Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and ninety. Huo Linger

1490. Huo Linger

Liu Hao was not sure whether his guess was accurate, especially whether the initial perfect world level was as he guessed.

But one thing he was very sure of was that there must be a super strong man who defeated the opponent when the abyss threatened him, and preserved the perfect world that would inevitably be dragged into the abyss.

Because of this, the level of the perfect world has dropped a lot, making it impossible to heal to this day.

Moreover, that battle completely damaged the foundation of the perfect world, and even had to overdraw the power of creation of the entire world?

Liu Hao raised his head and had to cast his gaze towards the sky. This sight made him frown again.

He did not completely explode himself, which also made it extremely difficult for him to see who the drop of dirty blood at the end came from.

But inside, he still felt the aura of the abyss was prominent.

It is still eroding the entire perfect world all the time.

"Did this drop of dirty blood come from the superpower of the abyss, or the most powerful person who protected the perfect world?"

This is what Liu Hao wants to know most, but he also knows that with his current strength, it is impossible to see through it.

He still hoped that the drop of dirty blood was left by the strongest person who protected the perfect world.

In his speculation, he hoped that the strongest man was injured after the battle with the super power of the abyss. After being forced out by the opponent, he unintentionally fell outside the world barrier of the perfect world. This prompted the entire perfect world to Today's situation.

Or is it some kind of layout of the most powerful person?

Do you not want this drop of blood contaminated with the aura of the abyss to wander around in the chaos?

Liu Haoke knows that once this drop of dirty blood carrying the aura of the abyss is allowed to wander in the chaos, countless worlds will inevitably be eroded by it and then captured by the abyss one by one. In that case, enough will be brought to the abyss. Nutrients too.

One is to damage a world, and the other is to contaminate a large part of the world. Choosing the former becomes inevitable. After all, he is the strongest person who protects the perfect world, and he is not afraid of destroying one world and causing a lot of karma to the other.

"Is it possible that the most powerful person is the pioneer of the perfect world?"

Liu Hao couldn't help but have such thoughts. If the initial perfect world level really exceeded Liu Hao's expectation, this possibility would be much greater.

Naturally, it can also prove why the most powerful man wants to fight with the super power of the abyss.

Otherwise, would such a powerful person really fight to the death with the Abyss just because of a mere world?

Liu Hao himself found it hard to believe it.

It's not that he thinks it's impossible for such a powerful person to have so-called sympathy, but that the other party's cultivation has completely wiped out the emotion of sympathy.

Just like a human being, he will never fight to the death with the other person just because an ant nest may be destroyed by another human being.

"If it's as I think, the special features of a perfect world must be even greater than I guessed!"

"That's right, not to mention other things, just the boundary sea, even if you enter any world, you will be able to hold them to death!

But in a perfect world, it can only be the place where countless worlds are destroyed!

How similar is this to the abyss? "

"Could it be that the original perfect world was created by a certain super powerful person who imitated the chaos model?"

"This possibility is really not impossible. To verify the laws of chaos operation and open up such a world, the effect must be great, right?"

"But if you want to open up such a world, what kind of cultivation level should you have? At least for a person like Hongjun, who is at the peak of the realm of heaven, there is no possibility at all!"

This thought hit Liu Hao's mind like an explosion.

There is a saying that goes well, the more you know, the more you feel ignorant.

He vaguely felt that Hunyuan might be the real beginning, but when he was really sure of his guess, the shock still left him unable to recover for a long time.

He has gone through a lot of hardships to achieve his current level of cultivation. Suddenly someone tells you that your level of cultivation is not enough for outsiders, and you have not even achieved entry level. You can imagine the shock.

The only thing that comforted him was that the incarnation of the white tiger like himself had finally entered this realm, which comforted him somewhat. Although they were not one body, they were indeed one person.

He checked the progress of his understanding of many laws again, and after a while, he calmed down a lot.

The travels during this period of time can be regarded as fruitful. Some of the laws of humanity have reached a certain limit and have reached the bottleneck of Hunyuan. As long as I make up for the shortcomings in the future, the road to Hunyuan will surely open.

As the last three corpses killed by Liu Hao, he has already reached such a state, so the state of Qinglong Liu Hao will only be higher, and he will definitely enter Hunyuan earlier than him, right?

Then, the bitter smile on his face flashed away again. When did he become so unsure of himself?

Withdrawing his gaze, he put down these thoughts and then turned to look at the Fire Emperor who was still waiting.

This powerful person who occupied a position at the beginning of Xiao No. 10's practice can only be ignored by everyone after entering a higher level space. Not only is he unable to control his own destiny, he even loses the ability to follow the crowd. After repeated blows, he has been All the Fire Emperor's ambitions have been wiped away, and now, all that is left is concern for his daughter.

How many such monks are there in a perfect world? In countless heavens, it is like a crucian carp crossing a river, right?

On the road of spiritual practice, if you don't advance, you will retreat. If you stay in the same place, you will only be drowned in the endless river.

Compared with them, although the life of a mortal is short, it can see a clear end point, and there seems to be nothing wrong with this.

But, how many people are willing to be satisfied?

After knowing about cultivation and seeing a longer life span, how many people can resist the temptation?

When it comes to pursuing the truth, how many can maintain their original intention in the end?

How many people have lost themselves on the road of spiritual practice, and how many people are reduced to running around for resources all day long. On this road, the so-called original intention has been completely forgotten by them, right?

On the contrary, the Fire Emperor who had experienced so many ups and downs before his eyes made Liu Hao feel no different from an old farmer.

All his ambitions and all his imagination seemed to be nothing in front of the Fire Emperor who Liu Hao pulled back from the darkness.

Also, if even the most basic ‘self’ is gone, what else can there be? What else to expect?

As proud as he was, he knelt down in front of Liu Hao respectfully, but Liu Hao knew that the Fire Emperor was not worshiping for him at all, and he didn't care about him at all. Everything was just for his daughter Huo Ling. Son.

Liu Hao waved his hand, helped the Fire Emperor up, and then waved him to sit cross-legged on the ground.

"In a few days, No. 10 will also enter a foreign land, and his purpose is naturally for Huo Ling'er!"

Liu Hao paused slightly when he said this. He originally wanted to say that when the 10th came, he could not fulfill his wish, and he still could not save Huo Ling'er himself.

But this sentence seemed to have no meaning, because he could not continue to let Huo Ling'er stay here.

However, he could not decide for the moment whether to place Huo Ling'er somewhere in the perfect world or to take him away directly when leaving.

During the pause, Liu Hao was also silently calculating in his mind, and for a moment, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Without him, Huo Ling'er's subsequent role in the perfect world would no longer be a big deal, and it seemed that it would be okay to take her away.

In this case, Liu Hao is not willing to let his disciple Huo Ling'er continue to suffer here. Furthermore, the gains from practicing here will not be much, and there is no need to waste this time.

He knew that guy No. 10 had this other partner. When the time came, he would just leave an 'image' for No. 10, telling him what he had done. If that guy was really serious in the future, he would definitely go out of the perfect world to find him. Huo Linger.

As for how Huo Ling'er will choose in the future, he will not interfere, and there is no need.

"As for you, why don't you return to the Great Wilderness, where your roots are. The world will undergo great changes next. With your cultivation level, even the slightest impact will be nothing. If you return to the Eight Territories of the Great Wilderness, you can train your descendants and accumulate more knowledge for the future. many!"

Liu Hao made this suggestion, but he also suddenly remembered that he would not tell the Fire Emperor. He had not considered the other party's future at all before.

When he talked about this suggestion, he also had his own calculations.

The Great Wilderness, as a place connected to our own earth, is bound to become a battleground for the perfect world in the future.

One more Fire King is in charge, which is one more possibility.

The most important thing is that the Fire Emperor has learned some cultivation methods from outside the perfect world from him. When he returns to his hometown, he can pass on these inheritances to increase the competitiveness of the eight regions of the Great Wilderness and prevent the Great Wilderness from becoming someone else's in the future. A pasture that is trampled at will.

As the inheritor who followed Liu Hao's advice, the Fire Emperor was able to receive many awards from the will of the perfect world. Only then was it possible to break the Fire Emperor's original destiny and move to a higher level.

Only when the Fire Emperor moves to a higher level can the inheritance left by Liu Hao in the future perfect world be recognized by more people, and more benefits can be derived from it.

In the past, Liu Hao might not have cared too much, but after guessing that a perfect world might be more valuable, he had to make some calculations and lay more possible foreshadowings.

Of course, Liu Hao refused to tell the Fire Emperor all this.

Fortunately, the other party no longer has the so-called "rushing" mentality at this time, and the fallen leaves have returned to their roots, which actually comforts the other party's soul.

He knows that the Eight Territories of the Wilderness where his home is located is not the pasture of the upper world. In the past, he was unable to resist, but it does not mean that he really does not want to do it. But at this time, it seems that he already has this ability, and naturally he does not want to miss it. .

Isn't this giving the Fire Emperor, who has lost all goals, a direction to strive for?

As for Huo Ling'er's next arrangements, Liu Hao didn't mention it, and the Fire Emperor didn't ask. He had clearly seen that the alien immortal king An Lan was completely vulnerable in front of Liu Hao. All worries disappeared after Liu Hao appeared. It’s nothing.

Above the sky, the sunset begins to work, which also means that today has entered the second half.

Yan Lingji, who had been sitting silently beside her, then stood up. She did not disturb the two people talking. After a while, a bonfire was lit in Yan Lingji's hand, taking over the setting sun and illuminating this rare mulberry forest. place.

After a while, a faint cooing sound dispersed, which attracted the attention of the three people, but it came from Huo Ling'er, who was still sleeping, making Liu Hao couldn't help but smile.

He guessed in his mind that Huo Ling'er was probably dreaming about Little No. 10 again. That foodie had no taboos. Has he been lured out of the gluttony?

Liu Hao believed that this was a good thing. It proved to some extent that Huo Ling'er had found all of himself and had truly let go of all his guard.

Sure enough, in less than half a quarter of an hour, Huo Ling'er woke up leisurely, subconsciously made a vigilant movement, and then seemed to remember something, and quickly looked up. When he saw Liu Hao, he put down his tense nerves. When he saw the Fire Emperor, tears appeared in his eyes again. After a while, he softly called out, "Father?" ’.

After receiving the trembling response from the Fire Emperor, Huo Ling'er's face immediately became bright. Even the darkness of night could not conceal the blooming of a hundred flowers.


Huo Ling'er made a sniffling motion, like a child, in order to show his stubbornness and to prevent the tears in his eyes from bursting again.

"Are you hungry?"

Liu Hao responded softly, and then he remembered that he didn't seem to have anything to eat. It seemed that he hadn't tasted delicious food for a long time.

"Maybe this is the price?"

Liu Hao is not a foodie, but as a Yanhuang human being, the food is more or less delicious. But now, even he has forgotten this love. If it weren't for Huo Ling'er's abnormal behavior today, maybe he wouldn't think of it in many years, right?

He smiled bitterly in his heart, he was already like this, not to mention me and other incarnations, especially the white tiger Liu Hao, maybe he had completely abandoned this 'need' long ago, right?

Fortunately, Yan Lingji seemed to notice something and took out a lot of equipment from her storage. However, these were in strong modern packaging, and they were all filled with various snacks.

In Liu Hao's opinion, it was probably influenced by the team of secretaries under Yan Lingji's previous account, or perhaps it was the secretarial team itself that made the greatest contribution.

These foods have no nutrition, but no one is entangled. Even Huo Ling'er itself, why does it need to eat on a large scale to maintain its own needs?

But with these snacks from modern times, Yan Lingji and Huo Ling'er have become closer. Huo Ling'er, who was already very lively, will become more talkative after giving up all the pressure. , there is also an urgent need for a channel to 'vent', and Yan Lingji, who is already deserted, is a good target.

Within a few minutes, Huo Ling'er's chirping voice was the only one left under the entire bonfire. In the end, it turned into Huo Ling'er's curious inquiry, which also pulled Yan Ling'er into a situation where she had to respond. It was also considered as a reminder that she was about to leave. Huo Ling'er of Perfect World has done a lot of popular science.

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