Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and eighty-five. Watch the long river of time

1485. Watch the long river of time

But sometimes it’s one thing to clearly see the ‘general trend’, but it’s another thing to be able to let go of your own ‘greed’.

The rolling tide of the times will not stop for a moment because of your hesitation, nor will it stop specifically for you!

Liu Hao has been watching, and he is also happy in his heart. Before the time travel, these things could only be seen in books, but now, they are actually happening in front of him.

Just for one thing, he would think highly of Huang Xiuyuan.

This is what the ‘Son of Destiny’ in this world should do, to single-handedly change the future of a country and nation!

Compared with Huang Xiuyuan, the layout of many so-called 'Children of Destiny' in other worlds seems to be a bit unsatisfactory. Looking back at these 'Children of Destiny' to defeat the 'Devil King' is just that.

Isn't this the essential difference between "benefiting oneself" and "taking care of the world" that the Yanhuang civilization has always emphasized?

At least, in Liu Hao's view, Huang Xiuyuan has no problem at all as the latter!

It's fitting that he could be given the fire of humanity by the ancestors of the Suiren clan!

The ‘Light of Civilization’ was placed on Huang Xiuyuan, and he definitely deserved it!

He is no longer fighting for himself, he is already fully infecting every Yanhuang people who come into contact with him.

Liu Hao could see this somewhat even from Yan Lingji.

From the beginning, Yan Lingji only used the Honghu technology control given by Liu Hao as a simple training.

At this time, Yan Lingji had already made Liu Hao feel a sense of responsibility.

Yan Lingji, who originally dismissed the so-called press conference, now understands that many times she must come forward in person.

Even if she is often asked very annoying questions at such press conferences, she can endure it and respond calmly, and she has become more and more like the president of a large group!

Yulin, after the entry of Honghu Technology, exploded in popularity. Many coastal areas were very interested in it, and Yan Lingji's contribution should not be underestimated.

Yan Lingji, who was born before the establishment of the Qin Empire and traveled in many feudal worlds, has a deep repulsion towards high-rise buildings and a deep love for Jiangnan gardens.

It is also because of Yan Lingji's aesthetics that the construction of Yulin in the direction of the Maori Desert can only develop in the square shape that Yan Lingji likes, and gradually build it into a real western fortress on the south of the Yangtze River.

Such beautiful scenery has greatly attracted the love of the people of Dragon Kingdom, making this super ranch that has just begun construction become the largest tourist area in Dragon Kingdom today.

Even Liu Hao didn't expect this, and he knew that this was just Yan Lingji's trick.

But others don't see it that way.

They will only think that this is the development path planned by Yan Lingji.

Not surprisingly, Yan Lingji’s prestige in Honghu Technology has not been raised to the next level!

At any rate, it can be regarded as finding another source of living water for Honghu Technology. This income is not only benefited by Honghu Technology, but also benefits the surrounding people and cities.

Having tasted the benefits, they were naturally happy to continue to increase their investment, and they were even more happy to cooperate with Yan Lingji’s ‘overall strategy’.

Under Liu Hao's watch, the plan of red bricks and blue tiles has been gradually enlarged, and it has become one of the established strategies for the future of the Maori Desert Ranch. In the future, it is bound to become a true ancient cultural reserve in this world. .

It can be expected that in the future, when the fantasy series rises in this world, this place will also become a greater yearning for the Yanhuang people, and it will truly become a bridgehead in the western part of the Dragon Kingdom.

When it comes to how to promote the fantasy genre, Liu Hao still doesn't have an accurate plan.

This may be the biggest disagreement in the world of science and technology.

When all sentient beings become accustomed to the power of technology and see the high efficiency of utilizing external objects, they will always unconsciously work towards this aspect.

Liu Hao even felt that perhaps in the future, even if many cultivation techniques were introduced into this world, technological creations with aura as the core of energy would definitely not be rare, and might even become mainstream.

For example, mechas may become weapons for many people in this world in the future.

Either they are developing towards the hardcore faction, or they are simply known for their huge size, or they are constantly accumulating various weapons in these mechas, etc.

Liu Hao would not be surprised at all if this situation develops in the future.

It is impossible for him to plan a path for the whole world. How to choose is still the will of all sentient beings.

Isn't this where the future of 'humanity' lies? It is constantly branching out and exploring every possibility.

Whether these branches are good or not, whether they are tried or determined, they will inevitably be eliminated in countless ways, and there will inevitably be many unexpected gains, and they may even become part of the mainstream in the future.

"That's right! Humanity, in the final analysis, is just the exploration of the avenue by all living beings, and the true application of the avenue!"

A sense of enlightenment passed through Liu Hao's heart, and he didn't know if it was due to the Taoist charm he inadvertently exuded, which made the fishing rod in his hand move, which had never changed.

He shook his arm slightly and swung up the fishhook. On the straight hook, a red carp was biting tightly, as if afraid of falling off, which made Liu Hao chuckle.

"Since you have opened your spiritual wisdom, it is also an opportunity!"

While speaking, Liu Hao gently moved towards the big red carp, and saw a faint flash of white light, which disappeared into the opponent's body in an instant, causing the big red carp to open its mouth;

But when the opponent fell into the lake again, its body had undergone many changes. The originally fat body seemed to have been stretched a lot, and the carp whiskers on both sides of the fish's lips grew rapidly as if they had taken hormones, but in an instant In a short time, it was already about one foot.

This is clearly the ultimate catalysis of bloodline, and it is also the real opportunity given by Liu Hao. To put it bluntly, it is to evolve towards the dragon clan.

"You will be in charge of this lake in the future. After I leave in the future, you will protect this lake!"

After hearing this, the big red carp nodded quickly, but the agility in its eyes could be clearly seen by anyone.

Liu Hao did not impose any more rules on Big Red Carp, nor did he feel it was necessary.

Even if this big red carp really turns into a dragon in the future, even if it turns into a dragon and no longer guards this place, even if it turns into a dragon and becomes an evil dragon.

Liu Hao will not pay any attention to it. All choices are due to oneself. This is the nature of living beings. All choices can only bear the future by oneself. This is human nature!

“What I do in the heavens is very consistent with the development of humanity;

Could this also be caused by me cultivating the law of human arrival?

Did you make a choice without even realizing it? "

Liu Hao couldn't give himself an accurate answer. It was difficult to predict the causal relationship here. It was impossible to determine whether the effect was caused by the cause or the effect was inferred from the cause. Which one was the cause and which one was the effect.

I can only think that my nature is probably like this!

"Just think that you are afraid of trouble!"

Liu Hao gave himself an excuse and simply didn't bother to dig deeper, feeling that it was unnecessary.

"The so-called Tao follows nature, isn't that true for me?"

"If it were Qinglong Liu Hao, maybe he would just arrange everything domineeringly, right?"

Thinking of this, Liu Hao smiled again. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that according to Qinglong Liu Hao's character, he would probably just do this and not care whether you would change the 'general trend' of the small world because of your decision. , they will only advance the future according to their own ideas, and when their tempers rise, they may even kill some people who are not pleasing to their eyes.

Isn't this Tiandao's greatest desire for control?

On the other hand, if White Tiger Liu Hao comes, he will only try to build a reincarnation mirror at most, and as for other things, he will not even look at it.

"The personalities of each incarnation are getting more and more different!"

"Did I expect this?"

"That's all, there's no point in thinking about it so much!"

He retracted his thoughts and realized that his casual actions still had a huge impact on this world.

This was already the 'demonization' of native creatures, and directly started the first use of spiritual energy by creatures on this planet.

It's like a computer has been engraved with a piece of code on how to evolve.

The response to the will of the world that prompted the rise of nanometers, simply put, is knowing the way that living beings can evolve towards a higher level. Even if this method is so simple, it has to be said that it is from zero to one.

"I didn't expect that penguin in Antarctica has not helped the evolution of native animals until now!"


"Most likely!"

If Liu Hao had not come in, this opening would probably have been caused by the penguin monster that accidentally entered. But his arrival was destined to be opened by him. This in itself was a crushing of luck. The two Such a result is caused on the basis of not being a dimension at all.

He didn't feel bad about it, but he was a little worried that it would promote the fantasy system to develop too fast, which would affect the subsequent technological competition between Dragon Kingdom and Bald Eagle.

Out of this worry, Liu Hao stretched out his hand to clear the time stream of this world. After scanning it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's acceptable! Also, even if it is started, it will not be able to form a system in a few years; as for a few years later, Huang Xiuyuan has led the Dragon Kingdom to completely control the overall situation!

It seems that this is not bad, it can be connected just right, it can be regarded as a hit! "

The more homogeneous worlds there are, the greater the competition between these worlds will be in the future.

In turn, the advantages of one's own world are the foundation for the future of this world.

Liu Hao also does not hope that the future of the nano-rising world will be like many other modern worlds he has seen, because that will only allow them to wander in the bottom world for a long time, and it is very likely that they will still be able to wander around in the bottom world after they are destroyed.

The accident opened up the possibility of evolution. In this process, there may be some people who were originally practicing Qing;

For example, some real Taoist priests and some latent Buddhists will sense changes in their exercises that had no effect in the past. For example, when they enter meditation, they can really absorb a little bit of spiritual energy.

But even so, it is very difficult for them to promote it on a large scale. To put it bluntly, even if their technique has an effect, the effect is still pitifully small, and there is no possibility of large-scale promotion.

It’s nothing more than letting these people take the lead on this path. After the real technique spreads from Liu Hao’s hands in the future, this group of people may be able to take the lead in running away, but that’s it. Can they really catch it? They can only rely on themselves to take the lead.

"A Sanguo! It's interesting!"

Over the course of time, Liu Hao saw the rise of the Asan Kingdom in the fantasy system in the future, but he did not know that Tathagata had a share of the credit, but he had no intention of suppressing it, and he did not think they could bring much pressure to the Dragon Kingdom.

On the contrary, because of Ah San's rise in the fantasy department, other originally developed countries are in trouble.

There are only so many resources on a planet. The rise of one party will inevitably lead to the decline of the other party. This is inevitable. If you cannot get any benefits from the Dragon Kingdom, you will naturally have to deal with the weak persimmons.

"These developed countries would never have expected that it would be Asan who would give them the final blow, right?

This drink and one peck is truly God’s will! "

"Asans who are accustomed to the caste system, will they drive those Saxons into the abyss when the time comes?"

"If that's the case, that would be interesting!"

The Asans' honey operations are very difficult to control. Who knows if they will do it just because their brains are crazy?

They have turned around. If they want to get more, they must break the original rules and establish a system that truly benefits them. This possibility is very high.

"It's a pity that I will have left by then and can't see it anymore!"

“Dragon Kingdom has won the battle for hegemony, and more energy will only go eastward.

Huang Xiuyuan already knows about the Antarctic World Passage. Except for Australia, which is bound to win, Xizhou, which is already in a mess, will probably not pay attention to it.

It seems that it is naturally prepared for the Asans who will rise in the future! "

"Feng Shui is changing, nothing better than this!"

"Compared with these, the rise of Buddhism in Asan Kingdom again seems to require more attention!"

Liu Hao finally grasped the root cause, but with the information already scarce, he could only see the monks from the Dragon Kingdom traveling westward again.

As for the fate of Asan Kingdom, he didn't think much about it.

In the world of the rise of nanometers, every country has its destiny. In this changing situation, Asan Kingdom, which is already close to the Dragon Kingdom, has many choices. As long as you don't waste time, what's wrong with drinking some soup with the Dragon Kingdom?

Isn't this very reasonable?

Over the course of time, Liu Hao also saw that the voice of Foot Pot Chicken has also increased a lot!

Returning to the vassal system of the Dragon Kingdom, when I scold and whip the bald eagle in the future, I should hold my chest high. Isn't this what I should do?

Liu Hao knows best that once the Bald Eagle loses its dominance, once they fall, it will definitely happen very quickly.

This country, which has no civilization at all, is just forcibly held together by interests.

Without common interests, we will only be reduced to third-rate status in the future, and may even be divided into numerous divisions.

By then, they won't have much say in front of Foot Pot Chicken! Not to mention scolding, even beating is just a matter of words!

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