Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and eighty-nine. Beyond expectations

1489. Beyond expectation

When the aura of great calamity permeates the air, it will inevitably cover every living being in the heaven, earth and universe. However, if one's cultivation level is not at a certain level, it will be difficult to even detect it.

During this period, every living being will feel a sense of urgency.

This sense of urgency may manifest itself in any number of ways, either making your temper even more irritable, or simply prompting a huge change in your personality.

Many times, even if you were a gentle person before, by this time, your inner irritability will accumulate bit by bit, forcing you to do things that were completely meaningless to you in the past.

One or two may not mean anything, but when all living beings move in this direction, the entire universe will form a torrent, forcing all living beings to move rapidly in a certain direction.

And this direction often leads to endless battles. From the beginning, it may just be a simple quarrel between two people on the street, but in the end, everyone may be armed with swords and guns.

The perfect world at this time already had signs of this in Liu Hao's eyes.

This was not the first time Liu Hao had come to a foreign land, but today, without making any comparison, he could feel that the entire foreign land was completely covered by the Northern Tribulation Qi, pervading every monk in the foreign land.

These people, inspired by the aura of great calamity, have overwhelming fighting spirit, and the direction, needless to say, is pointing to the Nine Heavens, Ten Lands, and Three Thousand Daozhou.

Liu Hao keenly felt the sense of urgency in the hearts of all the monks in the foreign land. It seemed that if this campaign failed, they would have no future.

Their patience has reached the extreme, as if the life span of the world under their feet has also come to an end, and they are in urgent need of supplements from the outside world. These monks have moved towards the boundary sea intentionally or unintentionally, and have turned their green eyes towards the boundary sea from time to time. That one covets it.

From here, Liu Hao also had to admit the control power of Yu Tuo, An Lan and others in the foreign land. They almost single-handedly suppressed all the monks in the foreign land, forcing them not to dare to take action lightly, or at all. Just waiting for their orders.

But this suppression has its limits and cannot last forever. Liu Hao believes that both Yu Tuo and Anlan, the foreign giants, are well aware of this. Perhaps, at this time, they already have the answer and have planned it. time.

Liu Hao didn't have much interest in these things. In his eyes, these exotic things were still not high enough. There was no need for him to worry about Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. He was not the protagonist here.

Compared with these Taoism, he focused more on these calamities. After careful study, he also discovered the power of 'cause and effect' that appeared in them.

"Isn't this a reckoning between heaven and earth?"

A flash of enlightenment flashed through Liu Hao's mind. He had a feeling that the world of the perfect world might have once again reached a critical point in terms of pressure, just like a dormant volcano whose capacity has reached its limit. It had to explode.

There is also an urgent need to spew out this magma, otherwise if it continues to be suppressed like this, the entire universe will be completely destroyed!

"That's not right. It may not be to the extent of destruction, but the level of the world will fall, but it is inevitable!"

"In this world, in ancient times, is it possible that such a thing has already happened?"

"The Perfect World has always talked about the 'fairy world', but it has never shown the 'fairy world' in front of everyone. But since it has been passed down to this day, this 'fairy world' must exist, or must have existed!"

"God above?"

"Is it really what I guessed?"

"The perfect world that has fallen down the level can still allow people to step into the quasi-sage, that is, the Immortal Emperor's ear. So, what about before it falls down the level?"

"The number of Immortal Emperors and Quasi-Saints will certainly not be scarce, right?"

"The number of quasi-immortal emperors and immortal kings under the Immortal Emperor will be even more terrifying, so they won't be as numerous as lackeys, but they won't be too few either?"

"So, is there three thousand?"

"Can you cope with the three thousand great avenues? How many of them can achieve the Daluo Daoguo?"


"Such a vast world was knocked down abruptly and ended up in its current situation!"

"Especially the longevity matter in it is pitifully rare!"

If others don't know, how can he, Liu Hao, not know?

The so-called longevity matter is basically the ‘power of creation’!

When a world lacks the power of creation, it also means that the foundation of this world is unstable, and it must be extracted from the heaven and earth to ensure that the world heals. Even if it cannot heal as before, it must ensure that the heaven, earth and universe continue to operate for a long time.

Then, we can only sacrifice the monks in the world, that is, their longevity.

This may be the biggest reason why in a perfect world, those top monks can break through the limit of combat power, but they cannot guarantee their own immortality!

As a last resort, these top monks can only reincarnate again and again when their life span is approaching.

To put it bluntly, it is not that they continue to accumulate the ‘power of creation’ they have obtained through practice through reincarnation again and again!

I just want to achieve qualitative change through quantitative change!

But how can they understand that it's not that they don't have enough understanding or their talents, but that the entire perfect world is not enough to support them!

He somewhat understands why the will of heaven and earth has been concealing the reason why the perfect world has been connected to his own earth and to all the heavens and worlds.

Without him, I still want to draw more power of creation from my own earth bit by bit through the world channel to make up for my own shortcomings.

Only when Perfect World understands that its foundation is solid, will it open up to a limited extent, right?

It seems to be to verify what I think.

Liu Hao raised his hand and moved it in front of him, and a long river of time quickly appeared in front of him. After a while, his eyes locked on one of them through the long river of time, namely Liu Shenye.

Through Liu Shen's current state, the smile on Liu Hao's face increased.

At least let him understand that his guess may not be 100% accurate, but it must be very close.

That Liu Shen has now attained the cultivation level of Immortal Emperor, and the power of creation that he exudes all the time is a huge support point to verify his guess.

Liu Hao saw that Liu Shen had reached a certain tacit understanding with Perfect World.

He instantly thought of the natural cycle from the tacit understanding between the will of Liu Shen and the perfect world of heaven and earth.

Just like a plant, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the sky and earth and expels oxygen.

As the only Liu Shen who has passed through the world passage for two times, isn't he the best link to the perfect world?

However, Liu Shen, who is in such a state now, will probably not be able to provide much help when Little Ten conquers the world, right?

Isn't this a restraint imposed on Liu Shen by the will of heaven and earth in the perfect world?

The son of destiny in this world is Xiao No. 10, not Liu Shen. Even though Liu Shen's luck has soared a lot at this time, the protagonist still cannot be him. The power of destiny in the long river of time has also been given to him. There are many annotations, and the process that needs to be followed still needs to be completed.

Otherwise, there will be no ‘Zhetian Cultivation System’ in this world in the future. This is the biggest loss to the world itself, right?

“Isn’t this the ‘Tao Ancestor’ that Heaven and Earth need to use the power of great catastrophes to temper itself?”

"That is to say, the level of Perfect World is a little different, otherwise a character like Hongjun might appear!"

He retracted his thoughts, and his eyes were still carefully observing Liu Shen's body in the long river of time. He saw that on the three thousand willow branches of Liu Shen, the original runes had been transformed into Taoism and were already evolving towards the most primitive 'Tao Wen'.

But he also knew that even with the blessing of a perfect world, it would be almost impossible for Liu Shen to completely perfect himself.

Without him, it would still be caused by limitations.

From this, Liu Hao understood that even when the perfect world was at its peak, these foundations were still not perfected.

"Then what is above the sky?"

Why doesn't Liu Hao want to see it with his own eyes?

But when his thoughts arise, there is always a voice telling him that he is not qualified at this time!

This reminder also made him understand that that drop of dirty blood from Chaos must be left by the most powerful person above the Saint.

Also, when one quasi-sage after another reaches the end, they can only watch themselves being contaminated, and there is no exception so far, which has proven this.

In other words, even if Liu Hao's obsession at this time is gone, the possibility of being contaminated is still very high.

Does he really dare to gamble?

He is not a "silly person". Doesn't he need to abide by the monk's way of seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune?

Is that still a monk?

"By God, it may be possible!"

It's hard to go to the end to see what's going on, but there's not much of a problem at the edge. Liu Hao is quite confident about this.

But there's no need to worry, the foreign land in front of you has just arrived, and it's time for my disciple Huo Ling'er to take action.

With a wave of his hand, he manifested and dissipated the long river of time in front of him. During the whole process, Liu Shen, who was immersed in it, was not aware of it at all. No wonder Liu Hao thought that Liu Shen still needed to accumulate.

He walked leisurely with Yan Lingji, and every step seemed to be walking outside the dimension. Countless people coming and going were unable to notice at all, and even if these people fought, they could not affect Liu Hao in the slightest.

On the contrary, Yan Lingji is very interested in this. She has just stepped into the immortal level and urgently needs to expand her methods. Isn't this foreign land an excellent place to learn from?

How could Liu Hao not know? Otherwise, why would he walk so leisurely?

Even he had to admit that when it came to combat skills, Perfect World monks at the same level were not afraid at all even if they faced the prehistoric times.

I don't know how long it took before the two of them arrived at a remote place.

Here, Liu Hao is not just familiar. He is clearly a member of the Three Thousand Daozhous, and it is also clear that An Lan has snatched him across space.

However, the original homeland has now withered, as if it lacks a lot of nutrients and has become languid.

The only thing that pleased Liu Hao was that Huo Ling'er's eight points of sanity kept the mulberry forest under her care its original three points, making it the only bright spot in this depressed place.

When Liu Hao appeared in front of Huo Ling'er, tears burst from Huo Ling'er's eyes.

This little girl had to bear too much pressure and had to support the hardest shell to protect herself.

Only in this way can she avoid being eroded by despair. The kind of thing that can only be seen with the naked eye and see one after another being contaminated by darkness, completely assimilated but unable to do anything. Just thinking about it is not something that ordinary people can bear.

If Liu Hao hadn't left a strand of hair for Huo Ling'er, the Huo Ling'er he saw now would have been one of them, right?

Liu Hao could tell at a glance that the part of Huo Ling'er in front of him that was contaminated by darkness was clearly the result of seeing his father, the Fire Emperor, step into the abyss step by step. It was a result that he had tried countless methods but could not do anything about. In such despair, another person, perhaps Liu Hao, would have lost more than half of his sanity, right?


Huo Ling'er, who threw herself into Liu Hao's arms, could no longer bear the sadness in her heart. At this moment, she just wanted to have a good cry.

Liu Hao didn't say much, just let it go. He waited until Huo Ling'er vented all the sadness in his heart and fell into a deep sleep before he breathed a sigh of relief and explained many things to Yan Lingji.

He also knew that he was not the only person that Huo Ling'er's heart relied on, and perhaps his arrival was not even part of Huo Ling'er's plan.

But as a division commander, he didn't care at all.

While Huo Ling'er was sleeping, Liu Hao used his means to scan the entire foreign land, and only then did the Fire Emperor, who had become a member of the foreign land, arrive cautiously.

Liu Hao was just able to use a little dark power, but after truly extracting the dark aura from the Fire Emperor, he realized that his previous thoughts still seemed insufficient.

This trace of darkness, as black as ink, was clearly contaminated with the aura from the abyss.

Liu Hao would never mistake such an aura, which made him have to be alert.

"Could the dirty blood at the end of the sky come from a certain super power in the abyss?"

His guess was not unreasonable, but he still couldn't figure it out. Others might not understand, but didn't he still understand the horror of the abyss?

If the perfect world was really discovered by the super power of the abyss, how could it possibly escape?

Either he underestimates the perfect world, or if the prehistoric world is detected by the abyss, it will inevitably suffer huge losses, and even whether it can be preserved is a question.

This is no longer something that the entire world can resist.

This must also prove that the original perfect world may be more advanced than Liu Hao expected.

There must also be someone who can withstand the pressure from the superpowers of the abyss, who has fought hard, and defeated the other party.

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