Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and twenty-five. Substitution

1525. Substitution

Falling in love across racial lines is nothing to the people of Yan and Huang.

It should be noted that it was Dayu who opened the door in the first place, and then Xu Xian carried it forward, and it has become an ancient legend.

Also thinking of Bai Suzhen, Liu Hao suddenly remembered that he and Tongtian had met before in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Now that Wudang Holy Mother has arrived on her own earth, he doesn't know if Tongtian will take over. If it turns out to be true, Bai Suzhen will be lucky.

He thought about 'Xiaoqian' and Ning Caichen again. According to his estimation, there is a high probability that a passage to this world will appear in a certain corner of his own earth. If this passage happens to appear in a certain demon clan's control area, there is a high probability that it will appear in a certain corner of the world. This beautiful 'love' will no longer exist.

Obsessed, Liu Hao shook his head, too lazy to think about it. There were so many heavens and realms, how many of them could he manage even if he wanted to?

We can only make peace with our destiny, and hope that the 'protagonists' can still maintain their own luck.

He turned his gaze to the picture again. After looking at it for a long time, he had to admit that the group of Marvel visitors brought by Ancient Yi really cooperated with each other very well.

Maybe they also know that if they fight alone here, they are just like a gangster, and they have put aside all their inner reserve.

Liu Hao's guess was correct. When Ancient One brought them into Liu Hao's earth, they were all extremely proud. It seemed that even Thanos could handle it, and any difficulty was not considered difficult.

How did they know that the reason why they were able to defeat Thanos was not because of their own sufficient combat power, but because of the protection given to them by the blessing of the world's will.

In other words, their victory was completely a coincidence, and it was completely the product of the halo of their protagonist, and among them, Liu Hao, who was a guest in the Marvel world at the time, used protective measures.

They weigh the level of most people. To use the unified name of all heavens and worlds, they have just stepped into the immortal level. And such opponents can be found everywhere in the Zhoutian Star Formation. They have left the Marvel world. Without the protection of the will of the Marvel world, they can only be considered at the bottom.

It can be said that with just a little wave, most of them will turn into ashes.

Gu Yi also knew this group of people too well, so he guarded them step by step.

Fortunately, this group of people has been tempered by wind and rain. After all, they know their own position and admit their weakness, which is actually a good thing.

After watching for a long time, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, also discovered that this group of people crossing the world was really nothing.

Just like Spider-Man, the son of Marvel, he is just a clown. There is no support from any building in the area. In the open space, the most he can do is launch spider webs to trap the enemy, and then There is no more, and it can only be used as a small assistant.

The "big and small" Ant-Man is much smarter than the little spider. Judging from his condition, it is obvious that he has learned magic from Natasha. Although the method is still ineffective, fortunately, he has already started and the future is promising.

"The Shield Man is the product of gene injection, and the same is true for the little spiders. Since they know that the pure power system cannot deal with the abyss spores, they must have tried to learn magic, but now they have not been seen using it. Most of them are 'Muggles' One! How pitiful!”

Liu Hao shook his head. Steve might be in a better condition. After being injected with genetic medicine, most of them still retain their human nature. The little spider is not so much a human being as it has transformed into a spider spirit.

I don’t know if the little guy can let go of his persistence in the future and choose to embark on the path of cultivating demons.

Thousands of great dharma, different paths lead to the same destination.

As a Yanhuang human being, Liu Hao didn't care about this at all, but could Little Spider pass this test in his heart?

You must know that once you embark on the path of demon cultivation, the chances of your body's organs transforming towards the demon clan will be greater, and even one of you will completely turn into a spider in the future. At that time, you will have no choice but to follow the demon clan. Days passed.

This is actually a small cycle, just like the demon clan. When they step into the immortal level, they will most likely reconstruct their bodies and turn into human beings to continue practicing. As their cultivation levels improve again and again, they will most likely become human again. Will choose the original demon body structure.

After going through the cycle twice, and reappearing in front of the world in a human body, this demon race has probably attained the level of Daluo Jinxian.

At this time, the demon clan has often lost the pursuit of body structure and can only be comfortable.

It's just that Little Spider doesn't have any guide, and Gu Yi also knows very little about it. Liu Hao has no interest in going to give guidance, and he doesn't have that interest. So, Little Spider will probably only be able to serve as a guide for a long time in the future. Fringe characters hang out among the team.

Maybe it won't be long before the little spider discovers that he is ineffective and will completely lose confidence. After returning to the real world of Marvel, he will never enter the world to experience again, right?

On the big stage of the universe, as many people rise as a result, so many people will fall as a result.

The little spider in the future will never be the first, nor will he be the last. Compared with many other creatures who lost their lives because of this, he is already considered lucky.

"Ancient One may become a fighting force in the future!"

The voice of Qinglong Liu Hao came from beside him. It's no wonder that he hasn't changed the camera. It turns out that his eyes have been locked on Gu Yi for a long time. He was basically doing various evaluations, right?

But Liu Hao still agreed with what he said and said that his talent was there.

Breaking away from the shackles of Marvel Earth is the real transcendence for Ancient One. Once he seizes this opportunity, Ancient One will never give up. It can be said that he can truly maximize his talents.

"Thunder God Thor, I don't know when he will be able to shoulder this important task!"

"This is your destiny! If you don't experience a real catastrophe, if you don't have the heavy burden of Asgard, you won't have any pressure. I always think in my heart that Odin will carry him if the sky falls!"

"Every gain must come with a loss! But at least Asgard has not been destroyed. For him, maybe this is happiness?"

Qinglong Liu Hao shook his head slightly and did not continue to follow Liu Hao's sigh. Perhaps he lost all interest. With a thought, the picture spread hundreds of miles in front of the three people blurred instantly;

After a moment, another new lens was locked, this time it was Xiao Long'er. Qinglong Liu Hao's eternally indifferent face also showed a rare hint of softness.

Ancestor Minghe frowned at the appearance of Xiao Long'er. It was obvious that he regarded Xiao Long'er as a member of the ancient dragon clan, but after much deliberation, he still didn't know where it came from, so he could only turn his attention to the two incarnations of Liu Hao. , the moment he turned his head, he also caught the change in Qinglong Liu Hao's expression, which made him stunned, and he immediately suppressed the words he wanted to ask.

"Hahaha...this is my son!"

Obsessed, Liu Hao gave the answer, but had no idea of ​​further explanation. Ancestor Styx was already very satisfied with this answer, and he would not do such a thing if he continued to investigate.

Previously, Qinglong Liu Hao packed all the water tribes gathered by Xiao Longer in the Pacific into one area, and then brought the hundreds of thousands of troops that Liu Hao brought from the Mythical Three Kingdoms to this area, and directly gave him the Sanguang Divine Water to nourish him. , now we can see the real effect.

The healing effect of the three-light divine water of living dead human flesh and white bones is at the top even in the ancient world. That is to say, Liu Hao got too much at once, otherwise he would not dare to waste it like this.

Didn't you see that the Ancestor Styx on the side now has slightly red eyes?

The two incarnations of Liu Hao were very satisfied. The key was not other things, but the scale of personnel losses. The area arranged by them was really pitiful.

Among them, the ones who played the most important role did not need to think too much to know that they were Zhou Yu and Jia Xu.

Especially for the former, when Xiao Longer was unintentional and unable to command the army in battle, Zhou Yu was the biggest commander. Under his command, the number of abyssal spores killed may not be the top few, but it would also kill every participant. Great care.

With this kind of play, the merits that can be earned are much less distributed to each participant, but the victory lies in stability. In addition, with the return of Xiao Longer, this line of defense has been strengthened by the two incarnations of Liu Hao. It seems that the demon clan side is even more monolithic than Bai Ze's.

"Xiao Longer has reached the peak of Da Luo, what are your plans?"

"No rush! It will take some time for Xiao Long'er to practice dragon combat skills!"

"Just keep it in mind at this time!"


The two incarnations did not hide a word from Ancestor Ming He. After observing for a while, Ming He also saw the extraordinary nature of Xiao Longer's bloodline.

He could vaguely see that Xiao Longer's dragon bloodline was at a very high level, and he could even feel a pressure similar to that of the 'turbid dragon' surrounding him across countless spaces. He had many doubts in his heart, but he still chose to remain silent.

If it were someone else who opened his mouth to ask Styx about the Rakshasa girl's heel, he would have been considered a good-tempered person if he didn't beat the other person to death on the spot. He would not understand what he could do and what he couldn't do.

Perhaps he also felt that the two incarnations of Liu Hao would continue to observe Xiao Longer. After watching for a while, the ancestor of the Styx River consciously chose to avoid it. He said hello to the two of them, and stood under the green dragon Liu Hao's feet. Under the thought, a road of silver light appeared, extending all the way to the eye of the Zhoutian Star Formation, the 'Taiyin Star', which was also the original retreat place of the Styx Ancestor.

Before leaving, Ancestor Minghe bowed slightly politely, and the two of them returned the bow and then left. When he disappeared, Liu Hao said:

"Styx has already nodded. Why don't you take this opportunity to visit the world of 'Grave'?"

"It's been several days, and we still haven't seen the Abyss master arrive. This level is probably in the past!"

Qinglong Liu Hao did not answer directly. In fact, he was hesitating in his heart.

If he encounters the Heaven of the Grave World on his own earth, he will not be afraid at all, but if he switches to the opponent's home court, he cannot ignore the taboos due to his arrogance.

"It doesn't matter! Even if the Abyss Sub-Saint comes, it's only one person! The information from White Tiger Liu Hao who turned forward to go to the abyss also shows that the Abyss Demon Gods who have reached the Sub-Saint level will not live in groups like sheep!"

"You really want me to explore the road?"

"I don't know why, but I always feel that giving the 'Grave World' some time is not a good thing!"

"Really?" Qinglong Liu Hao whispered softly, and after a while he continued: "You want to see if I can devour the other person?"

"Hahaha! I can't hide it from you!" Liu Hao, who was obsessed with this, really thought this in his heart.

Qinglong Liu Hao is a practitioner of the laws of heaven, and he and he are basically peers. It is just a matter of who is superior and who is inferior. Obviously, in this regard, Obsession Liu Hao is not generally optimistic about Qinglong Liu Hao.

"However, if you are really determined, you'd better go to the ancient world for a trip! According to my expectation, the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Merit Ruler' will definitely have a lot of restraint on the way of heaven!"

"A treasure of merit? Your guess is not unreasonable!" Qinglong Liu Hao nodded slightly, "Well, it's time to meet with me!"

While speaking, Qinglong Liu Hao spread his palm, and a crystal clear white lotus appeared on it, and then threw it directly to Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it. However, once he made a decision, he never hesitated and left as soon as he said it.

However, Qinglong Liu Hao stepped out of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and appeared on the edge of the Shiwan Mountain in the southwest of the Dragon Kingdom. He had no intention of looking around, nor was he of such a character, but when he arrived here, he keenly discovered A trace of Buddha's light rose from the third brother's kingdom, and the steps he had taken stopped unconsciously.

"Tathagata? Is it possible that he is still in the third brother's country?"

He couldn't help but become curious. If it were anyone else, Qinglong Liu Hao wouldn't be like this, but Tathagata is a Buddhist. Now that he has arrived on his own earth, any small movement will inevitably cause a huge storm on his own earth. Since If you encounter it, there is no reason not to take a closer look.

To the east of the middle of the third brother, the figure of Qinglong Liu Hao stayed in the void. Looking down, he saw Tathagata dressed as an old monk at a glance, just like a mortal. He also worked hard with the ordinary third brother. Qinglong Liu Hao saw it. I couldn't help but feel stunned for a while.

"Is the Buddha who can actually put down his majesty and step down from the throne to share joys and sorrows with his followers still the Buddha on the Lingshan Mountain in the ancient West?"

Qinglong Liu Hao's voice reached Tathagata's ears very softly, but resolutely, causing the old monk Tathagata who was carrying the giant tree to pause slightly at his feet, and a wry smile appeared on his face. With a thought, his true body The industry has disappeared.

"I've met Emperor Ziwei!"

"Buddha is right!"

"Infinite Life Buddha! The Emperor is laughing at this. The poor monk is the Buddha, and the Buddha is also a poor monk. Since he has entered the mortal world, he cannot be arrogant!"

Tathagata's words were sincere, but Qinglong Liu Hao grasped the key point in Tathagata's words, which was the prefix 'Immeasurable Life Buddha'. His eyes stared deeply at the other person, and after a long time he spoke:

"But I congratulate fellow Taoist for understanding his own way!"

"Congratulations!" Tathagata did not hide Liu Hao's thoughts, and did not show any other emotions after being seen through. It seemed that he was still the same Tathagata in the past, but both of them knew that even if today's Tathagata still retains the title of Buddha, he will not be able to express his emotions in the future. The storm caused by returning to prehistoric times is still inevitable.

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