Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Five Hundred and Eleven. Heaven and Earth Chessboard

1511. Chessboard of Heaven and Earth

Compared to Aizen, Unohana Retsu is much more pitiful.

Turning forward, when White Tiger Liu Hao attained enlightenment, Mao Zhihualie walked towards the palace of Emperor Fengdu without any hesitation, but how big is the underworld?

After White Tiger Liu Hao's sermon was completed, Mao Zhihua Lie failed to reach even one ten thousandth of the distance. He even lost his way and could only wander around the underworld.

In the past, it was nothing, and everyone was very restrained.

But now, due to the contamination of the aura of great calamity, how many of them can maintain their own sanity?

On the contrary, often because of temporary anger, one has to fight to the death.

Under such circumstances, Unohana Retsu fought countless times during this period.

Fortunately, in terms of combat power, Unohana Retsu will never lose to anyone. Even if someone is a little higher than her, victory can still be achieved after a complete explosion.

However, in this process, it is inevitable that she will be injured. If someone else is like her, she will probably not be able to survive the repeated attacks.

Ke Maozhihualie is an expert at how to heal herself. Every time she is injured, her combat effectiveness is visibly improved. Every time, she is almost on the edge of death, which is the biggest stimulation.

On this basis, Liu Hao originally thought that Mao Zhihualie still needed some accumulation to step into the Daluo True Immortal, but now he has made a breakthrough by escaping from death one after another.

Maybe this is a blessing in disguise!

But it has to be said that the ancient underworld is indeed suitable for the cultivation of Shinigami like Aizen and Unohana Retsu.

In this regard, Unohana Retsu is even more satisfied than anyone else. Although this guy looks like a good wife, she is actually more warlike than anyone else. Her Zanpakuto is the biggest proof.

Promotion, but it does not mean that Maozhihualie will be able to have smooth sailing in the next time. How is that possible?

Under the catastrophe, even a mere Da Luo True Immortal, even a quasi-sage, could not guarantee that he could escape. In the past, not one or two quasi-sages had fallen.

But if this catastrophe can be overcome, Maozhihualie will definitely benefit a lot from it. As an outsider, experiencing this catastrophe is like being directly recognized by the world and can be an immigrant. 'Be a part of it and be accepted directly.

Don’t think that a mere ID card from the same world is nothing special.

So what worlds do you want to see!

The higher the level of the world, the more noble the ID card is.

A typical point is the ceiling problem.

For example, if a monk reaches the ceiling in a lower world, the possibility of breaking free of this shackles is only one in a billion.

When this monk leaves this world and enters a higher-level world, this chance will be magnified thousands of times.

But if this monk is recognized by the higher world and has the identity card of the higher world, the ceiling shackles of her original world will become the ceiling shackles of the higher world. There is an essential difference between the two.

Just like in some higher worlds, if you want to become an immortal, it's almost like playing, you just need to practice casually.

But in some lower worlds, if you want to become an immortal, it may not be feasible to practice for hundreds of lives.

This is the biggest difference.

Just like if Maozhihualie has survived this great catastrophe, it also means that she does not have many shackles at this stage of Daluo. It originally required a thousand percent of strength to break through a level. In the future, she may only need to work a little harder. Just accumulate.

Because once she obtains this ID card, the unique aura of the prehistoric era will be tainted with her all the time in the future, and she will be successful.

Of course, all this still requires Maozhihualie to survive this catastrophe.

If Liu Hao were here, comparing Unohana Retsu with Aizen, he would definitely think that the latter is more likely. Compared with Lao Yin and Aizen, Unohana Retsu is no different from Xiaobaihua, and A guy who loves fighting very much has a much lower chance of survival.

Similarly, Maozhihualie, who was able to fight with all his might, would definitely gain a lot of merit from the great calamity after surviving by chance. This could be regarded as a gain or loss.

Maybe you will think that Maozhihualie has been in the palace of White Tiger Liu Haofengdu after all, and others will need to sell a new certificate to Hunyuan Fengdu Emperor to save face. But how many people know this inside story?

During the catastrophe, if Sanxiao saw that Yuanshi Tianzun could rise violently, who would care about your ways?

The only thing that comforted White Tiger Liu Hao was that he did not throw Rukia Kuchiki out for training after he left. Otherwise, with Rukia's character, she would probably die somewhere in the underworld.

This can be considered a great blessing!

I almost picked up an ID card for nothing, and I can at least make some profits in the future.

Compared with Lucia, Zhuge Liang is also a winner.

This guy is now staying in Ziwei Palace. There are not many living beings in the entire Ziwei Star Territory, and they are all under his leadership. Who dares to stab him?

As for Ziwei Star Territory, not everyone can come.

Anyone who breaks in without blinking will only be considered as provoking Emperor Ziwei. Even if they can escape, they will only die in the future.

Under the catastrophe, the creatures are contaminated with the aura of the catastrophe and are not sober enough, but they will never make people into fools.

Liu Hao himself is not here, and Zhuge Liang, the general manager, cannot leave the Ziwei Star Territory. If he says that he is the safest one, no one will refute it.

In the ancient world, on the edge of chaos in the far west, another new avenue has appeared. It is still so specious, but it is enough to make all the quasi-sages here sink into it.

Little did they know that this time, it was because Liu Hao himself won the Great White Tiger Heaven and Earth chessboard test.

In fact, even Liu Hao himself is a little confused.

When he was chasing the ducks, he was already prepared to get nothing. However, as he continued to play, he found that his chess moves became clearer and clearer, and he moved more and more towards victory. In the end, he won with half an eye. This was not a big surprise. also.

But an even bigger surprise was waiting for him.

When the spiritual thoughts left by the White Tiger Master in front of him disappeared and spread into the small world, Liu Hao clearly felt as if he had become a part of the chessboard of heaven and earth.

It's just that this feeling goes away as quickly as it comes.

By the time he reacted, the original small world had completely disappeared before his eyes, leaving only a half-meter-high chess piece in front of him, with black and white chess pieces densely scattered on it.

On both sides of the chessboard, there are two floating basins, one black and one white. This is clearly the real harvest.

He didn't know what he felt just now. It was clear that his mind was already connected with the treasure of the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' in front of him. It was basically the White Tiger's divine mind that imprinted his consciousness into it. This was obviously a disguised form. The gift is also.

He reached out and touched the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' in his hand, with a vague trance on his face. It took him a while to feel that this was not an illusion, and then he devoted his consciousness to observe it.

This sight was remarkable. Even though he had been prepared in his heart, when he could clearly see how many restrictions there were, his body was still shaken.

"Innate treasure!"

"Could this be the same as the Xuanwu Seal given to me by Master Xuanwu?"

Liu Hao shook his head again while thinking. He felt that with the character of Lord White Tiger, it would be better not to get involved with a treasure that looks like this. For example, a sharp long sword spiritual treasure would be in line with the characteristics of Lord White Tiger, right?

Naturally, he could not know the answer, but he also felt that perhaps this was also done intentionally by the White Tiger Lord, and he had probably planned this moment long before he left the Great Desolate World.

However, he is still a little unclear. Logically speaking, his incarnation, White Tiger Liu Hao, should be the one to win, right?

There is still no definite answer, and Liu Hao can only blame it on the fact that maybe he just wanted to let himself take it.

Little did he know that his white tiger incarnation also got the opportunity, and what he got in the end was more in line with the white tiger Liu Hao.

Perhaps the treasures obtained by White Tiger Liu Hao were only top-grade innate spiritual treasures, but among them, White Tiger Liu Hao truly understood how he should fight in the future.

Compared with a treasure, this is White Tiger Liu Hao's biggest gain.

He had just achieved Hunyuan, what could compare to this?

At this time, White Tiger Liu Hao also understood why the saints were beaten by other saints when they were fighting each other. He also understood why the saints were staggered by other saints after reading the books on conferring gods in the past.

Only when you understand it can you understand that this is the normal state of the saint's battle.

Each blow of the hammer also contains all the great ways of this saint.

It was just that when Liu Hao, the white tiger, collected the spiritual treasure, even Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa Empress had no way of knowing. But when Liu Hao himself obtained the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', the three of them all looked towards it invariably. He looks here.

An innate treasure is a 'general trend' in any part of the world.

This is no exaggeration.

Otherwise, the saints would not have fought to the death over this.

This is not just as simple as suppressing luck.

Any innate treasure can also greatly promote a world.

It's like adding another supporting pillar to this world, which is enough to make this world more stable.

Once the number of innate treasures in a world accumulates to a certain amount, quantitative changes may also cause qualitative changes. For example, it is possible to push this world to a higher level.

Therefore, any innate treasure, as long as it exudes a trace of aura, will never escape the attention of Hongjun, Houtu and Nuwa.

Because this is closely related to their future.

But they will never rob because of this, and there is no need.

For them, as long as this innate treasure belongs to the prehistoric times, looking at Liu Hao is just for confirmation.

It is naturally impossible for Liu Hao to notice this. The gap in realm crushing cannot be bridged by one or two innate treasures.

After acquiring another innate treasure, even Liu Hao had no idea that he had such luck.

But after the surprise, he quickly calmed down, but there was an uncontrollable worry in his heart.

One or two, they gifted the innate treasure to themselves as if they were worthless things. Is there no calculation in this?

He didn't think that just because the Four Spirit Holy Beasts liked him, there must be some secrets that he couldn't know.

This is also a huge cause and effect.

He knows that every cause and effect has value and must be measured, and it will definitely need to be settled in the future.

At that time, will he risk his life to help Master Xuanwu and Master White Tiger solve the crisis?

As soon as this idea came to him, he felt that maybe he was thinking too much.

Without him, just because of his current cultivation, in the eyes of Master Xuanwu and Master White Tiger, there is no difference at all from an ant.

Not to mention that he is just a quasi-sage or sub-sage, so what if he is a saint? Can he really be attracted by Master Xuanwu and Master White Tiger?

He knows that in the world that Master Xuanwu carries on his back, Hunyuan is only able to ensure his own safety, and the realm of Heavenly Dao can only truly come forward. Since he already has such a huge master at his disposal, why bother to make calculations? Are you such a little Kaka?

"Maybe, it's me in the future who plays a very important role?"

Liu Hao couldn't help but have such thoughts. When he said this, he didn't blush. Instead, he felt a sense of "satisfaction" in his heart. There was a feeling that maybe he could be as big as Xuanwu in the future. The imaginative feeling of arm-wrestling between Zun Zun and White Tiger Zun.

He naturally hoped that his fantasy could be realized in the future. As for whether there would be greater danger after it was realized, he didn't think much about it.

Now that we have entered the field of spiritual practice, we are already surrounded by crises all the time, so what is the point of thinking about them?

To take a step back, if I can enter that realm in the future, it means that my earth will probably block the threat of the abyss, or even completely eliminate it, right?

"That's all, now that it's in my hands, there's absolutely no chance of abandoning it!"

"If you really give up because you are worried about the future, you will misunderstand your own state of mind, and it will become a big obstacle in your heart!"

What Liu Hao said to himself was very reasonable, but in the final analysis, it was because he had won such an innate treasure, how could he give up?

This 'greedy' heart, not even him, would never give up even if he were a saint.

With this decision, Liu Hao no longer struggled. He exhaled a breath, sat down slowly, then closed his eyes, sinking his mind into the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', and began to carefully analyze this matter. The first ban on the innate treasure comes.

Once he got it, he realized how familiar these restrictions were, completely different from how he had refined the 'Heaven and Earth Fantasy Merit Ruler' and 'Xuanwu Seal' in the past;

One was like encountering something new, and now it was like seeing a book that I had read in a dream. It was somewhat specious, but I couldn't get rid of this familiar feeling.

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