Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and seventy two. Ecology

1472. Ecology

In the world of Wandering Earth, Liu Hao would not admit that he treated humans outside the Dragon Kingdom differently.

He is not a nanny, nor does he have any obligation to help everyone. He thinks that it is more important to give opportunities. As for why he chose Liu Peiqiang and why he chose this position, do he still need a reason?

When he was in the Marvel world, his choice of destination spoke for itself.

In this case, the choice of where to stay on the wandering earth is logical.

In turn, in the Marvel world, he saw the positivity of the Dragon Kingdom in the Marvel world, and he was naturally happy to have it fulfilled.

But here, in his consciousness, the complete class and caste-based rule in many gathering places in Western countries made him sick, and he would never be able to protect such a group.

In fact, he felt that his observation of this group at this time was like looking at a group of ant nests, and he could not arouse any other emotions at all.

"Is it sad?"

Liu Hao didn't know why he had such a feeling. He just felt that this word was the most suitable to describe it at this time. In the end, it was the lack of civilization and the pursuit of benefits that had been engraved in the bone marrow;

Just like a monkey who has stretched his arm into a trap, even if he knows that he can escape by letting go of his hand, he is unable to do so and will not be willing to do so even to death. In the end, he can only become the prey of others.

How sad this is!

Suddenly, Liu Hao thought of this sentence again: What mankind has learned from history is that it has always repeated history, and it has never been possible to learn any lessons from it.

He now feels that this sentence seems to make some sense.

In those modern worlds that have passed by, in those countries ruled by Western civilization, the power of capital is so terrifying. How similar is this scene to the period when aristocratic families and clans ruled in the history of the Dragon Kingdom?

The Yanhuang civilization has long been familiar with these, and has long known its pros and cons from the bottom of their hearts. It is also because of this that the ‘imperial examination’ in the feudal era was created.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty now has mixed reputations and reputations. Even though he has been blackened by countless inks in history books, aren't there still countless people complaining about him?

Regardless of whether the description of Yang Guang in history books is true or not, one thing has to be admitted. It was he who opened a gap in the 'imperial examination' channel and completely integrated this 'gene' into the Yanhuang civilization.

This is why Liu Hao has traveled to so many worlds. As long as there is a place where the Yanhuang civilization is located, it is impossible to completely die out. Even if they are in the darkest moment, it can only be a short period of low ebb, and there will always be One day it will rise like a new sun, releasing the light that truly belongs to you.

Isn't this the case with the experimental area at our feet?

It was obviously just Liu Peiqiang's live broadcast alone, and the content of these live broadcasts was like a big lie in the scientific world. However, both the top leaders of the Dragon Kingdom and the people were willing to try it, and the population of nearly one million was like this. Gritting his teeth and signing his name, what is the difference between this and risking his life to go to the minefield?

They did this and naturally seized the opportunity. Even if this location was thousands of miles away from them, in Liu Hao's view, it was still the Dragon Kingdom itself that finally seized the opportunity.

Nearly one million people have flocked here, and from the initial selection to now, almost everyone in this underground gathering place has participated, which is the biggest proof.

After these arrivals, after a short period of ecstasy, almost everyone threw themselves into hope, took out everything they could, and followed the arrangements, either digging the ground, setting up simple tents, or making They focused on the little things they could do, but no one was willing to stand aside and watch. It was these people who gathered together to completely ignite this small hope, exuding endless brilliance.

These messages will inevitably spread to all other gathering places and will inevitably infect the population of all other underground gathering places.

If the outside was not covered with ice and snow at this time, Liu Hao believed that everyone would be happy to pick up the salute and rush here.

In an apocalyptic world, it is difficult to calculate what is the most precious thing, but in the wandering earth, land and arable land are definitely the foundation of everything.

This also led to Liu Hao's observation that almost everyone avoided 'cultivated land'. Even if they chose to build tents, they had to carefully weigh and conduct repeated inspections to determine that this land was difficult to develop. The decision was made, which caused many tents to be placed in the passages drawn by Liu Hao's wave.

After a little thought, Liu Hao was able to determine that most of these people already had plans in mind. For example, within the passage he drew, it might not be long before a highway, high-speed rail, etc. would be built.

This passage will also be thoroughly developed by them, so that no space will be wasted. Within it, many buildings will inevitably be born in the future, just to accommodate the arrival of more people.

This will inevitably be the norm in the future, but Liu Hao has no intention of continuing to support them with more space.

He couldn't take action again and again. The real hope was that they had to do it themselves. Only in this way could they create real peace in the hearts of their fellow Yanhuang people who had transcended the world!

And these are the genes rooted deep in the hearts of the Yanhuang people. They have always believed that only what they truly control is truly theirs.

In other words, in the coming time, the ground space opened up by Liu Peiqiang and Yan Lingji may also be their foundation for a long time to come. In the future, it may also become the real world center of the wandering earth.

But Liu Hao's arrangement is not like this. In his opinion, the location of the world passage connected to his own earth is more important. However, at present, he is also hesitant whether to let Yan Lingji continue to help her or to wait for Liu Peiqiang. You can make calculations only after you have a certain foundation.

He glanced at it and measured the distance between the two. It was about three hundred kilometers. This distance is not short in the eyes of mortals. The only good thing is that the world of Wandering Earth is not lacking in technology. Those heavy-duty trucks can also be slightly modified. Passage.

Moreover, when these people begin to practice, their immunity to cold will also be greatly improved. By then, they may see countless monks wielding fairy swords passing between the two.

Liu Hao estimated that this time point may take ten or eight years, and during this time period, Liu Peiqiang will probably have the ability to develop it alone. In this case, they might as well make their own choice.

Liu Peiqiang's skills spread far faster than Liu Hao imagined. Even if the other party has reservations, it is undeniable that Liu Peiqiang is based on his love for his own planet. Now, these skills have been spread throughout the Internet through the senior officials of Dragon Kingdom. Come.

According to Liu Hao's prediction, the magic system should have been practiced by the most people, but in fact it was not.

Magic, after Liu Hao's magic modification, is still based on the language of the Dragon Kingdom, and there is no threshold for the population of the Dragon Kingdom. It is especially easy to get started, but the fatal part is also obvious, that is, the ability to withstand the cold. Without it, at least it is impossible to exercise the body as much as cultivation.

This makes it so that even if many people in the major gathering places of the Dragon Kingdom practice magic, in fact they still use it as a means to block it, as an optional minor, and the greatest energy is still invested in Within the cultivation system, even if they know that this system requires more energy, they will definitely need more time to improve themselves.

This choice somewhat surprised Liu Hao, but after a little thought, he thought it was reasonable.

In other words, the civilization gene of the Dragon Kingdom has a natural affinity for cultivating immortals, and it has always believed that this is the real future.

On the contrary, outside the Dragon Kingdom, the magic system can only be the mainstream. The many ways of cultivation are simply difficult for them to understand, and it is almost their only choice.

This is true even for the cultivation techniques, let alone the hundreds of cultivation systems. This is simply the unique civilizational power of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is definitely not something they can covet.

At this time, they truly had trust in Liu Peiqiang, and then they realized that there really was an immortal appearing in their wandering earth.

Needless to say, this immortal must be from the Dragon Kingdom. All kinds of envy and jealousy will appear, but jealousy is jealousy, but few dare to do any other small tricks.

Because in their opinion, an immortal who can watch nearly half of the population being frozen by ice is absolutely cold inside. Even if this immortal comes to help them at this time, once he annoys the other party, the other party will never react. Any sympathy is definitely for those who are decisive in killing.

Naturally, Liu Hao doesn't know about these, and he doesn't have the intention to understand the hearts of these people. Compared with these, he is more willing to observe the groups entering the ground and see how they use this limited space. Maximizing utilization is how to ensure your own interests and how to prevent the fruits you have worked so hard to plant from being picked by others.

Any unexpected occurrence will inevitably lead to turmoil, not to mention the huge benefits ahead.

Especially this interest is related to the future of mankind on the entire planet.

Liu Hao has already seen many trucks carrying people starting to drive here in the distance. Even if the journey is difficult, more than half of them will reach here in the end.

The only thing that reassures Liu Peiqiang and the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom is that this group of departures is mostly elites. This elite is not the so-called politicians, but the real scientists who have finally survived in various major countries. Only a group like them would board the vehicle without hesitation despite knowing the huge risks, and set off against the endless wind and cold.

However, Liu Hao didn't think that such a group would cause much turmoil here. It was even a huge question whether this group of people could return to their own country in the future.

Coming is easy, returning is equally difficult.

With the assimilation ability of the Dragon Kingdom civilization, who knows how many of these people will stick to themselves in the future?

In the face of a higher civilization, which individual can persist continuously?

The senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom may have anticipated this and did not put forward any conditions to allow them to come, right?

But next time, the senior officials of Dragon Kingdom will definitely not be so generous!

This kind of game is the biggest attraction among civilizations, at least Liu Hao thinks so.

Even if this kind of game is no different from playing house at Liu Hao's height, the swords and swords in it are still exciting.

“The way people work, competition may always be the biggest driving force!”

"From the primitive era, purely for survival, to later for reproduction, there has been competition all the time. In these vast years, how many civilizations have disappeared in the dust of history? Everyone who can survive is one of them. Outstanding!

Only the victors can truly shoulder the future of their civilization, and only they can become the foundation of humanity! "

"This is humanity!"

"Humanity is just one of them among all the worlds! But all the ethnic groups that win in the end are the true representatives of humanity in their world!"

"How similar is this to the 'Protagonist of Heaven and Earth' in the ancient world?"

Liu Hao also knew that the common ground here was a bit far-fetched, but it is undeniable that you cannot completely put aside the correlation!

To give an example, if Liu Hao was still in the era of three tribes when he entered the prehistoric era, then only the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn could represent the humanity of the prehistoric era.

Countless years to come, who knows whether the human race will still be the majority in the universe?

Competition never goes away! Because once this concept disappears among a certain race, this race will definitely have no future.

This is also the real reason why Liu Hao didn't kill them even though he accidentally caused the demon clan to appear on the wandering earth.

He knows very clearly that the emergence of all dangers will be inevitable, and he absolutely cannot think of it as a coincidence just because of a little accident. He knows even better that even without him today, there will be monsters and demons at some point in the future. The beasts discovered the passage between the two worlds and entered here curiously to take a look.

Because he woke up from the ice because his preaching voice was exposed, he was on the same starting line as Liu Peiqiang and the others. After all, he was a creature of the same planet as Liu Peiqiang and the other humans. Even if he was fighting life and death in the future, it would still be internal competition.

In this case, why should he, Liu Hao, be the bad guy?

While thinking, his eyes were once again attracted to Liu Peiqiang. When this guy woke up from training, the first person he looked for was Yan Lingji. It was not anything else, but he seemed to understand that even if he took puppetry as his future, But the way of formation must not be given up.

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