Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and sixty six. Familiar people

1466. Familiar people

In all the worlds, there are countless ways to divide levels, and everyone has his or her own set of patterns, and it cannot be said that the reasons for these people's classifications are unreasonable.

This is also the reason why so far, the many worlds linked to the earth do not have a true level standard.

Of course, there are also factors here that cause these worlds to constantly improve their levels.

But recently, these complex statistical methods have reached a certain stage of accumulation, and they have gradually gained a level of classification recognized by many parties.

That is the three concepts of ‘big thousand, middle thousand and small thousand’.

The Small Thousand World is the lowest level. No matter how many levels there are in the ceiling, as long as there are no immortal monks born in it, it can only be divided into this stage.

In the Middle Thousand World, immortals are bound to always be there, but in the Great Thousand World, there is bound to be another rule, that is, the Daluo Dao Fruit can be realized.

On the other hand, as long as a person who has attained the Daluo Dao Fruit appears in a world, then this world has entered the level of the Great Thousand Worlds.

Don't underestimate this level division, let alone the emergence of Daluo Daoguo monks, because for the world, this is what they really need, and it is also the biggest symbolic improvement in these worlds.

Only when the number of Daluo Daoguo monks reaches a certain level can existences such as ‘saints’ and ‘Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals’ appear in this world.

It can be said that every level of progress will be hellishly difficult.

In many worlds, there may have been many quasi-sages, but because they took the wrong path, they could not have the Great Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit, so that they could never see the way forward and forcibly consumed the future of their world. Empty.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit is extremely difficult to prove.

The connection between the heavens and the world has also lowered the difficulty to a certain extent.

For example, if Master Zhang Zhiwei, who is under one person, has been in the world under one person, even if the spiritual energy is rich enough to support the realization of Daluo Daoguo, even if he has extraordinary understanding, he will not be able to use his cultivation skills. The Dharma can be understood and understood without hindrance.

But the possibility of him attaining the Daluo Dao Fruit is only a chance at best.

Many times, it is very likely that Master Zhang Zhiwei would never even think about attaining the Daluo Dao Fruit.

When the Daluo Jinxian reaches its peak, it is very likely that he will attack the quasi-sage and comprehend the possible laws and avenues!

This is the greatest normal state in all heavens and worlds!

In turn, the world under one person is linked to Liu Hao's earth. Not to mention how much time Zhang Zhiwei saves through exchanges such as exercises. Just having this clear path in front of others makes a lot of money, and that is what they get. The best gift too!

If such a situation occurs, it will inevitably appear in countless others. If it appears in the world under one person, it will inevitably affect all other worlds connected to the earth.

This may be the greatest luck in these worlds!

Even if they are connected to the earth, they will suffer disasters that they have never imagined before, and may even destroy the entire world because of this, but the "wills" of these worlds will never have any rejection mentality because of this.

Perhaps this is why the situation that Qinglong Liu Hao saw occurred, which is the real reason why those "acquaintances" he considered in the world can still stand out even if they leave these worlds.

Because for these worlds, these people have long been 'attention', and have been given luck beyond ordinary people. They are the 'breakthroughs' that these worlds expect, or in other words, they are the 'investors' of these worlds. '.

Obviously, their investment was successful, at least within the Zhoutian Star Formation in front of them. The merit they earned from killing the abyss invaders must be distributed to their own world.

This in itself is also feeding back, and it is also a different kind of mutual complementation!

In the future, this situation will continue until these worlds have their own 'Great Path and Fruit'.

Perhaps he also discovered this, and Qinglong Liu Hao had a guess. Perhaps in the real decisive battle with the abyss in the future, most of the decisive battlers will be people he is already "familiar" with.

When this guess appeared in Qinglong Liu Hao's mind, the more he thought about it, the more reliable it became.

Aren’t these people just like the ‘proud sons of heaven’ among all the worlds?

He is the best among the best. As long as he doesn't fall unexpectedly in the future, he takes one step at a time. It's just a matter of speed and slowness!

It seems that he was also affected by his own thinking, which made Qinglong Liu Hao pay more attention to the "familiar" person in the formation.

Even 'Stephen Rojeff', who had always looked down upon, was the same.

This guy who has been relying on his own human shield seems to have made great progress compared to when he was first brought here by Gu Yi.

Looking carefully, it seems that this guy's progress has not been hindered, and I have to secretly praise the cleverness of this bald eagle captain in the Marvel world.

Knowing that it would be difficult to kill the abyssal species alone with his own physical strength, he simply chose to give up and regard his position as a real 'human shield', resisting in the front row such as 'Natasha' and fighting for the kills of his colleagues in the back row. The timing of killing also provides more protection for teammates in the back row.

It seems that this guy didn't kill any abyssal species, but he also provided his own strength. In this little bit of profit sharing, he also gained a lot of merit and gradually improved. Use your own strength and so on.

In fact, it’s not that Marvel Captain Steve doesn’t want to change his position. How could he not know that it’s impossible to gain benefits from the enemies in front of him by relying on his own strength alone?

Just thinking about it, there is still no answer on how to do it. Facing the endless threats of abyssal species, there is not so much time to think, and more can only be mechanical responses.

When their rest time came, they had to think about it, made many attempts, and discovered where their talents had accumulated. He felt that he might really be insulated from the mage in this life.

This guy who relies on drugs to forcibly stimulate his own genetic improvement, does not know that when he injects the genetic medicine, all other talents he should have have been completely covered. All his own energy has been stimulated, and he can only go this way. Go dark.

These are not things that Captain Marvel's Bald Eagle can know at this time, and Gu Yi will not tell him that he has chosen his own path and must accept it.

But even so, Qinglong Liu Hao doesn't think this guy has no future now.

The almost 'son' treatment in the Marvel world is no joke.

In other words, as long as the will of the Marvel world does not give up on this guy, there is still great hope for this guy's future.

Even Marvel’s Captain Bald Eagle is like this, let alone anyone else!

The Black Widow Natasha has completely changed now. Where can I find the Black Widow in the Marvel world?

He has clearly become a real magician!

It seems to have become the first batch of arrivals in the Marvel world.

This kind of comparison may not be rare in the future. Those guys who were originally only supporting roles in the world, as long as they seize the opportunity, the possibility of turning over will not be less!

This may also be the real opportunity for the world to connect to the earth!

Perhaps he also discovered this, Qinglong Liu Hao subconsciously looked at those people who were already 'familiar' one by one;

When he saw Uzumaki Naruto, he was slightly startled. It seemed that this guy who could only be regarded as 'very simple' has now grown a lot.

Yes, after all, I have a family, and I have children, so my focus must have changed long ago. It is truly reasonable to have a change.

Similarly, he also discovered that Uzumaki Naruto seemed to have completely surrendered to the influence of the so-called 'Asura' chakra, or simply completely refined this influential chakra and made it completely his own.

Coupled with the mutual promotion of the nine lamas who have long been symbiotic with each other, Uzumaki Naruto has now almost reached another bottleneck. If he takes a further step, he will also step into the real Daluo;

And these, in Qinglong Liu Hao's opinion, would take countless years to achieve.

"It seems that the demonized Nine Lamas also gave Uzumaki Naruto greater support. This plug-in can be used for two purposes at once, which has made him a lot of money!"

Azure Dragon Liu Hao whispered in his mouth, and also looked at the other Tailed Beast Jinchūriki. When he glanced at the 'Bi' of Yunyin Village, the guess in his heart became firmer.

He felt that in the future, the real fighting power of the 'ninja world' might depend on these jinchūriki.

He also had to lament that the large-scale appearance of the demon clan forced these tailed beasts to still make the most advantageous choice for them!

However, Qinglong Liu Hao is not sure how long this symbiosis can last!

Because it is not truly one body after all.

At a certain stage, it will become their real shackles.

For example, when you need to prove the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit!

At this time, they must make another choice, otherwise it will only drag them down.

On the other hand, if they still choose to continue to coexist, then the possibility of them attaining the Great Law and Fruition will be beyond their imagination, and may even be impossible!

This can be considered a blessing and a curse!

A shortcut is a shortcut after all!

"Jiraiya, on the other hand, seems to be gradually catching up!"

"That's right! In terms of talent, Jiraiya is not that good among the three ninjas. Among the Hokages, he can always show suppressive power, thanks to those toads!"

"Now, it has been replenished from the abyssal species, and the great merits have mostly been used by him to make up for the foundation. Only in this way can we have the current achievements, right?"

"True immortal! The foundation is solid!"

"What happens in the future depends on himself!"

"This guy is also a perseverant person..."

Qinglong Liu Hao also nodded slightly as he spoke. Jiraiya in his sight was clearly far behind his juniors, but he did not show the slightest sadness either on his face or in his heart. This mentality did not mean that Just saying it.

It must be that he has a sufficient understanding of himself, knows where his own limits are, and is open-minded, but at the same time he has not resigned to his fate. He must also have discovered the benefits of killing abyssal species, which is why he has what he sees today. The figure of the other party.

In fact, this discovery has now spread throughout the entire ninja world.

Almost all the ninjas who thought they were capable were here.

The ninja world has developed to this point, and enough guys have discovered the limits of their talents, and understand that if they don't fight for it here, this will be the only way in the future.

In other words, Liu Hao has long lost interest and care in the Ninja World, otherwise he would understand that even if the Ninja World enters the earth, and even if they have enough external bases to fight, their average cultivation level is still lagging behind. There are many dragon kingdoms;

As the earth's aura increases, the cultivation levels of many monsters outside the base are also increasing, putting greater pressure on these ninjas.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this discovery was also their life-saving straw.

Fortunately, for the ninja world, life and death have long been taken lightly, and they have realized that killing abyssal species can increase their own limits, so they have long since given up completely.

For them, even if they die completely in the process, they still need to strive for one more possibility for their descendants and future generations.

And Jiraiya is the most typical representative among them!

His thinking pattern also determines his choices!

It can be said that now the thigh of the ninja world has returned to Uzumaki Naruto.

Didn't you see a lot of Hyuga members around Hinata?

For a long time to come, this kind of scene will be the norm for ninjas in the ninja world!

"With nearly 70,000 ninjas, they have almost wiped out all the high-end ninjas in the ninja world, right?"

"The sense of crisis among these people is really extraordinary!"

"I wonder what happened to Uchiha Madara and the others?"

"Have you ever established your own true territory in the magical world of Qinling?"

"Those god kings are not easy to deal with! I hope so!"

"If it still doesn't work, this will be their last hope!"

"There's no rush! Why don't you continue to take a look before making any further calculations!"

Qinglong Liu Hao said to himself, but he also clearly arranged the future of the entire ninja world.

During the whole process, he did not comment on the 'immortal arts' in the hands of these ninjas at all, nor did he even take a glance at them. Even though these 'immortal arts' were already very good in the eyes of the ninjas, in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao In his eyes, there is still no difference from playing house.

And the use of power is still so low-level.

As a result, he had to consider whether to spend some time to help the other party deduce it. Not to mention raising it to the level of ancient immortal cultivation, it should at least have some level of immortal cultivation in the world, right?

In his peripheral vision, he saw the cooperation between Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke again, and he couldn't help but smile. It seemed that the love between these two guys had not diminished at all as time went by.

Perhaps this is Naruto's greatest feature?

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