Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and sixty-seven. Tathagata's choice

1467. Tathagata’s choice

Not to mention Qinglong Liu Hao's random thoughts there.

But it is said that the Tathagata arrived in Asan's country and transformed into an old monk. Along the way, the sadness on his face could not help but increase.

Nothing else, but he saw the ups and downs of Buddhism in this land, or the root of its decline.

"After all, we lost to Hinayana Buddhism!"

Tathagata regarded the current Brahmins of Asan Kingdom as a branch of Hinayana Buddhism, and he directly gave the definition without caring whether it was correct or not.

"If in the wilderness, the two sages who led to Zhunti did not give support to the poor monk, that would probably be the case on Lingshan Mountain now, right?"

As a Buddha, how could the Tathagata not know about Xiniu Hezhou Buddhism?

Things that outsiders can see through at a glance are clear to Tathagata in his heart.

But clarity is clarity, benefit is benefit, and after all, it is still impossible to let go.

He suddenly realized that he had never seemed to get rid of the control of his obsession in the past.

In order to realize the Hunyuan Tao, I directly chose to ignore the many ‘bad things’ in Buddhism!

Doesn't he know that the so-called salvation of all sentient beings is just talk?

When Tang Sanzang was studying for Buddhist scriptures, he was directly taken into custody in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. Without his acquiescence, who would dare to do this?

In the past, he thought that he was just looking at problems from a higher perspective, so he ignored these 'bad things' intentionally or unintentionally.

But now it seems that what is bad is bad!

These bad things have always existed, and they will inevitably corrode your own foundation from the most basic level!

Just like the Asan Kingdom he sees now, the Mahayana Buddhism in his heart has completely disappeared, and everything has become nothing more than a legend. Even his 'Sakyamuni' has been changed beyond recognition and has become a mere piece of history. Among the figures, and even among the gods of Hinayana Buddhism, there is no trace of his Tathagata.

How could this make him happy?

It seems that all the foundations we think of are just the support from saints!

It seems that it has nothing to do with his efforts to strengthen Buddhism. Just replacing anyone will not change the development of today's ancient Buddhism.

What's more, he also had some doubts about his own Mahayana Buddhism.

This suspicion is not that he thinks there is something wrong with his way, but that his way is just a choice under the planning of others! Tathagata is so proud. How can he bear this kind of discovery?

He subconsciously chanted the Buddha's name, but after the word 'Amitabha', he completely stopped when the word 'Buddha' was used.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something!

"That's it! Buddhism in the ancient world has never been a Buddhism for poor monks. This Buddha's name has already explained everything!"

"Why has this poor monk never considered it in the past?"

The Tathagata sighed in his heart, and he thought of the Taoist Sect. It seemed that the Taoist Sect's promise was nothing more than the 'Infinite Heavenly Lord'.

Infinite, infinite!

This slogan shows that Taoism’s pursuit has always been the endless ‘Tao’.

From this point of view, Buddhism has lost from the beginning!

"No wonder Master Tongtian has to remind himself to leave Lingshan! Master must have discovered it long ago, but he also knew that he was unable to change it in the past, right?"

"It's not too late!"

Little did they know that today is the Tathagata’s true spiritual transformation!

If the Tathagata before this only regarded his future enlightenment as everything, starting from today, the Tathagata is the real Buddha!

In his heart at this time, he had completely understood what he needed to do to truly entrust Jieyin Zhunti's interference in his own path.

But he didn't have any arrogance, instead he became more calm.

He was still dressed as an old monk, and he looked no different from an ordinary person in appearance. He seemed to be powerless, as if any beast could devour him, but in his eyes, his understanding of countless avenues was deposited. No matter who When you look at it, you will have to say "the eminent monk".

He does not intend to use any power to spread his own way, and even directly denies the "all living beings" in his "universal salvation of all living beings".

Because he understood that instead of considering all sentient beings, it is better to take one step at a time. Instead of letting all sentient beings know his Mahayana Buddhism, it is better to be a novice monk who truly recognizes his own Mahayana Buddhism.

His change was something that absolutely no one expected.

It is definitely the change in Tathagata's nature, and it is also a symbol that Tathagata has truly embarked on his own path.

Not only did I ask for help from Zhunti, but I also asked for the way of the Three Purities!

Therefore, the Tathagata at this moment does not regard himself as a 'Buddha' at all, but an old monk who wants to spread his ideas.

Even though he had completely restrained his Buddhist charm, there was still a faint golden light flashing through him step by step.

But it has to be said that Tathagata chose the wrong position. If he were in the Dragon Kingdom at this time, he would find that the real Mahayana Buddhism had already taken root here. But if he entered the Dragon Kingdom from the beginning, if he wanted to achieve today's great enlightenment, Very unpredictable!

This may be a gain or loss!

I have to say that Tathagata and the land beneath his feet have a predestined relationship, and it is not just talk!

After passing through countless ruined villages, Tathagata finally arrived at a gathering place of humans.

He could tell at a glance that this gathering place was under the control of the demon clan.

In the past, Tathagata would definitely kill them.

But today, he has never had this idea, and he even understands deep down in his heart that if it were not for the control of this group of monsters, the human race here might have become the food of the surrounding monsters.

"Monster clan, monster beast! One body but not one body!"

"Why have you never noticed it before?"

"A leaf blinds the eyes! Nothing better than this!"

Tathagata murmured in his mouth, but his steps were not slow at all. The closer he got, the more "ridiculous" everything he saw in front of him felt.

This protection was not just for keeping them in captivity. He could tell at a glance that these monsters who dominated the human race did not regard this group of humans as rations at all, and they had never secretly swallowed one or two late at night.

Instead, it truly protects, delimits a range, and builds it into a real safe zone for the human race.

In this safe zone, the human race owns their own fields. Although it is not easy to live a self-sufficient life, they will not go hungry.

If you want to eat well, you must work hard and fight the monsters outside the safe zone.

And in this process, those monster clans were not biased. If they lost, they would become the food of the monster beasts. If they won, they would get the meat from the monster beasts.

But being so impartial still made these human beings extremely grateful and contributed their most devout beliefs.

Do you think it's funny?

But the ridiculousness here also makes Tathagata unable to laugh.

He felt that what he did in Hezhou, Xiniu, was very similar to the demon clan in front of him?

They are exactly the same!

But the effect is so good!

Since he can do this, what qualifications does he have to blame the demon clan?

After actually stepping into the gathering place of human race in front of him, Tathagata's soul was shocked again.

The demon clan rules here, but they don’t really choose to manage it. They just provide a shelter from the wind. The human race among them is still the real master, and they can’t break away from the original Asan model, which is the caste!

I don’t know if it’s because of preconceptions, but Tathagata always compares this with his own prehistoric Lingshan Mountain.

This comparison allowed him to discover the trend of convergence.

The high-caste person above seemed no different from him. Wasn't he originally sitting in the void, waiting for worship from others below?

Since this is the case for me, then no one else is qualified to take on the responsibilities!

‘Infinite Life Buddha! "

The Tathagata gently sang the name of the Buddha, but this time there was no 'Amitabha'. This was telling himself that it was time to make a real choice, and it was time to separate from his original self!

The countless curious eyes around him were ignored by Tathagata. He walked towards the core temple of the gathering place step by step, but it did not mean that he really wanted to overturn this place immediately.

How could he not understand that once he did this, the effect would definitely be worse? But this time, he was not anxious at all. The determination in his heart told him that if he couldn't even handle this, he would not have any future prospects. It can be said.

Qinglong Liu Hao would not know the situation here, nor would he understand that Tathagata would stay in a small Asan gathering place for a long time.

Even for a long time in the future, other great powers will know that Tathagata has arrived, but they have no idea where Tathagata is hiding.

In Antarctica, Yan Lingji, the carrier of Liu Hao's obsession, returned to her home earth again and received a message from Qinglong Liu Hao on the spot.

"Good fellow, has the Tathagata come? Or come in person! Don't you care about Buddhism in Lingshan Mountain?"

"Could it be that something happened in the ancient times?"

"No, if there is a big change, this information shouldn't be the only thing!"

Obsessed with Liu Hao's thoughts, he couldn't get the answer for a while, which made him shake his head. When he looked back at Yan Lingji, he fell into deep thought again.

Yan Lingji, who has reached the peak of the ninth level, does not seem to be the best choice to continue to follow him. Now that he has come to his own earth, can he entrust Yan Lingji to his account for a while?

But this idea was quickly rejected by Liu Hao. Tathagata was not a kind person after all, but he couldn't leave Yan Lingji to be 'uncontrollable' just because he thought Yan Lingji was now in line with the Buddhist system.

Furthermore, even if you want Yan Lingji to listen to the true meaning of Buddhism, it is not the best time. No matter what, you have to let Yan Lingji arrive at Jinxian before making any calculations.

By that time, whether it is Yan Lingji's inner perseverance or her own protective ability, the choice she makes at that time will be the real choice in Yan Lingji's heart.


Obsessed, Liu Hao ignored the doubts in Yan Lingji's eyes and stopped admiring the Queen of Ice and Snow Human Race.

After leaving the Ice and Snow Human Race gathering place, he remembered that he seemed to have taken the Ice and Snow Goddess' magic weapon. After thinking for a moment, he threw it directly into the Ice and Snow Human Race's palace. No matter how much panic he caused to the Ice and Snow Human Race, Not to mention that the last consciousness of the Ice and Snow Goddess residing in it was locked and taken away by his own earth's six-path reincarnation mirror in the instant he took it out.

It seemed that all this was just a temporary idea on his part, and he didn't care about what would happen next.

But in fact, how could all this be separated from his calculations?

He could already feel that on the ice and snow tree in the gathering place of the ice and snow people, there was a fruit that would give birth to a new ice and snow goddess. However, this ice and snow goddess could only be regarded as one of the creatures on earth, and Her original world no longer had many relationships.

He knew even more clearly that the ice and snow race with this future ice and snow goddess would inevitably rise on the Antarctic land of their own earth.

But he doesn't care, because the number of ice and snow people has determined that they cannot become a hazard in the future.

At most, it only occupies the tip of the iceberg in the Antarctic continent.

On the other hand, the Ice and Snow Human Race with this layer of foundation will have some value in Liu Hao's eyes in the future, otherwise he will not even be interested in taking a look at it in the future.

As the one who helped the ice and snow goddess reincarnate, this cause and effect also determines that if the ice and snow people become powerful in the future, they must be used by him. This is enough!

"The Antarctic continent is the best place for those with ice and snow talents to gain experience. I believe those with ice and snow talents must also know about it, but why can't they see anyone coming?"

"That's right! Our own earth still has the North Pole, and those who are truly gifted in ice and snow in the Dragon Kingdom will not look far away!"

"It seems that it will take a long time for Antarctica to be born!"

"This is not bad! It can also be considered as giving time for the many worlds here on the Link Road to get used to each other!"

The sky was full of wind and snow, and the line of sight was only three meters away, but Liu Hao and Yan Lingji had no impact at all. Even their footsteps were only lightly left on the ice and snow ground, and they disappeared without a trace after just a few breaths.

It seemed that they had no real direction, but in fact, every step they took was so determined, and they had already planned their way ahead. Not long after, another world passage appeared in front of them.

Compared with the previous one, this passage seems to be much smaller, and one can tell from a glance that it has just appeared.

But it was this passage that made Liu Hao's heart move. It seemed that the world on the other side had a great connection with him.

And this kind of perception had appeared to Liu Hao countless times before.

"Is this another world with the Yanhuang Kingdom?"

"It's just that it's not a good thing in this Antarctic land!"

"It's most likely that it's been frozen for a long distance at the other end of the passage, right?"

While he was talking, Liu Hao had already stepped into it with Yan Lingji, and then an expression of sudden realization appeared on his face. There was also a hint of weirdness in this sudden realization.

"Wandering the earth?"

"It seems to have come at the right time!"

He raised his head slightly and saw a spaceship flying towards Jupiter at a glance. Needless to say, it must be Liu Peiqiang there.

"You're lucky. If it had been a little later, it would have taken a lot of effort to save you!"

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