Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and twelve. The power of the innate treasure

1512. The power of the innate treasure

The more Liu Hao sinks into his own mind to analyze these restrictions, the more obvious this sense of familiarity becomes.

He was analyzing and thinking, and after a long time, he finally showed a look of enlightenment.

The densely packed links within this restriction are simply countless ‘Tao texts’ composed of thread-like laws.

It doesn't just look like a book, it actually is a book.

It is more of an instruction manual for this innate treasure.

It is also through these prohibitions that the owner of the treasure is taught how to maximize the use of this treasure and how to maximize the power of this treasure.

He also discovered for the first time that the so-called laws and the so-called avenues were basically different paths leading to the same destination.

It doesn’t matter whether you cultivate the great road or gather the principles.

It seems that two parallel lines will still overlap at a certain node in the future, and may even merge into one.

Of course, this future node will definitely not be the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm. Liu Hao guessed that this realm may have to cross the path of heaven.

It was also at this time that he inevitably thought of Hongjun and Houtu. These two top experts in the ancient world had probably touched the ceiling of the ancient world.

So, is it because they only cultivate the great road without condensing their own control laws, which prevents them from going to the next level?

He also knows that this is his own guess. Even if his guess is correct, there must be other factors. For example, the world cannot bear the power of a strong man above the realm of heaven? Or something else?

From Hongjun and Houtu, Liu Hao also thought of the ancestor Yang Mei who left during the Dao Demon Tribulation.

Did this Chaos Demon God, who escaped from the Chaos Creation of Heaven, really leave because he didn’t want to bear more of the consequences of the prehistoric world?

Is there any factor here that Liu Hao guessed? Do you know that the longer you stay in the wild world, the more you will be trapped in a certain realm?

Pangu opened the sky, and the prehistoric era came into being.

According to legend, when Pangu opened the sky, due to the emergence of the Dao of Heaven, Pangu was subject to his calculations, which led to his death from exhaustion.

In the past, Liu Hao still had a little trust in this rumor. The reason why he did not agree with it was because he understood that the way of heaven in the prehistoric world did not give birth to his own consciousness.

What now? This last trace of doubt disappeared.

It may be very difficult to open up a world from chaos, but it is definitely not that difficult. It is just that the level of the ancient world is too high, which makes it much more difficult. But even so, it is impossible to suppress Pangu to exhaustion. die.

Now the cultivation level of Master Xuanwu is the greatest proof.

A four-spirited Xuanwu that came out of Pangu's creation of the sky was able to create its own world in the chaos, and even imprisoned many powerful people in the realm of heaven in the world that it carried on its back, which also illustrates Pangu's cultivation at that time. It definitely exceeded the limit that Liu Hao could predict.

How could such a Pangu die just because he opened up a vast wilderness?

He didn't care whether Pangu was still alive or not, whether he was still sleeping in a hidden place in the ancient world, or in what form Pangu would return in the future.

But one thing he can be sure of is that when Pangu returns, his realm will definitely be far more powerful than the current Xuanwu Master!

He guessed that the so-called Pangu opened the sky and proved the Tao, which was basically the legendary Tao.

That is the source of the Tao of Chaos. After it is realized, it can be on an equal footing with the Tao. Just thinking about it is already confusing.

It seemed that he also realized that this realm was too far away from him, and that no matter how much he thought about it, it would be meaningless. This also made him pull back his wandering thoughts and concentrate on the study of the restrictions of the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard'.

In front of his eyes, countless law threads flashed in his eyes, changing anytime and anywhere, as if they would never end.

During these countless transformations, they emerged one after another with "Dao Wen", but they never slowed down because of the appearance of "Dao Wen". They still passed by in such a flash, as if they didn't care about Liu at all. Whether Hao saw it clearly or not, he didn't care whether Liu Hao wrote it down, let alone whether Liu Hao could understand it.

These changes reminded Liu Hao that this 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' did not belong to him at all.

Fortunately, there is no danger here, and there is plenty of time for him to refine it.

It happened that I finally saw the difference, but I couldn't lose this opportunity because of my eagerness for quick success.

Perhaps because of his calmness, he really discovered more.

He found that these countless law threads were so small and fragile compared to the entire law chain, but even so, if he looked deeply into them, among these law threads, everything the law chain had, they also had the same have.

The only difference is that it is not much more than the size. It is like the original giant has been shrunk countless times, but still retains all its legal abilities. It is no wonder that they can be transformed and entangled under the constant changes. , can form any 'Daowen'.

When one is discovered, a second discovery quickly follows.

At this time, Liu Hao discovered these 'Tao Wen' again, which seemed to have a specific order.

They may not really form a 'book', but they definitely have certain rules.

This discovery made Liu Hao feel both excited and annoyed.

Because he didn’t know which ‘Dao Wen’ was originally composed of these law threads.

Just like a movie, when I really concentrate on watching it, some time has passed, and I don't know how long it has been. The previous plot is impossible to guess, and I can only guess it from the following plot. Peep the full movie reveal.

He also knew that there was nothing he could do even if he regretted it at this time. He had no idea how many of these 'Tao Wen' there were and whether they would be repeated over and over again. He could only abandon all other emotions and try hard to remember each one. With the emergence of "Daowen", we strive to record and connect the information displayed by this "Daowen", so as to maximize the analysis of all the information on the first prohibition of the "Heaven and Earth Chessboard".

Cultivation has no time, Liu Hao is like this at this time, and he doesn't pay attention to the loss of time at all. He devotes himself to it. I don't know how long it has passed, but Liu Hao's mind suddenly trembles as he sinks into the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' .

Following the vibration of his spiritual thoughts, ripples appeared all over the body of Liu Hao, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. As these ripples rippled, an unknown number of huge 'chessboard' phantoms also appeared above his head. Manifested above.

This is the vision that Liu Hao refined into the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' and manifested the first forbidden phenomenon in the world. This vision spread out in a mighty way, covering the entire world of White Tiger's dojo in just a moment, and there was no one there yet. stop;

It seemed to ignore the limitations of the heaven and earth of the White Tiger Master's dojo. After a slight pause, it also explored the barrier of heaven and earth and began to stir up the chaos at the edge of the White Tiger Master's dojo, stirring up countless chaotic winds and fires.

In the dojo, several saints who devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their own opportunities also closed their eyes tightly. They did notice the changes in the world of the Great White Tiger, but even so, they still resolutely ignored it. , compared with the opportunity they were sinking into at this time, it seemed that they could be ignored.

However, the saints can ignore it, but the many quasi-sages outside the dojo are having some difficulties.

The power of the chaotic wind and fire stirring up the phantom on the chessboard of heaven and earth was so powerful that even if it affected them, it was enough for them to deal with it with all their strength.

Fortunately, these quasi-sages all understand the need to unite in the face of crisis. Of course, this is also a huge reason why they all feel that the world of White Tiger Master's dojo may be opened due to the appearance of this vision.

Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed in the end. After some embarrassing resistance, more than half of the quasi-sages inside bore traces of scars, but the hoped-for opening of the dojo world still did not appear.

The only thing that comforted them was that they were lucky, otherwise they would really have jumped.

This comfort is that the many laws of the great road that were originally looming and manifested seem to be much more obvious. Before, they needed to look carefully, but now they can find a lot by just scanning. Naturally, they don't want to miss this even if Many opportunities have been reduced.

In the world of the dojo, Hongjun and Houtu had a collision of consciousness across space, but they were curious and wanted to communicate.

"This heaven and earth chessboard seems to be very suitable for Taoist friends. Hongjun, don't you have the intention to seize it?"

Hou Tu's words brought a hint of schadenfreude, and even Hongjun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

But he also knew that Hou Tu's words had another hidden meaning, which was that he didn't want to take it down himself.

Hongjun himself also understood that for a moment, he did feel greedy, but it only lasted for a moment.

He knows very well that what suits him and whether he needs it are completely different things.

The former shows that this innate treasure that appeared first was really obtained by him, and the power it can exert in his hands must be very huge.

But the latter was telling him that he had already fully mastered the great path represented by this innate treasure, so was it still necessary to snatch a meaningless treasure?

Furthermore, doesn't Hongjun not know that this innate treasure was left here by the Great White Tiger simply for Liu Hao?

That being the case, why would he offend a strong man whose realm was at least equal to his own?

It was just an innate treasure, and he Hongjun really didn't care.

"Fellow Taoist seems to have the intention of leaving the primitive world?"

Hongjun was not polite and directly raised the speculation revealed in Hou Tu's words. What he got in return was Hou Tu's silence for a while. It took a long time before he heard Hou Tu's long response:

"Don't you have this intention?"

Have it? Of course there is, and even Hongjun has been looking forward to it for countless years.

Don't think that Hongjun is happy just because he controls almost everything in the world.

Maybe he would have this feeling at the beginning, but as time goes by, when Hongjun realizes that no matter how he understands the great road, he can't even think of improving at all, this thought will inevitably arise deep in his heart, and it will become more and more serious. of growth.

It's not like he hasn't thought about leaving the prehistoric world and wandering around in the chaos.

But when he took the first step, he found that he was unable to do it at all, because he was already deeply entangled with the world. There was a state in which there was no distinction between you and me, and it was extremely difficult to cut him off even if he wanted to. .

Because of this, Hongjun had to bury this thought deep in his heart.

This is also the reason why Hongjun chose to watch silently when the Beiju Luzhou World Passage appeared, because this small world passage gave him a feeling of breaking away from this shackles.

He believed in his own induction and was happy about Liu Hao's appearance. Even though Liu Hao introduced hundreds of cultivation systems to the ancient world and to a certain extent was digging into the corners of his Hongjun Xuanmen, he still chose to watch, because he and Compared with leaving the primitive world and entering a higher realm, this loss is nothing at all.

Facts have also proved that Hongjun's tolerance has paid off, that is, the emergence of Xuanwu Master's dojo, Xuanwuzhou has directly integrated into the ancient world, and helped the ancient world return to the beginning. In this process, he, Hongjun, has benefited the most. one of?

Not to mention other things, just because it allowed him Hongjun and the Five Elements to repay a lot of karma in the prehistoric world, he made a lot of money.

Today, the world of White Tiger Dojo has another gain.

With his cultivation level, he can still comprehend something in a vast world, which explains everything.

"Do you have any plans, fellow Taoist?" Hongjun still did not directly answer Hou Tu's rhetorical question.

It's not that he doesn't want to admit it directly, but that in their realm, once spoken, it is the decree of heaven and earth. It is impossible to say that it will cause huge changes in the ancient ways of heaven and earth, and it can only be mentioned in a vague way.

"I've thought about it over and over, but there's nothing much that can be said about it. However, this little guy can achieve Hunyuan in the ancient world with a three-corpse incarnation. You should have some expectations, right?"

"That's true! It seems that not only Fellow Taoist, Fellow Daoist Nuwa also has ideas!"

"It's still early for her..."


Hongjun didn't seem to believe it. He had an intuition that Hou Tu and Nu Wa must have reached an agreement in private, or that even if there was no agreement, there was still a lot of tacit understanding. However, he also did not point it out because it was not necessary. He was confident that Even if Hou Tu and Nu Wa join forces, he has nothing to fear.

"Fellow Taoist has created a mirror image of the Six Paths of Reincarnation across the world. Maybe you can get a glimpse of it?"

"I'd like to think so, but it's not true. It consumes a lot of effort but yields little reward. I gave up after trying it, so don't worry! Do fellow Taoists also want to give it a try?"

"Fellow Taoist understands your intentions well. As the controller of the prehistoric tunnels, fellow Taoist has done twice the result with half the effort. But the poor Taoist has done what he did and fell into the inferior position. It's not okay to do anything!"

"You are free and easy!" Hou Tu smiled, and then gave some explanation: "I peeked into the little guy's world, and I vaguely saw endless spots of light, like the entanglement of the avenues. I wanted to take a closer look but couldn't see clearly. Maybe it was the mirror image of the six paths of reincarnation. It’s not enough, it’s better to wait and see again!”

"This arrangement by fellow Taoist can be described as sophisticated!"

Hongjun could tell that Hou Tu had not hidden anything from him. To a certain extent, they all had a common goal, and some intentional information sharing between them was sincere.

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