Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and three. Luck and misfortune

1503. Luck and misfortune

On the Pujiang River, Liu Hao stood on the Bund, looking at the unformed opposite bank, but at this time, there were already many surveying and mapping personnel.

The arrival of the Dragon Kingdom in Liu Hao's world gave this world a template, which meant that they knew directly how to build their own kingdom in the future. The Pujiang River naturally became a top priority.

But compared with the bumpy redevelopment in history, today's plan seems to be very smooth.

Not to mention other things, technologies that used to be introduced through large-scale profit transfers are now almost given away for free, because they understand that these things that they are reluctant to take out will immediately become very worthless.

This is a 'parallel world' whose technology has surpassed our own world for decades, and what is coming is the Dragon Kingdom army. They are of the same species. If these arriving Yanhuang people did not bring higher-level technology, they also Wouldn't believe it.

In the face of the almost inevitable collapse in value, they are more afraid of not being able to give it away, even if it is just a favor.

In fact, the Dragon Kingdom in this world is not so stingy. Many countries sell half of the technology and half give it away. The Dragon Kingdom is also happy to give some shares, not for other reasons, but to introduce talents, whether it is technical or management. of.

They were naturally overjoyed by such goodwill, which made Liu Hao's gaze, and those surveying and mapping personnel were followed by Waiguoren. Each of these Waiguoren was very low-key, almost using all his abilities. Come and please everyone in the Dragon Kingdom.

They are all smart people, and they all know that once they have more friends from the Dragon Kingdom, they will have a greater chance of getting the "evolutionary method" from the "parallel world" in the future.

This kind of flattery is the unified mentality of almost all citizens of all countries.

No one can resist the temptation when their life span may be doubled, or even doubled several times. Compared with this, what does a little bow mean?

If Long Guo could give a guarantee, he would not hesitate to make all of them kneel on the ground.

Just like in the Pujiang City in front of you, these countries have to fight in order to get a piece of the pie. Every time you see someone flying by in the sky with a flying sword or other magic weapon, the envy in your eyes is basically gone. Can't hide it.

This is also the biggest wish in the hearts of the local people. Everyone is happy from the bottom of their hearts, holding their necks high, without hiding their inner pride at all.

Liu Hao is not generally optimistic about such Yanhuang people. He knows that the hard work of the people of the Dragon Kingdom in this era is unparalleled in the world.

If the Pujiang River is like this, why not the other resistances of the Dragon Kingdom in this world?

The entire country has signs of super infrastructure construction at this time, and the people are fighting high-spirited, preparing to prepare for the arrival of a new era in their hearts.

In some remote places, countless armies have been gathered, waiting for the compatriots from the 'parallel world' to arrive and teach them the inheritance of cultivation.

Liu Hao still made a miscalculation.

He thought that Chen Jiaju would not be the first beneficiary, but in fact the local Dragon Kingdom was far more grand than Liu Hao imagined.

Xiangjiang, which no longer needed to be taken back through negotiation, was presented to him with both hands that were no longer happy. Naturally, Longguo would not treat it differently. They had no soldiers to begin with, so the police department happened to take over. Naturally, as The protagonist of this world, Chen Jiaju, cannot be excluded.

In fact, it was more the Xiangjiang Police Department's good luck to Chen Jiaju that led to the current benefits.

Of course, Liu Hao just smiled slightly even if he knew about it, and he didn't think it would have any impact on the overall situation of the world.

Compared with these, Liu Hao is more interested in the many technological creations newly developed by his own Earth Dragon Kingdom.

For example, the introduction of formations and restrictions into machinery, such as the development of large flying aircraft carriers using 'spiritual stones' as driving energy, and so on.

These creations that combine technology and fantasy may not be much different from toys on Liu Hao's earth. At most, they are used by civilians in some safe zones. But here, they gave a great shock to the entire human race on the planet.

Ordinary people in the 1980s were dumbfounded when they saw a 'weapon' weighing hundreds of thousands of tons flying in the air, which challenged their outlook on life. And when these 'weapons' could also land vertically, they were stunned. It’s not an exaggeration.

Isn't this kind of shock the last warning to all other countries?

They may have thought about giving it a try before, but now, this idea has been deeply buried in their hearts and will never be mentioned.

As more than ten such flying motherships from Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom arrived in various parts of the Dragon Kingdom in this world, there was a new round of visits from all the officials who were almost crawling.

They no longer have any inner expectations, and they no longer think that their little wealth can be used as a trump card. There is almost no cover for their inner panic.

Fortunately, the Dragon Kingdom in this world had already predicted this and gave them a little bit of sweetness, such as the most basic version of the cultivation techniques, and they were still at the lowest levels.

The effects of cultivation are naturally there, and they are not bad. Especially those who are naturally talented may soon be able to get started, double their major attributes, and truly achieve the purpose of evolution.

But here, there is also a threshold, that is, the text of all the exercises naturally only has Chinese characters. Visitors from other countries can only smile bitterly when they see it, and it is almost visible to the naked eye. Almost all countries make Chinese a compulsory subject the next day. course.

This is also what Liu Hao’s arrivals from the Earth Dragon Kingdom want to see. They are not worried at all about the humans on this planet crossing the passage and entering their own territory, because compared to the monsters and beasts on their own territory, the human population is Quantity really means nothing.

Almost as long as there is a population, they are willing to introduce them, even if they are used as cannon fodder, it is good.

Naturally, they wouldn't really hide it. If it weren't for the Han civilization to be deeply rooted in their bones, they would even be willing to translate these languages.

This arrangement is the general trend, and no one can stop it from the front. Instead of doing this, it is better to cooperate.

They are all smart people. Even if those elites looked down upon the lower-level people in their own country in the past, they still know that this is related to their country's right to speak in many "parallel worlds" in the future. Whether they can become slaves or they can still maintain their current status. Decent, a choice must be made, and these low-level people must be brought along.

As for these low-level people, will they rise up after taking control of their own force? Will you immediately compete with them for control?

They are really not worried. They don’t think that their previous guidance is false. After generations of happy education, these bottom members have long lost their systematic judgment. Can they be fooled casually?

Liu Hao saw all their calculations one by one. He sneered at these civilizations and didn't even bother to do them.

Gu Qi

After spending a few days wandering around this planet, all my interest was gone.

He found that such a low-level world seemed to have little effect on his understanding of human nature, or that he had seen too much, and the reference value had been exhausted bit by bit.

After a tour and returning to Australia, Liu Hao had to admit that the execution ability of his Earth Dragon Kingdom was very terrifying.

How long has it been? Counting and counting, in just a week, more than a dozen roads stretching for thousands of kilometers have been built around the entrance. On these roads, scattered small towns have also been erected, and some arriving people have begun to The people assigned by Xun Yu were most enthusiastic about farming, especially near the passage.

Also, around the Australian base on our own earth, even if we have reached a tacit agreement with the monster clan, there are still constant dangers. You can't expect the monster clan in Australia to restrain every monster beast, and these monster beasts are not that smart.

They will only follow their own instincts. When they smell that the food is ripe, they will roar over with their own flocks, and they will not care about that many.

It is also because of this that many cities under Cao Mengde's account from the Earth Dragon Kingdom and the Three Kingdoms have opened up a lot of fields, but the utilization rate is really not very good. In many cases, it is very remarkable to be able to harvest half of them.

On the one hand, there are dangers that may appear at any time, and on the other hand, you can farm leisurely while whistling. Fools all know how to choose. Even if the spiritual energy of the planet under their feet is far from sufficient, they can still afford to wait. Compared to Risking your life, sometimes eating not so carefully seems to be nothing.

Furthermore, regarding nutrition and the like, isn’t it possible to buy monster meat as a substitute?

There are millions of 'Hunters' in the entire Dragon Kingdom Australia base, and there will only be more in the future. There is really no shortage in this aspect, but the price fluctuations are a little obvious.

This is inevitable. This is no different from breeding. It is really difficult to be precise enough to supply daily.

In fact, were these price fluctuations not intentional on Luo Bing's part?

Many times, the best way to motivate others is often immediate interests.

For example, the prices of the higher-end monster ingredients in the base often increase tenfold or a hundredfold. Killing one at will is equivalent to hunting hundreds or thousands of ordinary monsters. Will the hunter be interested in it?

Who doesn’t know that using the meat of these higher-level monsters is more nutritious and more suitable for improving one’s own cultivation?

This fact has also caused the ambition of all members of the base. No one wants to be left behind by their neighbors and companions. They know best the benefits of high cultivation. This is not only a matter of the right to speak, but also A strong guarantee of safety.

Liu Hao's earth, how can it be absolutely safe since the spiritual energy was revived?

Sail against the current, and if you don't advance, you will retreat. This is a truth that almost everyone understands.

It has to be said that the emergence of these low-level worlds has greatly made up for the birth of latecomers.

For such a long time, as long as those who have survived are almost at the fourth or fifth level, they are also in urgent need of active forces to join. In the world in front of us, the ultimate goal of such a large-scale investment by the base is this.

In this case, how could Long Guo be stingy?

It should be noted that the more monks at the lowest level join, the more they can support the pyramid, and their proportion of losses is naturally the largest group.

Even if billions of people on a planet join the base, how many will survive in the end? Luo Bing didn't have an accurate number, so naturally the more the better.

Of course, there is no need to worry about this.

At least Liu Hao believes that within half a year or even a year, the major countries on this planet will not be able to cross the world on a large scale. At most, they can send some pioneer teams to test it out. They also need more intelligence information before they can do it. make further decisions.

Regarding this, Luo Bing was not worried at all that they would back down.

That passage is on the edge of the hunting ground. Even if the base strengthens its presence, will the halls and gates feel at ease knowing this?

They are also worried that some monsters will come across the world. They don't know that Luo Bing has already allowed many monsters to enter. After a year and a half, the number of monsters in the Amazon rainforest on their planet will be reduced. Will also soar, even if the level of these monsters is very low, so what?

As long as these countries feel the pressure, they will not be allowed to have other choices, and they can only find ways to improve themselves. Otherwise, in the future, they, their countries, and civilizations will only be eliminated by history and become a wave in the years.

This approach cannot be said to be cruel, but it is also necessary.

Liu Hao almost didn't need to guess to know that this must be the case in all the developed worlds of the Dragon Kingdom.

Since all the heavens and worlds are linked together, no world can escape from the mighty trend. It must also join this trend to seize the vitality that belongs to itself and its own world.

Compared with the world where those passages are located at the mouth of monsters and monsters as soon as they appear, they are already extremely lucky.

Liu Hao didn't think that those demon beasts with intelligence would be kind.

Even if the monster clan can restrain their desires, what about those monster beasts who are still ignorant?

Once they enter other lower worlds, they will definitely open their mouths wide open. They will only be happy to see the appearance of a 'new pasture', and they will only think that they will not be short of food for a long time in the future, right?

This is the real cruelty!

Even Liu Hao couldn't count how many such worlds there were on such a huge land.

Even with his level of cultivation, he is still unable to protect the human beings in these worlds.

Natural selection has been upgraded at the moment when the world is connected. They are no longer competing with the beings in their own world for their future vitality, but also need to compete with the beings in the world for a possible future.

But these are still not out of touch with humanity, and they only make up for the shortcomings!

The world is the biggest selection machine. In the end, only the truly strong will survive and truly stand out.

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