1504. Expectations of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Hao was not nostalgic, and he was not in a hurry to visit the heavens after returning.

Dragon Kingdom's Australian base has become the largest city on Earth. The originally established girls' school has become more and more prominent with the development of the city, becoming famous throughout the planet.

Because of this, every year, there are countless people who want to be admitted to study in it, which makes the admission scores increase every year.

But here, there is still a backdoor, and if they find a special talent, they are still willing to introduce it.

Yan Lingji and Huo Ling'er obviously have both, so they are naturally welcomed by Longguo Australian Girls' School.

Liu Hao also made the decision to send the two to school after careful consideration.

With his guidance, it is indeed much better in terms of foundation and cultivation, but in some aspects, we still have to admit that the school has great advantages, such as all aspects of information, such as quick integration, etc., which cannot be achieved by following Liu Hao Arrived.

It was impossible for him to spend a lot of time explaining all the details of his own earth to the two of them. He was just talking about the big picture. And these things can only be achieved by staying on his own earth for a long time, and the school is obviously the best among them. .

Furthermore, he also hoped that Yan Lingji and Huo Ling'er could make more friends on their own earth.

Especially Yan Lingji, after going through all kinds of hardships, even if Liu Hao healed these inner wounds, she is still nearly half closed. Now Yan Lingji's cultivation level is still low and can be suppressed. Once Yan Lingji cultivates In order to further improve, these hidden dangers are likely to explode all at once in the future, which would be more than worth the gain.

Liu Hao also had to admit that it was difficult for him to play the role of a "close sister" and he couldn't do this.

As for Huo Ling'er, Liu Hao is not worried that his dark side will burst out in the school, and the hair that is still wrapped around his opponent's wrist is not for good looks.

Nowadays, the students enrolled in the Dragon Kingdom Aushu Girls' School have spread to several worlds, such as the world under one person, the bright sword world, the Zongwu world, the Three Kingdoms world, etc.;

And as more and more worlds join, the number of students recruited in the future will only become wider and wider, and it is destined to become more difficult to enter them.

Just like this time, Liu Hao put the two of them into the academy, and it took a lot of effort. He didn't want to open up a hole for himself to use his power to suppress others, but looked for Luo Bing as a recommender, Yan Lingji and Huo Linger and Ling'er entered through the school's additional enrollment.

If you want to pass such an additional admissions examination, it is several times more difficult. For example, unique talents are just the entry point, and recommenders are often the ones who knock on the door to additional admissions. If you want to pass, you must put your own Develop talents to a certain extent so that schools can see the value.

Then, there is the issue of cultivation. Naturally, the school is also happy to see students with advanced cultivation come here. In this regard, Yan Lingji and Huo Ling'er are just fine.

You must know that the current Dragon Kingdom Aozhou Girls' School is known as the 'Fairy Academy' outside the country.

This name is not only to praise the beauty of the female students among them, but also to tell outsiders that as long as the students who go out from here survive, the immortal level is basically the standard, and they are often just starting out.

Liu Hao was very relieved to be placed in such a college.

He had just returned, and soon someone came to visit him again, but this time, it was someone he didn't expect.

The person who came was Cao Mengde.

This guy probably got the report from Xun Yu, and he couldn't wait to discuss it with Liu Hao.

This itself is also a matter of attitude.

Liu Hao's surname was Liu, and he also had the title of "King of Qin" in the mythical Three Kingdoms.

It would definitely be a lie to say that Cao Mengde was not worried at all.

Knowing history and not knowing it are two different things, and knowing and doing it are two different things.

His arrival also made Liu Hao guess Cao Mengde's thoughts.

But Liu Hao still underestimated Cao Mengde.

This guy really has no intention of becoming emperor!

This has a lot to do with Cao Mengde's inner ideal.

For him, if he wants to dominate the world, he may even think about taking it one step further, but now that three points of the world have become the limit of heaven and earth, he despises you.

"You are quite fast. You probably have a lot to talk to me about, right?"

Liu Hao laughed and the two of them sat down after the ceremony. He was also very casual and did not want to make the difference too solemn.

"Of course! I didn't expect the world to be more restrictive, and I was very confused for a while. Fortunately, I can finally get out of it now!"

"That's great! It's just that one area of ​​the world is limited. How vast are the heavens and the world! There is much more to do! There is no need to settle in one area. In the future, when you are here, you may see Liu Bang and Ying Zheng competing, and you may also see Tang Taizong Li Shimin and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty had a quarrel with Yang Guang, and even Hongwu Zhu Yuanzhang whipped Zhu Di of Yongle, so why should he care? "

"Hahaha! Brother's words are very kind!"

Cao Mengde was told by Liu Hao, and the last trace of depression that had been silent disappeared in an instant. Thinking about it, it is a fait accompli, it is better to look forward. Furthermore, there is no peace in competing with Liu Xuande and Sun Quan. Liu Hao said these people are more conscious?

He also guessed that most of the people Liu Hao mentioned were already seen by Liu Hao in other heavens, and they had probably begun to integrate the heavens where they were located, right?

Maybe it won't take long before I can actually see them step into this place.

However, Cao Mengde seemed to have something on his mind. He grabbed the tea cup on the table, took a sip in disguise, and said casually: "It's just other emperors. When the great ancestor of the Han family meets in the future, he will probably kill me, Cao Mengde." The corpse was broken into thousands of pieces!”

"Hahaha! What kind of person you Cao Mengde is can be judged by the common people and also by history, so why should you care about the saliva of many emperors of the Han family?"

At this point, Liu Hao paused, thought for a moment, and continued: "I have not met other emperors of the Han Dynasty. Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, has followed me for several heavens, and now he is arranged by me. In the world of heaven and earth, it is also the time when Qin Dynasty is competing for the throne, and now he is sitting on the throne of the emperor!"

Liu Hao did not elaborate on Liu Bang's attitude towards Cao Cao, nor did he ask about it, but he knew very well that Liu Bang might have been unhappy at the beginning when he found out, but now he has long looked away.

Compared with those emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Mengde's glory cannot be concealed in any way. Even if there is no Cao Mengde in the late Han Dynasty, there will still be Li Mengde and Zhang Mengde.

I can’t blame anyone, it’s just that the Han family has really run out of energy!

He vaguely remembered that when Liu Bang and Zhang Liang were discussing, they also mentioned Liu Bei. It was said that whether Liu Bei is his descendant or not is a problem. Being able to discuss it calmly like this is already a thorough understanding. In the future, he may see Cao Mengde He could curse a few words, but that was all, and he would never call for revenge just because he, Cao Mengde, ended the Eastern Han Dynasty.


What's more, the Han Empire was divided into Eastern and Western Han Dynasties. It was said that the country was destroyed once. Isn't it a habit after seeing it too many times?

Now we have entered the era of cultivation. As long as your cultivation level goes up, your longevity will be infinite. Why do you fight for it?

There is territory, land, and space in all the heavens and worlds that can be fought over.

On the contrary, Liu Hao will not be surprised at all if Liu Bang and Cao Mengde cooperate in the future.

What kind of enemy is not an enemy? How can you hold on to this person when you reach the position of an emperor?

How could Cao Mengde fear Liu Bang in his heart? Maybe if it were Liu Che, he would frown, but if he said he was afraid, it wasn't Cao Mengde!

It is not so much that Cao Mengde came here to seek a glimmer of recognition from the many emperors of the Han Empire, but rather to get a nod from Liu Hao.

this is the truth!

In the age of cultivation, cultivation really has the final say.

Little did he know that Cao Mengde was also a little proud at this time. He was proud that when he first met Liu Hao, he accepted his own son Cao Pi as Liu Hao's sect.

At that time, Cao Mengde was just looking for another better means of forming an alliance, but now it seems that it is a huge surprise.

He knew very well that when Liu Hao accepted Cao Pi, he might have had some resistance in his heart at the time, but after accepting him, he really regarded Cao Pi as his disciple.

Wei and Han were able to build so many cities in the world at their feet. How could Cao Mengde not know how many of them were Liu Hao's favor?

Even now, don't the Dragon Kingdom's Aozhou base send military advisors to various places in Wei and Han every year to help train the army?

The Dragon Kingdom did not hide any of the countless important intelligence information from Cao Mengde. The person who joined the Yanhuang Alliance on behalf of the mythical Three Kingdoms world was not the Wei Han represented by Cao Cao?

Even if Liu Bei and Sun Quan step into the heavens in the future, they will only be inferior to Cao Cao. Thinking about it now, isn't this move also a surprise?

"In a few days, Liu Bei will definitely lead civil servants and generals into the world, but it is very unpredictable when Jiangdong Dongwu Sun Quan comes!"

"Oh? Liu Bei wants to pass the Three Kingdoms Shu Han to Adou? But Sun Quan is still young and his heirs have not yet grown up."

"Hahaha, I really want to see how Liu Bei's face will look after knowing the allusion of 'Adou who cannot be helped'. I guess he must be bruised and purple, right?"

Cao Mengde's worries were gone and he became more free and easy. When he told information in conversation, he was happy to say it as "sarcasm", which made Liu Hao smile.

He also had to admit that Cao Mengde's words were very interesting.

As a pioneer, he is most happy to see his children inherit his family business and pass it on well. In this regard, Cao Mengde cannot be said to be very satisfied, but it is not bad, but what about Liu Bei?

This is an "allusion" that has been spread throughout the world. Even if Liu Chan's sentence "I am happy here, don't miss Shu" in the future has a trace of pretending to be stupid in order to save his life, this sentence has already been spread, and it is a great sentence in itself. A joke too.

A truly strong person will not care about any objective factors you have. Being weak is the biggest mistake.

Even when Liu Bei first heard about it, he would probably have blood boiling. The bruises Cao Mengde said were considered minor.

It should be noted that the Shu Han in the mythical Three Kingdoms world was not only conquered by Liu Bei alone. His brothers, such as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, did not feel unhappy after knowing about it?

Today's Shu Han in the mythical Three Kingdoms world does not have Zhuge Liang, the future prime minister, sitting in charge. After they leave, will they really be able to feel at ease? Aren't you afraid that your family will be completely defeated by Adou?

I guess Cao Mengde was already thinking about how to give Liu Bei a hard blow at this time, right?

Even for the sake of buying Ping An, Liu Bei had to carefully consider this amount of money.

On the contrary, Sun Quan, Jiangdong is rich and has many aristocratic families. After knowing the future, he can make a more calm layout. Without being able to go to the world in person, the future can make Soochow more monolithic.

But Cao Mengde also had no worries about this, because compared with Shu Han and Soochow, the Wei and Han Dynasties he ruled had already undergone modernization, and many changes had been achieved.

As the chosen successor, Cao Pi has also studied in the modern world for so many years, and has the master Liu Hao as his backing support. Fearlessness is what Cao Mengde thinks at this time.

Liu Hao had not visited the Mythical Three Kingdoms for a long time, so he naturally did not know the extent of Cao Mengde's internal changes.

In fact, if he really wants to go, he will definitely be shocked.

We all know that when something starts to become ubiquitous, its value plummets.

The same goes for land.

Cao Mengde took all the land north of the Yangtze River in the Three Kingdoms, extending to the Arctic Ocean, and in the south, whether it was Luzon, Borneo, India or Austria. The growth of population obviously did not keep up with the expansion of land.

This also led to Cao Cao making a very generous mistake when distributing land to the people.

This almost eliminated the biggest noise within Wei and Han. In order to restrict the future annexation of people's land by aristocratic families, Cao Mengde held meetings with many aristocratic families and directly formulated laws that the land distributed to the people must not be sold.

This is equivalent to cutting off the people's worries from the root. Coupled with the development of science and technology and the introduction of many mechanizations, the people have become visibly rich. They have long forgotten Liu Xian and only remember Cao Mengde's good foundation. Liu Bei and Sun Quan are comparable.

In fact, if the Wei and Han armies were not still marching westward, Cao Mengde would have changed the map long ago.

But this time, he not only acted by himself, but also pulled all the aristocratic families under his account onto the chariot, and most of the aristocratic families must spend most of their energy pulling out of the Three Kingdoms world. Only in this way can he give Cao Pi more Space to display.

This calculation is also the purpose of Cao Cao's visit today.

After he calmly explained, Liu Hao thought for a moment and then gave the answer.

"Now that many of the cities built by Pi'er have been enfeoffed, why not enfeoff to these aristocratic families one by one?

With the city and land belonging to their own family, they need to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to build and manage it. With such huge profits, they are not willing to give up even if they think about it! "

"This is a great kindness! I just need to build a good city wall for them, and the aristocratic families are not short of this money!"

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