Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and seventy-eight. Fighting

1478. Fighting

Liu Hao still underestimated the power of the butterfly effect. His arrival, especially when he forcibly added the Dragon Kingdom ID card to his hair avatar, has already caused a surge in the Dragon Kingdom's luck in this world, and even more so. What's more, he also took action and developed black technology that was impossible to exist in this world.

The foundation of any world represented by scientific and technological literature must be the material itself.

To put it bluntly, without the support of materials, even if you have countless ideas, even if your theory is impeccable, there will be no support, and it is impossible to turn so-called "science fiction" into reality.

The reason why Huang Xiuyuan's Suiren Group was able to bring the Dragon Kingdom of this world into leapfrog progress was all based on Huang Xiuyuan's nanotechnology of all materials.

These are his roots.

Similarly, the chemical fiber ‘X’ material from other scientific and cultural worlds invented by Liu Hao is also suitable.

Moreover, the 'X' material he gave also comes with a composition method of the material, which is the 'molecular honeycomb' link mode that has been in the exploratory stage.

This model is like a bee nest in nature. It is an extremely stable situation that can bring out the best of the material itself, but it also brings out the characteristics that the material structure should have.

For example, breathability, if the bee hive lacks these, the bees will not be able to survive in it for a long time. The reason is that simple.

But it's also unsolvable.

The tests conducted by the Dragon Kingdom's military were fine at the beginning, but once they reached a large-scale test, it was impossible to hide it from the inspections of other authorities on the planet.

When the news fell to the ears of the bald eagle, their faces were ashen.

There may be many reasons why Western countries can live well, but among these basic pillars, technology, especially the application of advanced technology, definitely accounts for the main proportion.

Just like the same body armor, even before that, most of the exports of body armor in the world were in the Dragon Kingdom, but the real top end was also in the hands of Bald Eagle, which is the so-called Kevlar material.

Even if this top-end export only accounts for 20% of the total export volume, the profits derived from these 20% exports still account for more than 80%.

This is the 80-20 rule, which is also a rule recognized by Western civilization. They also strictly follow this rule to gain the greatest benefits, so as to widen the gap between their country and other countries.

On the other hand, once this advantage is lost, it also means that the original benefits will inevitably be lost.

This is the fundamental reason why the so-called Western world calls Dragon Kingdom the ‘crusher of developed countries’.

No smart person knows that it is not the Dragon State that has opened up these high-tech manufacturing industries to turn this high-profit business into a cabbage, but that other countries are simply unable to do it and can only count on the Dragon State.

Anyone who sees someone digging into their roots like this will be terrified and hysterical.

This has nothing to do with whether you are a dragon country or not, but that even if other countries succeed, they can only be suppressed or bribed by them, and they cannot really promote it at all.

Long Guo doesn't like them.

They had no choice but to cry hysterically. What else could they do?

In particular, this method of excavating the foundation, the breakthrough of the material itself, and the various possible extensions in the future, are not the least bit of digging for Western interests.

Didn’t you see that the DuPont Group was getting anxious during the Bald Eagle high-level meeting?

They have no reason not to be afraid. According to the data on the ground of the DuPont Group's Chemical Fiber Research Department, in the next one or two years, the material from Guanglong Kingdom will not only hit them a little bit, but will collapse almost one industry after another.

Knowing this, how can they still sit still?

So far, Huang Xiuyuan's Suiren Group's real main business is the recycling of resources. However, these aspects have not directly impacted the main business of DuPont and other consortiums like this time, so they have no choice but to use their methods.

This is the butterfly effect discovered by Liu Hao. The sense of crisis directly prompted the major consortiums of Bald Eagle to come to the stage and demonstrate the two major groups' fight against Hongguoguo that would have taken two years to put on the public eye. .

After several days of non-stop talks, the White House spokesperson conveyed the next step of the dark horse strategy, which is to start a larger investment in the originally verbal "return to the Asia-Pacific".

But it has to be said that the Bald Eagle himself knows that the effect of such pressure cannot be as they expected.

Huang Xiuyuan's N20 directly replaced the original TNT, directly 17 times the normalization, which has completely tilted the balance of conventional warfare to the Dragon Kingdom's side, especially in the areas surrounding the Dragon Kingdom.

These countries bordering the Dragon Kingdom are not fools. Except for the original slaves of the Bald Eagle, such as the Bangzi Kingdom, which is shouting "THAAD", are the others just talking about it?

Suddenly, the world network became chaotic.

However, Longguo has always responded with a few words, whether it is how to promote its own development or how to advance.

When winter gradually comes, when the Dragon Kingdom army in high-risk areas replaces their new military uniforms, the original bloated figure is relieved. This is not just about protection from the cold. Without the bloated cold-proof clothing, flexibility is released. It can be said that these originally The regional combat effectiveness can only be used at half, but now, it is almost 100% released.

Talking can't solve the problem, but showing it can make everyone feel refreshed. Such a huge change, when the news is released one by one, the newly established company will be popular at once, but there is no more effective advertisement than this!

The new company was named 'Han Tang', which was also decided by Huang Xiuyuan. Honghu Technology only occupied 30% of the shares and gave the formula. Liu Hao had no idea how to develop it in the future. Yan Lingji had just entered the path of modern management. A Honghu Technology keeps her busy enough.

It has to be said that the Suiren family is absolutely powerful in this regard. In almost half a month, they wiped out the entire Long Kingdom textile industry, even the original state-owned enterprises were not spared;

Based on this, they brought major clothing groups into their hands, formed industry associations, and promulgated 'rules and systems' that were very exclusive in the Western world. With the arrival of winter, the mighty Dragon Kingdom's winter clothing revolution also began. Started a craze.

No one wants to wrap themselves up like a bun. When clothing with the same warmth-keeping ability is reduced by 70% in weight, and it is easy to wear but can still flutter in the cold, who can resist it?

Young ladies are super confident in their thighs. In the past winter, they had to wrap them up layer by layer, but what about now? A pair of pantyhose solves all problems. They can't wait to eliminate all their previous clothes at once and directly enter the shopping mode.

The result is that almost all Western clothing brands sold in the Dragon Kingdom have experienced a large-scale decline in sales. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is nothing left.

Don’t think that the clothing industry in Long Country is bad. In the past, it was just because the brand was not loud enough, but who knows where the real production is?

When technological changes occur, products that were originally considered to be mid- to low-end products in other countries suddenly transform into truly wealthy and handsome products.

For example, the Woolly Bear Empire to the north of the Dragon Kingdom is a country that occupies almost half of the entire winter. The major clothing groups in the Dragon Kingdom can absorb as much as they export to their country. For this reason, they even Even if you brave the wind and snow and queue up all night!

Even for the sake of quota, the emperor of the Mao Xiong Empire directly called the Ziguang Pavilion of the Dragon Kingdom. Whose clothes should the people buy anyway? He himself has no friendship at all with those countries in the West, so why not provide the icing on the cake?

The sudden rise of the Dragon Kingdom is a blessing to the Mao Xiong Empire?

***Don’t you feel a sense of relief in your heart?

It’s always good to have someone to share the stress with!

Anyone who is stared at by a bald eagle all day and night will not feel happy. Even if the penis is hard enough, the feeling of having a runny nose that cannot be relieved will not be very comfortable.

The rise of the Dragon Kingdom has put a lot of pressure on the Mao Xiong Empire?

Even though the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and the Furry Bear Empire in the NanoRise world is not as strong as it will be in the future, the tacit understanding between them is genuine.

The Woolly Bear Empire can liberalize customs, but Western countries directly bombard it.

In their media, various so-called safety and various so-called environmental issues are endless. In such a civilization that believes that lies can become facts if they are told a thousand times, you can never wake up a person. People who pretend to be asleep.

Neither Longguo nor the Textile and Apparel Association is in a hurry about this. They have just gotten started. To put it bluntly, their output cannot guarantee supply to the entire world.

With such a complete change in the clothing industry, people will not only buy one or two pieces of winter clothing, but most people will directly eliminate all kinds of thick cotton-padded jackets, down jackets and the like in previous years, which is almost three to five times that of previous years. quantity shipped.

With a population of more than one billion, they are already under great pressure, so how can they bother to deal with other people?

No, the yelling made these clothing groups feel relieved.

How could they not be happy with such free advertising? It directly helped them become famous, and it was the best in the world. How much money did they save?

Now the whole world knows that Longguo has developed a super warm material, one piece of which can be worth three or five pieces. Even if these people just believe the lies told by the Western media, are they not curious in their hearts? Don’t pay attention?

It's just a piece of clothing, not something as big as a car.

When there are channels to purchase in the future, why not give it a try?

No matter how stupid you are, you can understand that clothes are not as good as food, so what if they are not environmentally friendly and unsafe?

It can't be radioactive, right?

We won’t eat it foolishly. Are we such fools?

The Western media still don't know that their hysterical propaganda has made super-warm materials famous all over the world and made their own people irritable and rebellious.

This was something that even Liu Hao had not expected. He only felt that the Dragon Kingdom's luck had improved and everything went smoothly.

He also knows that winter has just begun. When the output of the major clothing groups in the Dragon Kingdom increases significantly, there will always be large-scale exports. So what if the Western countries do not allow imports?

This world is not just a small group of countries like them. When the nano-rising world enters the Little Ice Age in the future, maybe they should take out gold to buy it at that time.

How long can these countries continue to prevent deadlocks?

Nearly 80% of the clothing on the entire planet is produced in the Dragon Kingdom. They can't let the people of their country wear shabby clothes all the time, right?

Both Longguo and major clothing groups know these truths clearly.

They don't need to worry at all. At this time, they are all sitting on Diaoyutai, because the association has captured all their medium and large clothing groups, and because their participation has given further constraints to the downstream processing plants. Directly closely unites the textile and clothing industries of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

This avoids the vicious competition that had to occur in the past. They believe that when the industry is almost monopolized and technology can crush the real enemy, there is no reason to lose at all.

Haven't you seen that during this period, all the major clothing groups outside the Dragon Kingdom have become anxious?

Didn’t you see that they all bent down?

It is better to chase the poor bandits with courage, not to be a famous scholar!

This was what Taizu said, and only now did they truly understand this sentence.

This is about maximizing their future interests, and also about the country's real right to speak in the future textile industry. It can be said that they are unprecedentedly united.

Whoever dares to commit suicide at this time will definitely go to the crematorium!

Huang Xiuyuan, who has been paying attention, was also very surprised by this, but more importantly, he was sad. He thought about the chip he was about to launch. How good would it be if it could be like the current textile industry?

Immediately afterwards, the fighting spirit in his heart increased.

He knew very well that Bald Eagle had already opened a battle line, and when he came to power, he would have to spread out. In other words, his pressure would be easier by then.

Little did he know that he was wrong to think this way.

On the contrary, by then, his pressure will only be greater!

It can be said that if there is almost a war, the bald eagle will definitely bet everything on it. This may be the 'butterfly effect' in Liu Hao's mind.

Under the arrangement of Qin Lizhang, Huang Xiuyuan met Mr. Ren of Huawei in private on a quiet night, and even took him to visit the chip textile method, which moved this seventy-year-old man to tears.

Without any hesitation, Ren Feihong joined in and began to make top-secret arrangements at Huawei, sending chip designers one after another into the Suiren system through secret channels.

I have to say that Huang Xiuyuan worked hard!

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