Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and seventy-four. The rise of nanometers in the world

1474. The rise of nanometers in the world

Here, it is still the earth, and it is still Antarctica.

Compared with the Antarctic where our own earth is located, the temperature here seems normal, only fifty or sixty degrees below zero.

You know, in Liu Hao's Antarctic land, the temperature has already dropped to a hundred degrees below zero, and it is not possible for mere mortals to survive.

This factor also determines that this world will not be exaggerated.

In Liu Hao's consciousness, the earth under his feet seemed to be no different from his own earth before the spiritual energy was revived.

This is a modern world. The layout and the country are all so familiar. It seems that the time is only around 2010, but it is far behind.

When Liu Hao's eyes flashed with golden light and he observed with the 'Qi Watching Technique', he finally understood the difference in this earth.

In front of me, there were a lot of lights on the entire planet, but the ones that really stood out were a pale golden dragon and a still sharp bald eagle.

This is basically a world where two major powers compete, and the others are just a foil.

Almost instantly, Liu Hao identified the biggest change.

"Shantou Mei?"

"This guy is filled with a trace of the power of time, and he is probably a 'rebirther'!"

"Huh? This name seems familiar!"

"Huang Xiuyuan!"

"Ha! That's it! Are you playing with nano?"

"Technology article! It seems like this is the first time I have encountered it!"

"I vaguely remember that the Ice Age appeared in the later period. Could it be because of the emergence of the Antarctic world passage?"

"There are so many possibilities!"

"It's just that these are beyond the upper limit of this world. It's normal that they haven't been discovered!"

While Liu Hao was talking to himself, he was thinking about how he should participate.

The struggle for hegemony between the two poles is a major event in the long history of the world's destiny. Although this major event is just a 'small trend' in Liu Hao's eyes, it is just a casual thing to modify it, but he doesn't want to do it in his heart.

Because he knows very well that this is the real key to the transformation of the Dragon Kingdom in the 'Nano Rise' world. With the accumulation of this experience, the people of the Dragon Kingdom here can truly feel at ease.

It was like two children betting on whose paper airplane could fly farther. At this time, an adult came over and taught one of the children the correct running technique, which directly changed the track of the two children, and they benefited. The kid is winning.

But the winner will still remember the paper airplane competition in his heart. When he grows up in the future, he will still be in the origami airplane business, and it is difficult to pat his chest and say that he is also the best.

In this case, Liu Hao would not rashly introduce fantasy. On the contrary, it would complicate the hard-planned path, and it might even have bad effects.

Besides, he didn't lack this little time, but he remembered that Huang Xiuyuan moved very quickly.

He even had to admit that 'nanotechnology' was a very useful tool and seemed to be applicable in all industries.

"Teacher, a monster has entered this world!"

Next to him, Yan Lingji's voice came. Liu Hao followed Yan Lingji's gaze and moved the corner of his mouth slightly;

"A lone emperor penguin?" Liu Hao didn't think this was just an accident, or that such an accident was just a matter of time.

These world passages that appeared on the Antarctic continent are already very lucky. If it were any other continent, how could it be so calm?

This benefit may seem good, but in fact it is not.

There is no real crisis, and there is no influx of monsters and monsters. It is safe, but it is also separated from the heavens and the world to a certain extent.

In the next few years, those worlds that are harmed by monsters may lose countless people because of this, but it will definitely force the entire world to enter cultivation, even if it is just to resist the impact of the monsters.

They paid the price, but it also allowed them to advance to the starting line, and at least they had their own foundation in the future great war between the heavens and the world.

Liu Hao didn't pay attention to the emperor penguin who accidentally entered the world of nano-rise. The other person's little cultivation was destined to be impossible to cause much trouble in this world. Even in the next few years, this guy is likely to completely He rules over all the penguins in the Antarctic continent of this planet, even if the penguins on this continent are likely to become demonized because of this emperor penguin.

Liu Hao is even happy to see such a situation occur. Their demonization is not a copy of the world where nanometers are rising. If you can't even cross this threshold, what's the need to enter the heavens and the worlds? To die?

You must know that after passing the World Passage, you are still in Antarctica, and the Antarctic living environment in your own world is much worse than here.

Liu Hao has also experienced a lot in the modern world, but he mostly just looked at things and rarely put his mind into reforming them. Because there was no need, he left some inheritance and placed it somewhere and then discovered it through some accidents. In the end, It will still be known by the governments of these modern worlds and then be promoted.

This is almost what Liu Hao has done in many modern worlds before, and the results are very good, but today, Liu Hao has an extra interest.

He would not tell Yan Lingji that this was because of his love for the book before time travel.

When he looked back at the monster emperor penguin, Liu Hao had already made his decision in his heart. He waved his hand towards the void, and a breeze blew in front of him, forming a storm in an instant. , sweeping almost half of Antarctica.

This storm came and went quickly, and there were only a few discoverers.

This was Liu Hao who directly collected the water source in the wind and snow. In a moment, the water source formed a small drop of water in front of him, and he pinched it directly between his fingers. Don't underestimate this small drop of water. Not to mention the size of an ocean, if it were really spread out, there would be no more than three comparable amounts of water on this planet.

After doing this, Liu Hao took Yan Lingji and left. When he reappeared, he was already in the Dragon Kingdom. He was already in the Eeds area in the northwest of the Dragon Kingdom. To be precise, it was in the Maorisu Desert of the Dragon Kingdom. Inside.

Standing on this piece of land that had to become desert due to soil erosion, Liu Hao looked around and seemed very satisfied. He waved his hand and shot the water droplets in his hand toward the desert. In an instant, he merged into the center of the desert, and in half an hour he occupied the area. One-tenth of the area was directly transformed into a huge lake, and it was even connected to the water system under the desert land.

It's just that all of this is hidden by Liu Hao, and the only ones who can really see are Liu Hao and Yan Lingji.

Here, there are more than 32,000 square kilometers of desert land, which is 48 million acres of land when converted into acres. Even if one-tenth of it is occupied by lakes, more than 43 million acres of land can be converted into farming. Once developed, this land will be The impact of planetary food is absolutely terrifying.

This was Liu Hao's entry point. He seemed to find that directly gathering all the water sources in one place was still not satisfactory. He thought for a while and waved his big hand again. In an instant, 30% of the lake in the center was reduced, and what had disappeared was already there. Through the transformation of underground water systems everywhere, the entire desert area has also been transformed into a human world.

After doing this, he realized that his and Yan Lingji's outfits were a little incompatible with the modern world. However, in a glance, the two of them had changed drastically. As if this was not satisfactory enough, Liu Hao thought about it and casually said He took off a piece of hair from his head and blew it gently on his mouth, and a figure appeared again, and its face was more or less similar to him.

After this new hair incarnation appeared, he didn't say much. He just nodded lightly with Liu Hao, and then he floated away with Yan Lingji.

Liu Hao was left alone to guard here. He was leisurely. He even built a compound directly on the edge of the new lake, seemingly not caring about anything outside.

Besides, Yan Lingji, the hair incarnation leader who was obsessed with Liu Hao, came to Kyoto. In just two days, an agricultural company with a registered capital of 100 billion had been registered. She even directly went to the Ministry of Agriculture and handed over an application form. A huge desert development plan.

Dragon Kingdom, during this period of time, can be said to be very happy.

This reason is not other, but because of the establishment of the Dalian Ore Exchange. The establishment of this exchange is not just for the purpose of trading ore, but directly seizes the pricing power of most ores from the entire earth. Therefore, the entire planet's ore transactions were linked to its own currency, forming a true Huayuan-ore system.

This success is not just as simple as internationalizing the currency of the Dragon Kingdom, but a true manifestation of national power, expanding the influence of the Dragon Kingdom on this planet a hundredfold, forcing all countries on the planet to expand their influence. The large-scale reserve Dragon Kingdom currency has the potential to truly cover the entire planet.

Compared with the meter-dollar system, it may be nothing, but its emergence has directly opened a gap in the original meter-dollar system of this planet, making all countries aware that there will be one more in the future. choose.

Logically speaking, as the only superpower on this planet, such a situation would never be tolerated. However, the emergence of Huang Xiuyuan n20 directly increased the power of the original conventional weapons of the Dragon Kingdom by 17 times, which forced the success of this calculation. , also suppressed the bald eagle that was originally eager to try.

You must know that this is an express delivery that can directly transport the east wind of the Dragon Kingdom across the entire Pacific to any area in the Bald Eagle's homeland. Its speed is even more difficult for all the original missile defense systems of the Bald Eagle to resist. Before there is no other way, we can only He gritted his teeth and admitted it.

As everyone knows, the bald eagle's acquiescence will also be the beginning of the real decline of the bald eagle nation.

There is a saying that makes perfect sense. When God begins to get hurt, people will have great doubts about their faith in God.

At this time, almost every country on the planet thought so. Only then did they realize that the bald eagle they had always feared was no longer the invincible country in their hearts. There was already a real challenger.

As the instigator, Huang Xiuyuan's current status in the Dragon Kingdom is absolutely terrifying. This person has almost single-handedly pushed the Huayuan-Ore System to the altar. No matter how much the country values ​​it, it cannot be overestimated.

In fact, this is also the case, otherwise Huang Xiuyuan's chip textile method would not receive such huge support from the Dragon Kingdom. You must know that this is almost a national support. How could it be possible without the emergence of the Huayuan-ore system?

To put it bluntly, at that time, the Dragon Kingdom had already considered the possibility of failure, or the top management believed that even if it failed, it would not be a big deal. It would just be a small loss, and the foundation would not be affected. Even if it lost, it would still be possible. If the chip textile system can be used for military purposes, there is already a way out.

How did they know that Huang Xiuyuan was cheating? If he wasn't worried that the country couldn't keep up, his speed would be faster.

Liu Hao naturally knew this, and with his arrival, he wanted to speed up the process even more!

Food is the foundation of a country. If food is secure, then there will be a guarantee, which means that the worry about winning or losing will inevitably be reduced a lot.

What he wants is to protect the foundation of the Dragon Kingdom, and to free up the top management of the Dragon Kingdom to accelerate the torment of the bald eagle and feed the dragon that represents the national destiny to become bigger.

Only in this way can he make the Dragon Kingdom of this world more calm when he implements the fantasy series in the future.

A 100-billion-dollar plan can almost only be a national action at any time. But at this time, a newly registered company submitted it, and the senior officials of Longguo could not help but suspect it. But when they verified the capital of Liu Hao's company, they found that it was thousands of dollars. Billions of dollars are already lying there quietly, waiting for you to nod. You can imagine the shock in your heart.

In Beijing, news of a high-level meeting initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture soon reached Huang Xiuyuan's ears.

As a reborn person and a patient with hyperamnesia, he had never heard of the emergence of "Honghu Technology" before his rebirth, which also made him have doubts in his heart.

After much deliberation, he couldn't get any answer. The only thing he was worried about was whether this company would be related to the Bald Eagle's ABCD.

He didn't want something to happen to the gap he had just pried open from ABCD's hands, so he used his authority on the spot to find out the origin of these hundreds of billions of currencies directly from the source.

Liu Hao naturally couldn't make hundreds of billions of money out of thin air, let alone violate any laws.

He doesn't have money, but that doesn't mean he's poor. On the contrary, it's just money, so he doesn't get as much as he wants.

What he used was just the gold reserves that he had refined in other heavens when he was bored. According to the calculation of 220 yuan/gram of gold, one ton of gold is 220 million, which is less than 500 tons. To him, it is not Random thing?

Liu Hao's hair incarnation directly stored the gold at Hua Xia Bank in Xiangjiang, and then borrowed hundreds of billions of dollars from Hua Xia Bank as collateral, and directly paid it in to register "Honghu Technology".

This news is not only on Huang Xiuyuan's desk now, but also in front of the high-level meeting of Dragon Kingdom.

The registrant is clearly a member of the Dragon Kingdom with an ID card, but this population seems to have left the Dragon Kingdom a long time ago and is wandering somewhere in the Black Continent.

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