Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and eighty. Confrontation intensifies

1480. Confrontation intensifies

For Longguo, this is a semiconductor revolution, and it is also a semiconductor carnival.

But it is definitely tragic for people outside the Dragon Kingdom. The first reaction was the large-scale decline of the Nasdaq index, especially the semiconductor-related industries, without exception.

Among them, the Dutch lithography machine manufacturer was the most injured.

There were already cheers on the Longguo network. This was a live broadcast. The President of Internet was directly carried out of the press conference on a stretcher. No one would think that President Internet was acting. Those semiconductor group companies outside Longguo Everyone who came to the conference was livid-faced, and netizens felt that this was the most beautiful scene.

What followed immediately was the overwhelming praise of Huang Xiuyuan and the Suiren Group from netizens and ordinary people.

Don't think that it's just a simple thumbs up. It's nothing to Huang Xiuyuan and the Suiren Group.

To put it bluntly, this is the ‘destiny’, this is the ‘golden body’ in the hearts of the people, and it is also the culmination of ‘faith’!

What the Suiren Group did before today has indeed brought countless benefits to the Dragon Kingdom, such as the establishment of the foundation of the Huayuan-Ore System, the substantial improvement of the water, soil and environment of the Dragon Kingdom, and the establishment of the Fengnong Group. Benefits for many farmers.

But compared with today, it is still a bit worse.

The difference here is not a question of which one is more important, but a question of attention.

The entire Dragon Kingdom's semiconductor industry is known to be weak and can only be manipulated by others.

But now?

It can be said that Huang Xiuyuan single-handedly brought hope to all the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

As a civilization that believes that everything must be better than others, only by catching up or even surpassing can the people of this civilization be truly recognized.

It’s no wonder that Liu Hao thinks that today’s Huang Xiuyuan has truly stepped onto the historical stage of this world and won his true ‘destiny’.

As for the subsequent larger-scale suppression of Bald Eagle, and even the dispatch of so-called killers, Liu Hao did not take it seriously. With his luck placed there, even if there was a crisis, it would be nothing more than a crisis. He did not think that What will happen to Huang Xiuyuan?

It's just a little more difficult. This level is just a small stumbling block for Huang Xiuyuan.

In a world of science and technology, scientific and technological means represent all general trends. When the general trend rolls in, the only result for those who stand in the way of this general trend is to be crushed.

Only this time it was the bald eagle's turn.

There were many disturbances from the outside world, but Liu Hao did not continue to pay attention. More of his thoughts were still in the Maorisu Desert at his feet.

Countless money was scattered like water, and in just over two months, nearly 50 billion was spent.

The results in return are also significant.

This deserted area, which is only bordered by Yulin, has been completely transformed. It is no longer desolate. Many buildings, such as office buildings, experimental sites, and supporting facilities, are being constructed one by one, and it has become a deserted area. Huge construction site.

In many areas marked by Liu Hao in the Maori Desert, hundreds of wind turbines have also begun construction.

Liu Hao had planned these locations long ago. They are also the places where the wind will be the most stable among the formations he will arrange in the future. They will surely be perfect locations for the continuous input of electricity to the Maorisu Desert Pasture.

In his plan, the future Maori Desert Ranch must have more than half of the electricity supported by these wind engines. When all the winds are as steady as Mount Tai during the day and night, the waste of electricity will not be much wasted.

It's just that such 'unscientific' can only appear in the Maori Desert Pasture.

As for whether the dragon country in the future world of nano-rise can learn to use it, it is not what he needs to pay attention to.

Compared with these, Liu Hao is more concerned about the cultivation of alfalfa, ryegrass and other pasture seeds. Those experimental sites have been opened up, and tens of thousands of people have begun to work to sow these pastures.

He also knew that Yan Lingji must have been under considerable pressure during this period. Those agricultural scientists sent by the Dragon Kingdom would definitely stop Yan Lingji from such a large-scale attempt.

It's just that Liu Hao didn't have time to let them experiment step by step, so he could only use money to pave the way, but the effect must have shocked this group of people.

They don't know, how can Liu Hao not know? With just a glance of his spiritual consciousness, he knew clearly the survival rate of these newly planted pastures. If he really wanted to take action, he could even guarantee that every seed could take root and sprout here, but it was just not necessary.

The survival rate of the ranch reflected back to Liu Hao was also within his expectations. After all, he had also made major changes to the entire desert before.

To put it bluntly, the growth of living things is nothing more than land, sunlight and water.

The Maori Desert is simply that the land is not fertile enough, and these can be solved with money. It is nothing more than applying more fertilizer.

He didn't commit any foul play in this regard. Nowadays, most of the fertilizer market on the planet is under the control of Longguo. Even those foreign companies that are forced to place orders at the Dalian Exchange are currently under Liu Haopang's control. Under the order, he also became honest.

They found that this seemed to be good, even if the unit profit was a little smaller, the huge quantity was enough for them to eat, and it seemed that they were making more than before.

This was done deliberately by Liu Hao. He knew that his arrival would probably cause changes in the halls outside the Dragon Kingdom. If the old man was weakening too fast, wouldn't other halls die in grief?

At this time, the key is to eliminate these possibilities. For example, the Woolly Bear Empire in the north. When Liu Hao gave this huge order, they found that they seemed to be benefiting from the rise of the Dragon Kingdom, so naturally they did not think too much about it. .

The transformation of more than 30,000 square kilometers of land requires absolutely terrifying fertilizers, and there will be a steady stream of orders in the next few years. As long as you think of this, who doesn't feel happy?

The linkage effect of the industry has also benefited the Dragon Kingdom a lot. To put it bluntly, due to the development of the Maorisu Desert, many building materials in the Dragon Kingdom have increased by several times.

What is needed here in the future is millions of jobs. Long Guo's only worry is that it will succeed. However, these worries are gradually put aside after many of the experimental grasses sprouted.

Roaring trains are transporting the required materials here one after another. With the success of the first experiment, the next step is to launch a big move. The latest agricultural seeders are whizzing past the Maori Desert every day, one after another. Continuous streams of forage seeds are spread at the rear of these planters.

Those agricultural scientists were all heartbroken to death, because in their view, this was absolutely a waste. It would be great if only 30% of the sown grass seeds could germinate.

But they also know that this is the best plan. Even if only 30% of the grass sprouts and only 10% of the grass grows healthily in the end, the Maori Desert will be greatly improved next year, and the year after that, it can really become a pasture. .

On the contrary, they are worried that Honghu Technology is so wasteful and whether 400 billion is enough!

They knew Honghu Technology's ambitions and gave them countless suggestions, but they just listened. They were stubborn and only thought about grazing, and seemed to have no interest in all other cultivation.

It's not that Liu Hao isn't interested, but that he doesn't think it's necessary.

Long Guo is already barely self-sufficient in terms of food. If he joins, more or less will not have much impact.

On the contrary, it is a problem of meat, especially the beef market. In the future, the demand will increase greatly, and the gap will only get bigger. Rather than spreading the energy, it is better to specialize in one area.

Furthermore, Liu Hao's calculations don't stop there.

Since he is determined to herd cattle, how can it be easy?

He has arranged a formation that covers the entire Maorisu Desert, which itself has a great bonus to the beef that will be produced. In the future, after the population of the Dragon Kingdom eats it, it will have great benefits for the body and other things.

However, he doesn't want the price of meat produced here to soar in the future, and it will eventually become something that only the nobles can afford to eat on their tables.

Therefore, he made a lot of arrangements. For example, the beef cattle produced in the Maori Desert in the future will never make countless snowflakes, let alone be produced according to Western standards such as bald eagles, even in order to suppress future prices. , he deliberately compressed the taste, just to simply breed it into beef needed by the middle and lower classes of the Dragon Kingdom.

Only in this way can benefits be truly maximized and nationalized.

He wasn't worried at all about other people seeing the problem.

In itself, the Maorisu Desert is not an excellent pasture, and it is just the product of forced transformation. This makes everyone think it is reasonable, and it will not make major halls outside the Dragon Kingdom feel taboo.

With these factors, even if he leaves this world in the future, it can continue for a long time. Isn't this what he wants to see?

Nowadays, pipelines have been laid on a large scale in the desert area close to the edge of Yulin. From the perspective of outsiders, this is obviously to fully irrigate the pasture, and it is definitely not worth the loss. But Liu Hao is just happy and just having fun.

Money is nothing if it doesn't flow, so why waste some?

The larger the project volume, the more deliberately it creates more jobs, and the more consumption it drives is what Dragon Country needs today.

This is the development of the west in Liu Hao's mind. There are no gold mines. The most important thing is to attract the population. In the future, only half of these workers are willing to stay here to be considered a real success.

In the world with the rise of nanometers, the land cannot expand like our own earth. It is also destined that the average land controlled by the people of the Dragon Kingdom in the future will be very sparse. In the west, if such a large piece of land is not used properly, it will be a real waste. .

He also believed that after the transformation of the Maorisu Desert, with this example, the value of the entire western region would be greatly amplified, and the population density in the eastern part of the Dragon Kingdom would also be greatly alleviated.

In fact, Liu Hao's original first choice was the Tarim Basin, which covers more than one million square kilometers of land. Once developed, the food output of the entire Dragon Kingdom will truly increase dramatically.

But later, Liu Hao gave up. He felt that this might be what Huang Xiuyuan needed to do in the future, and there was no need to compete with others.

He knew that in the future Huang Xiuyuan would develop real controllable nuclear fusion, and after completely solving the energy problem, the water source problem in the Tarim Basin would be nothing more than pipeline water transportation for a huge project.

When the time comes when there is a model of Maorisu Desert Ranch, Longguo will definitely not turn a blind eye, so why bother fighting for this small profit?

He was relaxed, but Yan Lingji was extremely busy.

Only then did she realize that it was just a company, with so many things to consider. It seemed that every decision required her to nod, and the accounting issue gave her a splitting headache.

As a last resort, Yan Lingji had no choice but to study day and night, truly integrating herself into the modern world.

But she didn’t know it yet, but netizens on the Internet had already fallen in love with her beautiful appearance, and directly put her in the daily hot searches. Even Semiconductor Revolution did not fall outside the top ten.

For the netizens, this is the first time they have seen such a flawless beauty. She is both endlessly charming and holiness upon closer inspection. Such a perfect temperament remains after the fusion of angel and devil. Previously, it only stayed at In their best imagination, how many of them can really withstand it?

To put it bluntly, Yulin government officials are very afraid of discussing matters with Yan Lingji. When faced with it directly, it is difficult to concentrate at all, let alone when they will be distracted on the spot and lead to a trance. In this state, it can be said to be a gaffe once or twice, but if it happens again and again, it will be really embarrassing.

It was also under the advice of these people that Yan Lingji directly recruited an entire team of secretaries.

Moreover, they all chose beauties, which directly turned the Honghu Group into a "Heavenly Group". This was something that even Liu Hao did not expect, so he could only smile bitterly.

The girls chosen by Yan Lingji are not without gains. Not to mention other things, their simple growth is very remarkable;

What's more important is that Yan Lingji is not a stingy person. She can make these people more beautiful by giving them a little elixir disguised as a secret skin care recipe. This alone is enough to make her team of secretaries become loyal fans.

It has to be said that after Yan Lingji has gone through this experience, she will be able to settle down in any world in the future.

The press conference held by Shanmei and Huang Xiuyuan concluded successfully, but the impact has only just begun.

Bald Eagle responded extremely quickly, which also proved that even without this press conference, Bald Eagle's suppression of the Suiren Group would have already been upgraded to a schedule. It was just following the trend, and it was even more impatient.

Liu Hao had expected this news, but what shocked him a little was that the Bald Eagle also gave a warning to the Honghu Group he had just established, which made him dumbfounded.

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