Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and sixty. Mysterious yet mysterious

1460. Mysterious yet mysterious

Is it the upper limit or the lower limit that determines the future of a race?

Everyone has their own opinions on this issue.

I think it is the lower limit, and the focus is more on whether this race can gain a foothold.

Just like the Ice and Snow Human Race, if when they were born, their lower limit was only that of ordinary humans, the result would be inevitable, that is, there would be no need for any external pressure at all, and they themselves would soon disappear into the dust of history.

Because the cruel environment is enough to make them fatal, it will inevitably make them unable to survive.

In other words, the lower limit of the ice and snow people is very high. Almost any one, even the newly born ice and snow people, has a minimum cultivation level of four to five levels.

This lower limit determines the biggest reason why the ice and snow people can run wild in this extremely cold place, and it is also the biggest key to their ability to develop their own civilization with ease.

This is the benefit of the lower limit. With a little practice, the levels below the Immortal level will not be an obstacle to the Ice and Snow people at all. Perhaps for them, the leap from the ninth level to the Immortal level will be a real breakthrough. The first bottleneck.

But this bottleneck does not seem to have brought much hindrance to the ice and snow race, and even almost every adult ice and snow race can easily overcome it.

Logically speaking, the advantage of this is that any race would be envious, even jealous, when they see it.

But in Liu Hao's view, such benefits are not only good.

In other words, the most favorable aspect often becomes the most restrictive aspect.

This is also the essence of the fact that a high lower limit does not mean that the upper limit must be high!

After the ice and snow race entered the immortal level and entered the cultivation level of heavenly immortal, the proportion of their breakthroughs in the following stages of true immortal and golden immortal has begun to decrease on a large scale.

So much so that even their queen, so far, is only at the peak of the Golden Immortal.

You must know that Liu Hao could see the baptism of the other queen's years at a glance. With such training time, if it were the Yanhuang people, even if it was grinding, he would be able to reach the level of others' cultivation.

From this perspective, the lower limit of the birth of the Yanhuang people may be very low, but its upper limit is extremely jealous of many races in the world.

This may be the true path to gain and loss.

Every level has a bottleneck, which means that every breakthrough requires sufficient preparation. In the long run, the Yanhuang people have become immune to the emergence of bottlenecks, and they know that it requires a huge amount of thought and energy to do it.

At this time, failure once or twice seems to them to be reasonable, and they can just keep trying if they fail.

I don't think this is a big deal.

But in the ice and snow race, this kind of open-mindedness is difficult to appear, because they are used to going with the wind and the tide. It has always been a matter of course. It has always been that as long as they grow in cultivation, they will make progress, so the sense of urgency on them will become If you are very relaxed, you will become 'accepted'.

In the final analysis, all these factors are attributed to the nobility of "bloodline", and deep down in the heart, they have made a psychological construction for themselves and even their own race, thinking that this is the destiny of their race and each person.

In this process, they habitually spend a lot of time focusing on their own combat skills, forcing them to have a vast majority of combat effectiveness that is much higher than that of the Yanhuang people at the same level of cultivation.

Some may even be able to fight across ranks and win.

However, all of this is just a little Doyle after all, and it is impossible to truly establish the true core of their tribe.

In comparison, the preciousness of the upper limit is obvious.

The same number of Yanhuang people faced the Ice and Snow people. As long as one 'Taiyi' appeared among the Yanhuang people, it would be enough to truly crush the opponent, and the final victory would be insignificant.

These are Liu Hao's biggest concepts about the ice and snow race, and he still feels pity for them.

The more he compares, the more optimistic Liu Hao is about his Yanhuang people.

Although the Yanhuang human race was so mediocre at the beginning, and compared with any race, it seemed that there was no advantage at all, and all data seemed to be far lower than other races, but because of this, the belief in self-improvement has never disappeared. The heart of the Yanhuang people.

Knowing their own shortcomings, they will attack their shortcomings step by step and make up for their disadvantages bit by bit. This is the real reason why they can truly stand in the world!

On the other hand, the ice and snow race seems to have a lower limit than many other races, and they are born with ice and snow talents. However, it is this talent that determines that they can only revolve around this talent in the future. The road goes dark.

Such talent, when faced with restraining others, may make one feel extremely proud.

But once they are defeated by other ethnic groups, they will only be surrounded by endless fear throughout their lives.

At that time, if you don't want to be destroyed by the enemy or become a 'livestock' for natural enemies, you can only choose to escape or find helpers, and the consequences are often not good.

They have many advantages, but it is also destined that these advantages will often become their biggest disadvantages, and they cannot be made up for in any case.

On the other hand, the Yanhuang tribe is different. Without any advantages, they have been exploring their own future, learning everything they can, and then turning what they have learned into their own heritage and developing all kinds of strange 'talents'.

It is also because of these strange 'talents' that the Yanhuang people have developed in all aspects, and there are no more real 'natural enemies'.

This is a way of controlling one's own destiny in a true sense. Just like before the spiritual energy was revived, the Dragon Kingdom did not let go of any industry or any piece of research and development in any industrial chain.

"This is true humanity!"

Liu Hao experienced this enlightenment in his heart and found himself walking around all the worlds. In the end, he realized that the true essence of humanity had been by his side from the beginning.

He was not upset by this. How could he not understand the allusion to the darkness under the lamp?

If it were so easy to ignore, such a word would not appear in our own civilization.

On the other hand, it was not too late for me to discover this at this time.

You need to know that these are not reminders given to you by others, but actually come from your own understanding, and you have understood the essence in a true sense!

In the same way, he knew that if he didn't travel around the world like this, he might never be able to discover it.

Sometimes there really is no harm without comparison, and without comparison you will never know your true happiness.

It was also this realization that made Liu Hao's original expectations for the world beneath his feet suddenly become dull.

"That's all, since we've already arrived, there's no shortage of time!"

Behind him, Yan Lingji suddenly found that her teacher had become much lazier, and her original interest had suddenly disappeared. How did she know that Liu Hao would think so much at once? Don't even understand why?

But she also had the feeling that Liu Hao's eyes seemed to have increased sympathy for the ice and snow race, and there was a hint of pity in his eyes.

She had no intention of asking, and was used to thinking by herself. At this time, she thought of Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, and found that these two annoying guys were missing. It seemed that there were no people to ask, and she didn't know whether these two annoying guys were missing. What happened to this guy in that mythical world?

Don't let her down after all her hard work.

But then I thought about it, and it seems that there is nothing to worry about. After experiencing so many heavens, referring to the historical trends of so many worlds, and understanding the development laws of so many worlds, if this still fails, there is no other choice. It’s Adou who can’t afford it.

The two of them had their own thoughts, but they had a tacit understanding and didn't mention it. They let a white cloud lift them up and fly away from the ice and snow area.

However, Yan Lingji didn't know that it wasn't that Liu Hao didn't want to explain these true principles to Yan Lingji, but that it was simply not necessary or meaningful.

Some truths, sometimes heard from others, often not only have bad effects, but also have bad effects. They can also restrict the true heart of the practitioner and imprison it within a certain thinking space.

This may also be the reason why those powerful people rarely explain the nature of heaven and earth to their disciples.

Because these principles need to be understood by the disciples themselves. Only when they understand them can they truly belong to them.

For this reason, when you listen to powerful people explaining the Great Way, it is always mysterious and mysterious.

It's not that they don't want to explain these principles more thoroughly, but that they clearly know that if they do so, it will harm everyone. This has become the default preaching mode for everyone in the world.

In the past, Liu Hao was always a little unhappy about this, but after today, he finally understood that he would definitely become one of them in the coming years.

Don't think this change is no big deal.

In fact, this is simply the sublimation of Liu Hao's understanding of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth!

It is also proof that Liu Hao has truly completed his realm of being a powerful person!

To use an analogy, Liu Hao traveled around the Spring and Autumn Period before this, and also wrote what he considered to be the "History of the Spring and Autumn Period."

But in this written history, he realized at this time that "not detailing everything" was actually the biggest failure!

History is not a notebook.

Later people looked at history not to fully control all the details of the past.

What they need is to find lessons from past history as a guide for the future.

And how can these be obtained in a ‘Notepad’?

When they see it, they will only see countless "articles", which are directly instilled in them by the writer.

Even if Liu Hao thought that he had eliminated any subjectivity, in fact this subjectivity had penetrated deep into his bones and he could not tolerate any rejection from others.

Where is this still history?

It’s no wonder that after Liu Hao spread it, it didn’t create any waves, because as long as others read it once, they lost any passion for research. Who knows how much they trust it?

This is just the history that Liu Hao thinks he thinks, and it is definitely not the history that the public needs.

For the public, what they need is not the 'authority' that can finalize the coffin. What they need is real discovery through constant questioning and research.

Even if this discovery sometimes has little to do with real history.

Because only in this way can they truly understand it, and it is truly their own, from which they can truly learn the 'lessons from the past'!

Above the white clouds, what Liu Hao took out at this time was the original copy of "Spring and Autumn" written by him.

I also found that all the pride I had in the past seemed so ridiculous at this time.

I understand even more that I need to find a time to completely revise my "Spring and Autumn".

The new version of Spring and Autumn may become ‘ambiguous’ and more difficult to read through.

But that's why all general readers need to bring their brains to read, and only in this way can it truly meet the needs of everyone.

"No wonder after writing it, my 'Spring and Autumn' couldn't even enter the holy scriptures!"

"It's not that I didn't cultivate enough at that time, it's that I didn't even notice the biggest flaw!"

Liu Hao muttered a few words to himself. Although he was slightly regretful, he didn't feel too much about it.

Because he understands that each stage has its own experience. Even if it seems wrong now, it was not so at the time. When this volume of "Spring and Autumn" was written, it did not push his history to a higher level. Class?

This is enough. If you change the version again, even if the benefits you bring to yourself now are very superficial, so what?

These gains are just the icing on the cake for me. The same book can bring me two gains, so what is there to be depressed about?

While thinking, Bai Yun had already reached the edge of the ice and snow domain. Even Liu Hao frowned at the scene in front of him.

This is almost a dead land, clearly the ruins left by the war between gods in unknown ages.

The endless remnants of the gods have formed their own unique environment on the edge of this vast ice and snow domain. Such an environment is almost no different from the restricted area for living beings.

Looking from a distance, it seems to be not much different from hell, and it is filled with endless evil energy. What is even worse is the will of the dead gods reborn in endless years.

Each of these wills carries the deep obsession of the gods at the moment of their death, and because these wills are just wills and lack real wisdom, they are forced to destroy more, like zombies.

Wandering in this battlefield left by the gods, just to kill every explorer who might come.

Over time, this place can only become a dead place.

Even if they know that there are huge benefits, few people dare to come.

Because even the will of the gods to be reborn after their death carries divinity one by one, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.

What's even more terrifying is that this kind of 'will' seems to be everywhere in this battlefield left by the gods.

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