Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and nine. Everyone wants to get ahead

1509. Everyone wants to get ahead

There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys are kings.

This was how the prehistoric world was at this time. When all the quasi-sages disappeared without a trace, the entire prehistoric world became even more chaotic.

It was also due to the great calamity. There was no restraint from above, so the voice would naturally be louder.

But at the same time, this is also a huge opportunity for those Da Luo Jinxian who have seen the possibility of becoming a quasi-sage.

It was like the ceiling was suddenly opened. If before this, in the prehistoric times, these Daluo Golden Immortals had only a chance of becoming a quasi-sage, then their chances were suddenly improved and became ten. one part.

This is also due to the characteristics of the world.

To give an example, when these quasi-sages originally existed in the world, each pit was occupied by others, and their arms were opened, forcing others to pass through them if they wanted to cross.

It's not that they allowed it, but that they themselves stood on this narrow avenue, which caused the avenue to become crowded. It would naturally be much more difficult for latecomers to step forward or pass.

It's like a big tree, one branch after another. After entering these branches, the biggest wish of these quasi-sages is to occupy these branches alone. Naturally, they also want to block their bodies on this branch. At the forefront, while practicing, they looked around, lest latecomers appear and share with them.

And when they saw the Great White Tiger appearing on the scene, each of them saw a greater opportunity, and they all rarely let go of the containment. After the latecomers saw it, how could they care about anything else?

Especially those who have finally achieved enlightenment.

It can be said that this may be the opportunity that they finally got.

For those who have not realized the Daluo Dao Dao Fruit and are at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, they can't control so much. Only by finding ways to transcend the current state and move to a higher position can they have more say, and can they have more say in the world. I will have more resources to continue practicing in the future.

In fact, this kind of opportunity is consistent in any world.

For example, in the prehistoric world, when one after another quasi-holy monks leave and enter the heavens and worlds, they cannot really take away the original great road of the prehistoric world.

They have more simply learned rather than truly possessed these avenues.

After learning and leaving, they can also use what they have learned in any heaven. It is also very likely that they will fight endlessly with the same people in a certain heaven because of this avenue.

Or maybe no one in this world occupies this avenue, making it easy for them to replace it and advance to the next level.

Previously, whether Zhen Yuanzi or Yun Zhongzi left, it was equivalent to leaving a vacancy in the ancient world.

Of course, this must be done after the main body and the three corpse incarnations have all left.

Take Haotian for example. He let go of a mere Zhang Bairen, but he still sat in heaven. No monk dared to really overthrow Haotian, the great deity, from his horse in the ancient times.

On the contrary, after the Buddha Tathagata of the Western Heaven left the prehistoric world, whether it was Ran Deng or Maitreya, his inner ambition would inevitably be enlarged, and he would think that since you have left, why not replace him?

Don't talk about Lantern and Maitreya, the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva who was arranged by Chunti to protect Tathagata. Don't you have any thoughts in your heart?

This is the reality. I wanted to do it before but didn't dare to do it. Now the opportunity is right in front of me. If I don't fight for it, I will probably lose the opportunity again. I don't want to but I have to fight for it sometimes.

For the prehistoric world, even a short vacancy means that there are no more garrison personnel on this avenue, and newcomers need to replenish it. This is a good thing for both parties, and it naturally adds an extra boost. .

But these are only reflected in the quasi-sage stage. When it comes to Hunyuan, it is not just as simple as being stationed, but actually being intercepted by others, which also means that this Dao Fruit can never be replaced by others.

Fortunately, in the prehistoric period, the Daluo Golden Immortals did not have such a desire, nor did they dare to have it.

Almost as soon as these quasi-sages emerged from the chaos and were waiting outside the White Tiger Great Master's dojo, the Daluo Jinxian monks in the entire prehistoric world felt that their heads were empty, and the avenues that had been obscure and difficult to understand in the past suddenly became clear. I have learned a lot, and I feel that this shackles suddenly become thinner, and I know that as long as I work a little hard, it is very possible to achieve the goal that originally took countless years to achieve.

As for the danger, what is it? It's OK to die in the morning! This sentence is not just talk. For any ascetic, it is a truth-like existence. For this, they are willing to give everything they have.

It is also because of their mentality that they dislike any monk of the same level.

This is "there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings". They all want to become ferocious beasts, and they don't want other monkeys to become ferocious beasts before them. They are also worried that once other monkeys become ferocious beasts, they will inevitably suppress themselves. This chain of suspicion As soon as it came out, it was destined to be chaos in the prehistoric era.

This was almost a rising calamity visible to the naked eye. In just a few days, the original peace of the entire prehistoric era disappeared. From the beginning, there was some restraint, but later the war became continuous.

In the beginning, perhaps these Da Luo Jinxian monks fought alone, but soon they involved their original forces, turning what was originally only their own catastrophe into a great war for the entire prehistoric era.

Xuanwu Continent, this new continent that appeared in the ancient times, has become very dangerous because of this.

Even outside the palace left by Master Xuanwu, there are all kinds of suspicions. Everyone has no peace of mind for meditation for a long time. They are all afraid that someone who does not respect martial ethics will give them a sneak attack. That would be the real terror. .

If these Daluo Golden Immortals each have their own power, there will be someone to take care of them when they leave.

If you are a person who fights alone, you are really in a dilemma.

They didn't dare to bet that once they left the territory where Master Xuanwu's palace was located, someone would take the opportunity to add insult to injury and ambush them.

But if you stay here, you have to be extremely cautious, always alert to possible attacks from other monks.

Maybe you would think that if you stay, this attack is only possible, or at least it will be safe.

Gu Xin

But in such an opportunity where it is possible to step into the quasi-sage, the temporary safety also means that they will step into the quasi-sage and say goodbye to them. This is what they will never tolerate. Those powerful Da Luo Jinxian Don't you understand that this wait will only be short-lived?

No one can predict when this mutual calculation will completely break out.

In order to be able to step into a higher position, this group of Daluo Golden Immortals have nothing to fear. They understand that once they step into the quasi-sage, all problems will no longer be a problem.

At this time, they have run away from all scruples. Even if you are a direct descendant of a saint, they will not have any hesitation when they take action.

In the East China Sea, Feng Baobao is like this at this time. She has blocked several groups of opponents, thanks to the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Merit Pagoda' given by me, otherwise she would not die now, and she would probably be severely injured.

Who made her, a saint, the biggest competitor in the eyes of other Da Luo Jinxian?

They won't care about you. Feng Baobao has just stepped into Daluo Jinxian. How to deal with competitors is the only thing they are willing to do.

On the contrary, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu, who were wandering with Feng Baobao, and those Daluo Golden Immortals who came to kill Feng Baobao, would still have some scruples before giving Tongtian Cult Master some face. In the final analysis, it was the two of them who simply wanted to kill Feng Baobao There is no threat to this group of people.

Fortunately, after several attacks, these Daluo Golden Immortals of the East China Sea also understood that Feng Baobao was not something they could kill. He was the only 'acquired treasure of merit' in the ancient world. It was said that the defense power was the highest in the entire ancient world, even if Feng Baobao could defeat him. Just in case, it is definitely not something that Daluo Jinxian can break through.

Because of this, after three times, Feng Baobao was safe, and those who deliberately caused trouble for her became rarer. At most, they just gave it a try when they happened to meet her.

Just because Feng Baobao was able to resolve the crisis does not mean that others can do it.

Looking south to Buzhou, the land of Youzhou in the Tang Dynasty, the Baijia College of the Tang Dynasty established by Liu Hao is facing the biggest crisis since its establishment.

The threat still comes from the north. Countless water monsters appear again in the sky-reaching river that divides Nanzhan Continent and Central Continent;

Fortunately, this time, these water monsters who were driven away by Beiju Luzhou simply wanted to drag the garrison with them, in order to prevent these armies from supporting the Daluo Golden Immortals in Baijia Academy.

Of course, if the Daluo Golden Immortals of Baijia Academy continue to hide in the academy and rely on the formations left by Liu Hao and do not come out to fight, the demon clan will definitely not be polite.

Facing these demon clan Daluo Jinxian, neither Jiang Ziya nor Gongshu Ban in the academy actually paid much attention to them.

Because they understand that there are always a few Da Luo Jinxian of the demon clan who can come here to fight with them, and the real battlefield of the demon clan is not here.

What's more, they are still worried about other pretenders, especially Buddhism. However, they know that almost all the Lingshan Daluo Golden Immortals have left Sumeru, and all of them have long since lost their original intention to follow the rules and precepts.

This group of people will not hesitate in the face of such huge benefits. As the Tang Dynasty is the orthodox place of the human race, they have long been drooling.

The journey to the West planned by Buddhism for several epochs should have been carried out smoothly in the Tang Empire, but what happened in reality?

With the sudden emergence of the Hundred Schools of Practice system, within the Tang Dynasty, as long as anyone was literate, there was no one who didn’t want to practice the Hundred Schools of Practice. Who in Buddhism would care about it at this time?

There were many Buddhist temples in the Tang Empire, but that was all. When Li Shimin was in power, he still brought the land owned by Buddhism and Taoism all over the world to the court, but he still issued an edict to prohibit the large-scale consolidation of Buddhist and Taoist temples. Of land.

How can Buddhism, which has lost these foundations, still compare with Taoism?

It can be said that throughout the entire Journey to the West Buddhism spread eastward, from the reception of Zhunti to the Tathagata Guanyin, various calculations were carried out, but in the end the results were only very few.

Even if Wu Zhao comes to court now, even if Wu Zhao has a lot of goodwill towards Buddhism, she has become an emperor. Seeing that your Buddhism has helped her rise to power, she will at most be ignorant and cause trouble for you. She wants to get something. More, how is that possible?

Can you Buddhists dismount Wu Zhao just because she refuses to speak her mind?

If another emperor takes over, who knows whether he will directly suppress him?

Buddhists don't dare to gamble now, and they don't want the scriptures finally taken from Lingshan to become decorations.

Therefore, they will definitely keep their eyes on the Bai Jia, because above the court, it is this group of people who have the final say, and everyone knows where the Bai Jia’s foundation is in the Tang Dynasty, which also means that Buddhism They will definitely keep an eye on Youzhou Baijia Academy all the time, and once they have the opportunity, they will definitely give the students a hard blow.

In the past, the Taoists who had no dealings with Buddhism would still be willing to help and sell face, but in this situation, who would still care about your so-called overall situation?

Everyone knows that once one breaks through to the quasi-sage level, that will be the real overall situation.

Even Jiang Ziya, who is in charge of hundreds of colleges, doesn't feel like this in his heart?

He also wanted to leave. He knew very well that once he entered Kunlun, it would be safe, and he could devote all his time to cultivating, because the Daluo Golden Immortals of all forces did not dare to enter Kunlun. Shan Sa Ye, the birthplace of the Three Pure Ones, is still the Taoist Temple of Yuanshi Tianzun. Not to mention their group of Daluo Jinxian, or the quasi-sages and saints behind them, who doesn't need to worry about three points?

Yuanshi Tianzun is a good-looking person, but all the monks in the ancient world know it clearly.

But Jiang Ziya also knew that once he did this, it would be difficult to say whether Baijia College would still have a foothold in the future.

Since hundreds of schools of thought are all gathered in one college, they naturally have all kinds of contentions. The competition between them is not necessarily less than outside. But competition is competition. To the outside world, any student from a hundred schools of thought can It is one body, and it must also be a branch facing the outside world.

In other words, it is inevitable to be despised for escaping from battle. Not only himself, but also him, the ancestor of the military strategist, may be deprived of his power. Just say that you are simply not qualified to shoulder this important task.

Fortunately, Jiang Ziya only thought about this. Confucius was not here. Regardless of his qualifications and cultivation, he was the highest one and highly respected. Naturally, he could only be in charge. As the leader, how could it be possible? Escape?

He was very unwilling to be forced out to fight by a group of monsters, but after thinking about it for a long time, he felt that this seemed good. It was just right for the Baijia to officially take the stage in the prehistoric world. It was such an excellent opportunity to show off the style of the Baijia. , but it’s really not much!

Jiang Ziya is so smart, what is the reason for the changes in the ancient times? Can he still not understand?

To put it bluntly, isn't it because the opportunity suddenly appeared, and every Da Luo Jinxian wanted to reduce the number of competitors?

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