Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and six. Obsession and Qinglong

1506. Obsession and Qinglong

Within the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, a steady stream of abyssal aura was absorbed by the Purifying White Lotus, and then a steady stream of spiritual energy emerged from the White Lotus, transforming it into something most suitable for the cultivation of the cultivators on Earth.

This is Qinglong Liu Hao's biggest contribution from sitting here.

He seems to have consciously formed a balance between absorption and exhalation. This balance is almost the same as the abyss energy poured into his earth by the abyss.

This approach also makes all the monks fighting in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation less aware, and they will not feel the pressure of the abyss on them.

They believed that this was their greatest contribution and the greatest medal for resisting the invasion of the abyss. Naturally, it also made them all happy because they saw hope.

As everyone knows, without the action of Qinglong Liu Hao, he might have fallen into the scheme of the visitors from the abyss.

Whether it is Obsession Liu Hao or Qinglong Liu Hao, they have long understood why when so many worlds faced the invasion of the abyss, it was never heard of a world that resisted.

This is no longer just a confrontation of force, but also a competition of environment.

Think about it, one world finally managed to kill all the invading abyssal species, but found that it had no effect at all. However, it was discovered that the own world had been polluted by the abyssal breath, and the territory could only become smaller and smaller. There was no hope. Word?

This will make people feel that no matter how hard they resist, there is no point, and failure becomes inevitable.

"Is the Purifying White Lotus the Four Spirit Holy Beast, or is it left by Pangu?"

This is almost the biggest conflict between Obsessive Liu Hao and Qinglong Liu Hao.

They don't think this is a coincidence.

"The passage connecting to the prehistoric world can already be used by the sub-sages. Perhaps not long after, the saints will also ascend to the heavens!"

Neither of them mentioned this entanglement, but instead changed the topic and extended it to the prehistoric world.

"New heavens are appearing one after another, and they have spread to all continents on the earth, even Antarctica is no exception. The great world is right before our eyes!"

As they spoke, the two of them turned their heads sharply and looked at the same place, where the spiritual energy began to vibrate vaguely.

"When did the veteran Zhang Sanfeng arrive?"

"It's been a while!"

"As expected of a guy who can create Tai Chi Kung Fu in the mortal stage. How long ago? He has already caught up with the younger generation. Maybe it won't be long before he reaches Daluo!"

"It will take some time, this old man values ​​the foundation more than anyone else!"

"I don't know what will happen when I come to see him in the future. It is inevitable to be a disciple. It is hard to say whether it is a registered disciple or a direct disciple!"

"There are mostly named disciples, but Zhang Sanfeng understood it on his own from beginning to end. Even if I cherish my talent, I won't take credit!"

"That's true!"

Within sight, Zhang Sanfeng had already broken through and entered the Great Luo Jinxian in just a moment. It could be said that he had truly become the top group of the human race.

However, there seemed to be little excitement on Zhang Sanfeng's face, as if this breakthrough was nothing at all, just like drinking a glass of water. It was inevitable and there was nothing to be happy about.

"His mentality is unparalleled! Within the human race, there are very few practitioners who can stand on the same line as him!"

"What about Hua Tuo of the Three Kingdoms?"

"Huh? It's different!"

The two of them raised their heads and looked to the west, where Hua Tuo was sitting behind the battle line, treating every injured soldier with a calm expression. His cultivation level had only just entered Taiyi, and it seemed that compared with his level of cultivation level. , Hua Tuo was more willing to devote all his energy to treating diseases and saving people, and he was more willing to absorb medical knowledge from different heavens.

“As we accumulate more experience, we can look forward to the future!”

"Once enlightened, you may be able to directly cross several realms and directly realize the Hunyuan Dao!"

The two people gave Hua Tuo the same evaluation, but when and where? Can it catch up with Zhang Sanfeng? No one said anything. In fact, they didn't think this opportunity would come quickly.

"The "Qing Sang Sutra" in his hand is becoming more and more practical!"

"The smelting of hundreds of schools of thought is like a belief in many heavens. As time goes by, it is not impossible that it will become a spiritual treasure of acquired merit in the future!"

"Hua Tuo, you have no shortage of merit!"

"That's right! His profession itself has merit attributes!"

"Cao Mengde may be really frightened when he meets Hua Tuo in the future!"

"Ha...Cao Cao is not generally thick-skinned. He will only be blushing for a moment. If we meet him again, he might even use this as a friendship to win over Hua Tuo!"

"You have seen through Cao Cao!"

"Not necessarily!"

"Bringing this group of people from the Three Kingdoms is indeed worth cultivating!"

"Of course it is! In the past, free rein should also be stopped. In the future, whether it is Jia Xu, Tian Feng, Gan Ning, Huang Zhong and others, Daluo is the starting point, but they need to understand where they can reach the end. "

"The human race...the shackles are still a bit too big!"

"The acquired race, which one is not like this! However, if there is a fifty-fifty Dao, a forty-nine Tianyan, there will always be a breakthrough! There are many such geniuses in the heavens!"

"What I'm talking about is our Dragon Kingdom. Didn't you find that Taiyi is still okay, but at this stage of Daluo, it's getting more and more difficult?"

"All living beings in the world, which one is not like this? That is to say, our cultivation speed is too fast, so that we are not aware of these difficulties at all. Daluo monks can only be the top group of the pyramid after all!"

"The number is still too few! The enemy in the future will be the abyss!"

"Perhaps the world that Master Xuanwu carries on his back is the way out?"

"Do you think so too?"

"Where else can we break through? In the prehistoric times, the forces have long been divided and there are many restrictions. Naturally, this is not the best choice;

On the contrary, the world of Master Xuanwu is extremely dangerous, and there is no ceiling at all. It is only one path after all! "

"How much can you get back just by going?"

"It's just your choice! If you don't advance, you will retreat! There is no such choice..."

"That's all, don't worry, let's wait and see!"

"It would make some noise!"

"It will take a long time for the first stop of the abyss in front of us to come to an end. It won't be too late when they collect more great merits!"

"Of course!"

The two of them turned their attention to Zhang Sanfeng again, but this time they observed carefully. It was just when they felt that Zhang Sanfeng had made a breakthrough that he seemed to have inhaled the slightest breath of the abyss.

"Tai Chi! It really has endless magical uses!"

"As the founder, he naturally has some blessings!"

Gu Chu

"I am here, and the effect is equally impressive!"

"On the contrary, our incarnation is even worse than Zhang Sanfeng in this aspect!"

"This is God's will! You cannot force it!"

"That's right! Even if he inherited Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi, Zhang Wuji can't do this. At most, he can only expel the abyssal breath he accidentally absorbed from his body!"

"This old man is the one who ignores his fate!"

"Ha...isn't he also the son of destiny? It's just that he seized this opportunity and solidified this destiny, so that he can continue to this day and continue consistently.

In this regard, how many heavens and realms are there? "

"A perfect number ten counts as one!"

"It's really not much!"

"Thanks to me for firmly choosing fellow practitioners from Three Thousand Avenues!"

"Hahaha... In terms of creativity, we are still a little behind! There is no need to compare with the most amazing people in the world. Isn't this just asking for trouble?"

"It's just a sigh! Which monk is not competing for destiny? How many will stand out in the end? Even for Zhang Sanfeng, when he reaches the bottleneck, being able to overcome it is still a problem!"

"At that time, it depends on whether I am willing to borrow the Tai Chi diagram!"

"This matter... it would be difficult if there was no connection between the heavens. Now, the possibility is not small!"

"Isn't this because the heavens and all realms are connected?"

“Together progress, shared by all parties?”

"Of course! It's like the Hundred Schools System that I created by chance on my own earth. If there is no link to the Holy World of Confucianism and Taoism, how many people in the Hundred Schools System can really practice now? Perhaps at most, it will only give birth to a few 'half saints' That’s all;

The semi-saints of the Baijia system are only worthy of being on the level of immortals. When facing the heavens and the abyss, they are nothing more than a small wave! "

"What you said is true! I am probably relieved, right? Otherwise, this matter may really become a stain on him!"

"Hahaha... More than just a sigh of relief? Didn't you see that I have consciously allocated most of the merit and luck to Fang Yun?"

"Speaking of Fang Yun, I have some information to tell you. If you travel around the world, in the 'Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth World', Fang Yun has an incredible plan. I don't know whether it will succeed in the end. !”

"Oh? Tell me!"

"This guy is really good at planning. He created a spiritual thought to transform a world from the source. In the future, this spiritual thought will also be given up by Fang Yun and choose to integrate into the heavenly way of this world. If he succeeds in upgrading this world, level, then Fang Yun will be able to read a lot of information from the heaven and earth in this world in the future.

In this way, Fang Yun also has a source of many laws of heaven!

It's like turning the "Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth World" into a book, a book that only Fang Yun can read! "

Qinglong Liu Hao was shocked when he heard this!

After a long time, he said leisurely: "These people who stand at the top of the world cannot be underestimated at all!"

"Fang's luck is like this, what about the other quasi-sages? Maybe they all have their own plans, and they all have their own actions, right?"

"When you said that, I remembered that I haven't seen Zhen Yuanzi for a long time, and I don't know which heavens he has been to? How many heavens have he been to?"

"As the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, as long as he entrusts enough land to the mountain gods of the heavens, it may be possible to achieve the Hunyuan Dao naturally!

Is this what this guy is planning? "

"There is a shortcut, and it doesn't require much energy. It's just a matter of being more diligent, and Zhen Yuanzi is not lacking. Compared with the endless years of practicing bit by bit in the wilderness, what is this?"

"Perhaps he will be the next Hunyuan who we see to see the Dao! On the contrary, Fang Yun's approach cannot be achieved overnight, and he has already shared the honor and disgrace with that Fang Tiandi!"

"There are thousands of ways to achieve enlightenment, and these two are definitely not the end, they are only the beginning!"

"This is also a good thing! The abyss is not only limited to the species in front of you! The real danger has not yet arrived. It would be better to have more Hunyuan, so that we can have more protection!"

"I hope so! I feel like the future may be Hunyuan, but it can only be a chess piece!"

"What's the point of thinking so much? Isn't the road just one step at a time?"

"I'm getting sentimental now! Hahaha..."

"There are quite a few people who can be trained within the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation. There may be many Da Luo in the future. It's just hard to predict how many of them will be able to step into the quasi-sage and realize their own path!"

"Are you still worried that they will only become cannon fodder in the future?"

"I major in humanities and I am very emotional, so naturally I have to think more about them!"

Qinglong Liu Hao has no interface.

"It's still a chance after all!"

This time, Liu Hao was obsessed with it and didn't know how to interface.

They all thought of Luo Hao, the woman who was given the opportunity by Master Xuanwu and was still left to cultivate in the Sun Star of Master Xuanwu's world. Even they could not guess which realm they had reached.

In their eyes, the quasi-sage who is almost insurmountable has no obstacles at all on Luo Hao, and they don't think there will be any obstacles. Otherwise, they would be really underestimating the opportunity given by Lord Xuanwu.

It seemed that despite going around and around, they still couldn't break free from the world that Master Xuanwu was carrying, but neither of them spoke a word while thinking in their hearts.

"The journey to the heavens is less dangerous at least, and it is still a way. So what happened to Tsunade?"

"It can be regarded as an attempt. It depends on whether he can prove the Daluo Dao Fruit and obtain the position of God King in the magical world!"

"How does the Uchiha class compare to Tsunade?"

"Ban needs to fight with his life!"

"Do you think Uchiha Madara will eventually face the Fire God King of the magical world?"

"Once that guy has an idea, no one can stop him! This character is suitable for cultivation. It depends on whether he has the luck to kill the opponent and seize the throne!"

"If he succeeds, staying in the magical world will be meaningless!"

"You want to let him try into the abyss?"

"The dark side in Uchiha's heart is not lost at all. As long as he is pulled away from Hashirama, this dark side will be stimulated sooner or later. If he can adapt to the abyss environment, he will not lose a choice!

You know, it’s not a good thing if we keep resisting! "

"I also lost a child in a perfect world, and I chose An Lan!"

"Oh? This is a good thing! It seems that you are not doing nothing while traveling in the heavens!"

Obsessive Liu Hao directly gave Qinglong Liu Hao a roll of his eyes, but he didn't refute anything.

"Can Orochimaru make it?"

"Difficult! Compared to Uchiha Madara and Anlan, Orochimaru's inner will is like a baby. If he really goes there, he may be completely assimilated into the abyss soon, which is not a good choice!"

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