Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and eighty-eight. Re-enter perfection

1488. Perfection again

This Little Ice Age was more violent than any other recorded on the planet. As time went by, almost the entire planet except the equator was covered in ice and snow, leaving only a vast expanse of white between the sky and the earth.

For living beings, this is definitely an extremely harsh test. With the wind and snow, countless people have fallen into it.

In this process, the land near the equator has become a territory for almost all countries to compete for, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives for it.

Liu Hao saw everything in his eyes, but he was still so indifferent. He saw that the Foot Basin Country quietly sent a team to the Americas, and its purpose was simply to go for the Noah Society;

He saw the Ganges people heading west along the equator, and he was destined that their journey would be a test of blood and fire.

He didn't need to analyze at all to see that the reason why they did this was simply to take revenge or to occupy more living space.

Even the leaders who sent these people out did not expect this group of people to bring them much benefit at all. Even if all these people died outside, they would only sigh.

On the one hand, they just want to see if they can hunt rabbits. If it works, it’s a good thing, but if it doesn’t, it’s just that. It can also save some food for the remaining population. No matter they win or lose, it’s a matter of killing two birds with one stone. Why bother? Not doing it?

But for the groups they impact, it is a matter of life and death, and a decision about whether their future civilization can survive. The reality is so cruel, and it is also the scene Liu Hao saw when he swept through the long river of time. .

He understood better that this was just the beginning.

Are these not the choices made by the will of this planet against its own human civilization?

Survival of the fittest is the truth everywhere. The luck of a world is also limited. Instead of maintaining all civilizations, it is better to select the best among them and give more luck, so that in the next Obtain more in the struggle among the heavens and the world.

This in itself is also the greatest manifestation of the way of heaven relying on the way of humanity.

Liu Hao, who knew this clearly, would never have any sympathy for this. His cultivation also determined his attitude towards this.

He doesn't have any energy to pay attention to these, Dragon Kingdom is the root of it.

There are countless domes, covering all the cities in the entire country, protecting all the people of the Dragon Kingdom. What they lack is nothing more than employment. How to disperse the energy of the people and prevent them from having nothing to do is what the Dragon Kingdom and Huang Xiuyuan need to rely on. The problem.

Seemingly seeing this situation, Long Guo began to consciously promote the previously studied cultivation methods, starting from the most basic level, which also showed Long Guo's caution.

Liu Hao could only smile at this, understanding that the Dragon Kingdom was protecting the people.

But so what? Isn’t the impact that is coming in the future destined?

Also seeing Long Guo's actions, Liu Hao recalled Yan Lingji, thought for a while, arrested Huang Xiuyuan, and after giving some information, he took Yan Lingji away.

He also felt that he had stayed in this world for too long. If every world was like this, it would take thousands of years to travel to the heavens quickly.

By then, can the abyssal invasion on our own earth maintain the current stalemate?

He also has a sense of urgency.

As for the incarnation of his hair, he had no intention of taking it back. He had to admit that after staying here for a long time, his feelings had become deeper, and he subconsciously wanted to leave a guarantee.

Appearing in the Antarctic Passage again, before crossing over, Liu Hao's spiritual consciousness also spread out on the continent beneath his feet, sweeping over almost all the penguins. Only then did he smile slightly, and finally stayed around Yan Lingji.

"After you return, you should make a breakthrough!"

"is teacher!"

If Yan Lingji breaks through to the immortal level again, she can take it with her and have the ability to protect herself even in some higher-level worlds. But in Liu Hao's view, the biggest joy is the change in Yan Lingji. She is the iceberg beauty who never eats the fireworks of the world.

Cultivation is destined to be impossible to isolate from the world.

In the past, Yan Lingji could not be said to be bad, but Liu Hao always felt that something was missing, but now it is not the case. There is a little more care and a little more fireworks. The so-called immortals and immortals are still inseparable from the relationship between 'human beings'. One word.

For Yan Lingji, this was a real break from the self-isolation in the past. It was for this reason that Liu Hao allowed Yan Lingji to open up her cultivation suppression and attack the immortal level.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to pass the inner demon tribulation of becoming an immortal, and Liu Hao would not allow it.

A mere barrier separates one of the worlds from each other, both are Antarctic, but the cold gap between the two is like a world of difference.

Liu Hao felt as if the temperature in his Antarctic territory had dropped a lot. If it continued like this, it might be one hundred degrees below zero. By then, how many living things could survive here?

This level will also block many people who want to pass through this land to enter the world of heaven and earth, right?

This seems to be no longer a simple test.

But Liu Hao then thought about it, those worlds that are lucky enough to escape from the Antarctic land, don't they have to face the endless monsters on their own earth?

Maybe this is also an ultimate test in itself?

If you pass it, it means that this world has the opportunity to set foot in all the worlds. Otherwise, it can only become a breeding ground for others and become a pure resource land!

Liu Hao felt that such a test was very cruel, and also thought that this might be what the chess players needed.

Sometimes, numerical advantage really means nothing in the face of absolute power.

Just like Liu Hao, isn't it possible that he can crush many worlds with just one move of his heart?

There would be too many people like this on the chessboard of all heavens in the future, even as a crowd of onlookers, right?

How could the chess players behind the scenes take notice?

Even he himself probably doesn't get much publicity now, right?

Thinking of this, Liu Hao had to smile bitterly, and finally sighed slightly in his heart.

He felt as if he had lost interest in continuing to search for the world's passage in Antarctica.

Because even if these worlds can enter the heavens in the future and want to enter the mainstream, it will not be possible for a while. In this case, it seems that there is not much to be gained.


Suddenly, Liu Hao's heart moved. Following what he felt in his heart, he quickly grasped the connection between cause and effect.

"So that's it! After all, the Ice and Snow Goddess was born. Is she just waiting for me to return?"

"Most likely! After all, it was me who brought it into my own world, and it also relied on some luck from me? That's okay, I just hope it can be useful to you in the future!"

He only took a glance through the space, and had no intention of visiting in person.

Compared with these, he is now focusing more attention in another direction.

"The Tathagata is here after all!"

"Prehistoric... something big must have happened! Otherwise Tathagata..."

He was slightly depressed, and had the urge to step into the wilderness to take a look, but he also knew that it would not be beautiful.

This deity and the incarnation of the White Tiger are already in charge in the ancient world. If one more goes, the many forces in the ancient world will not be able to get angry in a hurry?

Don’t you feel like you want to do something?

Even if you explain yourself, they probably won't believe it, right?

It's better not to get on their nerves.

However, he also knew that without entering the prehistoric world, it would be difficult to know the changes in the prehistoric world in a short period of time, so he would not be able to understand why Tathagata made such a decision.

But when the Tathagata himself arrives, it seems that not even a single incarnation remains in the ancient world, and the great Buddhist sect in the ancient world just gives up?

I don't know the reason, even Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, feels a little unsure. The only thing that makes him happy is that perhaps Tathagata has kept a low profile.

Otherwise, the influence of Tathagata Buddha cannot be matched by Manjusri and others. It is not an exaggeration to say that one call can be answered by hundreds of people.

If this is the case, the hard-won balance of our own earth may be broken again, and that is not a good thing!

Liu Hao really wanted to see what Tathagata was doing through the long river of time, but he also knew that if he did this, he would definitely annoy Tathagata. The cause and effect was not small, and the gain outweighed the loss.

After thinking about it, he could only be patient and hoped that Tathagata could make some noise earlier so that he could analyze the other party's real dynamics.

But he didn't know that Tathagata was busy at this time and had no intention of paying attention to him.

On the contrary, in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation where Qinglong Liu Hao was stationed, Bai Ze got the news of Tathagata through the Ganges Kingdom Monster Clan, but he had no intention of making it public, and he also did not want to offend the Buddha.

Liu Hao's thoughts were quickly interrupted by Yan Lingji's breakthrough.

For Yan Lingji, Yan Lingji has a lot of restraint in the extremely cold place, but here she also has a benefit, that is, she can somewhat supplement her own shortcomings.

This is what Liu Hao hopes to see.

Compared with last time, he was in a bad mood this time. Therefore, under his cover, the image caused by Yan Lingji's breakthrough was quickly covered up. Although the entire breakthrough had its ups and downs, everything seemed so quiet. Silent.

It wasn't until Yan Lingji returned that he waved his hand to release the restricted area and made the real decision.

But this time, it left Antarctica directly. When it reappeared, it was already in Australia, and it fell directly outside the world passage where the perfect world was located.

"In just a few years, there have been quite a few changes!"

The change in Liu Hao's words was that in the land of Australia, the aura of his own earth has increased again, and the benefits are not only for humans, but also for the monster race and monster beasts. This is almost an overall progress, and it is also an existence that has no solution. It is nothing more than It just depends on who improves more and faster in the end.

So far, it seems that this stalemate will continue, which makes Liu Hao feel more at ease.

Does he know that once the balance is destroyed, the original peace between the two sides will also be broken. At that time, even with him and Bai Ze sitting in charge, it will be difficult for humans and monsters to continue to coexist peacefully, right?

The living space is always limited. This is no longer a question of right or wrong. The only way is to let more monsters or humans enter the front line of the abyss. From this perspective, it is actually a good thing, right?

"How could I be so sentimental?"

Liu Hao put away his thoughts and looked back at the little Suan Ni who was brought to his home earth last time. He didn't even say hello, and he quietly entered the perfect world again without telling the stone village near the passage.

As soon as he entered this place, Liu Hao also discovered that the calamity was surging. This was almost a hundreds-fold increase. It also represented the arrival of a new round of calamity in this world. Or had Little Ten begun his own journey of conquest?

Isn’t it time for this little guy who has been arbitrary for eternity to mature?

I don’t know what’s going on with Liu Shen now!

But compared to these, Liu Hao paid more attention to Huo Ling'er. After all, this was his disciple!

He pinched his fingers slightly and had to frown.

"After all, I still can't escape this disaster! Fortunately, I came in time! Otherwise, it would have been too late!"

Last time, Liu Hao left a strand of hair on Huo Ling'er's wrist just to frighten An Lan. The effect cannot be said to be non-existent, but it is limited after all.

With An Lan's temper, he had been able to endure it so far, and it was already a shock.

But it has to be said that An Lan still made a lot of small moves in private, such as arranging people to test in private, and deliberately guiding the darkness to instill Huo Ling'er.

The effect of these small actions is really extraordinary.

Huo Ling'er also has a family. The powerlessness when her father, the Fire Emperor, was eroded by the darkness, also made Huo Ling'er feel an extra darkness in her heart. That is, the means left by Liu Hao's forward turning are still there, otherwise Liu Hao would not be able to survive today. Hao could only see a completely blackened Huo Ling'er.

These are bad things in Liu Hao's eyes, but they are also good things!

How can you not understand Huo Ling'er's character? Without the erosion of this dark external force, it would be almost impossible for Huo Ling'er to step into Daluo Jinxian in the future and cut off his evil thoughts. But with the intervention of this external force, this possibility has increased ten thousand times.

Isn't this Liu Hao's deliberate decision?

Why don't you want to use An Lan's hand to guide Huo Ling'er's evil thoughts!

But it doesn't mean that Liu Hao is happy to see Huo Ling'er turn black. It's just right now. If it were later, it might really be troublesome.

"This foreign land is quite interesting!"

He arrived with Yan Lingji so quietly that no one even noticed.

But when he got here, he discovered that this place called "foreign land" by Little No. 10 seemed to be the degeneration of a piece of heaven and earth.

There is even an aura unique to the 'fairy world' here. Liu Hao once speculated that a certain era in ancient times fell to the next level. Perhaps at that time, a certain kind of catastrophe also occurred in the fairy world in this world, which prompted this The birth of block 'Exotic', right?

He didn't know if his guess was correct. The worldview of a perfect world was very complicated. It seemed that from beginning to end, the end of the immortal road was not the so-called immortal world, so he couldn't be sure what relationship God had with it.

But these didn't seem to have much to do with him. He had never thought about ruling this place, or even thought about changing it.

He thinks that these are just the matters of Little No. 10, and it is not a good thing for him to overstep his authority!

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