Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and eighty-seven. Teaching

1487. Teaching

Boat after boat of colonists left under the hateful eyes of the local people.

They wish they could drink his blood and give birth to his flesh.

But the strength does not allow it. In the past few years, the chicken has been damaged to the bone. Almost every day, Noah will draw blood and eat meat. This practice has squeezed such a developed country into this planet. Not as good as many third world countries.

Can you imagine that the "rice riot" that has not appeared in Jianbaji for decades will come again?

All the filthiness you can imagine has been performed on these islands every day before.

For the 'Noah Society', they are so overbearing and want to completely drain the chicken bones and blood from the foot basin, because they also understand the wolf nature deep in the genes of this race, and do not want to be bitten by the people of the foot basin one day in the future. Target.

However, the 'Noah Society' still underestimated the patience of the people of the Foot Basin country.

They challenge the bottom line of the foot basin country again and again, just to force the foot basin country to turn against them. As long as they show up, they can legitimately carry out "anti-humanity".

It's a pity that the cold wind came so quickly that some of the most cruel tricks in their follow-up plan could no longer be used. It was considered that the Foot Basin Country had escaped a major disaster.

But at the same time, they also let them leave with the endless hatred of the people of the Foot Basin Country, laying a solid foundation for their future and the eternal hatred of the Foot Basin Country.

The foot basin country, which had been drained of its bones and blood, had no choice at all and crawled directly at the feet of the dragon country.

In the past, Long Guo might have had some scruples, but now, he was just a dying dog, so what if he was taken away?

As for whether you are worried that this dog will relapse in the future?

nonexistent! The Dragon Kingdom has endless self-confidence. They have learned from Huang Xiuyuan that all the worlds are short of cannon fodder of their own. Naturally, the more the better.

Furthermore, the Dragon Kingdom has also seen the hatred of the Foot Basin Kingdom towards the Noah Society, and can use it a little in the future. Such an excellent chess piece cannot be missed.

The departure of the Noah Society and the entry of the Dragon Kingdom also directly announced that the Confucian cultural circle was once again unified, but this time it would never give other civilizations any chance to intervene.

The entire surrounding area is no longer in the feudal era, but there is no problem of "the mountains are high and the emperor is far away" that the feudal era worried about, and there is not a little bit of control over every aspect.

Perhaps it's also because of the Antarctic World Passage. When the cold wind rises, even Liu Hao feels that its speed is very fast. That is to say, Dragon Kingdom's infrastructure capabilities are too great, otherwise it will really be caught off guard.

At this time, the benefits of a large population were also reflected. With the investment of countless machines and people, when the Little Ice Age truly arrived, cities of all sizes in the Dragon Kingdom had already established their own 'dome', along with the surrounding Confucian cultural circle. The major vassal states also benefited from it.

On the other hand, other parties are really in trouble.

The temperature is dropping every day, and the wind and snow even cross the equator. There is a pattern that will not stop until the entire planet is frozen.

Which court can tolerate this kind of situation?

It can be said that almost every day, thousands of people become part of the ice sculptures in the cold wind.

How can this not make the people in these halls despair?

Naturally, great turmoil will follow soon. If there is no way for them to survive anymore, how can they care about you?

On this basis, human nature is lost bit by bit, and animal nature is expanded bit by bit, and in the end it can only drown everything along the way.

This is the ‘big brush selection’ of civilization!

And this kind of time does not last for one or two days, but for several years and decades in the future. How many people will be left in the end?

This is almost the entire gap between the inside and outside. On the one hand, they are having fun and can happily watch the wind and snow outside through the dome, while on the other hand, they are struggling and desperately playing a survival game in the wind and snow.

This contrast is so strong that endless happiness fills the hearts of everyone in the Confucian cultural circle, and the last trace of noise completely disappears.

And Long Guo also discovered that the practice that it had been studying before seemed to be ushering in the first round of outbreak.

"There are quite a few routes, but I can't be sure which one is feasible, so I can only invest in research on each one!"

"Before the third level, it's okay! Do you want to take action?"

"Let's wait and make further calculations!"

Liu Hao only pays attention to these now. He can see at a glance that there are many problems in these cultivation methods studied by Longguo, but he also believes that many of them will be discovered by Longguo researchers as time goes by.

Finding out yourself and telling others are two different things.

Isn't this the true foundation for the future of this planet's dragon kingdom?

Besides, there is no need to worry at all. They are still in the experimental stage and are not in a hurry to promote it on a large scale, so they must know that it is not strict enough.

As for those who participated in the experiment, Liu Hao did not think there would be any chance to make amends in the future.

Where is this? On the contrary, they are practicing while groping, and their understanding of these cultivation methods has a natural advantage. To put it bluntly, isn't this something they jointly participated in the research and development?

As 'guinea pigs', each of them knows all the data in detail. Naturally, they know exactly where they are lacking. Once they discover something, they can make corrections anytime and anywhere.

In turn, they have already won at the starting line and will surely be the first batch of personnel sent to Antarctica in the future.

"It's been several years! I don't know how the wandering world is now?"

"The possibility of stepping into all the worlds is not impossible! It also depends on how Liu Peiqiang chooses!"

"Perhaps many people have already set foot on their own Earth? I wonder if they can establish a base in the Antarctic of my Earth!"

Doesn't Liu Hao know that compared to the world of nano-rise, the world of wandering earth is much more adaptable to cold?

The advantages are obvious, but the disadvantages are not without, that is, the interior of the Wandering Earth is more complicated, and sometimes it is easier to make alliances, such as distributing interests, which will inevitably cost Liu Peiqiang and his Dragon Kingdom a huge amount of energy.

This means that even if the wandering earth establishes a base in the Antarctic of Liu Hao's world, it is probably impossible to unite it, and more likely it will be difficult to truly develop it.

And what about the world of nano-rise?

Once these difficulties are overcome, it may be much later to establish a base in Liu Hao's Antarctica, but the future development will be more calm and bright.

"The passage between the two worlds is three thousand kilometers. This distance is very far in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of practitioners, it can only be regarded as average."

"This means that there is a high possibility that they will meet in the future..."

"How will they get along with each other then?"

Liu Hao smiled helplessly when he thought of this. When the fish enters the river from the small stream, the field of vision is bound to be broadened, but the caution in his heart is also expanding.

The laws of the dark forest are probably impossible to appear under a common language.

But Liu Hao wouldn't believe it if the two worlds could live in harmony.

They all have their own interests and demands, and the only thing that makes them feel lucky in the future may still be Antarctica. If it were any fertile land area, this conflict of interests would only be more unsolvable.

In the vast expanse of Antarctica, there is no usable land, but it has become their possible future alliance. This has to be said to be a bit ironic.

This is true for Antarctica, but what about other regions?

Obviously, mutual interests are more likely to explode.

For these low-level worlds, the earth where Liu Hao is located is like a 'fairy world' to them. The intensity of light spiritual energy is enough to move them. It can be said that almost any 'mountain' will be It is the cultivation territory that they have to fight for.

This may be what Liu Hao has always thought of as the 'Great World War'.

Many times, the persuasion from outsiders has no effect at all. They are all for the future of their own world. No one will retreat, and no one dares to gamble with the future of their own world. This means that the struggle between each other will never end. possible elimination.

He sometimes feels that his home earth is like a new world view. Those lower worlds that have only recently been connected to his home earth are like sects. Right and wrong have no meaning to them at all. Survive too.

If you are not careful, it is very likely that all living things will become extinct and the world will be destroyed.

But not every world passage is free of monsters and beasts.

Antarctica can only be regarded as an exception in this regard.

On the other hand, in the future, many worlds may work hard to cross the world passage, only to find that the other side of the passage is so terrifying that it is even difficult to gain a foothold.

And their appearance will probably expose the originally secret world passage to the eyes of many monsters, attracting countless monsters to cross the passage and enter their own world.

At that time, let alone setting foot in all the worlds, it should be about how to ensure that your own world is not occupied by monsters.

"It's over now. In a while, it will be time to leave!"

The pattern of this world has been decided, and it is obvious at a glance what will happen next, which naturally makes Liu Hao's interest drop.

He subconsciously looked towards Yan Lingji, only to find that she was flying towards him.

Honghu Technology has become as stable as a mountain in this world. Now things in Yan Lingji's hands have become sparse. On the contrary, a group of women's troops under her have become the trend. Liu Hao doesn't need to think too much to know that Yan Lingji is coming. , must be related to the group of women's soldiers she gathered.

"Are the techniques taught?"

For Liu Hao, there is nothing wrong with him, but then he smiled sarcastically.

He felt that once Yan Lingji taught the skills to her team of secretaries, this group of women's army would definitely become a powerful force in the world of nano-rise in the future.

Honghu Technology, which controls nearly half of the Maori desert pastures, will only fall into the hands of this group of women's soldiers in the future. With money and power, it will be difficult to think without power.

I don’t know if it will put pressure on Huang Xiuyuan in the future.

"Forget it, it's time to teach Huang Xiuyuan the major systems of cultivation techniques!"

"Maybe this guy can't wait any longer, right?"

How smart is Huang Xiuyuan? Since Liu Hao didn't hide anything from him when he arrived, how could he still not understand that Liu Hao would definitely teach him the skills one day?

Didn’t you see that the other party has been following the many exercises in the Longguo Cultivation Laboratory, but he has not chosen to practice any of them?

It's just waiting. Maybe this guy is also struggling in his heart at this time?

"A Dragon Kingdom body, a Suiren Group, plus the Honghu technology taught by Yan Lingji, the three paths are running in parallel, which can be regarded as a real foundation. If this is the case, we will not be able to gain a foothold in the world in the future, and we can only It’s because they are not lucky enough!”

"With the passage of time, other countries outside the Dragon Kingdom system will be able to develop their own practice systems to some extent, or will they directly learn from the Dragon Kingdom's practice system to develop themselves?"

"That's all, let them be! After all, they won't cause any trouble!"

"Noah knows, it's not certain that he will be able to pass the test of being a chicken in the future!"

He was talking to himself, Yan Lingji also came closer, and before Yan Lingji could speak, he said:

"What you want is feasible! However, you must also tell them to keep a low profile. Long Kingdom has been researching for a long time. Once the impact is too severe, it will not be beautiful!"

"is teacher!"

Yan Lingji had a look of joy on her face, which showed that Yan Lingji was very satisfied with her team of secretaries.

"Now that we have taken action, there is no need for Honghu Technology employees to be stingy, especially those researchers!"

"Follow the teacher's instructions!"

"Let's go! After some time, we should leave too!"

Liu Hao waved his hand and swept Yan Lingji directly into the president's office. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of his incarnation. This guy was completely released.

He shook his head slightly and sent out a flash of light. On the other end, Liu Hao's hair avatar had to stop after receiving it, and muttered a few words. It seemed that he still had some unfinished thoughts, but he did not delay, and soon arrived at Shanmei, directly I found Huang Xiu.

Whichever path of cultivation Huang Xiu will take in the future, Liu Hao will not deliberately guide him, and there is no need to restrict or guide him. But since he is teaching, Liu Hao will not fall behind any system, whether it is Baijia, cultivation, or Qi training. Whether it was a warrior or a magician, as long as Liu Hao felt that it had its own system, he taught it to the other party one by one.

He also has the intention of leaving these inheritances in this world with the help of Huang Xiuyuan.

With so many cultivation systems, one can imagine the shock in Huang Xiuyuan's heart.

"Ninjutsu! Is it reserved specifically for the Foot Basin Country?" Huang Xiu asked in surprise:

"It can be regarded as a coincidence. The future height of this system is limited, you can make the decision yourself!"

"Magic system?" There is a question.

"Ha... The real body travels all over the world and has summarized many magic systems. It is still your own choice!"


Having said that, the expression on Huang Xiu's face told Liu Hao that even if Huang Xiu taught it to the survivors in the West in the future, the cost would be high.

His character also determines the Impossible Virgin.

Isn't this what Liu Hao expected? The magic system he taught is still based on the language of the Dragon Kingdom. Isn't it possible that he did it on purpose?

Huang Xiu also understood Liu Hao's instructions very well. Although his self-study was shallow, he could never stop. This was one of his inner principles.

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