Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and thirty. Inspiration

1530. Incentive

The core of the Hyuga clan is naturally Hinata and Hinata. It is not that Hinata and Hinata have the highest level of cultivation. Both Hinata and Hanabi have already caught up, but they are still the head of the family.

This kind of thing is very common, and neither Hinata nor Hanabi can compete with Hinata and Hinata for dominance.

Liu Hao also saw that the Bagua field displayed by the Hyuga clan group already had some prototypes of the formation, but it was also very specious, and the effect was only a slight bonus.

This kind of performance can only mean that the Hyuga clan came up with it through their own exploration.

How did he know that this was Hinata Hinata learning other formations from the women's academy in the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, and only after understanding from them did she make the attempt in front of her, even if it was only a slight increase for Liu Hao Success, for the Hyuga clan, is already a very remarkable achievement.

What they value more is the collective defense capability created by the integration of this prototype of the formation. Even if the effect is low, it is already a life-saving means for them, because the heavy damage of a single body is under this prototype of Baguazhang. They already have the ability to share the burden, and this hope is what they value most.

It's no wonder that almost the entire Hyuga clan came out in full force and arrived at the Abyss front line.

The fact that you can get rewards from heaven and earth by killing the invasion of abyssal species has long been spread on Liu Hao's earth. Naturally, they will not deliberately hide it from the ninjas.

Isn't this a means of motivating all sentient beings?

Otherwise, it would be impossible for there to be so many creatures fighting for their lives in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

The benefits are obvious.

Even a trace of merit from the Great Dao is extremely precious to a living being.

The lower the monk's cultivation level, the more obvious the effect will be.

For example, if a monk who has been stuck at the sixth-level bottleneck for a long time does not encounter a great opportunity, he will probably be stuck like this for the rest of his life.

But when he gets the reward of great merit by killing the abyss spores, this long-term bottleneck will definitely loosen. Even if he immediately breaks through after seeing this loosening, the possibility of achieving his goal is still small, but It is no longer a luxury.

This is the greatest hope in the hearts of all sentient beings.

Where is there no danger?

Even if the Dragon Kingdom, which is the most stable one now, has reached a tacit agreement with the Monster Clan, if you want to make progress, don’t you still have to collect training resources through various efforts?

The easiest thing is to hunt monster beasts, but when hunting monster beasts, even if there are no monsters to cause trouble for you, the chance of survival is still not much better.

Where are you not risking your life?

In this environment of spiritual recovery and changing times, if you fall one step behind, you will lose everything. Not only you, but also the key is that because of your low cultivation level, your descendants are likely to lag behind other children at the starting line. A lot.

The Dragon Kingdom can only maintain the basic needs of the people, such as food and clothing, and the complete opening of many basic skills. Now that we have embarked on this road, there is no way back, and we can only meander on this road. And up, even if it is full of endless ups and downs.

If the Dragon Kingdom is like this, how can the Ninja World escape?

Even today, most of the ninjas who leave school at the age of twelve or thirteen and enter the major Dragon Kingdom bases in Kalimantan still account for the training. In this regard, they are more adaptable to a war-torn ninja world.

But this advantage is unlikely to last.

To give an example, when a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy from the Dragon Kingdom meets an opponent of the same age in the ninja world, the possibility of defeat and death is definitely more than 80%.

But when the people of the Dragon Kingdom come of age, this gap will probably be reversed.

Without him, whether it is educational resources or other cultivation resources, they are not of the same level at all.

Otherwise, Uzumaki Naruto's family and Uchiha Sasuke's family would not stay at the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base and never leave. They know the rules here very well, and it is also because of them that every person in the ninja world immigrated to the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base. It is increasing every year. This siphon effect is the same as the law of heaven and earth, and it is often the most unsolvable.

But not everyone can be like Jiraiya. He can still stick to his heart and choose to be stationed on the Kalimantan Island outside the ninja world, almost burning himself to continuously cultivate talents for the ninja world.

Liu Hao also believed that Jiraiya was probably depressed inside. He also knew that even if Jiraiya really wanted to build his hometown as prosperous as the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, he could only dream in his heart. It's just a luxury wish.

Talking about the merits of the Great Dao, the information released to the outside world only explains the rewards from heaven and earth, and that is enough.

If you really say too much and tell the real inside story, sometimes it is not a good thing.

Just like a monk who has not yet become an immortal, in most cases, when he meets an immortal, he is already full of admiration, and his magic is unstoppable. At this time, this kind of impact, even if it is a bit crushing, also gives this monk A kind of hope, that is, the distance is very close, as long as you work harder.

On the other hand, when the monk meets a saint, even if the saint does not release any breath at all, the 'holy intention' naturally exuded by the saint is difficult for ordinary immortals to resist, let alone those who have not yet entered the immortal level.

At this time, "crushing" is really a "natural chasm". Once the soul is defeated, it will be a real lifelong shadow.

On the contrary, when all sentient beings are informed of the rewards from heaven and earth, and then after seeing the real benefits from them, the enthusiasm that bursts out can be truly released, and this is the real path to healthy development.

There are tens of thousands of ninjas who are coming to fight even across the entire Pacific Ocean, and they are also the true elites in the ninja world.

Liu Haoye knew that this information was probably a choice made after discussions between Yang Jian and Longguo's senior officials. Now it seems that the effect is really amazing.

When Liu Hao arrived, he did not use his spiritual consciousness to scan the situation outside the formation, and he had no idea that the ninja world was not just tens of thousands of people, but more than double that.

They were arranged within this line of defense and chose to guard in two shifts. It was obvious that Liu Hao only saw a mere Uchiha Sasuke.

How could the Uchiha family miss such a huge benefit?

Hardly fighting until they are exhausted, these ninjas do not change shifts lightly.

Moreover, for the Uchiha family, facing the abyssal species has an advantage that no one else can imagine, that is, they are mentally sensitive and are easily affected by the abyss spores.

This influence seems endless and never stops.

But this effect is not the interactive attack of the abyssal spores, but the negative spiritual attack power carried by their own abyssal breath.

As Obsessive Liu Hao, who had just taken over the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, he had no idea that Qinglong Liu Hao had cut off most of its influence before.

Talking back to the Uchiha clan, mentally they have the talent of their own clan. They can keenly detect this kind of spiritual 'attack' no matter how weak it is, and then unconsciously use their Sharingan to resist it.

At first, they thought this resistance was more of a drain on their energy.

But as time went by, the Uchiha clan discovered that such constant resistance was the greatest use of their own mental power. In the process, it also drove their Sharingan to evolve towards a higher level.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan discovered that in the past few years, as long as everyone in their clan came here, everyone had at least three magatama activated, and among them, as long as the talent was slightly better, basically all had the 'Kaleidoscope' activated.

This kind of thing is almost unimaginable to the Uchiha clan in the past.

As the leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku almost lost his teeth when he smiled, and his chest was held high wherever he went.

Maybe you think it’s just a ‘kaleidoscope’.

That’s not how it worked out.

Yes, it's just a kaleidoscope. Even if it has a pair of 'samsara eyes', it's basically no different from trash when it comes to the immortal level.

But in fact, for the Uchiha clan, this is an evolution of blood.

Because the more ‘Kaleidoscopes’ are opened within a group, the easier it will be for their descendants to open them in the future, and they may even be able to evolve, such as the ‘Eternal Kaleidoscope’, or even the ‘Reincarnation Eye’.

This is the fundamental improvement of the basic structure of the Uchiha clan. You must know that most of their clan is still around the Ninja World and Kalimantan Island. Here, what they need to face are only monsters, and the kaleidoscope can basically My life is saved, what else is there to be dissatisfied about?

That is to say, Hinata figured out the prototype of 'Baguazhang', otherwise Hinata and Hinata would have been so proud to see Uchiha Fugaku that he would have been so angry that he would vomit blood.

The dynamics between the two major ethnic groups have never stopped since the fall of the Thousand Hands Clan.

That is to say, Liu Hao didn't know that Hinata had figured out the prototype of the Bagua Array, otherwise he would have been even more confused.

Hinata's character only changed after she married Uzumaki Naruto, but it was only within their family.

Hinata is still a little frightened when facing outsiders. For example, when she encounters a puzzle, she often chooses to spend more time researching on her own instead of looking for possible people to ask.

Here, there is also the reason why Hinata's cultivation level is not high enough.

You must know that in the major defense areas of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, there is never a shortage of 'Bagua Formation'. It can be said that it is almost standard.

It's just that all these formations disappeared after being set up, so Hinata couldn't really see the whole formation clearly, and could only vaguely feel that she was blocking the enemy in a familiar formation.

She was vaguely aware of it, and Hinata had no time to deal with it. Not only did she need to maintain the stability of the formation at all times, but she also needed to devote some energy to always pay attention to the safety of her son Boruto, and she also had to stay here for several years. Clean up the waste.

Of course, this situation may continue for a few more years, but Hinata will eventually find out more.

Moreover, this kind of formation that is completely understood by oneself is truly one's own.

"I remember Naruto and Hinata had a daughter!"

It was also after watching Hinata for a long time that Liu Hao suddenly remembered the 'Uzumaki Sunflower', which he had vaguely encountered once at the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

He habitually swept his consciousness over and soon discovered this figure.

Here, belonging to the defense line of Dragon Country Australian Women's College, next to Uzumaki Himawari, there are two equally familiar figures, namely Sakura and Uchiha Sarana.

He vaguely remembered that after Tsunade left, the violent teaching in the academy was handed over to Sakura. Now it seems that the other party is doing a good job.

Changing his gaze, Liu Hao did not stay long on Uzumaki Sunflower and the others, because in this line of defense, he saw his sister Liu Beier, whom he had not seen for a long time, and also saw his apprentice sister who had been brought out from the prehistoric times. , and his niece Liu Yun.

"Yes, years have passed in the blink of an eye! If I hadn't seen them today, it might have been a long time before I thought of them!"

Liu Hao said this with an almost wry smile. Wasn't he feeling extremely ashamed?

Especially Mei'er, the disciple he brought from Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, is almost completely free-range. So far, his teachings to him are very limited.

It's not that he doesn't care about his niece. After all, his niece still has elder brothers and sisters-in-law to teach her through words and deeds. His sister is almost in a completely new and completely unfamiliar environment. Even though he knows very well that his parents treat his sister no differently than his granddaughter.

"It's time too!"

He murmured, and naturally made the decision to bring his niece with him, so that he could take his niece with him, so that he could have a very familiar companion to take care of each other.

There is a rare softness in his eyes, and realization has always been around Meier and Liu Yun. As for his sister Liu Beier, he is not worried. His cultivation has been placed there, and his own talent has been stimulated almost to the limit.

In the following time, there will be more fundamental accumulation issues, and he no longer needs to take care of them.

"You didn't use 'Yuehua' as a weapon? But you were still able to do it with ease! It seems that Dragon Kingdom Australian Women's College is still very good!"

More than good!

Today's Dragon Kingdom Australian Women's College can almost be said to be one of the top colleges in the entire Liu Hao Earth. It is also the place of greatest yearning for many women in the world who know this women's college.

It can almost be said that as long as she is a woman, no matter how high her cultivation level is and if she knows the influence, she will join it, even if she is a professor in name only.

Such as the Virgin Mary.

Even if she still belongs to Zhonghai University, when faced with the recruitment of Longguo Australian Women's College, she agreed to put her name on the list, and will also find time to go to the Women's College to teach Jitang's open classes. If she is like this, how can other invitees refuse?

Even if Liu Shen from the future perfect world enters Liu Hao's earth, he will probably make the same choice as Wudang Madonna, right?

It is difficult for girls to unite, but once they are truly united, the power they unleash is often much more terrifying than that of men.

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