Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and two. Conquer

1502. Conquer

Xun Yu left happily. Not long after, Luo Bing got the information that Liu Hao had returned to the base, and soon appeared on the beach outside the hut.

"Have you reached a certain bottleneck in your cultivation?"

"Ha, I can't hide it from the general! There is a high probability that I will not be able to break through this bottleneck! My own potential has also reached its limit, thanks to the ginseng fruit you gave me last time, otherwise..."

Luo Bing still spoke a little carelessly in front of Liu Hao, but Liu Hao could see a hint of tension in the other party's movements.

This was not because Luo Bing felt a sense of discomfort after not seeing him for a long time, but because he realized that Liu Hao in front of him was becoming more majestic. Even though he knew that Liu Hao was very relaxed and did not put on airs in front of him, deep down in his heart he still felt that he should not cross the line lightly. remind.

Why doesn't Liu Hao know this? At least he won't be able to eliminate these effects in a short period of time. Unless he truly proves Hunyuan, how can he be completely satisfied?

In other words, even if Liu Hao has completely restrained his aura, his appearance still has a great influence. He still exudes his own aura all the time. This aura is the majesty in Luo Bing's eyes.

He waved his hand for Luo Bing to sit down, which made the other person's restraint dissipate a lot. He also told the other person that he was still the same self as before.

He didn't know that Luo Bing was relieved at this time, and he also guessed that what came today was probably Liu Hao's obsession. If it were Qinglong Liu Hao, even if he was told to sit down, he would have to think carefully. Last time he As I sat down, I felt even more uncomfortable and needed to be more careful.

If it were White Tiger Liu Hao who arrived, this guy might really break out in a cold sweat.

"Are you ready for the world on the other side of the passage?"

"Hehe... So Xun Yu is here to complain?"

Liu Hao rolled his eyes at Luo Bing and said, "Don't underestimate Xun Yu. He was the famous 'Wang Zuozhi' in the Three Kingdoms era. Everything is just a plan. He has seen through all your plans a long time ago."

As soon as this sentence came out, Luo Bing was also stunned. He seemed to be thinking about all the things he had done with Xun Yu before. After a long time, he sighed: "None of these civil servants is easy to get along with, and your Tian Feng from Qin Wangcheng is not the same." Good thing, I said that the King of Qin City will definitely send a large army to support it, but there are only baby soldiers left in the King of Qin City. Can I still agree?

It's clear that I want to take part in the benefits, and it's not enough to not give them. I refuse people's 'support', but it makes me feel like I owe them a favor. Would you say I'm depressed? "

Liu Hao could only shake his head, "The civil servants in the feudal era always behaved like this. They would not speak out their thoughts openly. You have dealt with them a lot, aren't you used to it?"

"How can I get used to it?" Luo Bing sighed; "Every time, the think tank analyzes it several times before making a decision, which makes me seem stupid. Don't you know how much pressure there is?

Almost every time I make an important decision, I have to ask my superiors for instructions! "

"That's not bad. The superiors have asked you to stay at this base all the time, maybe because of your request for instructions!"

"Really?" Luo Bing was not stupid and quickly understood the deep meaning of Liu Hao's words. "That's right. Otherwise, as time goes by, you will really become a 'Jiedu Envoy'. That's not a good thing!"

"It's good if you understand!" Liu Hao and Luo Bing are also friends, and they don't mind giving some tips.

"In the world of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Mengde has already made peace with Generals Liu Xuande and Sun Quan. Maybe not long after, Shu Han and Soochow will send personnel to arrive, and you will be much more relaxed by then!"

"General, do you mean they will fight?"

"You pighead, it's just a competition between them. When the time comes, you just have to be impartial!"

"That's it! Hehe, that's good!"

"Okay, let's stop talking. How is your arrangement at the other end of the passage?"

"The higher-ups have sent many of the top Immortal sergeants in, and they have already established in-depth contact with Taizong over there..."

Liu Hao nodded while listening. All the arrangements were not what he expected.

It has to be said that the Dragon Kingdom has a big plan. After experiencing so many heavens, how can it be possible to make a small fuss?

This time, compared with the linked heavens in the mainland, it has been somewhat restrained.

But among Luo Bing's statement here, what made Liu Hao nod the most was that Long Guo directly introduced the concept of 'parallel universe' into that world. This in itself can greatly eliminate the desperate struggle in the lobby of that world.

Because they will think that the Dragon Kingdom that enters their world also has their Tangkou existence, and they will even think about how to contact their own Tangkou in the parallel universe through the Dragon Kingdom.

Since it comes from the same source, they will definitely have expectations. This is directly superior to decades of technological advantages, and they will not want to miss it.

Compared with these benefits, it is just Australia, and if you sacrifice it, you will sacrifice it.

What's more, the Dragon Kingdom has no intention of wiping out the Australian population on the other side of the passage, but rather driving them away, or letting them migrate, such as to Africa.

To put it bluntly, a 'hope' is still placed in front of them. As long as this hope exists and as long as they want to obtain greater benefits, they must have some scruples and can only choose to endure it first.

The Dragon Kingdom will naturally not postpone it, but it must first agree to cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom of the two worlds to take over the entire Australia.

By that time, the deal is done, and most of the benefits they deserve have been obtained. What about bringing them into their own earth?

The monsters here were placed in front of them, and most of their hearts trembled, and they would only continue to thank the Dragon Kingdom of their own planet for helping them prevent the real disaster.

As for the future, in that world, those in the hall who want to enter Liu Hao's earth and have a career, why not accept it?

Population is precious at all times. When they get here, what's the difference between them and the people from the Dragon Kingdom who worked hard to migrate from South America?

Even more inferior? After all, the people who migrated from South America have been baptized by spiritual energy, and their own quality is several levels higher than them.

Long Guo is also not worried about the dangers causing resistance among these ministers. Compared with these dangers, longevity of life is the greatest benefit.

There are not a few people who have paid everything for this, and among them, those old men of the consortium who occupy a lot of resources in these halls will probably be willing to pay everything for this. Who will go there at that time? Do you care about Australia’s displaced population?

Gu Tan

This is the real world of Hongguoguo.

Long Guo has considered all aspects and has reached the trial stage.

Don't think that there are no manpower dispatched by the base at the other end of the passage. They just used the formation to cover it up. At this time, there is a high probability that a city has been established at the other end of the passage, right?

"An army of five million? The Dragon Kingdom is quite capable!"

"Hey! Many of them are sent by dragon kingdoms from other heavens!"

"That's it! It seems that the mainland has reconnected with other worlds, right?"

"In the past few days, through the news from colleagues, three more heavens have been developed. The ones that are more deeply read have been basically integrated into the Yanhuang Alliance!"

"That's a good thing too!"

Liu Hao did not make any further comments on this. He also believed that Long Guo could handle this well.

"Local demon clan?"

"This time, the Monster Clan is pretty good. They also know that if the relationship with the Yanhuang Alliance is settled in the mainland, the benefits will be greater!"

"That's not bad!" Liu Hao paused and continued: "It seems that the demon clan also informed the Yanhuang Alliance of some collected channels?"

"Exactly! Even if more worlds appear in the mountains and forests occupied by the demon clan, they sometimes and intentionally avoid the people of the Dragon Kingdom on the other side of the world, and do not persecute them wantonly!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly. This in itself is the tacit understanding developed between the local demon clan and the Dragon Kingdom over the years. The many trading markets opened in the Dragon Kingdom together with the demon clan have finally made great progress in this tacit understanding. The mutual trust between the two parties It can be regarded as further recognition and implementation by both parties.

Compared to the mere world in front of you, this is truly precious.

"So, the world passage on the edge of the hunting ground in front of us, the demon clan in Australia, also has some interests, right?"

"Hehehe! We have already negotiated with them. They have also sent many monsters to enter. Now they have occupied most of the Amazon rainforest. Of course, they also promised to keep a low profile for a while. As for the future..."

Luo Bing didn't say anything about the future, and they wouldn't be the ones in trouble then.

Isn't the entry of these monsters a test for the world's population on the other side of the passage?

If you can really hunt them and obtain their meat, after eating it, it will be of great benefit to their bodies. Isn't this a chance for the population outside the Dragon Kingdom in that world?

Dragon Kingdom is not a procrastinator. As soon as it was formed, it naturally set off immediately. The next day, a mighty army crossed the passage. How could such a huge army be concealed when it appeared in a world?

It was said that the planet was directly fried. Almost all the people in the hall were dumbfounded, and they could not imagine how the Dragon Kingdom could send millions of troops across the sea to the other side.

It was also at this time that Luo Bing spread the concept of 'parallel world' around the world. He said it was contact, but in fact he suppressed the local Oshu officials. Through their mouths, the news was confirmed instantly.

In the 1980s, this concept had already vaguely existed, but it had not spread on a large scale. But now, the fact of Hongguoguo has been placed in front of everyone. It is difficult not to admit it, but once admitted, it is still the same. What should be guarded against must also be guarded against.

Liu Hao had no intention of paying attention to these things. After following him, he was already standing on the starry sky. He directly used the technique of looking for energy to sweep across the entire planet, and soon locked the area with the protagonist's destiny. Here , it is Xiangjiang.

"Is Xiangjiang Movie going to be online too?"

"Ha...it's actually you, Brother Long, no, it's Brother Jiaju!"

Liu Hao still had some affection for this desperate policeman. He casually gave him a spiritual energy, which was regarded as an explanation, but he did not think that Chen Jiaju could become the leader of the police story world in the future.

With the participation of the country's will, Chen Jiaju cannot be ranked first among the biggest beneficiaries, but the recovery of Xiangjiang does not need to be solved through so-called negotiations. He believes that once Bulatian sees the benefits, he will definitely He went to please Long Guo with a straight face, kneeling on the ground and offering his hands to him without any hesitation.

Their old lady has reached a certain age and will never care about Shouyuan's endless temptation.

However, after Liu Hao learned the name of this world, all the interest in his heart disappeared. He did not stay in Xiangjiang for half a minute, but directly crossed the bay and entered the Dragon Kingdom continent. Nowadays, the people here can be said to be simple and simple, especially in the countryside. He also enjoys walking around and looking around.

As he was walking around, the entire planet had undergone earth-shaking changes.

It was almost the same as Luo Bing's plan, and all the calculations were slowly advanced.

Among them, there were various cries, such as threats, but after an immortal-level monk soared into the clouds and wiped out a fleet with a sword, there were no more noises.

This is still not only a parallel world where technology has surpassed several decades, but also a parallel world where human evolution has been advanced to the era of myths and legends. Furthermore, everyone in the local dragon country made some obscure suggestions during the meeting. The new era is already here.

The only way is how to seize the problem and how to get a share of it. As for Oshu, who cares?

In fact, Luo Bing was not stingy either. He casually released a few pills and gave them to each lobby. When they found people to test, the endless light in his eyes immediately flashed. At this time, Long In the country, countless big officials have gathered, and they do not hesitate to send gifts one by one, for fear that their gifts are not generous enough.

In such a low-level world, we have already experienced a lot of how to conquer the Dragon Kingdom. After summarizing many experiences, the effect is so overbearing.

Here, the concept of parallel worlds is one, and the other is the consistency of races. They are all human races, and their credibility is naturally much higher.

If someone of the opposite sex comes here, no matter how wonderful the words are, no matter how effective the elixirs are, the big guys will still have infinite doubts deep in their hearts, and will wonder if there is a conspiracy here that they cannot understand at all. '.

In addition, it has a lot to do with the fact that Liu Hao's World Dragon Kingdom army did not take the initiative to kill after entering Oshu.

This is the call for profit. All the big guys on this planet know that there is no so-called free lunch. If you want to get it, you have to pay. They also know that the only thing recognized by the Dragon Kingdom in the parallel world may be There is only land.

After all, they are not selling themselves, so why wouldn’t everyone be unhappy?

At this time, haven't we already started dispatching cruise ships on a large scale to help the people of Oshu move to other places? Or South America, or Africa. As long as the people of Austria leave this land, they will be very happy to give it a higher level and provide subsidies.

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