Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Seven. Antarctica

1457. Antarctica

On the other side, the obsessed Liu Hao who came out of the mythical world instantly understood what he had missed.

"That guy Bai Hu actually achieved Hunyuan?"

This life's exclamation is enough to explain the shock in Liu Hao's heart due to his obsession, but it seems to be reasonable!

"I am really far behind!"

Standing at the entrance of the passage, he carefully comprehended the Tao Yun that manifested when Liu Hao, the white tiger of his own earth, was reflected, but he soon gave up.

Nothing else, but it’s not necessary!

To put it simply, the Tao is different. Rather than investing your mind in it, it is better to comprehend the many Tao of human nature that you are familiar with.

"It seems I have to continue to work harder!"

He seemed to have made a decision in his heart, but soon he discovered that what he needed was not to find a quiet place to retreat. The best way was to continue walking in the heavens and understand the laws of humanity in different worlds to improve them. What you need.

"Fortunately, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang have already let go. As for Yan Lingji, she doesn't need to pay much attention to her if she continues to walk with me, but that's not the time!"

At this time, the obsessed Liu Hao remembered that he still had a few guys in his sleeves. After thinking about it for a moment, he lost interest and had no intention of continuing to communicate with them.

Casually, he waved his robe in the direction of the 'Resident Evil World', and saw three white lights streaking across the sky, landing at Liu Hao's predetermined place in a moment.

This was because he threw the three Gao Yao directly to the Novice Village, regardless of whether they could stand out in the future. To him, they were just a tiny obsession, and they were just a few ants passing by.

Being shocked by White Tiger Liu Hao's sermon message, how could he still be interested in paying attention to them?

Even the mythical world was completely forgotten by him at this time. As for Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, he was very relieved. It was just an underground world. After all, they had followed him through so many heavens. This little thing If it still can't be solved, it has no value at all.

If we really never meet him again in the future, we can only sigh.

Now, what Liu Hao is concerned about is the direction of continued travel, whether to walk towards the Antarctic, or to go east into the sea and visit the broccoli country and Australia.

"Antarctica may not have many living creatures, but there must be a lot of changes. It happens to be nearby, so why not go there?"

He muttered to himself, nodded slightly to Yan Lingji, then raised his steps, lifted the two of them up with many white clouds, and floated gently towards the direction of the cold current.

The closer we get to the Antarctic, the temperature is much lower than Liu Hao thought. He even has a feeling that even many monks from his own earth will feel cold when they come here. This is already a significant drop in temperature. , It even makes you feel like you are still on your own earth.

"The Antarctic is like this, but what about the North Pole?"

"Perhaps this is the case in both poles? There is a lot of spiritual energy in these dancing snowflakes. Could it be that even the spiritual energy is frozen here?"

"If this is true, then Antarctica must be more interesting than I imagined!"

"Will these cold waves flow into other linked worlds through the world channel?"

"If so, how many creatures in those worlds are now spared?"

"For them, this is a real natural disaster, right?"

Soon, a group of penguins appeared in front of Liu Hao's eyes. This group of penguins seemed to be the same as before the spiritual energy was revived, but Liu Hao could see at a glance that each of them had undergone great evolution.

A typical point is that they seem to have dense teeth growing out of their elongated mouths. Although their faces are still cute, if they are really regarded as harmless, their lives will be in danger.

This is definitely not a group of vegetarians. There are tens of thousands of penguins like this. Even if Yan Lingji encounters them, it will be very difficult to escape.

Perhaps thinking of this, Liu Hao suddenly discovered that Yan Lingji's cultivation was still a little behind.

"The accumulation is enough, it's time to open up!"

The openness he spoke of meant that he no longer suppressed the improvement of Yan Lingji's cultivation. It was just that he did it covertly, so that even Yan Lingji could not detect it at all.

Having made the decision, he made a few faint taps with his right hand in the robe, but it opened up the suppression. It can be expected that Yan Lingji will react soon.

This is also an attempt by Liu Hao to obsess. He wants to see if Yan Lingji can lead out other hidden people on the Antarctic continent when she breaks through.

This is not a bad taste of Liu Hao, but a habit.

As a person who understands the laws of humanity, integrating into humanity and all living beings is a constraint. Naturally, I will not be used to all kinds of spiritual consciousness flying around, and I am also happy with the emergence of various unexpected factors, so that I can better understand. The real truth in the world.

From this point, it can also be seen that Obsessive Liu Hao has truly entered this portal.

Isn't his habitual attempt a way that all living beings should do?

Sure enough, not long after the white clouds they were driving passed the penguin colony, he felt a surge of spiritual energy on Yan Lingji behind him. He waved his hands and landed on the snow, and directly arranged Yan Lingji to the top of an iceberg, as if he was afraid of it. This scene is not ordinary enough.

Even Yan Lingji had to roll her eyes at this thought of fishing.

As soon as the aura vortex on her side took shape, Liu Hao saw a commotion in the group of penguins he had just passed. One of them had discovered their prey and couldn't wait to turn and rush towards it.

"Do these guys really think they are awesome?"

Liu Hao's first thought was to drive them away, but he immediately realized that the arrival of these guys was not a bad thing, as they were just preparing rations for those who came after them.


In the empty Antarctic land, the sound lacked obstruction and spread even further. Liu Hao knew that this roar was thousands of miles away, but before the sound disappeared, he saw a white line rising in the distance. It shot straight towards here, and wherever it passed, snowflakes were flying. Such an unobstructed approach obviously proved that this guy was unscrupulous around him.

As if to prove that Liu Hao's words were true, the group of penguins that had been moving towards this place seemed to be in trouble. The leading group was obviously lagging behind and was hit by the team behind them, forcing the group of penguins to roll into a ball. The scene was quite interesting, but it looked so dazzling in Liu Hao's eyes.

These are clearly a group of 'animals' who have stepped into the group of monsters and beasts, but their thinking is still stuck in the primitive days!

"It seems reasonable that Antarctica is far away from the human world!"

Just when Liu Hao frowned, the roaring guy was already in front of him, and Liu Hao was a little stunned at a glance:

"A snow monster?"

This guy is five meters tall and looks like an ape. If you take a closer look, he is very different from apes. He seems to be related to bears. He obviously prefers to walk on all fours, but when he comes to the front, he is accustomed to standing on two feet. , the raised hands also seemed to be very flexible.

He originally thought that this guy was yelling and yelling as a perverse person, but when he really saw it, he saw a lot of caution in the other person's eyes, especially when the other person saw his figure, he braked suddenly, and then His eyes always glanced back and forth between Liu Hao and Yan Lingji, as if they were weighing something.

This look is obviously much more intelligent than the group of penguins that arrived.

But seeing the opponent's cultivation level, Liu Hao didn't feel surprised. After all, he had entered the immortal level and was essentially different from the monster beast. It was understandable to be so cautious.

He was waiting for the snow monster's choice, but Liu Hao was still confused by the other party's choice.

After many measurements, this guy made a direct move, turned around and arrived at the group of penguins. With a wave of his two huge arms, he whizzed past and swept the group of penguins scattered all over the ground, and then directly He sat down on the ground, slowly grabbed a few penguins, stuffed them into his mouth like spicy strips, and started chewing them.

It seems that he just came to watch the show. It seems that he saw a plate of melon seeds while watching the show, and he grabbed it and ate it.

It felt as if Liu Hao and Yan Lingji were not taken seriously at all, but Liu Hao knew that this guy was still testing and looking at his next choice to analyze how to handle the next step.

"Could it be that you regard yourself as an opponent? You also regard me as one of your competitors?"

Thinking of this, Liu Hao was a little amused, and he looked away from the other party. He found that a new visitor was approaching, and this time it was a large group, a group of ice crystal butterflies.

But he did not underestimate this group of ice crystal butterflies at all. Each single butterfly in this group of butterflies can only jump out. It is even inferior to penguins. The tallest one is only at the sixth level, but it is This group of butterflies gave Liu Hao a perception that it was more dangerous than a snow monster.

Scanning his consciousness, he finally understood where the threat came from. There were almost a million people, and most of them seemed to be invisible. From his eyes, they seemed to be only a few thousand or tens of thousands, but they were actually covering themselves with light. is the real subject.

And those things that are visible are simply baits that they deliberately ran out of. Once they fall into these traps, it will definitely not be easy for even the snow monsters that came before to escape unscathed.

Because among them, Liu Hao saw that the wings of these ice crystal butterflies were so sharp, and the surrounding snowflakes fell on them. The only result was that they were cut into two petals, and he did not feel any obstruction at all.

Liu Hao thought of Byakuya Kuchiki almost instantly. He felt that even Byakuya Kuchiki's Zanpakuto was nothing more than a trivial matter in front of these ice crystal butterflies.

The best proof is that the snow monster subconsciously shrank its size the moment the group of ice crystal butterflies appeared.

It feels as if this snow monster has suffered a loss in front of this group of butterflies before.

As the group of ice crystal butterflies approached, Liu Hao saw a blue light emerging from the snow monster's body. This light directly covered his body. For a moment, this blue light appeared. It also gradually disappeared, and the snow monster was directly covered with a thick layer of glacier. It seemed that this was the only way to make this guy feel safe.

Seeing this, how could Liu Hao not understand that this guy was determined to stay, but he was also afraid of suffering because of it, so he directly disguised himself in the hope that he would benefit in the end?

But I have to say that this snow monster's approach couldn't be more correct, because the penguins who had not had time to escape now suffered.

Facing the ice crystal butterflies, these penguin monsters were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with no power to resist at all.

In just a few minutes, only a group of skeletons were left in the place where the penguins used to be. During this process, not even a single bit of flesh or blood seemed to have been spared, just like locusts. Leave no grass behind.

Because of this, this group of originally invisible butterflies was also exposed, and their wings were stained with scarlet blood, making them look even more monstrous.

After eating the group of penguins, the group of butterflies seemed not satisfied. They simply ignored the snow monster and divided into two large groups. One group was towards Liu Hao, while the other group was directly pressing towards Yan Lingji.

This made Liu Hao unbearable. He was also worried that something would happen to Yan Lingji. He snorted softly in his nostrils. The sound was small, but it spread mightily in the surrounding space, like ripples, no matter where it passed. Whether it was snowflakes or the group of ice crystal butterflies, they scattered like powder and completely disappeared into the world in a moment.

This movement frightened the disguised snow monster. Who didn't know Liu Hao's terror?

However, at this time, he was completely a Muggle. He could neither advance nor retreat.

He didn't even dare to break his own disguised glacier, lest the action would be too big and make Liu Hao unhappy, directly leading him to follow in the footsteps of the ice crystal butterfly.

Especially when Liu Hao's eyes glanced at him, an icy coldness that he had never experienced before appeared directly in his spine. He wanted to shudder, but at the last moment he still endured it. Come down.

He felt that the only thing he could do now was to pray, praying that as time went by, Liu Hao would completely forget about him and treat him like a fart.

For the first time, he felt that life shouldn't be such a waste of life, and he didn't understand why the two-legged animals that used to be just food in his eyes suddenly became so terrifying.

In fact, the snow monster in front of him was not a native creature of Liu Hao's earth at all. It was just by chance that he came here through the world passage and discovered that this place was of great benefit to him, and then he settled directly on the Antarctic continent.

Even the world he was originally in was the first batch to be connected to Liu Hao's earth. It was also because of this that he had his current cultivation level, but he had been living in the Antarctic continent, so that he thought he had already He is no longer awesome and has lost his originally low-key character.

Today, he has completely recovered his lost personality, but this fear will not disappear immediately.

Little did he know that Liu Hao had no intention of killing him. At this moment, Liu Hao's attention was attracted by a figure approaching quickly.

And compared with the snow monster, this visitor makes Liu Hao worth studying.

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