Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and seventy-five. The impact of 2,000 tons of gold

1475. The influence of two thousand tons of gold

This information was naturally obtained by Liu Hao on purpose. Even if the Dragon Kingdom used high-level intelligence, it would be easy to investigate. It is just that this guy is a bit ruthless. Now he has a piece of land conquered by force in the Black Continent and controls an army. Just medium-sized mercenaries.

There are not many such ruthless people in the world, but they are not rare either. It's just that compared to others, Liu Hao earns a little too much, and the amount of gold he hides is somewhat surprising.

"In less than ten years, this guy is definitely not a kind person!"

"Being able to take out 500 tons of gold at one time also means that the other party still has reserves in hand!"

"The place in the Congo is quite chaotic. Being able to dominate an area, even if the territory is small, is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. He went there alone, and the danger involved..."

The person who said this was the military personnel present at the meeting. He made an assessment in his mind. It seemed that he might not be able to do it unless he had the support of the will of the country.

"Is there anyone behind this?"

"You can't see it in the information, but that doesn't mean it's not there! It's just..."

"That's right. Even if someone supports it, even if it's a bald eagle, it's still unjustifiable for them to use 500 tons of gold to do evil! With the greed of those people..."

The words were not spoken in depth, but everyone could clearly understand the hidden meaning.

"Since you think he still has gold in his hands, can you test it?"

"Oh? This is a good choice!"

Everyone present at the meeting also heard the profound meaning of the temptation in the proposer's words. For them, the most important thing is not the money, but only hundreds of billions. Even if this amount is huge, it is nothing more than this in front of the country, and it is not impossible to get it. , what they are more concerned about is whether Liu Hao is still a 'Longguo native', and whether he still stands on the same line as Longguo in his heart.

"You can give it a try!" The leader spoke for the first time, setting the tone, but he raised another question; "The overall contracting of the Maorisu Desert is not a small matter, nor is it money. A certain amount can solve the problem, but since it was proposed, it should not be unreasonable. What is the discussion of the scientific and technological means proposed in the plan? "

"The science and technology department has not yet given specific results, but they have also raised the possibility!"

Seemingly knowing that this answer would not satisfy the boss, the participant from the Ministry of Science and Technology continued to explain: "According to our intelligence, Bald Eagle has also invested a lot of research in this area, and there are many more in Xizhou and Woolly Bear Empire. With less investment, we have done various experiments in this area, but in the past we have always stayed at the theoretical stage!”

"If you want to transform the Maori Desert into pasture, no matter what the technology is, water source is the biggest key!" The boss of the Ministry of Agriculture didn't care. He suddenly mentioned the key point; "Look at the document that was handed over. More of them are gambling, gambling on the underground water system of the Maori Desert!”

"People have invested hundreds of billions of dollars, does it mean that they have done a lot of statistics a long time ago?"

"In our hinterland, the other party can also obtain specific data. It seems that there are problems here that we have not discovered at all!"

These words were the words of the military representative. When he spoke, he looked at the leaders of the security department angrily.

"People enter the Maorisu Desert all year round, and there are even more explorers. No one knows how many of them are hired by the other party. The local departments will only be happy to see people coming and going to increase their income, let alone prohibit it. !”

What he said is true. It just means that he didn't pay much attention to this in the past and didn't take precautions in this regard.

"Does this prove that the other party is quite confident?"

"No matter how confident we are, there is one thing we must consider, and that is the issue of participation! This is more than 30,000 square kilometers of land, which is almost as large as many countries!"

"Participation is certain, and we cannot hand over such a large area of ​​land to private individuals!"

"So you all think it's feasible?"

"Mr. Ge, our seawater desalination problem has been solved. Now we are starting to build water pipelines. The possibility of pouring fresh water into the Maori Desert in the future is not small!

The Ministry of Agriculture says it can be done, but to whom and when it will actually start is still undecided! "

"That is to say, there is a high possibility that the Maori Desert will be developed in the future! But this time point is still difficult to predict, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Ge!"

"Then Xiao Huang's Fengnong Group will also be brought in? Add the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission or COFCO to form a tripartite?"

It has to be said that Mr. Ge's proposal made all the participants' eyesight. National participation is necessary, but it will also give Honghu Technology other ideas. But now that Huang Xiuyuan has been introduced, it is equivalent to introducing the 'Spiny Rose Ant' supervision. model, the future will not be out of the control of the government.

Maybe you would say that since you feel there is a risk involved, wouldn't it be better to refuse it directly?

There are many factors involved here. On the one hand, this is an investment of hundreds of billions. It is inevitable that the government will pay attention to it. Once the news of refusal is spread, the impact will not be small. To put it bluntly, it will have a big impact on investment promotion. point.

Furthermore, the registered people are real Chinese, agriculture has been opened up long ago, and private access to desert development has been opened up a long time ago. There is no reason to refuse when others invest too much.

"Introducing Huang Xiuyuan is equivalent to introducing fresh water resources in the future. In this case, we can also increase the price openly and reduce the other party's shares. This is a way!"

"It's best to reduce the other party's shares to less than 50%!"

"If you lose control of the shares, the other party will have something in mind!"

"What you think is not the point. If they are happy with it, it will make us feel more at ease!"

"How much does the other party offer?"

"100 acres! 48 million acres, that's 4.8 billion a year! One-time payment for ten years!"

"You have so much money!"

"No! We can save a little for each other! Otherwise, a mere hundred billion won't be able to handle the entire Maori Desert!"

"How about investing in land, which will be 340 billion in 50 years, and let's see how much money the other party has and how many shares it takes?"

"If this is the case, Xiao Huang won't be able to get much funds!"

"It doesn't matter if he has less! It's more about participation, but it can introduce fresh water in the future as technical funds! It's more about introducing the 'Rose Ant' supervision model, which can also make everyone feel at ease!"

"Okay, let's talk like this first!"

The leading Ge Lao made the final decision, but Liu Hao, who was far away in the Maorisu Desert, heard these words one by one. The incarnation of Liu Hao's hair who had been waiting in the capital also knew it clearly.

For Liu Hao, it doesn't matter if he holds the majority of the shares. He won't care about it at all in the future. He is also very clear about the concerns of the top management. He has already taken these things into consideration when weaving his identity. This is not just a little money. , there will be more in the future.

At this time, he was still considering whether to spend more gold in exchange for more control. He really doesn't lack these things. If he really needs them, he can just take them to an asteroid and refine them into thousands or tens of thousands of tons at will.

"It seems that the Dragon Kingdom's gold reserves here are only over a thousand tons. Do you want to take action?"

"Forget it, just have about two thousand tons. Too much will cause inflation!"

He muttered something, and then he noticed that the fishing rod in his hand responded.

With the water source, it will naturally not be wasted. As for fish, isn't it easy for Liu Hao to catch it? Perhaps before long, this lake will become a paradise for birds, and a real fortress in Jiangnan will be realized.

Huang Xiuyuan, who was far away in Shanmei, also received notification from the government at this time, and began to study the scientific and technological information submitted by Liu Hao. He had to admit that the possibility of realizing this technological method was huge. What he couldn't understand was that Liu Hao seemed to have no idea at all. There is no hidden principle, just how to implement such a big thorn is shown one by one, as if it doesn't matter at all.

"The cultivation of alfalfa and the research on bald eagles are not small! It's just that the other party seems to be more concerned about genetic modification, but here they have taken a different path.

However, the demand for water is not that great. Has the other party really figured out the underground water channels in the Maorisu Desert?

There is no such information in the future memory. Could it be that we are betting in advance on our fresh water input problem? "

Without the memory of his past life, Huang Xiuyuan could only catch shrimps. He could never imagine the horror of the fantasy system. How could this be science?

"Raising cattle? The demand for beef in Dragon Kingdom is really not that big in the future! The amount of future imports must also be terrifying, but the other party doesn't seem to have thought about cultivating precious beef. Is it worried that the high-end will be affected?"

Huang Xiuyuan still couldn't trust Liu Hao in his heart. He had already regarded Liu Hao as a pawn arranged by ABCD in the Dragon Kingdom. He also knew that there was really no way to stop this, and he still thought more about how much involvement he would have to do. question.

"There is still a lack of funds. It would be better if we give it another two years!"

The plan in Huang Xiuyuan's mind has been arranged for a long time. He originally planned to sell his Blue Star Mining shares to the social security fund in the future and use this to promote the semiconductor trend. Now it seems that more consideration is needed.

"No! Once you make a change, it is likely to break the path you have planned. If you don't please both parties, it will be a big loss!"

"Has the other party already noticed something?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"Is it just a matter of testing the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Forget it, let's see, the country will not just sit idly by and ignore it!"

Just when he was in a dilemma, Ziguang Pavilion's handling method also reached his ears, which made his face feel much relieved!

"It seems that this trip to the capital is inevitable!"

When Huang Xiuyuan arrived in the capital, a piece of news reached his ears, forcing him to have more ideas.

"Is it such a big deal? If it's really a bald eagle, wouldn't it be a big deal to take out two thousand tons of gold at once? You can't hide this from other countries!"

Huang Xiuyuan thought well. This news has now spread among the high-level officials of many countries. In Congo, which was originally arranged by Liu Hao, countless agents poured into the lobby, adding to the chaos here.

In addition, these gangsters have also put a lot more scrutiny on the bald eagle. If they can take out two thousand tons of gold at one time, they will not think of anyone else, and they will only think that the bald eagle has taken away the gold they have stored in the Federal Reserve. They were all shouting to get their gold back.

Even Liu Hao had not expected such a butterfly effect before. When he got this information, he burst out laughing, as if watching a show.

Others don't know, but he knows that Bald Eagle will never dare to let these tongs take away his gold, otherwise their rice dollars will really be in big trouble.

Even if the rice dollar is only linked to oil, the credibility of gold is still huge in the hearts of the people. Once these gold are lost, the credibility of the rice dollar will surely drop to a lower level.

On the contrary, the Dragon Kingdom, which received these two thousand tons of gold, suddenly became wealthy. The acceptance of the Hua Yuan, which had already become an international currency, increased significantly. From only 2%, it increased to 5% in a few days. about.

This impact was such that even the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom were caught off guard. The Huayuan-Ore system that had just been established was now deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and truly recognized by the entire planet!

The Bald Eagle was also confused, but soon they also felt that this might be the countermeasure that Longguo had prepared long ago. It was basically a chess piece thrown out when the Huayuan-Ore system was established. Now it seems that the effect is really Not averagely good.

They are definitely depressed. If they can, they will definitely be willing to fight. However, they think they can, but they are really unsure. Before they have figured out the new explosives of Dragon Kingdom, the possibility of defeat is more than 80%, which is a failure at all. , no one can predict how many of their bald eagle cousins ​​will be left on this planet, and they simply can’t afford to gamble.

"The Dragon Kingdom is determined to defeat us! With five thousand years of experience, is it really so terrifying?"

Polar Bear Winter Palace, *** also thought of this. He admitted in his heart that Long Guo did a really good job this time, and the sense of urgency in his heart also accelerated a lot.

The current situation came about by some combination of circumstances. Longguo's senior officials suddenly discovered that there were far fewer small moves in the lobby in the past.

"It seems like this guy is really not a pawn from Bald Eagle!"

"Take out two thousand tons of gold at once, and the bald eagle is not a fool!"

"How many do you think this guy has in his hands?"

"That's probably all there is, right?"

"It's over in the Congo! The lobby is going crazy. How many mercenaries does that guy have left now?"

"It seems that only a few Longguo people and Chinese are fine, the others..."

"It seems that we still underestimated each other's ruthlessness and just abandoned it?"

"It's probably because the hidden gold mine has lost its value!"

"Have those Chinese dolls returned to the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Yeah! Even three Chinese people have entered the Dragon Kingdom. They are all in the capital now. They are quiet and polite. It is impossible to tell that they have ever been mercenaries!"

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