Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and seven. Game 9

1507. Ninth Game

The two incarnations of Liu Hao decided Uchiha Madara's future in just a few words.

If Uchiha Madara knew about it, he would have to jump around.

That guy's character was extremely arrogant, and he would never be happy to be ordered around like this by Liu Hao.

He is now united with Senju Hashirama to resist the gods of the magical world. Isn't it a manifestation of his character? This is definitely a person who would rather stand dead than kneel down and beg for mercy.

Obsessive Liu Hao naturally knows this. Even if they arrange a future for Uchiha Madara, they will not issue orders from a high position. He can still do it with the due respect.

In fact, Liu Hao absolutely has nothing wrong with Uchiha Madara's character.

Be it arrogance or pride!

It's all just a slap in the face lacking reality.

If someone really hits Uchiha Madara deliberately over and over again, maybe this guy will learn to understand, who knows?

Liu Hao did not have such bad taste, but he made a decision that Uchiha Madara would not be able to escape in the future. This was obviously not something that Uchiha Madara could refuse.

The two talked about Orochimaru, and Liu Hao then remembered that there seemed to be no information about this guy for a long time.

He wasn't worried about what Orochimaru would do.

People like Orochimaru are difficult to control, but they are also easy to control.

A person who only thinks about longevity and various researches is actually not much different from a man in science and engineering. He gives expectations and gives enough respect. Hello, I am okay. Hello everyone, Orochimaru is. Smart, how could he not understand this?

Liu Hao didn't know that Orochimaru had left Longguo's Australian base a long time ago. Last year, he left alone and went to the third brother's territory. In the southernmost corner of the third brother's territory, there was a store that Orochimaru had opened long ago. The base now has an idea, and various experiments have been put on the table.

Such a 'large-scale' experiment is not suitable to be carried out in the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base. Orochimaru's no-taboo heart has been fully demonstrated here.

It has to be said that Orochimaru is destined to have such a catastrophe. Maybe it won't be long before an old monk is heading here. That is the Tathagata Buddha who has arrived in the world, and it cannot be resisted by just Orochimaru. Come on.

It was also Liu Hao who was so confident about Orochimaru that he even thought about it but didn't even think about going over to figure out how he was doing. That's when he really missed it.

"Have you ever seen with your own eyes the dirty blood at the end of the years in a perfect world?"

Number 10 also appeared in the topic. Qinglong Liu Hao seemed to have remembered something and asked casually.

"Looking at it from a distance, the evil thoughts inside it are extremely evil. According to my estimation, if it was not left by a certain demon god in the chaos, it was left by the power of the abyss first, and it adhered to the barrier of the perfect world, so that we have what we have now. The great calamity of that world!”

Qinglong Liu Hao seemed to be slightly stunned after hearing this, and soon exhaled slightly: "It seems that the latter is very likely. The Abyss may not only have invaded our world!"

"If that's the case, that would be really troublesome! If we can block it, what are the chances that other worlds can block it?

It's exactly as you expected. Perhaps the world where the abyss invaded has already been destroyed by the abyss and used as a brick in the abyss area. "

Obsessive Liu Hao paused slightly before continuing to express his guess:

"Besides, if it has really happened, those abyss monsters must have discovered the existence of the world passage, and they have already crossed the passage and appeared on our earth.

We have not discovered any vision so far, and we can only say that it has not yet occurred.

However, what you said is not impossible! "

"Let's take a look! I hope there won't be a second battlefield!"

"It had better be! We still lack time!"

With the mere combat power of his own planet, Liu Hao didn't think he could withstand it for a few days if he really had to face the abyss, even if it was the outermost layer of the abyss.

So time is very important. The longer it is delayed, the more likely it is for them to win.

Just like the 'Ancestor of the Styx' who chose to cultivate quietly as soon as he arrived in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, in Liu Hao's eyes, the breakthrough was almost in front of him. Maybe a few months or a few breaths later, the Styx The ancestor can step into the realm of 'sub-sage'.

By that time, the Styx Ancestor's own combat effectiveness would have increased by at least hundreds of times.

Such high-end combat power itself is what is most needed.

Liu Hao is not worried that the Ancestor Minghe will return to the prehistoric world if he breaks through here. He must repay this cause and effect. Besides, even in the prehistoric world, there is no place that is most suitable for the other party to practice, right?

He still didn't know that in the far west of the ancient world, the arrival of the White Tiger Holy Beast had already begun. None of the group of quasi-sages had left, and they were all waiting eagerly.

It was the eighth time Liu Hao had set foot in the Great White Tiger Dojo, but he still failed.

Such a small world chessboard seems to also contain the mastery of many laws of the White Tiger. From a high position, even if it is just peeling off the cocoon, it is enough to give Liu Hao a headache.

The only good thing is that he tried again and again, getting deeper and deeper into it. Starting from the sixth time, he was able to resist all impacts with enough flexibility, and he was able to invest all his wisdom in the game.

After three failures, he persisted longer each time. The last time, Liu Hao even saw the dawn of victory.

Being thrown out of the chessboard space again, Liu Hao did not give in at all. Instead, he could still vaguely see a trace of pride on his face.

By now, he no longer worries about whether he can win this chess game, but rather enjoys the entire game process.

He could feel that as the spiritual game between him and White Tiger Taoist Master deepened, many of the original control laws were improving. This improvement was not an improvement in progress, but more about how to use the previous control laws more effectively.

Valley pot

Especially balance, order, etc., these laws that contain the most game content in the chessboard of heaven and earth, have benefited a lot.

Nine is the ultimate, Liu Hao himself knows this.

He understood that he probably only had one last chance to play chess, which forced him to put down his impulse, finish the game, and start to think about the gains and losses of the previous eight times bit by bit, and also systematically mastered the skills in his own game. Sort out the knowledge.

He sat there for several hours. When he opened his eyes again, his face became even more confident, and his confidence seemed to have improved several levels.

He stretched his hands and feet, turned his body and looked around, finally stopping on a spiritual plant. He seemed to be wondering how long it had taken him to play eight games, so that the spiritual plant in front of him had grown into a spiritual plant. A big tree hundreds of meters tall.

He didn't hesitate. He looked back and forth at the spiritual plant out of sight, just to relax himself completely. When he felt that his condition had been adjusted to the best moment, he moved slowly and disappeared again. land.

All the surrounding environment has long been familiar with the abnormality, and there is no intention to pay close attention to it.

As if he had just come to play, when the White Tiger Master's spiritual thoughts appeared out of sight again, he slowly sat cross-legged. In an instant, the whole world quietly changed, as if layer upon layer, the chessboard of heaven and earth suddenly appeared, looming, It seems both illusory and solid. The alternating horizontal and vertical lines completely divide the entire world.

In this game, Liu Hao was holding black as the first move. He was not polite. He stretched out his hand and tapped lightly in the void. A dark chess piece appeared between his index fingers. As his arm fell, , the chess piece seemed to have crossed the space, quietly appearing on the center of the chessboard.

Don't look at the fact that this dark chess piece fell without any ripples, but in fact, extremely fine spatial cracks have been formed around this black chess piece, just like a cannonball waiting to explode. As long as the opponent drops the chess piece on it, The surroundings will inevitably receive its blow.

The reason why he chose the law of space was Liu Hao's answer after thinking for a long time.

Even though he only made one piece, the power of the laws of space carried within it was already filling the entire chessboard silently and persistently. It was inaudible to the naked eye, but its biggest effect was still stirring up the chaos on the entire chessboard.

If you change your opponent, even if you are a quasi-sage peak, you can't really see these changes. Only after you place the chess piece, you will find that the chess piece you dropped is not where you want it to be.

Liu Hao also knew that these methods could only be regarded as a small disturbance in the eyes of the White Tiger Master in front of him. At most, they would make the other party be more cautious when making moves.

But he still did it. What he wanted was not the mistake of the Great White Tiger's spiritual thoughts at this time, but the possible deviation caused by the increase in the number of chess pieces on the chessboard and the huge investment of energy from both sides.

Furthermore, even if this plan does not succeed, Liu Hao doesn't think it's a big deal. At least the interference to the other party is still real. Any method that can consume the other party's energy should not be missed. If you add up a little, you can win. Have yourself more chances of victory.

But he didn't expect that the Great White Tiger Divine Mind seemed to ignore it at all, and even directly dropped the chess piece next to his own black chess piece.

And as the opponent made moves, the chessboard began to tremble.

The same laws of space!

Liu Hao immediately knew the answer and why the other party made such a choice.

Losing the first move, rather than possibly letting the space fall under his control, it would be better for no one to think about it. This is the calculation of the White Tiger's divine mind, and the whole situation will be completely messed up.

The fluctuations that occur are spatial ripples, and the fluctuations caused are inevitable at any coordinate in space.

Now, it was Liu Hao's turn to make a choice. Should he use the law of space to hit the opponent again and imprison him in order to continue to maintain the space control he wanted? Or should we change our strategy and simply continue to open up new fronts?

He really wanted to choose the former, and simply fight to the death with his opponent in the laws of space. In this regard, he also believed that he would not lose to anyone.

But he also knew that if this happened, the possibility of failure in this game would still be huge.

Without him, the real themes of this test space are balance, order, inaction, etc. If we really challenge the laws of space as the basis, we have lost the original intention. Who can guarantee whether the spiritual thoughts of the Great White Tiger as a test will have a backup plan?

Since they have left this test space, they will not hand over this inheritance to a person who lacks these laws, right?

Even if the possibility was only 50-50, he didn't dare to bet. He could only sigh at his helplessness. Who allowed himself to be passive and who allowed himself to be the candidate?

He exhaled a breath that seemed to express his helplessness, but it was impossible for him to exhale this breath without any impact.

It was also his intention. After this breath of turbidity appeared, the trembling space in front of him seemed to increase again due to the intervention of this external force. It was also because of this sneak attack that Liu Hao himself controlled the space within the chessboard of heaven and earth. Somewhat tilted.

He didn't wait for his opponent to react, raised the arm of the chess piece and immediately dropped it, directly opening up the second battlefield;

As his chess piece fell, the new black chess piece suddenly turned into a dark black snake, which seemed to be no different from a real creature. As soon as it appeared, it opened its bloody mouth and screamed, and the two vertical chess pieces His pupils were swollen, and he cast the coldest gaze on the Great White Tiger's spiritual thoughts. It seemed that as long as the opponent was distracted, the black snake would immediately pounce on the opponent and bite him.

This is the game of heaven and earth chessboard.

For any chess piece, the chess player can integrate the laws he controls into it, either one of the laws, or the entanglement of various laws.

Due to the integration of these laws, each chess piece has infinite functions. You can choose to use it as an attack skill, or directly transform into a certain kind of creature.

Wait, wait, whatever you think you can do, you can do it.

And the fallen chess piece is definitely not limited to being able to move on this star point. This star point is more of a base camp for the chess piece. It can leave this base camp to kill surrounding enemy chess pieces.

However, once it leaves, the opponent's chess piece occupies the base camp of this chess piece, which also means that the energy supply of the chess piece to the heaven and earth chessboard is completely interrupted. Once the opponent's chess piece's base camp cannot be taken to replace it, sooner or later it will completely disappear.

You can say that this kind of game is just a simple battle of Go, because the criterion for victory or defeat is ultimately the rules of Go.

But you can also say that you have completely broken away from the rules of Go, because there are no restrictions at all in the whole process.

Even when you feel that you may face failure, you can simply send yourself to the chessboard for a killing spree.

In the previous sentence, Liu Hao made this choice. At the last moment, seeing that he failed, he simply chose to give it a try, but unfortunately he still fell short.

As time goes by, many black and white chess pieces have been scattered on the chessboard of heaven and earth. On many star points, countless chess pieces have been replaced, and the fighting has never stopped for a moment.

As for Liu Hao, he no longer felt relaxed at this time. His whole body was like a taut bow that could be fired anytime and anywhere.

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