Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and sixty-five. Tathagata enters the earth

1465. Tathagata enters the earth

Things developed so fast that Maitreya had not yet reacted, or perhaps before he reacted, his heart suddenly went from joy to great sadness, making him not know how to react for a while!

Among this group of Buddhist Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, there is one who is also conflicted in his heart at this time, and that is Ran Deng.

Just now, he was absolutely jealous of Maitreya, but now he is gloating a little, and he is even more grateful that he did not rush forward rashly. He is grateful that there are other powerful beings around him who have allowed him to restrain himself.

Similarly, he was also depressed that Tathagata had found his own way.

It's not that he hasn't found the path that truly suits him best.

After the tunnel manifested, Ran Deng had already felt it and had vaguely obtained the answer.

I understand even more that if I want to attain enlightenment, I have to go to hell.

I just want to think about it, but it’s hard to do it.

Not only was it a problem that he couldn't betray him again and again, but there was also a problem that the two Buddhist saints could not let him go.

These two levels also determined that even if Ran Deng knew it, he would not dare to act rashly, and his cultivation would be stuck in the current situation.

He was particularly envious of Fu Xi's 'sub-sage' realm, and he knew that once he could do it, it would only happen in an instant.

But so what? Can? Dare you?

At this time, Ran Deng was clearly looking forward to the Buddhist catastrophe coming soon. Only by completely breaking the current stability of Buddhism could he have such a chance.

He took a deep breath to calm down the fluctuations in his heart, calmed down all the expressions on his face, and sang a Buddhist chant loudly, which not only woke up the Buddhist companions around him, but also alerted himself.

Tell yourself that all the calculations have not yet come, so there is no need to worry!

His Buddha's name not only awakened his Buddhist companions from their many emotions, but also brought other quasi-sages around him back to reality.

The edge of chaos seemed to have returned to calm, as if the incident just now was simply an illusion.

No one had any intention of mentioning it, and they all continued to cast their sights on the Great White Tiger Dojo. Even if they had thousands of thoughts in their hearts, they were completely suppressed at this time, and they devoted all their energy to capturing the Tao Yun in front of them.

However, despite this, their efficiency has dropped by more than half. How can it be so easy to suppress the inner feelings?

Not to mention that they are just showing off here, but Tathagata and Fuxi walked completely different paths after leaving here.

Fuxi stepped into the prehistoric world and landed directly on the nearby land. Like a walking Taoist, his feet measured every inch of the land step by step.

Whether it was mountains, rivers, wolves or wild beasts, Fuxi saw them all with great interest and did not miss any of them.

He looked like a person who had never been out of the mountains. He was extremely curious about any external object and was completely integrated into the entire prehistoric world.

This change in mentality is Fuxi's biggest gain at this time.

This is when he truly understood what he should do as a humane saint.

With every step he took, his body and mind changed one more point. It was clearly visible to the naked eye, but it was like an illusion, and he was clearly integrating into nature bit by bit.

After he has completely traveled through the ancient world, it is time for Fuxi to attain enlightenment.

But this time obviously won't be short.

But when he will return, he can still calculate it.

On the contrary, Tathagata Buddha is not like this.

He left the edge of chaos and entered the wilderness, but first he pointed directly at Beiju Luzhou, speeding along the way without paying any attention to the surrounding scenery.

Stepping into Beiju Luzhou and walking to the World Passage, he didn't even try to cover his body. He let the clouds fall openly and walked through the passage with firm steps.

No one obstructed or dared to obstruct the whole process. His position as Buddha was not just for talk. How many people in the entire world could stop him?

Notwithstanding the others, Sha Wujing, who was guarding the entrance of the passage, was completely confused at this time.

He hurriedly sent the news to heaven, but he waited and waited without getting a reply, but he did not dare to urge him at all, so he could only grit his teeth and continue to wait.

But Tathagata said that when he stepped through the world passage and entered Liu Hao's earth, Qinglong Liu Hao, who was far away in North America, had already given feedback.

He turned his attention directly to this place.

The two of them looked at each other in the distance, nodded slightly to each other, and then gave up.

But this look at each other also gave the two of them a tacit understanding, but only they knew the details.

Seeing Qinglong Liu Hao retracting his gaze, Tathagata turned his head to look at the earth world. He did not expand his spiritual consciousness at all. What he wanted was to sense this different world with his own eyes and soul.

He even completely restrained his appearance. On the surface, he looked no different from an ordinary monk.

In the entrance of the passage, Jiu Ying's figure appeared, but he recognized Tathagata at a glance. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to say hello when he reached his mouth. After Tathagata put his hands together and saluted him, he realized and wanted to return the gift. Tathagata But it had already disappeared in front of him.

In the city of hundreds of thousands of monsters, Tathagata walked step by step, and the monsters among them were also very surprised. Because of his appearance and the complete restraint of his cultivation, these monsters should have opened their blood basins when they saw him. You are right to speak loudly, but now you are only curious about him, and you will continue to do what you should do next.

If you have not experienced the wash of information in the modern world, how can you possibly know the appeal of modern products to intelligent beings?

The city of hundreds of thousands of mountain monsters has been connected to the Internet for a long time, and even has mobile phones and the like. Under the guidance of the Dragon Kingdom, intentionally or unintentionally, this group of monsters with a high level of cultivation has long been formed. own world view.

For example, I would never like to eat raw food.

Even if they felt in their hearts that the monk in front of them was very delicious, it was absolutely impossible for them to pounce on him and bite him.

Furthermore, how could someone who could wander around so leisurely in the city of a hundred thousand mountain monsters be a weakling?

Do you really think they are fools?

We are all smart people who know how to analyze the pros and cons. We only have this little time, can’t we wait? It's not too late to see if any silly demon gives it a try before making any fuss.

But how did they know that in this city of monsters, the people who entered were all those who had reached the immortal level, and they all knew these things clearly, and they were not stupid. They were all waiting for others to try, and they didn't. Anyone who tried would just let Tathagata continue to wander around.

What was fed back to Tathagata was another idea.

He clearly felt that many of these demon clans coveted him, not to mention all, but more than half.

But coveting is coveting, but all of them restrained themselves.

This has never been seen before in the ancient world. Where is the demon clan here?

Are all the demon clans in this world so bad?

After walking around the entire city of monsters, Tathagata did not wait for any provocation. His sleeves were rolled up, and Bai Huahua's arms were exposed. He clearly saw several monsters drooling, but there was no sign of any. One pounced on him, and he couldn't tolerate it without thinking too much.

This made Tathagata leave with a lot of questions, and also made Jiu Ying, who had been watching secretly, breathe a sigh of relief. At least this trouble was gone.

They didn't know that when the white clouds appeared under Tathagata's feet, the demon clans in the entire demon clan city also felt relaxed in their hearts. They all felt that what they saw on their mobile phones was indeed correct, and they were all thinking about themselves. I am very lucky to have my IQ.

In the sky, Tathagata didn't care about this. He was full of questions and wanted to find a place to verify. But when he got to the sky, a huge statue appeared in his sight. This statue was also the Empress Nuwa.

It seems to be sitting there, telling everyone who sees it that that is her territory. As long as you enter here, you should restrain your claws.

"I see!"

Tathagata thought too much, thinking that this was Nuwa's intention to intimidate, which made the monsters in the monster city under their feet have to restrain their personalities.

But at the same time, he also believes that the suppression of this nature can only be here.

It seems that just to verify his idea, Tathagata did not go in the direction of the Dragon Kingdom, but chose to continue to the west. How did he know that there was also a Sakyamuni in this world, and the place of his birth was also right? This is the direction he is walking in now.

It has to be said that this fate, even without any prompting, is still involved in cause and effect, prompting Tathagata to make a choice.

When Tathagata truly stepped into Asan's kingdom, an inexplicable feeling of closeness was born in his heart. It was not for the creatures in it, but he discovered that the land under his feet seemed to have a great cause and effect with himself.

He didn't rush to find it, nor was he in a hurry. Instead, he chose to observe it carefully from the edge.

It's a pity that Earth Buddhism was born in Asan Kingdom, but it almost died here, and only a trace of broken Zen can be seen. This made Tathagata very disappointed for a time.

Not to mention what happened to Tathagata, but Qinglong Liu Hao withdrew his gaze and had to frown.

Compared with any quasi-sage powerful person from the ancient times, the arrival of the Tathagata still made him have to be vigilant. Buddhism was very domineering in the ancient times. As a Buddha, he did not believe that the Tathagata was a gentle person.

In other words, all his previous plans will be completely changed after the arrival of Tathagata, and the changes caused are bound to be greater than anything else.

Subconsciously, he glanced at Shiwandashan again, and happened to see Tathagata heading towards Asan's country. He also felt a faint exhalation in his heart. It seemed that this would be better. He would torment Asan first so that he could let go. He has more time to deal with it.

He glanced at the three great Bodhisattvas within the formation, and saw that none of them seemed to notice the Tathagata coming, and his heart moved even more.

"It seems a little unreasonable for Tathagata to be so low-key!"

"A Buddha who doesn't restrain his golden body when he goes out is still a Buddha?"

"Honghuang, has there been any change?"

"Could it be that White Tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment made Tathagata unstable?"

"Impossible. It doesn't take much time for such an old fox to adjust to the right position. Even if there is an emergency, he has already calmed down completely!"

"If that's the case, what's the reason for him to be so low-key?"

"You have to know that it's the real person who's coming!"

Unable to figure it out, Qinglong Liu Hao could only give up, and could only further observe and wait for Tathagata's move.

He returned his gaze to the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, his eyes swept across all the familiar people, and then nodded slightly.

He also had to admit that those who could leave their names in the heavens, no matter how low the level of the heavens, were still outstanding people.

Once these people get the chance, standing out is as easy as drinking water.

For example, among the group of people who came from the Zongwu world, Zhang Wuji can be said to be a typical representative. Even though the Zongwu world has completely changed, it seems that his luck has not been taken back.

It has only been a short time now. Zhang Wuji has already caught up with 90% of the human race and entered the Tao through martial arts. Based on the Tai Chi mind method, he integrated the nine yin and nine yang techniques into one, and forcibly created a unique Come on your own path.

Or perhaps it was because of his own martial arts skills that Zhang Wuji was able to fight with great ease, and even used his peak Golden Immortal cultivation to directly compete against the Taiyi Abyss species without falling behind at all.

This is already a person who can fight beyond the level.

Of course, Zhang Wuji can be regarded as a member of the outliers. After all, he can be regarded as the protagonist in Zongwu's world. His cases cannot be counted.

But the other members of the Ming Cult who followed the Zongwu world and merged into their own earth obviously did not fall far behind.

Within this Zhoutian Starry Formation, they still displayed their own majesty.

When Qinglong Liu Hao glanced over, he could almost see at a glance that those with outstanding cultivation were mostly people he 'knew'. So what if it wasn't just a little sunshine?

But he also knew that it was also unknown how many of these people would be able to stay during the real battle with the Abyss in the future.

Just like the entire Zongwu world, Qinglong Liu Hao is still most optimistic about Zhang Sanfeng.

This old guy, whose name has been passed down in many worlds, has now caught up with his own cultivation. It can be said that he is the most powerful in the entire Zongwu world, and he has put more expectations on others.

This burden is the Daluo Daoguo!

This is also the biggest threshold for the world to be able to open up real shackles.

After passing this threshold, everything is easy to talk about. Once you can't pass, this world can only do this. In the end, it will be reduced to a spectator, or it can only be used as a logistics and reduced to a vassal of other worlds.

In turn, once this threshold is exceeded, it also means that this world has a real right to speak, just like Zhang Zhiwei in the world under one person.

After earning the Great Luo Dao Fruit, even the many quasi-sages in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation intentionally or unintentionally inquired about Zhang Zhiwei's origins and kept the world under one person in mind. This is to obtain the truly powerful power. This is due to the respect of the readers.

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