Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and thirteen. The only chance

1513. The only chance

Of course, if Hongjun and Houtu were able to be very honest with each other because they had a common goal, then neither of them would believe it.

Under certain circumstances, there is still huge competition between the two of them.

Because even they don't know whether the burden that the other one has to bear will become heavier after one of them escapes from the wild world.

If this is the case, it means that the difficulty for another person who wants to escape from the primitive world will be even higher. It is even possible that he will lose the opportunity that finally appeared because of this, and will be imprisoned in the primitive world forever. It's not impossible.

Both of them knew this very well, and they both tacitly agreed not to mention it at all.

This is a relationship of cooperation and competition in itself. Some information can be shared, but after it is shared, you need to judge whether it is true or not. If the other party digs a hole and buries it, you can only blame yourself for one wrong move.

Previously, Hou Tu's mocking tone in his false inquiry was not a sign of irritation.

Hongjun answered calmly and gave Hou Tu a satisfactory answer, which also earned Hou Tu his last sincerity.

It has to be said that even if one's cultivation has reached the realm of Heavenly Dao, there is still no way to get rid of intrigues.

In the Heaven and Earth of the Great White Tiger Dojo, Hongjun and Houtu almost unanimously withdrew their spiritual thoughts after talking, and turned their attention to Liu Hao himself who was still refining the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' with all his heart.

During this process, both of them also glanced at White Tiger Liu Hao, and found that the other party still seemed indifferent and lost interest.

They can somewhat understand White Tiger Liu Hao's thoughts.

They are one body. If this treasure is more suitable for White Tiger Liu Hao, it will eventually fall into the hands of White Tiger Liu Hao. Naturally, there is no need to do anything.

And this time, it seems that Liu Hao, the White Tiger who is a disciple of the ancient tunnel, is indeed not suitable for the treasure of the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', but this mentality still makes Hongjun and Houtu think highly of it.

But they didn't know that White Tiger Liu Hao really had no interest at all, because he had already found his own future fighting path. So what if he got a treasure that didn't fit his own fighting mode at all?

He was happy for his own deity. White Tiger Liu Hao was already giving him a lot of face. If other saints had to go, he would just glance at him.

And for that reason, why not refine the 'Cicada Wing White Tiger Blade' that you have tested?

In fact, White Tiger Liu Hao has already thought about whether to hand over the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Merit Ruler' to him, but now he seems to be no longer in a hurry.

On the other side, having the experience of the first restriction, Liu Hao analyzed it one after another, and soon crossed the first threshold, which was the twelve restrictions.

Starting from the thirteenth ban, Liu Hao also found that the difficulty increased sharply, just like jumping from elementary school to junior high school. It seemed that a single subject could be combined with the content he had already mastered, but the accumulation of so many subjects , it seems too complicated.

He continued to gather his thoughts, walked out of the joy just now, and continued his career in refining the treasure. For him, the chessboard of heaven and earth already belonged to him. It was nothing more than seizing the analytical model obtained by this accident and exploring more from it. Come.

As long as he can capture enough Taoist knowledge from the forbidden treasures on the chessboard of heaven and earth, it will obviously have a great promotion effect on other treasures he originally possessed. Even the twenty-fourth grade pure world white lotus, the heavenly treasure, may be You can also step into familiarity.

He knew very well that after he obtained the Pure White Lotus, the number of people who could really use this heavenly treasure was only one ten thousandth, because whether it was his cultivation or his understanding of the Dao, he could only say that it was only on the surface. That’s all.

Even with the innate treasure in his hand, the chessboard of heaven and earth, he did not dare to say that he could completely refine the restrictions within it with this refining process that resembled the teaching mode.

The innate treasure corresponds to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, that is, a saint. Non-sages and Hunyuan cannot be refined. This is like a part of the laws of heaven and earth. Even if I have the help of White Tiger Liu Hao, I still need to do it. It costs a lot of money.

In the ancient world, this is a rule that any monk knows. It is like a master of weapon refining. When he is refining the 'acquired treasure', even if the refining is just a coincidence, the laws of heaven and earth must be followed. Push him to 'Hunyuan'.

Of course, such a method of enlightenment is bound to be accompanied by a 'heavenly tribulation' or a 'heavenly punishment'. As long as you accept this test, the world will push you behind you and push you up.

Isn’t this ‘encouraging’ these quasi-holy monks?

Any treasure, even if it is refined the day after tomorrow, will be a great boost to the ancient world. It is just a little less than the innate spiritual treasure, but it will increase the overall luck of the world. , the world wishes that everyone could do it.

Just like Yuanshi Tianzun took the broken remnant veins of Buzhou Mountain and refined the 'Heaven-shaking Seal', an acquired treasure. To a certain extent, it is bound to be rewarded by the world. For example, when the Yin Shang Dynasty became a god , the Twelve Golden Immortals under the original sect are always so dangerous to avoid danger, it is because of the catastrophe caused by their killings, but in the end they live in peace, who are you going to explain to them?

This is not just a matter of calculation alone. The real decisive role in it is due to luck. It was only under the suppression of Yuanshi Tianzun Pangu Banner that such an effect was achieved.

Liu Hao could guess some of these things.

No one would have too much of an innate treasure.

His suppression of the fate of great religions is enough to make all living beings covet him.

Outside the world of the dojo, calm has returned again. Everyone is sitting on one side. If anyone compares the seats before and after, they will find that the original seating order of their companions has been turned upside down. There is me among you, and you among me. Those reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God, At this time, regardless of whether others around them would cause harm to themselves, their desire to seek the truth is no weaker than anyone else's.

In the prehistoric era, in Hezhou, Xiniu, Fuxi, dressed in green clothes and with three long beards, was measuring the earth step by step. He was not in a hurry, but every step he took was so firm. As he walked, his His head kept shaking and turning, as if he didn't want to miss any scenery.

Along the way, there were countless people who were looking for trouble for him, but every time Fuxi didn't take the lives of those demons and ghosts just because they provoked him.

Even if the creature itself was entangled with karma, Fuxi would just knock it out, and then most likely hide behind and observe.

It is true that almost every time such a guy is knocked unconscious by Fuxi, his body will be picked up by other passers-by not long after. There is no exception.

This discovery made Fuxi's face even more enlightened.

Humanity means humanity. As a saint who wants to become a saint under the throne of Nuwa, the controller of humanity, he must truly break away from the shackles of the 'human race'.

These are not simple for Fuxi.

Sometimes you clearly know that you need to change your stance, but your long-standing habits will still carry you on again and again. Often when you look back with admiration, you will find that the path you have taken is still the same.

Many times, I want to change again and again, but still fail again and again.

Naturally, Empress Nuwa knew these truths very well, but telling Fu Xi from her mouth and Fu Xi understanding them through his own understanding were completely different things.

Cultivation, state of mind, conduct.

Of these three, Fuxi can be said to have reached the peak.

It's not that Fuxi has touched the edge of Hunyuan or sainthood, but that he has accumulated enough experience to become a saint in the ancient world.

Among Sanqing, Jieyin Zhunti and others, none of them crossed the natural chasm directly when they were quasi-sages. There is no reason why Fuxi would be an exception.

But having it does not mean that this gap can be crossed, otherwise there would not be so many quasi-sages staying in this realm.

In the entire ancient world, there are many people who are similar to Fuxi and have the ability to realize the saints, such as Tathagata, Haotian, Zhen Yuanzi, etc.

When they find their own firm path, what they often lack is an epiphany. It can be said that once they enter the Dao, they become saints with just one thought. Isn't this what they are talking about?

After the imprisonment of heaven and earth is opened and the shackles are gone, the competition is to see who is faster, and the competition is to see who has better luck.

The Fuxi clan is not lacking in this aspect. Even without the private and deliberate care of Empress Nuwa, she is weaker than anyone else. Especially when the heavens and the worlds are connected, he, the head of the three emperors of the human race, has countless creatures. He contributes faith.

On the contrary, how to escape from the limitations of the human race is what he really needs to understand.

Fuxi had more or less guessed this. Now he has given up on the great opportunity outside the world of Taoism and has almost completely shut down his own cultivation. Why not start from scratch? Isn’t it to observe all living beings in the world?

I have to say that Fuxi made the right bet this time. If Liu Hao and the saints were here, they would find that the top of Fuxi's head in this state has already emitted the slightest light, and it has the potential to resonate with the world.

On this day, Fuxi met a creature other than demons and monsters, but he was also the real protagonist of Xiniu Hezhou, the monk who walked out of the Lingshan Mountain.

His cultivation level can be said to be very average, it can only be said that he can only reach the immortal level, and his state of mind seems to be very unstable to Fuxi, as if he will fall if he is hit by a blow, but for such a Buddhist monk, he can achieve success wherever he goes. "Heartfelt" respect from all living beings.

Fuxi had seen it several times. Those demons and monsters, even if their cultivation level had crushed the monk, did not dare to approach him lightly. Most of them were noticed from a distance and avoided him.

With such an abnormal trend, how could Fuxi not be curious?

He quietly hid himself and followed the monk all the way without missing any observation. Soon, he understood the real reason.

That monk was basically the spokesperson of Lingshan outside.

It's not the amount of cultivation that makes people fearful, but the benefits implicit in his status.

Throughout Xiniu Hezhou, there are countless monks like this sent out by Lingshan. They are like "tax officers", walking all the way to collect the various resources needed by Lingshan. At a certain point in time, these resources will also be transported Lingshan, to worship the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on Lingshan.

"Whether it's an immortal or a Buddha! Isn't it the same as the human world?"

Fuxi raised his eyes and looked at the sky, and it took him a long time to sigh like this!

"After all, you still can't get rid of the shackles of the soul? Even the Buddha can't avoid it, what about the saints?"

The sudden suspicion made Fuxi's eyes full of confusion. He just stood there like a rock, standing still despite the wind and rain.

Only those who truly understand will understand that Fuxi is not just confused. Isn't this a spiritual inquiry?

If he couldn't cross it, it would be almost impossible for Fuxi to become a saint during this catastrophe.

If we cross it, perhaps not long after, the first humane saint in the ancient world will be born in front of all living beings.

Fu Xi was like this, and so was the Tathagata who left the wilderness.

On Liu Hao's earth, the old monk transformed by the Tathagata has completely abandoned the original Buddhist scriptures and has truly integrated himself into all living beings. What is the difference between this approach and re-cultivation?

When one day, the old monk Tathagata returns to the quasi-sage perfection again, the Naya Saint rank will be like a small threshold, stepped on lightly;

And when the Tathagata writes down the scriptures gained from his re-reflection, it will be the true manifestation of the great path in his heart, and he will truly have the ability to break through the world and create chaos.

This is the connection between the heavens and the world, giving the true masters of the prehistoric era the greatest and only opportunity.

But for those at the top like Fuxi and Tathagata, once is enough. Either they have been lingering outside this opportunity without knowing how to step in, or if they step in, it is often the opportunity for them to explode after countless years of accumulation.

These people also include Haotian, Zhen Yuanzi, and even Xuandu, as well as Zhulong, who has always been sitting in the underworld and serving as the sun and moon in the underworld;

Of course, there is also the Ancestor Styx who has been keeping a low profile in the sea of ​​​​blood and has almost disappeared from the world.

At this time, the Styx River obviously also exploded with unprecedented momentum.

At one point, Obsessive Liu Hao and Qinglong Liu Hao had to stop communicating and take action to suppress the ripples of the 'Zhoutian Xingdou Formation' caused by the Styx Ancestor's breakthrough.

"This Qi machine has probably been locked by the crack in the abyss!"

"Whether it's because we didn't suppress it in time, or whether it was an accident or coincidence, we have to face it now that it's come to this!"

"The breath of the Styx is transmitted into the abyss through the crack where the abyss is located, which does not mean that it will be discovered, but the preparations that should be made must still not be missed!"

"I originally thought that I would come here and replace you so that you could travel around the world, but now it seems that we still have to wait for a while!"

"At the very least, we need to see how the abyss world on the other side reacts!"

Both of them looked very solemn. The reason why they never gave an accurate estimate was because they didn't want the Abyss to change with the Vanguard Invasion. If they really wanted to come to Yasheng and his ilk, they would have to bite the bullet.

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