Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and seventy one. Open experiment

1471. Open trial

With these words, it was impossible for Liu Hao to tell the other party that there was already Liu Peiqiang, the source of the future world's martial arts. If this could not make them the most prominent one, it would only be their own business.

At this time, Liu Hao was more concerned about Yan Lingji. After constantly adjusting the protective formations, he also found that Yan Lingji seemed to have a lot of talent in this area, which gave him more abilities. idea.

I'm thinking about whether to impart more formation knowledge to the other party one by one.

But this idea was quickly suppressed by him. The formation knowledge Yan Lingji had learned had not yet been fully digested, and there was no need to be anxious.

"If you modify it for a while, it will be easy to resist the attack of the ninth-level monks. The only thing lacking is the array eye treasure. When the time comes, you can help refine one!"

There were originally three people following her, but now they have become one, and naturally they have received more attention from Liu Hao and others. This has to be said to be Yan Lingji's greatest blessing.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Yan Lingji's heart and mouth being completely separated from the original world.

Don't think that this kind of cutting is just a break in the heart or mouth.

Because once this happens, Yan Lingji will truly lose her biggest foundation.

It is also destined that no matter how strong Yan Lingji is in the future, it will become more difficult to return to the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty and seize control from Qin Shihuang.

Because by that time, Qin Shi Mingyue will only regard Yan Lingji as an outsider, and will think that Yan Lingji has already immigrated, and will not continue to give preferential treatment to any local people.

There are many disadvantages, but so are the advantages.

The advantage is that you have truly stepped out of the box and have the luck to collect all the worlds.

However, this kind of collection is not that easy. If Yan Lingji does it alone, she may have turned into ashes in just a few worlds.

This is why there are many monks who can guess the benefits, but still few monks dare to do it.

More importantly, I still choose to get whatever I can, or choose where my true foundation lies.

But not everyone dares to gamble. The biggest reason why Yan Lingji dares to do so is because of Liu Hao's blessing, and because Liu Hao is willing to use Yan Lingji as an experiment. It is a kind of mutual complementarity.

Liu Hao also found that even so, he could only protect one person. If there was one more person, the possibility of his death would inevitably increase.

But not all the heavens and worlds are happy to bestow their luck.

Any piece of luck is extremely precious to a world. The lives they bestow upon themselves are the real long-term way and the real mutual fulfillment. If there is no other way, which world would be willing to do this? Do it?

Compared to Liu Hao's fist and having to surrender, what does Yan Lingji mean?

The greatest possibility is to completely bind Yan Lingji to these worlds and squeeze out all the knowledge about other worlds from Yan Lingji bit by bit.

But with Liu Hao's protection, this extraction can only be turned into a transaction. How much you help me, I will return some to you, and what I return is often much less than what Yan Lingji has helped these worlds.

But these are not a big deal in Liu Hao's opinion.

A true one-to-one deal is not a good thing for these heavens, and it will not really allow Yan Lingji and him to have a smooth relationship in the future.

Even if it is mutual fulfillment, even if it is a transaction, the long-term solution is the real win-win!

How could Liu Hao not understand these truths?

The reason why he chose not to take action and let Yan Lingji try bit by bit, was this experiment not included in it?

And Yan Lingji’s bit by bit attempts are also of great help to Wandering Earth, because in Yan Lingji’s bit by bit actions, Wandering Earth has already made every effort of Yan Lingji bit by bit. Copied and used as the world's true reserve of knowledge.

With the accumulation of this knowledge, all living beings wandering around the earth in the future will become more accessible when understanding this knowledge. This is what these low-level worlds really need.

On the contrary, Liu Hao's attack was too violent and could not be caught by the wandering earth world's will. It was clearly difficult to understand and difficult to record. But Liu Hao's attack was to help, and he must also give benefits. This It is clearly the real loss.

Why are all the worlds so stubbornly guarding against the entry of monks who are beyond their world level? Not only all of them, but also a lot of them must be involved.

Liu Hao has truly traveled through the heavens, and he has clearly understood it for a long time.

It seems that in Liu Peiqiang's view, Liu Hao is just connecting this place with an underground gathering place a hundred kilometers away, but it is actually far more terrifying than Liu Peiqiang imagined.

Liu Hao's action not only stabilized the avenue with a width of more than 100 meters, but also directly bound it to the core of the entire wandering earth. It can be said that even if the earth beneath his feet is shattered, this passage will continue to extend to The core of the earth will also be stable and difficult to break.

In other words, even if the wandering earth is hit by other planets in the future and breaks into countless pieces, this channel can still run and continue to wander. This is the law of waving hands, not to mention Liu Peiqiang, who has just entered the spiritual practice. Guys, even the will of the world that wanders around the earth has only a partial understanding of this. If it wants to record it, it can't be done even if it doesn't take 80,000 years.

The level gap is so desperate sometimes.

Otherwise, a truly powerful person would be able to change the world in an absolutely unpredictable way!

Because many times, every move of these powerful people interferes with the operation of a world. Once these operations push the CPU operation of this world to a certain upper limit, the only possibility for this world is to let this big world run its course. The choice of whether to move towards evolution or destruction can only be determined by the thoughts of these powerful people.

It can be said that all the heavens that feel that they can block these powerful people have been making efforts in this regard for countless years in the past.

It's just that these efforts were in vain after the link between the heavens and the world entered the earth.

In Liu Hao's view, there are probably some worlds connected to the earth that have been completely destroyed by some monks in places that he has not paid attention to. He does not think that everyone has the same patience as him.

Sometimes I think about it, Liu Hao also feels that he has the appearance of a 'saint'! This is really not bragging.

Not far away, the roar of an engine could be heard, and the giant truck unique to the wandering earth was slowly driving towards here. This time, it was not carrying quarry, but real humans.

Not long after, a huge cheer sounded. Before these trucks came to a complete stop, many people jumped out eagerly, and then rushed forward like madmen. Before the ice, there were probably only a few of them. We will cherish these farmland, but now, everyone desires it from the bottom of their hearts and will cherish it greatly.

Because this is their future, they no longer need to worry about inexplicably falling into a certain starry sky one day in the future. Even if they are looking at the stars in the sky, they are very satisfied, even if the next journey is still full of unknowns, they There is nothing to be afraid of at this moment.

"Since the sun is going to die, let's just let it die. We're just going to replace it with another sun. What's the big deal?"

Liu Hao did not show up, but the smile on his face did not stop. He was also happy to see the enthusiasm on these people's faces, and he recognized from the bottom of his heart these people of his own who had transcended the world. He saw When it comes to the struggle hidden in the deepest part of their genes, it's like when the great flood comes. At this time, are they not 'Dayu' one after another?

"Forget it, the treasure at the core of this formation is based on the bronze hoe in Dayu's hand, so it fits perfectly!"

Liu Hao didn't know that his emotions were affected by these people, but he didn't care, and he even enjoyed the changes in his heart at this time. It seemed that it had been a long time since he felt like a living human being like today.

"Perhaps this is human nature! I don't know if I can return to my original self in the future. With such unstable emotions and the need to prevent the damage caused by this impermanence, perhaps only in Hunyuan can we truly do this!"

"The way of humanity, the way of humanity! The way of man!"

"I restrain myself all the time. Could it be that I am on the wrong path?"

"The five senses, the seven emotions, and the six desires have all been comprehended, but it seems that they have not been fully comprehended!"

Many thoughts flashed through Liu Hao's mind, and these thoughts unfolded one by one with the smile on his face. For a long time, he found that he seemed to have difficulty controlling his emotions, and had to stop thinking.

When these emotions are released, the destructive power produced cannot be resisted by the wandering earth world. It is very likely that all living beings are affected by these emotions, or go crazy, or are directly immersed in one of them. Guilty, or simply unable to resist and committing suicide directly.

If that was the case, that would be depressing. This was a world that he had finally guided to the path of hope, and he never wanted to cause the wandering earth to embark on a path of destruction because of himself.

Shaking his head, he took a breath and once again glanced at the many human beings here today. It seemed that he had completely released all the negative emotions he had suppressed for a long time. This group of people only had faint smiles at this time, and they were already thinking about the future. , has been assembled in the hands of some organizers and began to assign tasks.

Now that they have arrived, there will naturally be no shortage of seeds, but they will never plant them all rashly, even with Liu Peiqiang's support, because they still dare not gamble, because every grain of food is precious.

It seemed that Liu Peiqiang also understood this. After dividing some test sites for them, this guy found Yan Lingji again, but this time Yan Lingji did not continue to pay attention.

"It's still a bit immature, but that's okay, he has to go through these setbacks!"

In fact, even Yan Lingji understands that Liu Peiqiang's biggest role is not to engage in scientific research, but to pass on his knowledge as quickly as possible. In addition, his own cultivation is the real foundation, and also The key to whether he will truly become an authority on the wandering earth in the future.

It's just that Liu Peiqiang hasn't realized this yet. At least in his opinion, he doesn't understand that he is a role model for everyone in the future. Once he becomes a role model, even if he doesn't really hold a high-level position in the future, there will be absolutely no one. If you dare to despise him, you must also respect his advice.

The fist is the last word, and this is not just a matter of words.

After being rejected by Yan Lingji, Liu Peiqiang's originally fiery heart suddenly cooled down, and he fell into deep thought.

It wasn't until Yan Lingji left to inspect the surrounding formations to see if any repairs were needed that Liu Peiqiang realized that the Yan Lingji in front of him was not someone he could negotiate with. On the contrary, other people's happiness was everything. Otherwise, I have no right to speak at all.

In addition, he also discovered that he wanted to clear such a large area of ​​ground space by himself, and he couldn't even think about it for three to five years.

But will Yan Lingji help me clean up next time?

Even if it happens next time, what about the next time?

It has been cleaned up, but it still needs maintenance of the formation, and I don’t know anything about the formation!

In an instant, Liu Peiqiang understood that his cultivation was the key to whether the Dragon Kingdom could get out of the underground world in the future. How many people in the Dragon Kingdom would enter cultivation also related to whether it was early or late at this point in time.

He found the person in charge of the army and gave him some of the exercises he had written down during this period. Then he found his pair of children, found a quiet place, and devoted all his energy to cultivation without caring about anything else. go.

Liu Hao, who was watching everything silently, nodded, and then expanded his consciousness to observe the reactions of humans in other areas.

With the arrival of these people, almost all the humans in the underground gathering place cheered, and they all understood that Liu Peiqiang had not deceived them.

They couldn't wait to enter here, but they soon calmed down, knowing that there was no direct link to their gathering place, and the endless ice field was their biggest fear.

But they couldn't do it, but it didn't mean they wouldn't send people to investigate. At least in Liu Hao's consciousness, there were already thousands of trucks heading in this direction.

Liu Hao's consciousness swept outside the Dragon Kingdom, but this time he put more energy into the many underground gathering places. He also compared these gathering places with the Dragon Kingdom. After a long time, he sneered.

“It’s true that a dog can’t change its habit of eating shit!”

Outside of the Dragon Kingdom, especially in those countries in the West, the concept of class seems to be engraved in their bones. Also, those guys who still emphasize their bloodline until the modern twenty-first century are still supporters of the caste system in their bones. No matter how bright their words are, they cannot demonstrate their inner pursuits.

"These are the people who care about this place the most, right? But the distance is so far, and we can only rely on large trucks to travel. Even if the journey is smooth, it will take several months. Do they dare to take a gamble? Most likely they don't!"

"When it comes to cherishing life, these people are really powerful! Ha..."

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