Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and fifty-nine. Arrange for your reincarnation

1459. Arrange reincarnation

It seemed that after much consideration, the ice and snow people chose to retreat. When they left, the tension in their bodies only made Liu Hao smile, but he also understood that this was his limit.

The surroundings were calm again, but the snow monster that had used self-protection now began to tremble. As an immortal-level creature with a high IQ, it didn't know that it was about to make a life-or-death decision.

He thought about countless possibilities, but in the end he found out one by one that he had no power to resist at all. He could only pray for Liu Hao's disdain, and only in this way could he save his life.

Yan Lingji's breakthrough seemed to make Liu Hao feel happier. As for the snow monster, he had long forgotten about it.

When Liu Hao and Yan Lingji continued to move forward, there was only a deep pit left on the spot. This was the product of the complete melting of the surrounding ice and snow when Yan Lingji broke through just now. The exposed soil exuded a rare atmosphere in Antarctica. fragrance.

But in the eyes of the snow monster, these are so terrifying. As a guy who has only lived in the land of ice and snow all his life, this is the first time he has discovered that this world has such self-restraint attributes, which directly changes his original high profile. Suppressed to the extreme.

In the future, in this land, an extremely low-key snow monster will appear like this, so that many visitors who enter this land in the future will think that this is the character of the snow monster itself, and that the snow monster itself is timid. Cowards.

Of course, this is something for later, let’s not mention it for now.

However, it was said that Liu Hao, who was carrying Yan Lingji, followed the departing Ice and Snow People all the way, directly covering up the auras of the two of them. Even when they entered the gathering place of the Ice and Snow People, they did not reveal anything.

Here, Liu Hao discovered the survival mode of the Ice and Snow Human Race, and also discovered the real essential difference between them and the Human Race.

"It seems to be more related to the elves!"

"Is it possible that it is also a branch of the elves?"

Liu Hao couldn't help but think like this. In fact, the gestation method of the Ice and Snow Human Race was similar to that of the Elf Race. They were both products of the fruit.

When Liu Hao covered the ice crystal tree in front of him with his many spiritual consciousness, he suddenly felt enlightened.

Different from the world tree of the elves, the ice crystal tree in front of us is more of a relic after the death of a certain god.

He felt that maybe the fallen god's roots were the ice crystal tree in front of him. When the soul of this god died, it returned to its original form and became what it is now.

After countless years of baptism, it became the sacred object that gave birth to the Ice and Snow Clan, and only then did the Ice and Snow Clan appear.

But what I have to say is that the Antarctic continent has added countless nutrients to this ice crystal tree.

Perhaps this is also the real reason for the arrival of many people from the Ice and Snow Human Race.

Because otherwise, in their original world, it would be absolutely impossible to stop being suppressed by other gods. It is even possible that the Ice and Snow People have never stopped fighting in endless years.

But they are also lucky. They have moved to their own earth, which not only escapes the endless suppression, but also brings them greater blessings;

Because on Liu Hao's Earth, the appearance of one more god is not excluded at all. Once this happens, it will be a good thing for Liu Hao's Earth. It will be like introducing a new ethnic group, bringing more than just a population. There is also a supplement to the laws of other worlds.

From this point of view, it is also a different kind of mutual fulfillment.

In the future, it is not impossible for this ice crystal tree to give birth to spiritual wisdom again.

After all, they have entered the spiritual root sequence, but even if this time occurs, it must be very long ago. Perhaps by then, the Ice and Snow Human Race has found other gestation modes, just like in the past, they could only rely on the elves of the World Tree.

"That is, in this Antarctic land, otherwise this 'spiritual root' will be the biggest disaster for your Ice and Snow Human Race!"

This is clearly a child holding gold. Liu Hao knows very well how much a spiritual root is worth.

This can be used to kill three corpses, and even many quasi-sages will become greedy when they see it. In other words, once this news is exposed, the only result for the Ice and Snow Human Race may be to die.

Now that he has found out, Liu Hao is also happy to help the other party. For him, this level of underground spiritual roots will not be taken lightly by him. Since he has already released sufficient goodwill before, it is not impossible to take it to the next level. Do it.

Besides, he saw the joy of his own earth here, and protecting it was also a small feedback to his own earth world. Why not do it?

He moved covertly, and even after doing everything, no one noticed.

But he didn't make any big show of setting up a protective formation, and there was no need for it. He just used the ice crystal tree in front of him to cover it up, making it look ordinary from the outside and leaving a small mark.

With this mark, the powerful quasi-sages who come later will have to be wary when they see it. This is enough.

He is not a nanny. Being able to do this is already the most benevolent and righteous thing. If the other quasi-sage powerful people don't sell the face of his mark, it will only be a catastrophe that the Ice and Snow Human Race must go through.

And if you want to survive this disaster, you can only have the strength to truly make others worry.

At least not the Ice and Snow Human Race in front of us. The highest level of cultivation is only the Golden Immortal Peak. Such a level of cultivation can still dominate the Antarctic land today, but outside the Antarctic, it is only a small mid-level.

"Teacher, there seems to be life in those fruits?"

Yan Lingji's discovery can only be said to be a problem with her cultivation level. She only realized it after seeing Liu Hao stay long enough. As soon as she found out, she couldn't help but ask.

When Liu Hao nodded in approval, even Yan Lingji, who had a cold personality, opened her mouth.

"There are all kinds of wonders in the universe. If you encounter them more in the future, you won't be so shocked!"

"Are there others... like this?"

"Well! The elves are the biggest representatives among them. You will know it when you see them in the future!"

Yan Lingji nodded mechanically, until Liu Hao walked away, then she quickly followed him. Even so, she still looked back from time to time. If possible, she would be happy to study it here.

The associated world passage is located in the center of the ice and snow human race town, and an ice and snow castle has been built on top of it, with three layers of protection inside and outside.

After actually entering it, Liu Hao discovered that the real elites of the Ice and Snow Tribe were basically sitting here, as if they had regarded this passage as the private property of their tribe.

It wasn't until they reached the core that the strongest member of the Ice and Snow Human Race, who was originally revealed in his spiritual consciousness, appeared in front of Liu Hao.

This is also the king of the ice and snow people. It has to be said that Yan Lingji is a little jealous when she sees his beauty.

This is almost flawless beauty!

Yan Lingji pouted as she watched.

Even Liu Hao has a little Leng Shen, and it is this Leng Shen that seems to make the other party feel a little bit, and a small frown flashes between his eyebrows;

It was at this time that there was a knock on the door outside, and Liu Hao breathed a sigh of relief. He did not want the other party to notice his arrival;

After a moment, a figure entered. The person who came was the Ice and Snow Human Race that Liu Hao had seen before. He could only inform his king of the information Liu Hao told him.

When it was time to escape, Liu Hao did not hesitate and directly carried Yan Lingji through the world passage and across the world. His eyes were still filled with white.

After thinking about it for a moment, this is absolutely reasonable, otherwise this passage would not have fallen into the hands of the Ice and Snow Tribe.

This is a place where ice and snow mountains stretch endlessly. The place where you stay is in a canyon. Not more than ten miles away, there is also a castle built by a group of ice and snow people. However, there is no old or weak person among them. Sick and disabled.

This is clearly a line of defense, or perhaps this is the last watchtower of the Ice and Snow Human Race.

Spreading his consciousness, Liu Hao also saw many figures. The strange ice and snow species seemed to tell him how random these species were, and they must be more or less related to the ice crystal tree.

Naturally, Liu Hao couldn't stay for long with these different species. Instead, they attracted a lot of Liu Hao's attention in an ice field covered with ice and snow that was nearly ten miles high.

Under this ice sheet, Liu Hao felt the existence of many gods. Needless to say, countless years ago, a huge war must have occurred here, and it was also a divine war.

"The God of Light again? Or the God of the Sun again?"

Liu Hao muttered, and directly took Yan Lingji across the space and appeared in a space below the ice field.

In front of him, a scepter of ice and snow with dense cracks on it was suppressing a ray of sun fire.

It is the power of this ice and snow scepter that allows the land of ice and snow to continue. Otherwise, even this ray of sun's fire is enough to completely wipe out the ice and snow area tens of thousands of miles around.

But these are just small toys to Liu Hao.

He casually held the ray of sun fire in his hand, and felt a hint of resistance from it.

"It seems that this 'Sun God' or 'Light God' is still alive!"

He said this, but he didn't let go of anything in his hand. With a gentle squeeze, the spiritual thought remaining in it had completely disappeared.

As if it was a pity to throw it away, Liu Hao waved slightly towards Yan Lingji, and directly grabbed the opponent's 'Ye Fire Bracelet'. He pressed the wisp of sun fire on it slightly, and saw a small A small sun pattern appears on it.

With this addition, the quality of the original 'Yehuo Bracelet' was even better. It seemed that the pattern was very dazzling, so Liu Hao made a rare carving on it. However, after a while, the original sun pattern was also A small three-legged golden crow carving replaced it.

After doing this, he returned it to Yan Lingji, and then picked up the 'Ice and Snow Scepter' floating in front of him.

"Oh? Is there still a trace of spiritual thought left?"

"Well, since you meet a poor Taoist, it's not that I can't give you a chance! It's just that you still need to go through the six paths of reincarnation!"

"Only in this way can you truly escape from this world, and this is the greatest responsibility to you!"

Liu Hao said so, but he was the only one who knew the deeper calculation.

The so-called journey from the Six Paths of Reincarnation is not possible, but it is impossible to go to the real Six Paths of Reincarnation in the prehistoric times. It can only go back and forth to the mirror image of the Six Paths of Reincarnation on Earth.

If this is done, the 'God of Ice and Snow' reincarnated in the future can only be a native creature of his own earth.

According to Liu Hao's prediction, the reincarnated goddess of ice and snow will inevitably be born in the ice crystal tree, because its origin is unmatched by anyone.

In other words, only after going through such a process can the destiny of the Ice and Snow Goddess that originally belonged to this world be truly and completely transferred to the home world of Earth.

With this transformation, the future Ice and Snow Goddess can truly reach perfection and have a greater chance of realizing the Dao Fruit of Daluo.

Once successful, it also means that White Tiger Liu Hao will be able to mark the mirror image of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the world under his feet in the future, and it will be possible to establish it.

Is this not calculating future merit and fortune?

Even if it is a little profit sharing, it is still good, not to mention long-term profit sharing!

Now that you have discovered the possibility, there is no reason to miss it.

As for whether the creatures in this world are happy or not, what does it have to do with Liu Hao?

In other words, the only ones who lose real benefits are the group of high-ranking gods in this world. For all living beings, it is more fair!

He didn't know yet that the divine thought in the Sun Fire that he casually extinguished had caused considerable damage to the still-surviving 'God of Light'. He almost felt a surge of blood and became much weaker in an instant.

When the other party was looking along this spiritual thought, Liu Hao discovered the problem, and he snorted angrily towards the other party's gaze that was about to look at him;

That is to say, he has no intention of arguing with the other party, otherwise this cold snort would be enough to paralyze the other party for countless years.

But it was inevitable that many gods in this world would understand that an untouchable power had entered their world. The result was that these gods who were used to looking down on all living beings had to keep a low profile.

In the same way, just because he extinguished the sun's fire against the ice and snow under his feet, it also made the ice and snow in the ice and snow even more cold.

Fortunately, Liu Hao then put away the almost broken 'ice and snow scepter', otherwise, over time, this vast area of ​​ice and snow will inevitably turn into a real restricted area for life in the near future, which would not be beautiful.

The two largest divine objects were collected. The others were broken and low-grade, so Liu Hao naturally looked down upon them. It would be good to keep them as an opportunity for the creatures who might step into this place in the future.

Although the best was lost, the most dangerous was also eliminated, at least that's what Liu Hao thought.

Even a ray of sun's fire, even a nearly broken ice and snow scepter, cannot be coveted by the creatures below the immortal level. The possibility of becoming cannon fodder is even greater. This is the true win-win situation. What is needed.

As for how long this space can last, Liu Hao doesn't care.

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