Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand five hundred and forty-two. Wangsu

1542. Wangsu

In the early days of the prehistoric times, the three clans of Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin ruled the world.

As the most powerful force in the prehistoric world, it does not mean that the leader of their tribe is the most powerful individual in the prehistoric world.

In fact, at that time, it was unknown whether Ancestral Dragon, Ancestral Phoenix and Zu Qilin would be able to enter the top ten in the cultivation rankings.

Not to mention the rivalry between the two Dao Demon Lords, Hongjun and Luo Hou, nor the Yangmei Patriarch, a reclusive person who can prove the Dao Hunyuan by himself alone, the Qiankun Patriarch, the Yin-Yang Patriarch and others. In terms of cultivation and combat effectiveness, they can surpass Zulong and the other three.

Moon God Wangsu is also one of them.

Like Hongjun Luohou, she was also one of the reincarnations of the Chaos Demon God affected by the creation of Pangu.

It's just that she is so low-key that her reputation is not obvious.

Because of this, the disadvantages are also not small. She has no fight with the world, but there is no escape from the fate of heaven and earth.

After the three tribes launched their prehistoric stage of history, and before the new era of lich came, Wangsu also lost the biggest opportunity to prove the Hunyuan.

Because the rise of the lich means that the fate of the lunar star in the ancient world will inevitably be diluted.

Wangsu was not unstoppable during this period. For example, he directly refined Xi and Chang Xi, the masters of the Lunar Star. However, the kind-hearted Wangsu still had no thoughts in the end. On the contrary , she has been silently taking care of the two of them, and only after seeing that Xi He and Chang Xi could act on their own terms, did she choose to let go.

It was also at this moment that Empress Houtu opened up the six paths of reincarnation. Seeing that there was no hope of enlightenment, Wangsu simply chose reincarnation with great perseverance and chose to start over.

This reincarnation lasted for countless years, and the vicissitudes of life were far away. If Liu Hao hadn't stepped into the wilderness, who would know how many more epochs Wangsu would have to go through?

Do you really think that because of Liu Hao, Hongjun and Houtu gave their sister a blessing when they appeared?

This is clearly Wangsu's own blessing, and it is also the inevitable result of her countless years of luck. Whenever she meets Hongjun, who represents the way of heaven, and Houtu, who represents the earth, they will unconsciously be kind to the so-called Liu Hao. Existence is just one more reason.

It is naturally impossible for Liu Hao to know these secrets, and even Bai Ze has no way of knowing about them.

He only learned through Xihe's mouth that there was a powerful person in the Taiyin Star from the beginning of time, and this powerful person was named 'Wangsu'.

As for when and how Wangsu disappeared, not to mention Bai Ze, even Emperor Jun Taiyi, Xi and Chang Xi had no idea at all. It can also be seen from this that Wangsu, who chose to be reincarnated at that time, had most of his cultivation already. It is the 'sub-sage' level.

It was probably in this realm that there was no hope of attaining Hunyuan, so he chose reincarnation with great perseverance. Didn't Wangsu know the risks of this choice at the time?

Naturally, he was very thorough, but even so, Wang Su still did it, which shows his mental perseverance.

It was only after Bai Ze saw the shadow of the laurel tree above his sister's head that he made a rough guess. However, his guess was destined to be impossible to say, and he did not dare to mention it at all.

But the other worry, that is, the purpose of Bai Ze's arrival, has long been thrown out of the sky by him at this time. The little girl in front of him is the real master of the Taiyin Star in the prehistoric times. She condenses the moonlight into what the demon clan needs. Isn't the 'Emperor's Liquid' something that people just do easily? The future Wangsu Yueshen will not have any influence on the Lord of the Demon Clan at all. Even if he is worried, there is no need to make any difference. In that case, why not let go?

Even if 'Wangsu' has a great influence on the master of the demon clan for some time in the future, it is something that the demon emperor needs to worry about. Furthermore, can Emperor Juntaiyi really be able to stop it at that time?

This unknown Wangsu Moon Goddess, in the era of the rise of the ancient demon clan, didn’t the ‘Emperor Liujian’ have any contribution from her?

In other words, the demon clan owes the Moon God Wangsu countless karma, not even one more.

Bai Ze put down his worries and his face became very calm. This change was naturally noticed by Liu Hao. Liu Hao didn't know the inside story, but it didn't stop him from breathing a sigh of relief in his heart. He just thought that he had enough face. , which made Bai Ze weigh in his mind and choose the acquiescence.

The three of them just kept watching the girl's transformation. I thought that this transformation would not last long, but I didn't know that not only did it not stop, but it became more and more vast.

Not long after, the laurel tree's shadow began to gradually shrink, becoming more white and jade-like, and becoming more crystal clear. This was just the beginning.

As time passed, a full moon quietly appeared behind the laurel tree, directly enveloping the entire laurel tree.

That's all. The key point is that Mei'er's 'vision' does not only appear on her body. Mei'er's figure also appears in the position of the lunar star within the Zhoutian Star Formation, just like here. It is also her sister's territory, and she needs to show her figure on it to define her own territory.

This scene made the ancestor of Styx who was practicing cultivation inside it also had to stop his cultivation and stood quietly on it to watch silently.

Liu Hao still didn't know that outside the Zhoutian Starry Formation, in the moon floating around the earth in his home space, a girl's figure also appeared. At first, it was only the size of a person, but as time went by As time went by, Mei'er's figure began to gradually enlarge, but for a moment, the creatures above Liu Hao's earth could already vaguely see the changes in the moon.

It's just that the North American continent where Liu Hao is currently located is still in daylight. This vision can only be seen clearly in the Asian region of Dragon Kingdom on the other side of the earth.

Don't think that it is just for you to show. The figure of the girl manifests the world above Liu Hao's earth and moon, which also gives the onlookers a lot of opportunities.

Isn’t this in itself a real ‘contemplation’?

It can be said that those monks who practice the power of Taiyin have a rare opportunity. What I saw today is that for them, it is a great opportunity to perfect their own skills. Even those monks who have not practiced this way, You can also see your own shortcomings and then make up for them. This is the greatest contribution of the sister's figure to the world of manifestation.

Such a huge vision will naturally cause many monks who think they have advanced cultivation to go to the moon to investigate.

The boldness of these people has also given them unexpected gains. If you observe closely, the effects will naturally be much greater.

Among them, the majority are demons.

Because to them, this attraction seems to be natural. Once they see it, they feel a natural sense of closeness deep in their hearts.

Among these big demons, if Liu Hao comes here again, he will find the figure of Da Hongpao in Wuyi Mountain.

At this time, the shock in Dahongpao's heart was the greatest among all the great demons.

Others may not recognize Meier, but he has seen her countless times.

My sister knew that her master liked to drink tea, and she also knew where the Dahongpao was. Almost every year when the Dahongpao was ripe, she would go there to pick it. Naturally, she had countless interactions with the Dahongpao, and she kept saying it Uncle Tea Tree screamed happily.

Thinking about it now, Dahongpao just felt how happy he was with this title at the beginning, and how pitiful he must be with this title in the future.

He even felt that he might not be able to fill this 'karma' even if he risked his life to fill it. He didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

After a long time, when the other great demons all fell into practice, he woke up from the shock and put away the turbulence in his heart, because no matter how much he thought, he could not change the facts that had become, and he could only Can bear this possible 'catastrophe' in the future.

When Da Hongpao regained his inner peace, he realized that maybe this was also an 'opportunity'. Compared with other big demons, he had already had a lot of 'friendship' with his sister, and he knew better about the future competition among the heavens and the world. The great horror, originally did not think that he could independently support the future, and originally wanted to find a backer.

Before, he thought more about Liu Hao, who somehow knew his temperament and had good friendships with him. But now it seems that something needs to change.

The disadvantage is that he will need to be downgraded in front of Liu Hao in the future, but the advantage is also obvious, that is, there are very few investors, and it is very likely that he is the only one in Dahongpao.

As a Dahongpao person who has had many contacts with his sister, he is most aware of the coldness of his sister's hair and bone marrow. If it weren't for the fact that he could continue to pick the tea leaves on his body, given his personality, it would probably be difficult for him to even say hello.

In other words, this 'friendship' and this 'karma' have unexpected gains.

I have to say that after Da Hongpao's thinking changed, no matter what his intentions were, it was a good thing for him. Otherwise, this 'karma' would have been worrying him, and he might not have become an obsession in his heart in the future. Now, at least, it has been given to him. persuade.

He bowed slightly towards his sister and saluted, and in a daze, he seemed to see his originally closed eyes slightly opening towards him, giving him a slight smile in return.

He didn't know if this was an illusion. When he opened his eyes wide and wanted to continue to check, the girl's figure in front of him had also returned to its original shape, and the deep illusion of the lunar star became more and more dazzling. He could no longer see the girl's appearance. also.

This forced Dahongpao to put away all his thoughts. After taking a few deep breaths, he sank into understanding. After a moment, he sank into it;

He didn't know that the effect he got from his enlightenment was far greater than that of other great demons, and he didn't know that what he just saw was not an illusion at all, but the direct feedback of Mei'er under the pull of a real opportunity.

For Mei'er, it was just a matter of convenience, but for Dahongpao, it was the greatest opportunity in his life, an improvement to his nature, and the only possibility for him to cross the true upper limit. also.

It is far more difficult to step from the spiritual implant level to the spiritual root level than to step from acquired to innate.

This is almost universally agreed upon.

Only those who truly travel around the world will understand how rare it is for plants to enter the Tao, but once they truly enter the Tao, no plant monster can be underestimated.

Liu Hao's Earth, washed by the tide of spiritual energy, seems to be much easier to evolve than other heavens, but in fact this is clearly catalyzing their potential. When the potential is exhausted, it also means that their upper limit has been Locked.

Is Dahongpao not one of them?

As a plant, it was difficult for him to migrate. This was the real reason why he did not step into the front line of the abyss, and therefore missed the opportunity to change himself.

But this possibility was stimulated with Wangsu's permission today. Of course, this was also a reward for his inner surrender to his sister, which made his luck and sister draw to a certain extent. Only then could he Today’s profit.

This is what is truly special about cause and effect.

This is also the real reason why the law of cause and effect is so elusive.

The vision will not stop because of the arrival of this group of monks. As time goes by, the scale of its manifestation becomes larger and larger.

At this time, if you stand on the land of Asia and raise your head, you can see that the entire moon is almost covered by the strange phenomenon shown by Mei'er, and the entire moon has almost turned into the lunar star that transformed from Mei'er's head. The laurel tree inside is even more clearly visible, and if you look carefully, you can see the difference in each leaf.

Immediately afterwards, Mei'er's figure was also invisibly enlarged countless times. After an unknown period of time, Mei'er became like a god and demon standing between the earth and the moon. That is, Mei'er closed her eyes to practice, and her face was soft, otherwise There are bound to be countless people frightened by this.

This is almost the largest scale since the birth of Liu Hao's vision on Earth. Even compared with the last white tiger Liu Hao's enlightenment, it was a little behind.

Also, one is manifested across the world, and the other is fundamentally occurring on the earth. The senses displayed by the two are naturally incomparable.

But after today, it can be said that Mei'er is truly world-famous on Liu Hao's earth, and she is still famous in many worlds.

Naturally, anyone who knows the girl can tell who she is at a glance.

In North America, Li Aotian, who was still discussing the details with Li Si and others, was explaining everything about his sister one by one to Ying Zheng and others, which naturally attracted Liu Hao. This was also the first time that Ying Zheng and others truly understood Liu Hao's terror.

"Emperor Ziwei!"

This title means that Ying Zheng must also pay great attention to it.

When Li Aotian explained the details of Liu Hao's birth, both Ying Zheng and Li Si were greatly relieved.

They also saw the future, especially Ying Zheng. Within his understanding, since Liu Hao could seize the throne of the 'Ziwei Emperor' in the ancient world as a mortal, then his inner ambition is not impossible. also.

That being the case, what's there to be afraid of?

Now it seems that when Liu Hao, the Ziwei Emperor, entered his own world, he seemed to have recognized himself as the First Emperor. Although he did not care about it, at least this truly powerful man would not become the Great Qin Empire. enemies, this is enough!

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