Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and twenty-eight. Depressed

1528. Depressed

There are thirty-six heavenly gangs and seventy-two earth evil spirits in the Taoist gate.

There are martial arts and supernatural powers that are called this, and there are also stars that are called this.

Liu Hao can be considered as having contact with the former. Although he has not studied its deep meaning in detail, it is not completely unknown.

The latter, as Emperor Ziwei, is naturally very familiar with this.

Today, when Liu Hao conducted an in-depth study of evil spirits, he also discovered a profound connection.

In other words, the Taoist sect's research on 'Sha' has long exceeded Liu Hao's expectations. It seems that it has divided the 'Sha' Tao in detail and developed them one by one to form various magical means.

Not only that, but a detailed division is also made, that is, levels.

The Taoist sect has divided the two paths of 'Gang Sha' into different categories, peeling off the degree of difficulty, starting from the highest path at the beginning, and dividing them layer by layer, so that even monks who want to become immortals can learn a lot from them.

And with the in-depth research of these Taoist monks layer by layer, not only the corresponding methods of display were developed, that is, various magical powers;

When these Taoist monks improved their cultivation bit by bit, when they entered the top of the Immortal Order, that is, after the peak of Daluo Jinxian, these monks' research on 'Tiangang' and 'Earth Evil' has reached a certain level. A realm, almost at its peak.

At this point, if these monks continue to develop, it is not impossible to gain the understanding of the laws required for quasi-sage.

This may be the Taoist sect's arrangement from the beginning. Invisibly, a 'shortcut' has been arranged for all the newcomers.

However, it seems that not many people really know about it.

In addition, whether it is the skills and supernatural powers developed in the Thirty-six Heavenly Gangs or the Seventy-two Earthly Demons, they must all be based on the saint's understanding of the ancient world, and they are almost directly pointing to the essence of the great law.

For example, the Thirty-Six Tiangang Cultivation Techniques has a magical skill called "The Universe in Your Sleeve", and the most famous person who uses this skill in Journey to the West is none other than Zhen Yuanzi.

Can you say that Zhen Yuanzi understood the laws of space from the magical skill of ‘The Universe in His Sleeve’?

Even if Zhen Yuanzi was not like this, when the monks who came after them came into contact with these techniques and supernatural powers, were they so stupid that they did not guess at all?

How is that possible?

"The formation of a heaven and earth requires the support of at least 108 laws, and the sum of the thirty-six heavenly gangs and the seventy-two earth evils is exactly the same!

If this is just a coincidence, I don’t believe it either! "

Liu Hao murmured in his mouth, but his brows did not loosen.

He thought that when Patriarch Bodhi taught the skills and methods, he gave Sun Wukong a choice. The monkey probably chose the Seventy-Two Disha Skills because there were more seventy-two than thirty-six. You're probably going to regret it now, right?

Liu Hao didn't care whether Sun Wukong regretted it or not. He was more thinking about who got the Thirty-six Tiangang and Seventy-two Disha skills from Patriarch Bodhi.

As the Taoist incarnation of Zhunti Saint, after much deliberation, Liu Hao could only choose Patriarch Hongjun.

So, are the Thirty-Six Tiangang and the Seventy-two Earthly Demons the inheritance and Zixiao Palace?

Or maybe it was exchanged by Patriarch Bodhi from Sanqing?

Liu Hao thought that it was probably impossible to get an accurate answer on this matter. Naturally, it was impossible for him to ask the saints about this trivial matter, and there was no need.

The reason why he thought of this was because he wanted to place the source on Ancestor Hongjun.

Once this is the case, can these 'evil spirits' be extracted in this way?

By combining laws and means to perform actions, can we also deduce the magical power of the 'Seventy-two Earth Demons'?

He himself does not need these methods, but more wants to use them to deepen his detailed understanding of these corresponding laws.

This approach is like unfolding in front of you one by one how to prove the validity of a mathematical formula. This is how you know what is happening and why!

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Hao couldn't sit still, but soon he could only sigh, because he couldn't calm down and go into seclusion to meditate. Once this happened, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation would be without him. If you sit in charge, there will be problems if you don't know.

Once the Zhoutian Star Dou is shattered due to this, it will not just be as simple as releasing the demon gods and spores from the abyss invasion to their own earth.

Within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, as long as one of our own people killed the enemy and turned into ashes due to the fragmentation of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, they would occupy at least 99% of it.

With such huge karma and cause and effect, let alone a mere sub-sage incarnation, even a saint would look pale.

"No rush! Since we already have a method, we can do it anytime!"

No one answered this sentence, and no one knew it. It was just a helpless comfort from Liu Hao.

He stopped continuing to absorb the evil energy in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation for research, and instead gently activated the heavenly treasure of the Pure World White Lotus under his seat. In a moment, the evil energy that had gathered around him quickly disappeared. It is absorbed by the 'Pure World White Lotus' and is continuously transformed into the spiritual energy needed by the earth.

"Forget it, since I am the one who will carry you into the heavens, why not sell me a hand?"

He had no choice but to give up, but it didn't mean that he didn't have any thoughts about this endless evil spirit.

He sounded nice, as if he really cared about the tens of thousands of people from the Wu Clan. Only Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, knew best that he just wanted to do a small experiment with these tens of thousands of people from the Wu Clan.

Of course, although it is an experiment, it is definitely of great benefit to the people of the Wu Clan.

Among these Wu clan juniors, they can only refine the abyss and decaying atmosphere within the evil spirit through group formations. In Liu Hao's eyes, it is just a thought.

The entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is under his control. It can be said that if he really wants to take action, these visitors from the abyss within the formation will not be able to stop him from waving his hands to peel off the rotten aura of the abyss within the evil aura. Nothing simpler.

With his obsession, Liu Hao pinched a magic spell slightly in his hand, and within the Wu Clan camp, all the abyss of decay was stripped away in the blink of an eye. As the largest leader of the Wu Clan in Liu Hao's earth, Xing Tian instantly noticed the difference. But he soon thought of who took action.

"Thank you, Emperor Ziwei, for your help!"

Xingtian put his hands forward to confess, and the 'Qian Qi' in his hands made a clear collision, as if this was a courtesy of their witch clan. His voice was very loud, but it had a buzzing color, and it sounded like a war drum.


Obsessive Liu Hao also responded, but his eyes were always fixed on the other Wu clan, because he understood that Xing Tian could not be the best reference object at all. On the contrary, the lower the cultivation level of the Wu clan, the more valuable the reference.

The situation was as he expected. The 'evil energy' of the decaying aura that was stripped away from the abyss was a real tonic for the Witch Clan.

For example, if before this, the younger generations of the Wu clan could only absorb what was possible in an hour, now it has increased by more than a hundred times.

And as this group of witches absorbs more evil energy, what is almost visible to the naked eye is the rapid growth of this group of ancestral witches.

"Sun Wukong's steel and iron bones may be due to his own heels. What about Yang Jian?"

"Yang Jian's defense ability is not bad at all. When he and Sun Wukong fought, they went back and forth without falling behind at all.

At that time, Yang Jian did not use any of the 'Thirty-Six Heavenly Gangs' magical powers! "

Liu Hao doesn't think that 'Yang Jian', who is the protector of the Taoist sect, can't learn the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang. It should be noted that even Zhu Bajie can learn it, and Zhu Bajie is just a registered disciple of Master Xuandu.

"It seems that the seventy-two earth evil methods can improve the physical quality of even monks outside the Wu clan!"

"It's just that the effect is far less obvious than that of the Witch Clan!"

Liu Hao murmured, and as time passed, many lights flashed in his eyes.

It's not anything else, but he found that the more pure evil energy these witches absorbed, the greater the effect on their own witch bloodline.

You must know that the improvement of the Wu clan's bloodline is not just as simple as the improvement of the feet, but also the activation of the law bloodline in the body. In other words, this improvement is almost a leap-forward. Once successful, its combat power is often dozens of times higher. .

"It's no wonder that Hongjun is afraid of the Wu Clan! Maybe it's not just that the Wu Clan is not suitable for inheriting the Hongjun Avenue!"

In Liu Hao's words, Hongjun's position has been presupposed, and the source of the Lich's catastrophe has been assigned to Hongjun.

What's more, this is caused by the many novels he read before traveling through time. Even he himself didn't notice it.

This discovery also made Liu Hao a little embarrassed.

Originally, he was very happy to see a way to polish himself against the human race, but now he is a little hesitant.

Because once it is promoted on a large scale, those people in the human race who originally have the blood of the Witch Clan are likely to activate this Witch Clan bloodline unknowingly.

At that time, should these humans who have activated the bloodline of the Wu clan choose the human race itself? Or was he directly recruited by Xing Tian?

His hesitation did not last long. In the end, the biggest crisis was still the abyss. Uniting all the forces that could be united was what he should do for a long time. Before that, his attitude towards the demon clan was not good. Is the same true?

Since the Monster Clan, an ethnic group that is even more different from the Human Clan, can be let go, let alone the Witch Clan?

Furthermore, he does not believe that those humans who have activated the blood of the Witch clan in their bodies will definitely join Xingtian's tent in the future. As long as half of the population chooses the Human clan's stance, it will be the greatest success for the Human clan.

That being the case, what's there to worry about?

Even if the Witch Clan really rises in the future, what will happen without the banner of the Twelve Ancestral Witches?

Do humans need to be afraid?

Empress Houtu could only sit back and watch the decline of the Witch Clan during the Lich Tribulation, and she would never sit back and watch the rising Witch Clan in the future follow in the footsteps of the Lich Tribulation again.

"It seems that we need to discuss it with Master Xuandu. Not only will the core of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gangs and the Seventy-two Earthly Evils be passed down to the human race, but the skin cannot be missing, especially the method of the Seventy-two Earthly Evils!"

Liu Hao was not worried at all that Master Xuandu would refuse. When he was sent by the Moral God Laozi to enter the heavens, he had already received the mission. He came here to preach to the heavens, just some small ways. If he really wanted to hide his clumsiness, he would not do it. It won’t be the Great Master of Xuandu.

Moreover, the one who arrived was Zhuangzi, the incarnation of Master Xuandu. He was originally a member of the human race. The worst he could do was to pay a small price, which he could still afford.

With determination in his heart, Liu Hao did not focus on the Wu Clan side.

"Qinglong Liu Hao has been in charge for so long, it's really embarrassing for him!"

He didn't expect it to be so boring, and he even regretted teasing Qinglong Liu Hao to go to the world of the 'grave'. His character was inherently out of touch, and he was already calculating when Qinglong Liu Hao would return. problem.

How did he know that Qinglong Liu Hao could not get the treasure so quickly after he went to the prehistoric era, and he had no idea how long it would take to complete the wait.

"Fortunately, there is still something to watch within the formation!"

This can be considered helpless among the helpless!

As his gaze reversed, it soon stopped. This time, it was also a group of acquaintances who caught his eye.

A group from the Naruto world.

"Uzumaki Naruto's son is already this old?"

"Is this the Jingyan?"

"It seems to have evolved a lot!"

Obsession Liu Hao kept mumbling, but he only stayed on Boruto for a few breaths.

"Naruto and Sasuke stick together wherever they go!"


"The cooperation is really good!"

This is really not sarcastic.

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke left the world of Naruto early and settled in the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base early. They are also people who have been polished by many skills other than ninjutsu. Even now, many of the original battles can still be seen in them. He is used to it, but in front of many ninjas, he is still a limited number of people who are superior.

In terms of cultivation, the two of them also did not fall behind. Facing the abyss spores really didn't consume much of their energy, and all kinds of fancy activities were naturally endless.

"Are you proofing for your colleagues from the Naruto world?"

"Uchiha Sasuke looks quite different from my impression. After all, he has not experienced the baptism of the night of genocide, and his personality is not perverse!"

"Did you get together with Sakura in the end?"

"Is this an arrangement of the power of fate?"

Liu Hao shook his head, and for a moment he didn't know what words to use to describe them.

"Good guy, I still can't live without Wanzi!"

Liu Hao was speechless for a while. How many minutes had he just praised Uzumaki Naruto? He immediately rubbed his balls again.

Fortunately, both the scale and the precision of its use far exceeded the balls in Liu Hao's impression, otherwise he would have really had to curse.

In front of his eyes, Naruto Uzumaki divided into tens of thousands of shadow clones. Each shadow clone had its essence improved, and it was no longer the same clone that broke at the touch of a touch.

Each shadow clone picked up a ball, but it was not attached to the palm of the hand. Instead, it was like an elf, quickly surrounding each shadow clone, following the abyss spores in front of these shadow clones. Crushed away hard.

This is the real way to use the 'Cannon Fodder Technique', and it was obviously something Uzumaki Naruto concluded after groping for a long time.

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