual energy?

Even Liu Hao felt that the spiritual energy here was almost the same as that of his own earth. So, the only factor that caused this might be that this world was still evolving, or because it had not yet truly taken shape.

So, does it mean that the spiritual plant that has achieved so much in front of us has the possibility of evolving together with the world?

Will it evolve into a spiritual root in the future?

At this moment when he was stunned, flowers were already blooming on the big tree. Subconsciously, Liu Hao did what a bee should do. Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, thousands of fruits began to grow on the big tree.

These fruits looked almost the same as the spiritual fruits Liu Hao had eaten just now. However, Liu Hao had already discovered the huge difference in quality after just one glance, and he even gave up the idea of ​​tasting them.

A breeze came slowly, and I don't know if it was intentional by heaven and earth. The thousands of fruits on the big tree seemed to have been ordered. They were swept up and shot out in all directions. In just a few breaths, they were Out of Liu Hao's sight.

Needless to say, these fruits are bound to be taken away by heaven and earth in all directions. Perhaps before long, there will be countless vegetation in the white tiger Taoist dojo.

Seeing this, Liu Hao was also happy and searched for all the possible seeds in himself. In just half a day, a huge spiritual plant garden was formed in Liu Hao's hands. Just like before, as long as these spiritual plants mature, they can be harvested. There must be a breeze blowing, which will inevitably blow the seeds of their next generation, but where exactly they are carried is not what Liu Hao wants to care about.

"How long has it been since I last farmed? Ha... it seems not bad!"

The reason for this is that Liu Hao found that his actions were not without benefits. It seemed that in the dark, this world had become closer to him, as if it had tacitly accepted him as the first-generation gardener, and even directly assigned the piece of medicine circle he had planted to Liu Hao.

This kind of labeling was something Liu Hao had never discovered before. It made Liu Hao understand that the "will" of this world that was about to take shape seemed to be much more advanced than he had imagined.

This was already quite intelligent, and it already had its own wisdom, even if it was still a little ignorant.

Compared with the prehistoric heavenly way, it seemed to be nothing. After all, this prehistoric world that was about to take shape was also a part of the prehistoric world. In this way, it seemed to be more in line with it.

But Liu Hao was a little bit muttering in his heart: "In the future, how should the prehistoric world treat the world consciousness of this world?"

"Let it develop, or swallow it directly?"

While watching the faint formations appear in the hundred-mile area of ​​the medicine circle assigned to him, he thought about these possibilities in his stomach.

Compared with the former, Liu Hao felt that the latter was more likely, because the prehistoric Heavenly Dao had reached a certain limit, and the other party should not miss any possible improvement for himself, right?

"No, since the Heavenly Consciousness of the White Tiger Great Venerable's Dao Field appeared, does it also mean that the Heavenly Consciousness of the Black Tortoise Great Venerable's Dao Field may also exist?"

"Could this be the true feedback of the Four Spirits to the prehistoric world?"

The more Liu Hao thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was more likely.

In the prehistoric world, owing any cause and effect to the prehistoric world is no different from owing the cause and effect to the prehistoric Heavenly Dao. Who made the Heavenly Dao the only one with consciousness in the whole prehistoric world?

Then the 'Heavenly Dao Consciousness' can only be the prehistoric Heavenly Dao Consciousness, and all the causes and effects owed to the prehistoric world must satisfy the 'Heavenly Dao Consciousness'.

What can be comparable to the 'Heavenly Consciousness' of the world?

Perhaps this is the calculation of the four spirits itself, right?

"How can I see through the tools of a true master now?"

In his heart, Liu Hao smiled bitterly. He could not let his guess come to an end, and he dared not speak it out loud, because once he did so, it would probably break the calculations of these great masters, and he would not be able to bear it at that time.

Shaking his head, he could only pretend to be stupid, but he was a little depressed in his heart. He felt that he was now like a person who was neither good nor bad. He seemed to be in a good position, but in fact his position was very embarrassing.

"Forget it, after returning, it is better to retreat in Ziwei Palace!"

In front of him, the formation that vaguely protected the medicine garden had taken shape, gradually surrounding the surrounding area of ​​100 miles. Liu Hao, who was standing in it, could already feel that a small dimensional space was about to be formed, but he did not feel any joy.

He was more like a third party watching, watching a child happily take out snacks to thank him, and could only pray that this child would not make wedding clothes for others in the future as he imagined.

"The stronger the person, the more terrifying his mind is. Have they already used the world as chess pieces?"

"Will I be like this in the future?"

At this moment, Liu Hao thought of his family. It seemed that he had not seen them for a long time. It seemed that if it were not for the feeling, he would have forgotten them completely, right?

"Is this the price?"

Even though Liu Hao wanted to deny it very much, he still couldn't find any reason in the end.

It seemed that as his cultivation level improved, his concern for his family became more and more indifferent.

"When did this feeling start?"

"Is it after I achieved the Dao Fruit of Daluo Jinxian?"

Liu Hao vaguely saw the dividing line of his mind change. It seemed that before this, he would think of various ways to improve his family's cultivation, fearing that they would be in danger due to their low cultivation level, and even thought of various ways to increase their lifespan.

But after this, it seemed that this idea had been completely forgotten by him, as if there was a resistance in the dark that prevented him from continuing.

"Is it the trajectory of fate?"

"Is it because he has achieved the Great Luo Dao Fruit, reminding himself that it is not a good thing to continue interfering?"

"Or is there another reason?"

"After all, he is still a chess piece! If I achieve the Hun Yuan Dao, will there be any changes?"

Liu Hao murmured in his heart, but his mood became more and more depressed.

After a long time, a light sound came from his ears, which pulled him back to reality from his thoughts.

In front of him, the dimensional space he had imagined has completely taken shape. If he looked outside at this time, the spiritual plant medicine garden he planted has disappeared, as if it had been separated from this world.

This gift is not small. Perhaps this is the maximum limit that this "child" can give, right?

"Is there any bribery here?"

"Maybe? Who can know? Who can become a real chess player without jumping out of the realm of heaven?"

Another bitter smile passed, and Liu Hao finally calmed down. He was also somewhat fortunate in his heart, fortunate that he had made the three corpses completely independent. Only in this way can his obsession incarnation last forever in the world, and only if the obsession incarnation lasts forever can his forgotten family members be taken care of forever.

Even if it is 'obsession', this cause and effect can never be cut off, and there is no need to cut it off, so any action is reasonable. Even if it is the law of fate, its constraints are not much higher, right?

As for the rest, it was not something he could intervene at this time. After all, his cultivation level was still low, and it was not his turn to cause trouble.

"Perhaps it's time to continue to improve the ancient Tao of hundreds of schools!"

After making a decision in his heart, Liu Hao waved his hand and left a mark in this dimensional space. After thinking about it, he grabbed a huge stone from the side and cut it into a 100-meter stone tablet in a few clicks. After a little refining, Then he carved the three characters "Primary Garden" on it, which can be regarded as defining the dimensional space.

“I don’t know when the next time will come, and I don’t know who will have the opportunity to step into this place in the future!”

Liu Hao, who once again returned to a state of no sorrow and no joy, did not find that his character had improved further, nor did he know that this 'indifference' was the only way to achieve Hunyuan.

When he left, he nodded slightly toward the sky, as if he was greeting the 'child', and seemed to be thanking him for the 'candy', but he left so resolutely, and he was telling the other person, This is just a 'candy', and it doesn't have much value to me.

The world has returned to that loneliness again, the wind and sand are blowing, the desert is lonely, and a firm body is slowly moving towards the distance, as if everything just now is just an illusion, but who knows that it is this 'illusion', which will affect both parties There are fundamental changes in everything!

Whether this change is good or bad can only be known in the future. One day in the future, Liu Hao will continue to track today's speculations, but he will only be able to watch from the sidelines.

But it is undeniable that the 'hallucination' just now has put great pressure on Liu Hao, causing him to completely break away from the joy of becoming the white tiger Liu Hao and realizing Hunyuan, and has further strengthened his urgency to improve his own essence. sex.

He had a premonition that the 'Great World War' that he was talking about was getting closer and closer, and which group wanted to truly survive in this 'Great World War' and become a real gainer, their current cultivation level was far from enough. may be achieved.

Because chess pieces can only be chess pieces after all, and only by grasping one's true destiny can one make calculations.

Otherwise, all the calculations you think are just a bubble, and they can only serve as wedding dresses for others!

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