Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and fifty-eight. Ice and Snow Tribe

1458. Ice and Snow Tribe

Before setting foot in Antarctica, Liu Hao had already scanned the continent with his spiritual consciousness, and he knew that there were many strange creatures on this ice and snow continent.

But what concerned Liu Hao the most was the special case heading here.

Nothing else, because their appearance has most similarities with the human race.

If one insists on classifying them, the visitor must also be classified into the 'humanoid' group, or even belong to a certain branch of the 'human race'.

In this regard, the appearance alone is enough to explain everything.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that this species, which does not seem to be much different from the human race, is also fundamentally different from the human race.

Because humans are no longer a warm-blooded species, even the temperature of their blood is much lower than that of many cold-blooded animals.

This is a race that is accompanied by snowflakes when they walk. This is a humanoid species whose skin color is even the same as that of ice crystals.

What surprised Liu Hao the most was that her hair was crystal clear, like ice but extremely soft. It would float around her body in the slightest breeze. With the snowflake effect that came with her appearance, it clearly gave people an ethereal look. the charm;

With such a first impression, it is really difficult for outsiders to feel persecution after seeing the other person. However, if you really regard the other person as harmless, once you get close, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

Even if they don't mean any persecution, the coldness they bring is not something that anyone can bear. Those with lower cultivation levels will most likely be frozen into ice sculptures as long as they get close.

When Liu Hao glanced with his consciousness before, he saw such scenes several times, and he was also not a vegetarian.

Furthermore, in this Antarctic continent, how can a vegetarian survive and develop into a large ice and snow town?

The ice and snow people who arrived also had immortal level cultivation, and they were basically soldiers of the human family hunting for food. They were clearly attracted by the bloody smell of the penguin colony hunted by the ice crystal butterflies just now, and they came quickly to get a share of the pie.

If you treat such a visitor as harmless, the only way left for you is to become their food reserve.

Didn't you see that as soon as they arrived, the ice and snow spears in their hands were already in a fighting position? The indifference in the eyes of that beautiful face is no joke.

Regarding this, Liu Hao didn't think that his race was inherently aggressive. How could he survive in this snow-covered land without refining his soul into ice?

Those ethnic groups that were influenced by a little kindness have long since disappeared into the dust of history, right?

The ice and snow race in front of him definitely managed to survive in this cruel competition. Liu Hao thought it was reasonable to develop such a habit.

Even if people cross the world passage and enter their own earth, this sense of crisis still accompanies them. Until neither the human race nor the demon race pays real attention to the Antarctic, they are still safe.

What the future will bring is very unpredictable.

Liu Hao also knew that the Ice and Snow Human Race would definitely not be the only 'humanoid race' in the future;

Wasn't the previous elven clan one of them?

However, compared with the Ice and Snow Human Race, the Elf Clan has left many imprints in many documents on Earth. Therefore, the Human Race's ability to accept them is much higher than that of the Ice and Snow Human Race.

On the other hand, who can guarantee what the human race will do if they learn about the situation here in the future?

In the future, not only the human race of our own earth will be tossing in this world, but as a transit station for all heavens and worlds, there will definitely be many people who want to appear on this stage.

One day, the places most suitable for their survival will be divided up. By then, how will they care about the coldness of the Antarctic and the Arctic?

As long as there is a place for them to stay, they will not let it go, which also means that the ice and snow people in front of them will definitely suffer many impacts in the future.

To put it bluntly, it is still survival of the fittest, and we will never take any protective measures for you because of the rarity of your group.

Liu Hao has a feeling that perhaps such ethnic wars will become the mainstream of his own earth in the future, even if everyone knows by then that the real enemy comes from the abyss.

Perhaps this is the attribute of internal fighting that all intelligent creatures cannot escape?

While he was thinking, the ice and snow people arriving in front of him were getting ready to move.

This action also made Liu Hao understand that the other party had probably never seen much of the world. In other words, the level of the world where the other party came was definitely not that high.

"If I were you, I would control myself!"

Liu Hao's words were leisurely and he spoke his own language, but when it fell into the other party's ears, there was nothing unclear about it.

Just this point also made the other party understand that Liu Hao was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Liu Hao was very satisfied with the other party's progress. After all, it was a new ethnic group. Without any conflict of interest with the people of his Dragon Kingdom, he was happy to stay with the other party to see if the other party could stay in the future great war. Put their mark on them.

He would not say that it was blessed by the other party's 'beautiful' attribute, and he would never admit that if the humanoid tribe that arrived today had green faces and fangs, he would never be willing to say a word to them. Perhaps his first reaction would be to fight them directly. Kill things.

I have to say that the role of appearance is indeed very obvious sometimes.

Those blue eyes, even though they are full of vigilance, are still fascinating to watch.

"Human race?"

The other party's voice is also very pleasant, with a tone like singing, slightly high-pitched, but it seems that this is the most perfect display.

This inquiry brought a smile to Liu Hao's face, and revealed a lot of information about the other party.

It can be seen that there is probably a human race in the world where the other party comes from, but the human race that the other party knows may be quite different from Liu Hao's appearance, so he started to ask.

"Yanhuang tribe!"

Liu Hao was happy that this distinction, and adding the word "Yanhuang", also gave the other party a more complete impression, leaving more room for latecomers.

But don't underestimate the addition of this word, which has already given the other party a great shock. At this time, showing a trace of kindness is creating a character for the 'Yanhuang people'.

Even good intentions are by no means easy to offend. In this way, if the Ice and Snow Human Race encounters someone who looks like Liu Hao again in the future, their first course of action will definitely not be to fight to the death.

This is enough, and it is what Liu Hao thinks he should do.

After all, he has laid two chess pieces at the southernmost tip of South America. The Han Empire and the Ming Empire have a lot of possibilities to set foot in Antarctica in the future. He does not want the Han Empire and the Ming Empire to invest a lot of combat power here in the future.

I also think this is not necessary.

The appearance of the ice and snow people and the coldness of their blood meant that it would be difficult for them to leave the cold environment for a long time. The biggest competitors of the Han Empire and the Ming Empire were definitely not them.

On the contrary, it would be more beneficial to establish mutual trust with the ice and snow people.

Now that they have entered cultivation, there will definitely be many monks with ice and snow talents in the Han Empire and the Ming Empire in the future, and their demands for the ice-cold resources of the Antarctic continent will not be less.

If they were to search around on their own, both the time consumed and the level of danger would not be that great.

Having established mutual trust with the Ice and Snow Tribe, the possibility of starting trade in the future will be much greater. It is just a matter of each getting what they need, and it is a long-term solution.

As expected, Liu Hao deliberately added the word "Yanhuang", which also made the other party stunned, but he soon understood the meaning of Liu Hao's addition of this word. From this, it can also be seen that the other party's level of civilization is not Low.

This made Liu Hao's already lowered thoughts improve a lot. He felt that maybe the original world of the ice and snow people in front of him, even if its level was not high, might bring him more surprises.

Although the two of them only talked in a few words, they also established mutual trust for the first time. They saw that the vigilance in each other's eyes was reduced a lot, and the ice and snow spear tightly held in their hands was also loosened a lot.

The most obvious point is that the snowflakes flying around the opponent's body are no longer entangled. He is deliberately letting go of his 'special effects', which is also showing that he is willing to communicate with Liu Hao.

"This world does not exclude outsiders!"

This was Liu Hao's kind response to the other party, and it was also a way to tell the other party that there was no need to be constantly on guard against the creatures on the earth.

"You have also seen that in this continent of ice and snow, life is very rare, and it is not suitable for many races to live. Since you have come and established your own town, it also shows that this world recognizes you!"

The effect of this sentence was very significant in Liu Hao's opinion, and it also gave Liu Hao more judgment on the other person's world.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be relieved from the bottom of his heart, Liu Hao guessed that there were definitely many gods in the other party's world.

This guess also made Liu Hao really determined to go and have a look.

He knows very well that once a world has the existence of gods, various accidents will inevitably occur in the development of civilization, and these accidents are often of great benefit to others' understanding of human nature.

Whether that world succumbs to the rule of gods, or chooses to resist, it will be a poem, and such a world is often very interesting to watch.

Furthermore, even if the gods have suppressed the opponent's world, with his joining, can't they make decisions at will?

He has traveled to so many worlds and is very good at the art of arching fire.

When his eyes swept over Yan Lingji, he felt happy again. Perhaps he could also seek other benefits for Yan Lingji in these worlds.

It seems that whether Yan Lingji takes the Buddhist route or the shaman route in the future, these beliefs will not be rejected. The more Yan Lingji leaves her mark on more worlds, the more important it will be for Yan Lingji's development in the future. Big help.

Kill two birds with one stone, why not?

However, Liu Hao also knew that it was best not to let the Ice and Snow Human Race in front of him know this, at least not to let the other party see him brazenly entering the other party's world with Yan Lingji.

He had a feeling that the ice and snow people in front of him might not be doing well in the other party's world. Even if the other party was willing to establish communication with him at this time, he still couldn't let go of his vigilance.

This feeling is like a little deer constantly guarding against any possible crisis, and it can only be possessed by a group that is always in danger.

In addition, Liu Hao could also see that the other party wanted to get more information from him, but out of fear of leaking his own information, he remained very silent, feeling like he didn't know how to speak.

Seeing this, Liu Hao was also happy to release more goodwill. He did not turn his eyes to the other party, but while watching Yan Lingji's breakthrough, he seemed to talk casually.

In the words, what he told the other party was some information that could be known by just asking around the Antarctic continent of his own planet.

Don't think that this information is worthless. It depends on who it is for. At least for a group that has a hard time surviving outside the cold, the value of this information is beyond imagination.

Not to mention anything else, just the connection of 'All Heavens and Worlds' is enough to raise the sense of urgency in the hearts of the Ice and Snow Human Race to the extreme.

He is definitely not a fool. Since there are countless world passages appearing in other continents, it also shows that there are not many hidden world passages in the Antarctic continent.

In other words, maybe there are already ethnic groups like them in a certain ice and snow valley, and they have settled in many places on the ice and snow continent. They are likely to encounter them in the future, and it is very unpredictable whether these people are enemies or friends. .

The first target of the struggle for interests is definitely them!

On the contrary, Liu Hao said that the human races and demon races in other continents seemed even more distant. The environment became their biggest protective umbrella, and the possibility of cooperation became greater.

This is Liu Hao's plan in itself, and it is even more of a conspiracy. Even if the ice and snow people in front of them figure out Liu Hao's plan after returning to their base, they have to admit the rationality.

In the sky, the spiritual energy vortex above Yan Lingji's head also began to come to an end. A ray of red cloud began to spread from Yan Lingji's body, raising the surrounding temperature by hundreds in an instant. She almost saw the ice and snow nearby begin to melt.

However, this melting seems to be limited to a small area by the sky and the earth. With Yan Lingji as the center of the circle, it gradually spreads over a radius of one thousand meters. A thousand meters away, you can only feel the increase in temperature. The ice and snow It was still ice and snow, like a small protective shield, forming two worlds inside and outside.

It was Liu Hao who took action, because he saw the ice and snow human race's eyelids twitching, as if they had encountered a natural enemy. The ice and snow spear in his hand that had been loosened a lot was tightened again. If he had not restrained himself, he might have chosen to take action long ago. .

Liu Hao did not want to destroy the communication and mutual trust that was finally established. He also wanted to intimidate the other party.

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