Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and eight. Core

1508. Core

Within the test space of the heaven and earth chessboard, the violent space fluctuations have been overwhelmed, but both sides are gritting their teeth and persisting. A slight drop of sweat has appeared on Liu Hao's forehead, and the real decisive battle is about to come.

Last time, Liu Hao lost at the last minute, but this time, he still feels that he still has some strength left.

He felt as if he had understood some special truth.

This world chessboard space is not so much a space as it is a simple small world.

Compared with the 'small world' formed by countless formations, it seems to be much more advanced.

He is still not as simple as opening up a dimensional space, but directly peeling it off within this dimensional space, forcing this space to evolve towards a "small world". By now, it has obviously been completely formed.

It is different from the formation locking nodes and relying on restrictions.

This is the product of the fusion of laws.

For Liu Hao, this in itself was a sudden epiphany, as if he saw a lot in one moment.

Even though these countless laws vary in size, forcing this small world to be more outstanding in certain law attributes, it is still undeniable that it is a small world.

Moreover, these laws are completely integrated into the small world, just like various salts, alkali or other elements are integrated into a basin of clear water.

If you want to separate these elements, salt and alkali, into this basin of clear water, the difficulty is equally terrifying.

There is not much difference from stripping away the law in the prehistoric world.

It is more about teaching you how to create a ‘heaven and earth’. This is the biggest postgraduate entrance examination for Master White Tiger, right?

This epiphany also made Liu Hao feel a lot more relaxed.

It was as if I had been trying to walk forward, and after failing again and again, I suddenly discovered the real goal.

At this time, even if the goal cannot be completely achieved and I feel a little regretful, that's all.

Because once you know your goal, even if you fail, you will have a real direction to work towards next time. This is the biggest gain.

Of course, this does not mean that Liu Hao has lost his motivation at this time. On the contrary, at this time, Liu Hao's motivation has never been stronger, and his fighting spirit has never been as high as it is now.

In the small world of space, tiny cracks have appeared in the violently shaking space. After these cracks appear, they heal very quickly, and they often return to the original state in an instant.

As these space cracks recover, countless new space cracks also appear, and this happens over and over again.

As time goes by, these tiny and short-lived space cracks begin to gradually grow larger, and their persistence time becomes longer and longer.

From time to time, these space cracks will split around Liu Hao's body. Among them, he can barely control the space cracks caused by him, making them unable to harm himself. However, the white tiger's spiritual thoughts caused by his opponent, gave He's not under the slightest bit of pressure.

Last time, he was forced into these dense space cracks and watched helplessly as he was cut apart and driven away.

This time, he still had some energy left, and he had already tried to use the space cracks caused by himself to offset the damage.

The most important thing is that he had more means of resistance after his sudden enlightenment.

For example, try to integrate yourself into this small world.

This is what he thought and did. Almost as soon as he thought of it, he didn't hesitate at all, and he didn't bother to care about the side effects of integrating himself into this small world.

I have to say that Liu Hao's decisiveness is very good. Perhaps it is because he has no such scruples in his heart. Instead, when he integrates himself into this small world, it is very natural, as if he is a part of this small world.

When he did it, he discovered that all the chess pieces he had placed before seemed as simple as moving his arms at this moment.

Often when an idea arises, these chess pieces that belong to him will react immediately. As his thoughts move according to his heart, their power will increase even more.

This made Liu Hao more confident, and he also felt that his attempt seemed to be a bit of a coincidence.

He did not investigate the reason in detail, nor did he have time to investigate in detail.

Because within the small world of space, the violent fluctuations have turned into turbulence, giving people the feeling that this small world may collapse anytime and anywhere.

He knows that this is not his illusion, but a real reality. Now, he has thought that he has integrated himself into the world and felt the screams of the "little world", as if a child is facing the fear of the unknown. It is so... helpless.

He felt that he must not let Xiaotiandi collapse completely, otherwise this time and his last game would be a complete failure.

What's more, he has integrated himself into the "little world", almost becoming one, which means that once the "little world" collapses, the damage that will backfire on him must be very terrifying.

Knowing this, Liu Hao did not show panic. On the contrary, he was as calm as ever at this time, as if he was just a bystander, looking down on the entire chess game from high altitude.

On the criss-crossing chessboard, which ones are your own chess pieces, which ones are the opponent's arrangements, where you have the upper hand, and where you are about to be surrounded and suppressed.

Wait, wait, wait, all the current changes are clear at a glance.

In addition, he also vaguely sensed his opponent's upcoming movements.

But don’t think that it’s just a matter of Go. If you have reached the level of Liu Hao, you are not unparalleled in calculations?

It still depends on the opponent. How many calculations you have made are not the same for others. Under hedging, are all the calculations also expected by the opponent?

When you are evenly matched, in comparison, all your advantages may be your disadvantages, and it is also very possible that what you think is your clever calculation has probably fallen into the opponent's trap.

Based on this, Liu Hao decisively did not put his energy into the mutual calculation, and chose to use force to overcome cleverness, that is, simply defend, and devote all his energy to the stable maintenance of the small world of the entire world's expectation space.

When making the decision, Liu Hao's thoughts were also activated at the same time.

The entire chessboard changed immediately.

He did not choose to pursue the victory on the battlefield where he had a local advantage, but chose to give hope, so that the opponent would have to invest more energy in guarding or escaping;

In a place where they were already fighting to the death, he chose to slowly lower the intensity of the war and adopt a strategy of long-term consumption;

In those dangerous places, he still did not give up at all, even if it was to contain the opponent for a longer period of time.

Gu Hao

These actions are all intended to prevent the opponent from concentrating all their energy and avoid ending the entire occupation quickly.

He also wanted to slow down the fierce battlefield and save the small world that was about to collapse.

This approach gives people the feeling of weakness, but the effect is also very significant.

The White Tiger Master had to disperse his energy to all areas of the chessboard, and the flashpoints were naturally dispersed. In this way, Liu Hao's goal was achieved;

The oscillations within the original small world have also been greatly alleviated. What is almost visible to the naked eye is that the healing speed of those spatial cracks has increased, and as time goes by, the scale of the cracks has also been suppressed.

Just because the effect appeared does not mean that Liu Hao gave up. He knew that his opponent would soon be aware of his purpose and would definitely find a way to change the situation of the battle.

What he has to do now is how to use the little time he finally got.

What he needs is to understand more about how all the laws in this small world are intertwined, which is the true structure of the entire small world.

After understanding this structure, Liu Hao will be able to borrow the "power of heaven" from Xiaotiandi more fully.

If he is completely enlightened, then there is no difference between this small world and completely belonging to him.

Opportunities like this don't come often.

Liu Hao, a fellow practitioner of the Three Thousand Dao, masters the Three Thousand Laws together. There may be a gap between how many of the Three Thousand Laws he masters now, but the gap will never be a drag on him.

What he needs is the underlying architecture, because only by truly controlling the operation mode of these architectures, he has many trump cards to weave all kinds of worlds.

And the compiled world, even if it can only be a 'fake world', still has the power of heaven, but it is no longer a matter of hard work to borrow it from the heaven and earth of all heavens and realms.

Even if you are a little worse and have mastered these powers of heaven, even if you borrow the power of heaven and earth in all the heavens and worlds, you will be much more careless than monks of the same level, right?

With the Three Thousand Principles in hand, once he masters the composition method of the structure, what kind of world cannot he weave if Liu Hao is given time?

With one of them as the main body, such as the avenue of force as the trunk, and all the other avenues and laws as branches, isn't that a new Pangu?

Can't every one of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods be imitated or even completely replaced?

These thoughts only flickered in Liu Hao's mind and disappeared without a trace. He knew that he must not be swayed by other emotions at this time. While increasing his progress in integrating into the 'small world', he was also in the process of integrating. Possible manifestations of laws are explored in it.

He still doesn't know that what he has done can only be done by Hunyuan monks.

The reason why he was able to do it was thanks to his determination and his direct integration into this small world.

‘If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, how can you catch the tiger’s cubs’?

This sentence is Liu Hao's best performance at this time, and it is closely related to the manifestation of the White Tiger.

During this process, Liu Hao always felt that he had some insights from time to time, but if he was asked to say what he had understood, but he didn't know how to open his mouth, he also knew that this was not an illusion;

Because he already felt that he had touched the power of heaven in this 'small world'.

If a few saints from Sanqing were here at this time, they would definitely be shocked.

A mere 'sub-sage', even if he only touched the edge of the 'power of heaven', it was beyond their imagination and broke their previous understanding.

Liu Hao did not have this concept, and naturally he would not be swayed by this emotion. At this time, he finally found the backbone of the law he wanted. This is the existence of three laws intertwined like vines.

He could see what these three laws represented at a glance.

Among them, his original guess of Lao Tzu's way of inaction was not one of these three laws, but was replaced by 'chess'.

Order, balance and play!

It is these three chains of laws that are intertwined together. The most central one is the law of chess, order and balance. These two laws, which are originally related to each other, are not separated into different sizes. Instead, they are intertwined and entwined with each other on the same scale.

Then, 105 other laws were like branches, densely distributed on it, like a big tree supporting the sky, supporting the entire 'small world'.

This is the true foundation of this ‘small world’.

He couldn't wait to integrate himself into it. He knew that once he succeeded, this ownerless 'small world' would become a world that he could truly control.

His idea was good, but when he got closer, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Who could it be, if it wasn't Lord White Tiger, the spirit that had been playing chess with him?

The sudden appearance of his opponent was like a splash of cold water, directly pouring Liu Hao's heart out, and it took him a while to calm down again.

There was a bitter smile on his face, and he sighed directly: "Isn't it true? He is the real controller of this world! This battle is still inevitable!"

While Liu Hao smiled bitterly, he also understood that he had finally entered the next stage of the test.

After eight failures, I finally got to the core. I don’t know whether I should be happy or sad.

But after calming down, he also discovered that the White Tiger Great Master's spirit did not seem to take action rashly, but chose to look at him indifferently, with an expressionless face, but revealed something:

Why did you come? Isn’t that too bad?

What can he do except smile bitterly?

After looking at each other for a moment, they seemed to realize that after Liu Hao completely regained his composure, the Great White Tiger's mind casually moved down the chessboard under the Tree of Law. He waved his hand, and a new chessboard appeared in front of them.

But this time, it was different from the outside world. It was like friends playing chess. He raised his right hand and made a vain move in front of Liu Hao's eyes, as if to say: Please sit down!

What can be done about this? It seems that there is still no escape in this game.

Liu Hao was actually depressed. He had no idea how to play Go, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

He bowed his hand towards the Great White Tiger's Divine Mind. Even though he knew that the other party was no different from a program, he still had to have the respect he deserved.

He is still playing black, and he still chooses Zhongyuan. It feels like he is still repeating the chess game played by the outside world. Likewise, his opponent still has no changes in his chess strategy.

This time, the battle is about real brain power, and the battle is about who has higher computing power.

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