Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and fifty-three. dividing line

1453. Daluo Daoguo dividing line

The wind and sand continue to blow, and the Gobi is still the next door. Even if it is like gold, even if it is real gold, it cannot arouse any interest in Liu Hao.

Standing in front of a new opportunity, there was no change in his face, as if what he was about to obtain was not an opportunity at all, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

The coldness on his face was fundamentally different from the temperament of White Tiger Liu Hao.

The white tiger Liu Hao is 'ice-cold'. Anyone who gets close to him will only think that he is a real iceberg. However, the coldness in Liu Hao's body will make people think of the 'Tai Shang Lao Tzu'.

It's a feeling of seeing everything through.

Perhaps it is also because of this temperament that Liu Hao is now standing where the opportunity lies in front of him.

What is Lao Tzu's way?


Yin Yang Tai Chi?

They are all, and none of them are. The way that can truly represent Lao Tzu is ‘inaction’, ‘inaction and everything without action’!

"Inaction" means that I look down at the heaven and the earth from a high place and take care of you in the spring, summer, autumn and winter, the changes of the sun and the moon, and the various conditions in the world. In his eyes, these are the supreme principles of the heaven and the earth. There is no need for external intervention, and the heaven and the earth can run on their own. Therefore, he is 'doing nothing'.

But ‘doing nothing’ does not mean that I can only watch.

This makes him unhappy, or whenever he thinks intervention is needed, he will strike without hesitation, and often kills with one blow, making it even more difficult for people to detect their plans for a while.

Because once I intervene, it will not be as simple and direct as treating a headache or a sore foot, but it will look like an antelope hangs its horns, but in fact it will stir the fate of the entire world.

The biggest case here is 'I turned into a beard'.

Who would have thought that when the battle of Zhuxian Sword Formation was in full swing, I would already have a clear plan?

At that time, I rolled up a wind and fire futon and arrested Taoist Duobao.

In the eyes of other saints, it is obvious that I do not want to completely break up with the leader of Tongtian, and do not want to kill the other party's direct disciple.

Because after that, many people in Duobao were detained by Laozi in the Shouyang Mountain Dojo.

But who knows? Since then, Lao Tzu has often preached to Duobao. There is nothing hidden in heaven, earth, Taoism or Buddhism. He seems to speak wherever he thinks.

Perhaps Duobao was unwilling to give in at the beginning, but soon he would inevitably fall into the great path explained by Laozi. When he woke up, he had unknowingly fallen into Laozi's trap. This private sermon, The karma is like a personal disciple, or the karma of a saint. If you want to repay, you have to die.

So how could Duobao have the right to object to any request I made at this time?

In other words, Duobao was unwilling to do anything at this time. He had to follow Lao Tzu's arrangements, and he had to betray Jie Jiao and become an 'undercover' in Lao Tzu's hands.

Of course, being an ‘undercover’ is what Duobao considers himself to be.

I don't have this idea. As the one who pulls the strings of fate, I have never thought of arranging the fate lines of the future one by one. This is not his character, let alone the way in his heart. Natural development is the most important thing in my heart. What I want and want to see most.

Similarly, many possible futures have never escaped Lao Tzu's expectations.

For example, after Duobao stepped into Buddhism, he might be attracted by Jie Yin Zhunti, and even be reused, or even sit on the throne of Buddha. This must be within Lao Tzu's expectation.

This can be seen clearly from the fact that after Duobao became Tathagata Buddha, I never caused trouble to him.

For Lao Tzu, perhaps this is what he wants most, because the return of the Tathagata also isolates the entire Buddhism from Jie Yin Zhunti under certain conditions.

This is no longer as simple as the boss hiring a manager.

After serving as this manager for hundreds of millions of years, he will definitely incorporate all aspects of his influence into it, transforming from a simple professional manager into one of its shareholders and into a substantial shareholder.

It is difficult for anyone to see through the human heart, but the taste of power is also common. Only Lao Tzu, who has always been separated from it and stands in a higher position, can understand this clearly. Therefore, all this is bound to never be escaped. That's what I expected.

This is doing nothing, and it is also doing everything.

At Hangu Pass, the "Tao Te Ching" that seemed to be given to Yi Xi casually, was it really that I did it casually?

At least Liu Hao would never believe it. Otherwise, how could the Sword Immortal be reflected in all the worlds?

This is clearly an undoubted chess piece, and it is also clearly one of the things I have learned in my spare time!

Now, Zhu Bajie has received the Supreme Lord's decree and is sitting in the world of Sword and Fairy, which has also turned Liu Hao's speculation into evidence.

In front of him, Liu Hao's eyes were full of Dao Yun, which clearly made him think a lot. In his mind, a kind old man with a smile appeared unconsciously. But in the blink of an eye, this kindness immediately became ethereal, and everything His expression instantly disappeared, leaving only a furrow and a wrinkle, but he was neither sad nor happy, and looked on indifferently.

"If Feng Baobao were here today, he might be able to take this opportunity to realize the Taoist Fruit of Daluo!"

This idea suddenly appeared in Liu Hao's mind, and what followed was also a surprise.

Because he understands that he has surrendered to the "no thought" state of mind just now. He wants to realize Hunyuan, but it does not mean that he has to become a set "program". He can accept his "completely rational" state. , but I never want to become a cold 'robot'.

This was a hard-earned smile. Even if the smile only passed away for a fleeting moment, the joy in Liu Hao's heart was clear to him.

He seems to have been able to hold this initiative in his own hands. It is a state where he can let himself put aside any emotions and any external influences, and allow himself to solve problems completely according to rational thinking.

Even if he knows that once he does this, the next time he wants to ask for help, it will inevitably cost a lot of money, but so what? It's better than that, right?

The change in mood gave Liu Hao a deeper understanding of the opportunity in front of him.

Wuwei, the world that seems to be a simple detachment, is able to stay aside and watch calmly.

But in fact, it is absolutely terrifying to achieve this state of mind.

Perhaps in the entire prehistoric period, apart from me, only Hongjun can do it, right?

The reason why Hongjun was able to achieve it is fundamentally different from Laozi. It is not due to its convergence with Laozi's Tao, but because of Hongjun's own 'order' Tao.

This kind of analysis also made Liu Hao understand that Lao Tzu's way of inaction also adheres to the order of heaven and earth. It is no wonder that after relying on his absolute rational state, he can see the faint hint of the law of order.

"The so-called Three Thousand Avenues, could it be that the Three Thousand Laws are displayed in heaven and earth?"

Inexplicably, such a question arose in Liu Hao's mind.

Speaking of which, this question has appeared repeatedly in Liu Hao's mind countless times, but Liu Hao has never received any answer before.

But today, he seems to feel that the relationship between the two is probably like this. It's like one is a good person and the other is a good face.

Because neither the Three Thousand Laws nor the Three Thousand Avenues seem to be able to survive alone, and the entanglement between them seems to be much higher than I imagined.

This commonality is also the real reason why Liu Hao came up with this guess.

He did not lock this guess in his heart as a 'law', because he understood that this must be the most essential way of the world, and it was definitely not something he could decide in one word at this time.

He was also in no hurry to step into it. He had a feeling that once he stepped inside, he would definitely be tested. Anyway, no one would snatch this opportunity from him for a while. Instead of doing this, it was better to enjoy it outside first. It’s better to learn about it.

As he deepened his understanding, he also discovered that he had a clear understanding of many great ways, and he seemed to have a feeling that he understood the various arrangements of Taiqing Laozi more and more.

He tried to make many changes from the perspective of Taiqing Laozi, but also found that once he did so, it would only bring more uncontrollable factors to himself, and these factors were entangled together, and in the end they would always become out of control. To get up, you must also put yourself in a situation where you have to end up personally.

The more this happens, the more Liu Hao admires Taiqing Laozi.

How can this be a mere saint?

He is clearly a person who has already separated himself from the world and made his role closer to the identity of a 'chess player' in the realm of Hunyuan.

Compared with other saints, Taiqing Laozi is obviously much more transcendent.

Liu Hao even had a feeling that if I stepped through the Hunyuan realm and reached the Heavenly Dao realm, even Hongjun, the pinnacle of the Heavenly Dao realm, would not dare to say that he would be able to dominate the opponent.

"Could this be what I did on purpose?"

"That's right! When this guy first became a saint, he must have realized that his accumulation was not deep enough and directly changed his strategy. Otherwise, with his understanding of the Tao, how could he still be a saint today?"

"This kind of thinking has long surpassed that of a saint! Can we say that it has already entered the realm of heaven in terms of Taoism?"

"You really underestimated me!"

"I'm like this, what about other saints? Do they all have their own secrets?"

Liu Hao shook his head and threw this idea behind him, telling himself not to think about it, because it had nothing to do with the Dao Yun in front of him, and it would only make his thinking more distracting.

Returning to himself again, Liu Hao became much calmer again, as if it was not him who was shocked just now, but this was when he once again entered the state of 'absolute rationality', because he found that if he did not do this, he wanted to destroy the road in front of him. It is still impossible to understand more about Yun.

I don’t know how long it took, but not far from Liu Hao, a bud emerged from the ground and grew into a small tree. As time went by, it grew to a height of five meters, unfolding its own unique tree. The big umbrella left its own legend alone and firmly in this desert.

At this moment, other emotions appeared in Liu Hao's eyes, and he was once again separated from his 'absolute rationality' state.

Unlike the last time he took the initiative to leave due to emotional changes, this time he was completely passive. It was the result of Liu Hao completely consuming all his energy, just like a monk who had completely consumed his mana and had to leave.

Such anomalies also caused a slight dizziness in Liu Hao's mind, which was a state he had never experienced since he entered practice.

After a while, he calmed down and lay down straight on the desert, as if he had exhausted all his energy and just wanted to have a good sleep.

That's what he thought, and that's what he did.

There seems to be no concept of day and night in Master White Tiger's dojo, and there are no stars to speak of in the sky. It is always so bright and clean. If it were not for the obvious blue color, people would lose the concept of the sky.

He slept in such a piece of heaven and earth, not to mention the time, until the wind and sand almost submerged Liu Hao's body, and then he woke up leisurely. After waking up, he didn't care about the dust on his body, and stretched his body, just like a mortal.

"I haven't felt this comfortable for a long time! I wonder if the saint still wants to sleep?"

"Ha...it seems that I have lost the right to sleep since I realized the Daluo Dao Fruit. This dividing line is so obvious, but why have I never noticed it before?"

"Is there a long river of fate? Only it can make people unaware? Even if it is only a long river of fate in one world, it is also a long river of fate!"

"It's strange! Among the three thousand reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God, I don't seem to see the owner of the Law of Destiny!"

"Yes, beyond the three thousand avenues, there are still eight hundred side doors!"

"It's said to be three thousand, but it's just three thousand? It's just an imaginary number!"

"The three thousand rules I practice are actually the real number of three thousand! Is this reminding me of infinity?"

"Why was it that when White Tiger Liu Hao attained enlightenment, I saw only three thousand laws of the prehistoric world?"

"Is it because I have only practiced these things that I can only see these things?"

"That's most likely it!"

"The law of fate is infinitely wonderful!"

While Liu Hao was talking to himself, he slowly spread out the Law of Destiny he had mastered in his hand, as if he wanted to observe something from it.

After a long time, he put it away and even smiled.

"As expected, from here, we can only see the long river of destiny of the ancient world! Is it a direct restriction or is it because the world has not really taken shape and it has not yet appeared?"

"I hope it's the latter!"

"It's just that it seems that the fate of our own earth has become more closely related to the ancient world. It's probably because there are monks from the ancient world who have achieved the Daluo Daoguo on our own earth, right?"

"The last one was Yang Jian, who will it be this time? Nezha?"

"I hope it's him!"

"Having been completed by Empress Nuwa, Nezha's true potential should be unleashed!"

"Zhuge Kongming, who brought about the prehistoric times by himself, has accumulated enough. I hope he can go smoothly. If he doesn't realize the Dao Daluo Fruit, his so-called cultivation will be in vain!"

"This dividing line is far bigger than I imagined!"

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