Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and twenty-nine. Naruto Sasuke

1529. Naruto Sasuke

"The one-minded Uzumaki Naruto is the best user of the Shadow Clone Technique!"

"This ninjutsu must have been improved by countless ninjas, but so far, the one who uses it the most is Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Is this the biggest advantage of Tiehanhan?"

Liu Hao also had a strange look on his face.

It stands to reason that the ninjutsu of Naruto's world has spread to the entire home planet, and there are countless people who have come into contact with it. Such a good skill should be seen everywhere, but now he realizes that few people seem to use it.

"It is most likely that this is the early stage of Ninjutsu practice, and it is not easy to successfully practice multiple shadow clones.

The initial ninjutsu was still too useless and its lethality was very limited, especially against monsters.

So many monks probably won't waste their energy on it.

In the later stage, other skills and methods have caught up, and it doesn't make much sense to go back and learn multiple shadow clones! "

Watching Uzumaki Naruto fight is much more interesting than watching other people fight. This guy's habit of yelling while growing up still remains to this day.

A typical guy with the 'Taunt' skill, as long as Naruto Uzumaki stands on the battlefield, the enemy's biggest attention will probably be focused on him. No wonder he needs countless shadow clones to hide his true body, otherwise It’s really hard to predict how far we’ve grown to this point.

The countless clones of Naruto Uzumaki that caught his eye still couldn't last long in front of the abyss spores, but the effect was equally significant.

This is almost like exchanging lives for lives. One man forms an army, facing tens of thousands of opponents in front, back, left, and right without any fear. The disappearing shadow clones will soon be replenished by Uzumaki Naruto, and they will continue to collide with the abyss spores.

During this period, Uchiha Sasuke, who was Uzumaki Naruto's companion, was gathering "Kirin" lightning one after another to roam around the surrounding area, destroying the abyss spores that had finally survived the collision with Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clone. One annihilation.

The two of them seemed to be able to cooperate with ease, and they were directly on the front line for a long time. During the more than ten minutes that Liu Hao paid attention to, any abyssal spore could pass through them and enter the next round.

In comparison, the other ninjas sitting here with them seemed a little struggling, and had to fight with more groups, but even so, there was still a lot of damage. The only good thing is that the world of Naruto is now in There is no shortage of medical means, and the number of deaths is still within their acceptable range.

The world of Naruto is integrated into the earth.

It's lucky, but it's also 'unfortunate'.

Fortunately, they escaped one round of 'harvest' after another.

Unfortunately, their ninjutsu is still so inferior among all the worlds.

Fortunately, the latter has now been greatly improved through the integration of many Taoisms introduced from the Dragon Kingdom, and it seems that it is almost catching up with the Taoist Five Elements Taoism.

Just like the thunder and lightning 'Kirin' currently used by Uchiha Sasuke, it is no longer just a prototype, but its control has been improved unprecedentedly, such as the speed of walking.

In the past, once Uchiha Sasuke used the Thunder Kirin, it could only be a one-time product. If he hit it, he would be fine. If he didn't hit it, it would be a waste of energy.

But now?

It not only increases the speed and greatly increases the hit rate, but also slows down the speed. Slowing down the speed means that the thunder and lightning unicorn can be controlled by its own spiritual thoughts for a certain period of time, making it like a real unicorn. Generally, when walking around, the lethality will naturally increase by countless amounts.

It's no wonder that Uchiha Sasuke is very enthusiastic about this. Obviously, this guy's training in this is definitely not a day or two.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Uchiha Sasuke is very aware that lightning has great restraint ability against abyss spores.

Ninjas are very good at collecting intelligence. Even Liu Hao has to admit that these guys cannot be underestimated in all the worlds in terms of intelligence.

And isn't this their sorrow?

It is short, weak, and unsustainable, forcing them to maximize all their advantages, so that it develops into such an indispensable means.

If you cannot become a truly strong person, you will never be able to truly ignore these things.

That Uchiha Madara, faced with an army of tens of thousands, didn't he take it lightly at all?

"I wonder how Tsunade is doing in the Qinling Magical World? Has she achieved the realm she wanted?"

"Daluo Jinxian, the ultimate immortal, how can it be so easy?"

"On the contrary, it's Uchiha Madara, the possibility is even higher!"

Liu Hao also had to admit this. Character determines ambition, or ambition supports Uchiha Madara's character. This guy's perseverance is the best in the entire Naruto world.

For a goal, you can lay out a chess game for decades, and when you are wild, you can ignore everything.

He remembered that when he first watched this show, he was obsessed with this guy.

Compared to Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama seems to have succumbed to fate, which is obviously the real reason why Liu Hao is not optimistic about Senju Hashirama.

Where's Tsunade?

After all, he has his own secret tips. It can be said that before entering the magical world of Qinling, he already knew what he needed to do most.

It's just that it's hard to say whether this hot-tempered woman can survive the low-key period. Once she is seen as a real threat by some god-king in the magical world, the chance of success will inevitably be much smaller.

After so long, Tsunade still has not returned to her home earth. There must have been some unpredictable accidents here, right?

"The only thing that is certain is that Tsunade is still alive and well!"

Obsessed, Liu Hao whispered in his heart. It was also because the line of cause and effect between him and Tsunade was still so strong. It could be known by a little calculation, but he did not make any further calculations. There was no need. The path he took was still his own. Choice, in front of the ultimate immortal, outsiders can't really help.

Isn’t this a single ‘disaster’?

In many cases, the more outsiders help, the bigger changes will occur. At that time, once uncontrollable factors occur, that will be the real misfortune!

In addition, Tsunade, who has established a relatively close causal line with Liu Hao, is also very lucky. Even now compared with Uzumaki Naruto, she is not inferior at all. Liu Hao also believes that even if Tsunade encounters danger, she can still meet him. Turn evil into good fortune.

Liu Hao, who had withdrawn his thoughts, did not continue to focus on Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. He swept across the battle line where Naruto was sitting and stopped again on Kakashi and Kai.

It wasn't Kakashi, but it was Kai's change that made Liu Hao secretly praise him.

Kai, who has long been determined on his own path, still shines with his own light even after entering all the worlds.

Physical skills, when faced with the abyss spores, should have the lowest effect, or even the most useless one.

But something unexpected happened to Metkai.

"Have you been strengthened by Taijutsu techniques outside the Naruto world and combined with the eight gates to create a new technique?"

“This is almost normalizing the eight gates!”

"It can already cause a certain amount of compression in the space!"

"But the control is still not enough and needs to be improved!"

Liu Hao's vision naturally saw through its essence at a glance.

This is the reason why Kai's physical skills can inflict wounds on Abyss Spore opponents again and again.

What he hit on the abyss spore enemy was not pure power, but a space collapse that had been combined with a certain condition. Although this space collapse was pitifully small, those with weak eyesight could not see it clearly, and the time was also very short. But there is still a huge gap.

It was also this method that made Kai know how to choose. Instead of facing countless enemies directly, he chose an evenly matched abyss opponent. Even if it took time to destroy the enemy, even if the number of enemies killed was the lowest among the entire ninja army, so And the merit gained will not be lower than anyone else.

Once the merit is obtained, Kai does not store it at all, but directly uses it to repair himself. As long as he kills the enemy, it means that Kai can use it to restore himself to his best state, and so on, bit by bit. Hone yourself and improve yourself bit by bit.

This is a person who knows what he needs from the beginning. Once he makes a decision, he will stick to it until the end and never give up. For this, Liu Hao also has to praise him.

"Compared to Gai, Kakashi lacks not even a little bit of willpower!"

After all, he is also a guy who has been coached by Liu Hao personally. There is still this friendship, so naturally he will pay more attention when he sees it.

But what makes Liu Hao helpless is that Kakashi still doesn't seem to be focused enough. Although he has not given up his sword skills, he has still learned countless ninjutsu, and the most used ninjutsu is still the ninjutsu itself.

“Is this still fate? I still can’t escape the nickname ‘Copy’?”

Liu Hao could only shake his head and laugh.

He also knew in his heart that due to physical attacks, sword techniques had no ninjutsu when targeting abyss spores, especially lightning techniques, which were very effective. This was the essential reason why Kakashi chose this way now.

But when I saw it, I was still a little unhappy, as if I had taught Kakashi in vain. Could it be that all my hard work was in vain?

If it weren't for the fact that many rudiments of sword skills can still be seen in Kakashi's Raikiri, Liu Hao would probably have to go out and beat the opponent himself.

"Compared to the ninjas, the people in the Marvel world are still not sophisticated enough. This barbarian bloodline is not easy to change!"

Comparing the two, Liu Hao immediately saw the essential differences between the two sides. They were both seeking change, but the degree of change of the group of people who arrived in the Marvel world was much worse than that of the ninjas.

They are all merging, but the poor effect is immediately apparent.

Liu Hao was not interested in calculating the length of time for the two parties to fuse. He still disdained the barbarians in his heart, but he didn't notice it himself.

Naturally, the Leaf Village cannot be the only one coming to the front line of the Abyss in the Naruto world. The ninja world is considered peaceful, but it does not mean that there is no competition among the five major villages. In fact, they are still very involved.

It's just that more of this involution has moved outside the ninja world, that is, in the major bases established by the surrounding coastal dragon countries such as Kalimantan Island, where they are also faced with monsters.

They are an extremely insecure group, fearing that they have no value, and the crushing number of monsters has forced the entire ninja world to spread ninjutsu on a large scale to the people of the entire Hokage countries, in order to increase the number of ninjas in the ninja world.

This also makes almost everyone in the entire Hokage area now a soldier.

It is also because of this that there are tens of thousands of ninja phalanxes that Liu Hao sees now.

But these tens of thousands of people are still divided into major villages. Even if there is some cooperation between them, it will not be too much.

Moving his eyes away from Kakashi and Gai, Liu Hao browsed in various major village groups. He saw the Sandaime Tsuchikage who had regained a lot of his youthful appearance. He had to say that this guy had caught up with the good times, but he couldn't help it. If you don't say pity for Sarutobi Hiruzen, you will be unlucky after all.

"It seems that the Eight-Tails and Kirabi are still getting along very well!"

Yes, after all, he has experienced life and death. It is nothing if this trust can continue to this day. Didn't Renjiu Lama also live with Uzumaki Naruto?

After experiencing countless monsters, today's ninjas will no longer look at the nine tailed beasts with worldly fear. Thinking of this, when Liu Hao deliberately looked back, he also discovered that there was also a head standing on Gaara's shoulders. Like a ragdoll colleague.

He felt that most of the ninja world already regarded these tailed beasts as their true companions.

He was mentally prepared for this, and he just smiled.

On the contrary, within the Konoha Village group, the Hyuga clan jointly fought to make him stay.

No one can tell exactly where Baguazhang originated from in the ninja world, but the Tao in it is still closely related to the Dragon Kingdom Baguazhang.

When the ninja world merged into the earth, they naturally obtained this 'secret book' from the Dragon Kingdom. It also laid a solid foundation for the next improvement of the Hyuga clan's Baguazhang, and this is what aroused Liu Hao's current interest.

The addition of spiritual energy makes the originally invisible Bagua realm appear.

This may be an intelligence benefit to the enemy, but as the true controller, having this manifested 'domain' is equivalent to having an invisible instructor. Naturally, they are the ones who benefit the most. After the combat power is improved, Baguazhang can not only be used as a 'point'.

This kind of critical attack has developed more into destruction from the inner core. Abyssal species may be better than other races in this regard, but that's all.

Once attacked, the attack starts from the inside out, so that the enemy's appearance does not seem to be any different after being hit, but in fact it has been seriously injured and cannot survive for long, and both its movements and reactions are not as good as before.

After losing his reaction and speed, he can only be slaughtered by the Hyuga clan, and he will be weakened to the extreme bit by bit, and then die.

This is the scene Liu Hao is seeing now. Although he seems to be very slow when killing the enemy, the effect is also very obvious.

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