Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and twenty-six. Xiao Zizai and Lao Liao

1526. Xiao Zizai and Lao Liao

In the Shiwan Mountain in the southwest, Qinglong Liu Hao left Tathagata's place. He always had something on his mind along the way. He didn't let go of his thoughts until he arrived at the gate of World Tongdu.

He had to admit that none of the small group of powerful people who could stand high in the world were easy to get along with. Almost anyone who saw a chance would be caught in their hands.

Yun Zhongzi is like this, Zhen Yuanzi is like this, Ancestor Minghe is like this, Avalokitesvara is like this, Tathagata Buddha is like this too!

Even the Xuandu Archmage, Wudang Holy Mother and others who arrived early have also made great progress. Perhaps there is still no breakthrough in their cultivation, but Liu Hao can clearly see their combat power compared to when they first arrived.

In the future, Liu Hao also believes that as long as Master Xuandu, Our Lady of Wudang and others understand their opportunity, they will definitely be able to grasp it. By then, the level of Yasheng may be "flooded".

"Greetings to Emperor Ziwei!"

"Good luck, fellow ghost laner! But it's thanks to fellow Taoist priests who protect this place!"

"What a blessing for this poor man!"

"The poor Taoist happened to be busy with something, I'm sorry to trouble you fellow Taoist!"

"Please, Your Majesty!"

Qinglong Liu Hao was very satisfied with Gui Che's current attitude, and gave a rare 'people-friendly' response.

How could he not know that Gui Che was deliberately catering to him?

You don't need to think too much to guess how anxious Gui Che is now.

The return of Emperor Jun Taiyi to the Monster Clan has not yet seen the benefits for the ghost car at the top of Beiju Luzhou, but the disadvantages have been completely revealed. After thinking about it, this guy catered to Liu Hao, the biggest among them. The purpose must be to find a way out for himself.

Liu Hao naturally would not choose to refuse. He wished that Gui Che could use him to trick him, but he could not rush this matter. Whether it was him or Gui Che, it was impossible for both parties to establish trust immediately.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Qinglong Liu Hao stepped into the ancient world and immediately noticed the aura of disaster that filled the sky and the earth.

"But it came at the wrong time!"

"Greetings to Emperor Ziwei!"

"It's hard work, General Rolling the Shutter! If the General has the opportunity to meet the Great Heavenly Lord, he may ask for another job!"

"Thank you for your concern, the Great Emperor. I will do my best for the arrangements made by the Great Heavenly Lord!"

Sha Wujing's answer can only be said to be that Liu Hao's good intentions are being treated like a donkey. You are just a rolling curtain general next to the Jade Emperor. So what if you are Haotian's confidant? Do you really think I want to bribe you?

But since Sha Wujing was wary of him, Qinglong Liu Hao would naturally not be too troublesome. He nodded slightly towards Sha Wujing, turned his head and started counting in his hands.

"It's okay! Although the secret of heaven is disordered, the breath is still there!"

But it was Qinglong Liu Hao who had arrived at the position of his true deity, and they could be regarded as one. Otherwise, at this time of great catastrophe, this trip would have been in vain.

In the ancient wilderness, the land of the far west, on the edge of chaos, the figure of Qinglong Liu Hao came out. There were many quasi-sages in front of him, even if he was as indifferent as he could not help but open his mouth slightly.

"It's a coincidence! Great Master White Tiger was born in the dojo, no wonder I and the White Tiger are in the same direction!"

But having said that, Qinglong Liu Hao could only frown. Compared with White Tiger Liu Hao, who had the opportunity to connect with the White Tiger Master Dojo and step into it, he, the incarnation of Qinglong, was not so lucky and could only vaguely see Seeing a glimmer of brilliance, it seems that maybe one can break through and enter from here.

If this vagueness had happened in other days, Qinglong Liu Hao had tried and tried. He had the confidence that even if he failed, he would not be scarred. But now he has to consider other things, because he is not the only one here. The quasi-sage said it is It’s not an exaggeration to have too many lackeys.

Once he takes action, others will surely follow suit. If this group of quasi-sages are injured as a result, the cause and effect lies with him, and he will definitely offend all the quasi-sages' companions.

He can leave in the future, but what about me?

Obviously, I have intended to comprehend the Three Thousand Great Paths in the ancient world. If there are too many causes and effects, the obstacles will inevitably become greater, which is not a good thing.

"That's all, there's no rush!"

Liu Hao, the incarnation of Obsession on Earth, sits in the Zhoutian Xingdou Grand Formation's Purple Star Formation Eyes. His eyes are bright and clear. Here, he can see every detail in the entire formation clearly.

He looked around and saw that all the creatures fighting within it had gained something, and he felt very happy in his heart.

Soon, he was attracted to a fighting position, which was guarded by monks from the World Under One Person.

The reason why Liu Hao was attracted was not simply because he saw a few acquaintances, but because two of them really made it difficult for him to look away.

One of them is 'Xiao Zizai', a 'killing talent' with the title of 'Great Mercy and Great Compassion' in the world under one person.

Before Liu Hao arrived in time travel, Under One Person had not finished yet, so it was naturally impossible to know the follow-up of this group of people, but this did not prevent him from admiring Xiao Zizai.

This is a 'sick' guy. He was obviously a vegetarian monk at the beginning, but later because he could not restrain his 'murderous intention', he had to choose to join 'Natu Tong' just to get the legitimate 'murder license' '.

Don't think that Xiao Zizai will do whatever he wants just because he has a legitimate 'license to kill'. This person has his own clear will. Even if the murderous intention in his heart is overwhelming, the people he kills must be those who are truly Damn people.

Moreover, before killing someone, Xiao Zizai was afraid that he had seen the wrong person, so he always collected all the information on the other party before determining the enemy's death sentence.

It can be said that the "evil" deep in Xiao Zizai's heart is absolutely terrifying, but he did not lose himself because of the "evil thoughts". On the contrary, he tried his best to stimulate his "good thoughts" and give himself life-saving support. A yoke was added to achieve true self-restraint.

His ‘great compassion’ is not just ‘sarcasm’.

There is a saying in Buddhism: Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately.

Liu Hao used to sneer at this Buddhist saying, because in his concept, evil is evil, and no fault can be offset by good deeds, let alone 'becoming a Buddha'.

But in the case of Xiao Zizai, this sentence explained the other party very well.

Because the ‘butcher’s knife’ in Xiao Zizai’s heart was so clear, but he really let it go!

Compared to the many Buddhist disciples who still wear monk's robes today, Xiao Zizai can be regarded as a rare 'true monk'.

All heavens and realms are connected, and the world under one person can be said to have ushered in a period of tremendous development.

As the secret organization of the Dragon Kingdom under One Person, Nadutong has naturally been vigorously cultivated by the Dragon Kingdom Under One Person. Perhaps it is the greatest luck for Xiao Zizai to step into the front line of the Abyss.

Because here, Xiao Zizai does not need to suppress any 'killing intention' at all, and can really let go of his hands and feet to fight. Therefore, in this area where the world under one person is seated, the abyss spores that Xiao Zizai killed, perhaps It's not the one with the most, but it's definitely among the top three. Naturally, the merits gained from it won't be much worse.

The benefits were naturally put to good use by Xiao Zizi.

Compared with many of his peers, people like Xiao Zizai know what they need more clearly.

He used almost all the merit he gained to wash away the 'evil thoughts' that were brewing in his heart. Even Liu Hao was amazed when he saw this.

It's not that Xiao Zizai's approach was not good enough. On the contrary, since Liu Hao praised him, it naturally shows that Xiao Zizai's choice was just a mistake, and it truly gave him a 'big opportunity' that was difficult for others to encounter.

The way to kill three corpses also exists in the world where one person is under one person.

However, its level is not even as good as the "Beggars Version" among the "Beggars Version" of "Three Corpses Killed in the Ancient World".

It's not that they took a trick, but that they were exposed to these things too early. Even if their future was overdrawn, they could not truly get rid of their 'obsession with good and evil'.

Xiao Zizai suppressed his evil side with the great merit he had obtained, but it was only suppressed and could not be eliminated. It was like suppressing a spring, which would burst out when he really needed to release it in the future. Evil thoughts' must also be very pure.

In other words, when Xiao Zizai Daluo Jinxian achieves his ultimate cultivation in the future and wants to truly kill three corpses, there is a good chance that he will be able to do it!

And how many such opportunities can there be in the universe?

Don't think that there is evil in your heart. If you have extremely evil thoughts, it will have a big bonus on killing three corpses.

Having it and being able to control it are completely different things.

Isn't Xiao Zizi's approach a kind of control that combines both internal and external aspects?

This is a 'man of great perseverance' who clearly has a murderous intention, but is still able to control his own nature, and is still able to treat his heart rationally.

That is to say, Manjusri and others from the Buddhist sect within the Zhoutian Star Formation have not noticed him yet.

Otherwise, most of them will have to talk about all kinds of things in front of Xiao Zizai, and they will have to convert Xiao Zizai.

And as this attention reaches the end, and when Xiao Zizai's cultivation can truly support himself, the choice will become greater whether he will join the ancient Buddhist sect or not.

Liu Hao naturally hopes to see the latter, but he knows very well that Buddhist enlightenment is not a good thing.

Maybe this will be a disaster for Xiao Zizai in his future life, right?

"The world under one person is connected to their own earth early. This initiative can be said to be fully utilized by them!"

Obsessive Liu Hao muttered something softly, but this was when he turned his eyes away from Xiao Zizai and turned to another 'temporary worker' in Nadutong.

This temporary worker is also the oldest person in the world, Lao Liao.

This middle-aged man who looks very cowardly has an ability in his body that is very 'rare' in all the worlds. He has developed it to the extreme. Now he is in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. , when facing the abyss spore opponents, the effect was so obvious that even the "killing for fun" Xiao Zizai killed less than one-tenth of his enemies.

Lao Liao's ability seems to be just as ordinary at first glance. He can only communicate with "living beings".

But this 'communication' is developed to the extreme, which is 'control'. From the beginning, it is a large beast with a higher IQ and easier to communicate as a starting point, and gradually controls it;

Later, it developed to small animals and even insects, and in the end, it could directly control the 'bacteria' level.

From this point, we can see the subtlety of Lao Liao's heart. He knew very well where his advantages were, chose what he was best at, and abandoned almost all the temptations along the way, and that's how he reached his current level.

And Nadutong’s status as a ‘temporary worker’ is the biggest proof of the world under one person.

And because it has been possible to control bacteria-level organisms, within this abyss front line, spore-level abyssal species are simply 'just right' in front of Lao Liao, and they are naturally restrained.

It can be said that as long as Lao Liao stands and simply releases his ability, he can confuse the abyss spores standing within a radius of nearly 10,000 meters around him. Once he does not check, he will lose himself and become a monster. For the chess pieces in Lao Liao's hands, they directly killed each other.

This is the real reason why Lao Liao killed countless abyssal species on the front line of the abyss.

Even though he would be discovered by the nearby abyss spore masters many times, he tried to attack Lao Liao again and again, but failed again and again, because as long as he was close to Lao Liao, their thinking would inevitably be disturbed. The 'Old Liao' they thought they had killed could only be their companion.

Suddenly, Liu Hao also discovered that even in the abyss, there are still various restraint abilities in all the heavens and worlds.

It's just that I have never encountered it before, and it is simply difficult to think of it.

Just like Lao Liao's special ability, if Liu Hao didn't notice it today, even if he saw it before time travel, he would have completely forgotten it. But you can see that such an ability is very important to Ya Sheng who is obsessed with Liu Hao and practices all human laws. For example, you can imitate it once you see it, and then you can really deepen it and combine its essence from thousands of laws.

He subconsciously used the abyss spores in the Zhoutian Star Formation. Sure enough, almost the moment he took it, he could feel the wailing sound deep in the core of these abyss spores, which was just a little comfort. He has already established an inexplicable closeness with these abyss spores;

At this time, with just a little guidance, these abyss spores can no longer find their way north.

It is like implanting a 'huge' illusion deep into the core of these abyss spores, and igniting this 'illusion' at a critical moment. In this way, you can maximize the use of this ability, and also greatly save yourself. energy also.

That's what Lao Liao did.

But for Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, he is much smarter, and he can crush him openly and openly, as if he himself is a powerful man from the abyss, who has accepted the command right from the core of his bloodline, and there is no other and He was of the same level, and his method of applying laws surpassed his. Before the appearance of the Abyss Power, who competed with him for control, he was the biggest 'king' in the hearts of the Abyss Spores.

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