Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and thirty-one. Cai Wenji

1531. Cai Wenji

After staying in Liu Hao's hometown for the past few years, Mei'er has long since broken away from the feudal era's thinking mode, and her whole person seems to have completely lost its original caution.

This kind of change is what Liu Hao likes to see the most. She still looks cold, but there is a hint of cunning on her mouth occasionally. Liu Hao's smile widens when he sees her.

Next to her, Liu Hao's niece Liu Yun seemed much more out of touch. Even across countless spaces, Liu Hao could still feel Liu Yun's whirring voice, and he didn't know that this was Liu Yun's habit. , or simply to cheer himself up, or only this fighting method can make Liu Yun look happy.

This habit is naturally very bad.

You must know that this is a battle. If you shout out, isn't that exposing yourself to others?

A big man might have a deterrent effect, but a cute little girl, who would be afraid of you?

Obviously, Liu Yun probably didn't fight many times in her hometown. It makes sense if you think about it. Liu Hao's brother and sister-in-law are so busy, how can they have time to take them to hunt monsters and the like?

Today, Liu Hao's hometown is no longer that small village.

There is a passage to the magical world in the back mountain. Even if the goblins are completely eliminated, it is still due to one world plane. The stable environment makes the Dragon Kingdom willing to invest in large-scale development.

Here, there is a fundamental difference from the world at the other end of the other discovered passages.

The reason is also very simple, there are very few, and even a few human races have not been discovered so far. In other words, this plane is naturally the hunting grounds, pastures and farms of Liu Haolong's country.

The rewards from developing any piece of land do not need to be shared with other Yanhuang Alliance countries.

The freed-up Long State has invested more and more in the past few years. The result is that the original village where Liu Hao is located has developed into a medium-sized county with a resident population of Already close to one million.

But even so, the house in Liu Hao's hometown has always maintained its original appearance. Obviously, no one bothered Liu Hao's parents about this matter. Even if Liu Hao's brother and sister-in-law were willing to demolish it, the superiors did not agree because it was not necessary and it was not necessary. The lack of this small amount of land made Liu Hao, the 'Emperor Ziwei', unhappy, which was actually a bad thing.

This is Liu Hao's invisible influence. Even if Liu Hao is easy to talk to the senior leaders of Long Kingdom, he will not be really unhappy about it, even if he has not been seen for several years.

Under such a deterrent, it is naturally impossible for Meier to be bullied, and she is always taken care of as she should. From Meier's perspective, it is a feeling that everyone around her is a good person.

This is a real hothouse flower. It's no wonder that Liu Yun can hum and scream happily while fighting against the abyss opponents.

She had no idea that in order to secretly take care of her safety, Liu Beier, Liu Hao's younger sister, was forced to wander around. Otherwise, with Liu Beier's current cultivation level, she would have been looking for her peers in the void of the Zhoutian Star Formation. The opponent fought hard.

Liu Hao was very satisfied with Liu Beier.

It's not that her cultivation level is very high, she is just Taiyi, and she will not be taken seriously by Liu Hao at all. What he appreciates is that Liu Beier really listened to his instructions, not at all because of getting the goddess of life in the magical world. It's a gift, and the foundation seems to be very solid.

This is obviously much better than rushing to break through.

Because the spiritual energy recovery on his own earth was too violent, he knew that there were many monks who could not resist the temptation of breakthrough, and gradually exceeded their original potential, making breakthrough more and more difficult in the later stages.

This is the gain and loss, and it is also the biggest advantage of a solid foundation.

"It's time to give Belle some spiritual treasures to protect herself!"

As Liu Hao spoke, he sank his spiritual thoughts into his storage, but soon became a little depressed. He didn't lack the acquired spiritual treasures, and he didn't even have too many in stock. When he was in the prehistoric times, but under the great master Xuanwu A lot of what was left behind was fished out in the Xuanwu Hall and given away to people. There are still a lot of them left behind, but these are all rough products that the White Tiger Master used to refine in the guest room of the Xuanwu Hall, and they are all kinds of knives. , obviously not very suitable for Liu Beier.

As for the innate spiritual treasure, after searching for a long time, he found that there was only one he could really give to his sister, and it was hard to say whether it seemed suitable for Liu Beier.

"Forget it, it is an innate spiritual treasure after all, and it has reached the middle level. Even if you can understand the great path, it will be a good thing for Beier!"

This is a spiritual treasure that looks like an awl, and it's called "Qishan Awl". It was originally obtained when Buzhou Mountain reappeared in the prehistoric Zhongzhou. It has been with him for an unknown number of years. It has been so long that he has completely forgotten it. If he didn't give it away today, If you go out, you will obviously have no choice but to stay on him and eat ashes.

Waving his hand, Liu Hao gently threw the 'Mountain-Mounting Cone' forward. The spirit treasure instantly turned into a stream of light and shot down. In a moment, it was in front of Liu Beier, and there was also a message from Liu Hao's spiritual mind. , making Liu Beier's face instantly brighten.

Speaking of which, she is also pitiful. After all, she has a brother Ziwei, but where is her wealth? It was just a dagger that Liu Hao left at home and randomly placed around it. It was also a low-grade treasure. It was more like a waste that Liu Hao had casually refined in the past. Anyone who knew her identity would find it difficult to believe this.

It's not that the acquired spiritual treasures are worthless. In fact, even if the Dragon Kingdom's weapon refining method has been developed, the ones who can really refine the acquired spiritual treasures are still the powerful ones.

The reason why outsiders don't believe it is because Liu Hao left the bone tower he refined to his father in the past, but now his father has placed it directly at the edge of the village to suppress it, as a training place for all the students in the new city.

In the eyes of others, Liu Hao's father took out such a huge treasure so casually, and it was obvious that there were countless more hidden at home.

As everyone knows, Liu Hao doesn't care much about this at all. It's not for other reasons, but because he knows better how much of a deterrent he has to the surrounding monsters. Not to mention other things, the big red-robed old monster in Wuyi Mountain can't stop it all the time. Taking care of Liu Hao's family?

If something unexpected happened, they would be met with catastrophe. There was no need to imagine that.

Just like Bai Ze, did he really not give orders to the monsters in the major mountains around Wuyi Mountain?

Who doesn’t know that the hometown of ‘Emperor Ziwei’ is here?

Otherwise, with the layout of "eight mountains, one water, and one farmland" in northern Fujian Province, the endless mountains are not a good place to build a new city at all.

Talking about Liu Beier, she was extremely happy at this time, and she even cheered on the spot.

She knew that her brother had already bet on her to realize it, and she didn't bother to pay attention to the possible threats around her. She just sat cross-legged on the ground and started refining, making Liu Hao smile bitterly.

This was a bit of coquettishness, Liu Hao naturally knew it, but he still had to protect what should be protected, and he had to do it cheerfully.

The reason for his wry smile was more that Liu Beier underestimated the refining of the innate spirit treasure. He would probably not wake up after sitting cross-legged for a few months.

This makes Liu Hao not only need to take care of Liu Beier, but also need to take over Liu Beier's original care of Meier and Liu Yun. It does not require much energy to invest, but is it troublesome?

At that moment, Liu Hao had an idea and directly detained Liu Beier to the core of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, which was beside him. Then he plucked a hair from his arm and blew slightly on his mouth, turning it into a temporary The incarnation invested in Mei'er and Liu Yun's surroundings, which can be regarded as getting rid of this trouble.

This temporary incarnation was also transformed by Liu Hao into Liu Beier's appearance, fulfilling Liu Beier's original responsibilities. However, in terms of personality, he was quickly recognized by others around him, which made Liu Hao a little embarrassed for a time.

He also had to admit that Liu Beier had made many real friends at Longguo Australian Women's College.

Especially the three daughters that Cao Mengde sent in. I vaguely remember that one time at the Australian hunting ground, Cao Jie and the other two teamed up with Liu Beier.

How did he know that Liu Beier was no longer as simple as a college in Longguo Australian Women's College. The life magic course she started had long ago become a unique knowledge of Longguo Australian Women's College. Experts and professors.

This is not due to Liu Hao's intimidation, but the product of his real influence.

Isn't this the reason why Longguo Australian Women's College is getting bigger and bigger.

While they tirelessly teach every student, they also help students develop their unique talents bit by bit.

Once these talents are developed to a certain level, a separate course will be opened for the student accordingly. This is not only as simple as leaving the student's inheritance in Longguo Australian Women's College, but also continuously accumulating the wealth of the college. After years of accumulation, we have reached today's situation.

Liu Hao didn't even know that the person who made this decision was Cai Wenji, one of the first members of the Dragon Kingdom Australian Women's College, who came from the Mythical Three Kingdoms.

This woman, who was already quite paranoid about books and knowledge, completely inspired her talents after entering the world and released her own light. She has always kept a low profile so that it is difficult for the outside world to guess. She is also the 'Dean of Women's College'.

To put it bluntly, even if Cao Mengde entered Liu Hao's earth, he would still bow respectfully to Cai Wenji when he saw her.

In this regard, we have to say how brilliant the talents of the Three Kingdoms era were. Cai Wenji, who completely released her brilliance, suppressed a character like Queen Guo.

In the women's college square, the heroic spirit on Cai Wenji's face at this time also made Liu Hao a little confused. Is this the original 'Zhao Ji' who could only follow the crowd?

Even if someone is just sitting cross-legged and playing the piano quietly, the sound waves emitted by it also bring endless comfort, making all the women's college soldiers have high morale. This has basically touched the edge of the 'Tao'. .

“Entering the Tao through music is so difficult!”

This is not an exaggeration by Liu Hao.

He is very proficient in the laws of sound. He was able to fight through sound very early on. Doesn't he know that implicit music can double his power?

But knowing and doing it are completely different things.

He tried countless times, but still failed in the end. He blamed his tone-deafness and lack of any talent for music.

But in fact, Liu Hao knew very well that this had nothing to do with his musical talent, but his inability to capture the resonance between music and soul.

But now, he can feel the slight vibration of the sea of ​​consciousness through the sound of Cai Wenji's piano. With his current cultivation level, let alone an ordinary quasi-sage, even a sub-sage can imagine how difficult it is to achieve it. .

Then Cai Wenji could only step into Da Luo, and she was just a Da Luo heavenly immortal. If she hadn't clearly understood the way of 'melody', how could that be possible?

How did he know that this was simply the result of Cai Wenji's substantial increase in self-confidence.

Confidence is the foundation of a person, and this is true.

Many times, right or wrong is not as important as imagined. On the contrary, firmly believing that what you are doing is right is more important.

Cai Wenji is like this. She has truly reached a high position through her own actions, which has built up endless confidence in her heart. This confidence naturally also affects her practice of music. She firmly believes that all the music she has understood are It was correct, and it naturally gave off the effect that Liu Hao saw today.

She wanted to inspire the teachers and students in her college through music. She felt that it was the right way to play the piano, so she naturally integrated her emotions into it. Liu Hao watched carefully and saw the faint traces lingering around the women's college. The mortal atmosphere of the phalanx is the greatest proof.

"This Jiaowei Qin seems to have been blessed by the faith of all living beings and has evolved into a magic weapon. All it lacks is the accumulation of time!"

Such a thought flashed through Liu Hao's mind, and his brows furrowed slightly. He had an impulse to step forward to help, but when things came to a head, he seemed to feel that it was not a good thing for him to rashly promote this accumulation.

"That's all! It's better to let it evolve on its own! Cai Wenji's accumulation of tiredness may also be the key!"

Liu Hao's intuition is right. If he does it impulsively today, it will probably have an unpredictable impact on this evolution. It may develop in a good direction, but it is more likely to cause the emergence of new The fit between Jiao Weiqin' and Cai Wenji has been greatly reduced.

Because Cai Wenji has already been refining the 'Jiaowei Qin' as her natal magic weapon and spiritual treasure of enlightenment.

Putting aside this impulse, Liu Hao rarely calmed down and listened to Cai Wenji's gentle melody, and also unconsciously wanted to learn Cai Wenji's control of music.

But it has to be said that Liu Hao still failed. In exchange, he only gained a slight understanding of the many auras of the world of mortals and the seven emotions and five senses of all living beings.

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